For You Complete Collection: Stay CloseHold TightDon't Go

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For You Complete Collection: Stay CloseHold TightDon't Go Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  It takes only a second to spot the redheads on the dance floor. It’s crowded, but they dance together and people leave them alone.

  I grit my teeth when the crowd clears enough for me to see what she’s got on. Her dress is so short it nearly exposes the bottom curve of her ass. I walk to the bar, which has a direct view, and order a shot.

  She loves to dance.

  Her small body moves with the dark beat of the bass as I throw back a shot of vodka. There is no burn as the liquid warmth hits my tongue and melts down my throat. I clench the glass because I can’t put my hands where I want them.

  The seductive curve of her waist as it cascades to the flare of her hips... I watch transfixed as they move side to side. Side to side. Her body is like the pendulum inside a grandfather clock, and I can’t look away.

  The music is deafening, but if she were to simply whisper my name, I would be at her feet, begging to touch what I shouldn’t, taste what doesn’t belong to me, run my hands along the sweet innocence she taunts me with. An innocence I shouldn’t want but crave. Something so pure and untouched like nothing I’ve ever known before.

  Slamming the glass down on the bar, I’m both disappointed and relieved when it doesn’t break. Maybe the cut of the glass could cool the feelings I have pulsing though me but I doubt it. Not with her. I’m not sure anything ever could. I would welcome a pain that’s greater than my ache for her. For there is nothing more powerful than the spell she has me under.

  I’ve been hired to protect her.

  But as I push away from the bar and walk towards her, I can’t help but think that perhaps someone should have protected her from me.

  I watch as Pandora steps away from her and goes to the bar on the other side and grabs a bottle of water. She leans up against the bar, watching her sister as she catches her breath. Penelope still dances, and I can’t stand the distance anymore.

  The physical distance between us now, and the distance I put between us last night. I hated how she was so cold to me today. It made me miss every part of her, every look in her eyes. I can’t have her keeping that from me.

  I see Pandora’s face when she spots me, and she knows they’re busted. But to her credit, she only shrugs and nods towards Penelope. As if it’s her fault they’re here.

  Penelope is facing away from me as I walk onto the dance floor. I don’t know the song that plays, but it’s slow, and her body knows every beat.

  I should grab her and drag her out of here. I should make her go home and explain that this isn’t smart or safe. I should do anything but slide my hands to her hips. But that’s exactly what I do.

  She tenses when I pull her back against my front. I mold her body to mine and press my lips to her ear. “It’s me, krasota.”

  She stills again, but I run my hands along her hips and start to move. I don’t think she wants to move with me, but she can’t stop herself. She loves it too much.

  I feel the energy flowing from her, and it passes to me. The music is dark, and the song talks about diamonds. I want to strip Penelope bare and pour them on her. Her skin should only be touched by something worthy of it. Not me. Not my hands. But selfishly I don’t take them off her.

  Her exposed shoulder and neck are so close that I can see the light sheen of sweat on them. I lean down, and I can smell the scent of lavender mixed with her body. I have to use all of my strength not to lean down and taste it.

  Instead I caress her warm curves, giving in to the beast inside me, taking what I want without thought to consequence. I’m an animal when confronted with her delicate tenderness, but she leans back into me. She rubs the swell of her ass across my aching cock, and I moan into her ear. She shivers, and I move my mouth lower, pressing my lips to her neck. I can’t stop myself, and I don’t know that I care to try anymore.

  I kiss across her shoulder and then back up, licking the shell of her ear. I’m out of control, but it feels right. We are lost in this moment, and I don’t want it to end.

  I look down at her, and she turns in my arms. Her hands press to my chest, and I feel the lower half of her press closer to me, closer to my hardness. She licks her lips and tilts her head up.

  “Potseluy menya.”

  She whispers the words, but they echo in my ears. I should stop and think about what she’s asking of me and how she could know Russian. But none of that matters. I simply give her what she asks for.

  Leaning down, I place a hand on her neck and feel her pulse against my palm. Her eyes are wide, but not with fear. There is only passion and need, and it matches my own. She closes them as I press my lips to hers, but I keep mine open. I want to see her when I kiss her for the first time. I want to watch her reaction to me.

  I know that I can’t let her go and that I won’t give her up. I’ve done bad things in my life, and I don’t deserve her. But I can’t do the honorable thing when it comes to Penelope. I’ve never been noble, and I’m not starting now.

  When her tongue comes out and touches mine, that’s when my eyes close. That’s when I’m thrown over the edge and begin the fall.

  I can only pray that when I land, I’m still able to catch her.

  Chapter Nine


  I get lost in him, letting the rest of the world melt away. I don’t care where I am or what’s going on around us. All the anger I had for him moments ago falls from me. I don’t know why, but I don’t want to hang on to the anger. I can’t be mad at him. Deep down I know he’s pushing against me because something inside him is making him do it. A slice of guilt runs through me that I didn’t push back. I could have fought harder for him, because I know he needs fighting for.

  His lips are soft, softer than I would have imagined. His tongue slow and sweet. The kiss is nothing like I thought it would be, but there’s more to him than what’s on the surface. The only hard thing about him now is the possessive hold he has on me.

  All too soon he pulls back and looks down at me. His dark eyes are fiercer than ever. I can’t read him. Too much is pushing through. Possession, want, need, hope.

  “You’re here,” I say.

  Part of me hoped he would show up. That maybe he saw us sneak out and followed us. I lick my lips, wanting to see if I can still taste him. I want more. I want the look he’s giving me right now to never slip away. He’s looking at me like I’m his everything.

  “I’m sorry, my krasota. I didn’t mean the things I said before.” He pulls me impossibly closer, like he’s afraid I will try to get away from him. I swear I feel a tremble in his hands.

  “You didn’t mean that you were fine until I showed up in your life?” I try to tease, but the words come out laced with hurt. I hate it because I know he knows hurt, and I don’t want it coming from me. I can already tell from the way he’s acting now that last night was a lie. I should have seen it and not spent the day ignoring him. I should have only given him sweetness. Being cold isn’t like me at all.

  “I thought I was.” He pauses, running his hand along my exposed neck and shoulder. “But you, Penelope, you make me feel,” he whispers into my ear. “Feel something that isn’t pain.”

  He leans down, and I think he’s going to kiss me again. Instead he presses his lips against my neck. His warm breath brushes against me, and it’s like he’s breathing me in. He runs his nose along my collarbone, up to my ear. My eyes fall closed, wanting to only have his touch, to only feel him and nothing else around us. What’s he doing to me? I don’t understand how someone I only met days ago can be so consuming so quickly.

  But here it is, and I don’t want to let it go. I want to grab ahold of it.

  He needs you, a voice inside me echoes.

  Now I’m pulling him closer. I have a feeling Pandora was right. Ivan is dark, but I know I can be his light. I can feel it. I’m his other half.

  “You two about done?” I hear Pandora yell nex
t to us, making sure we can hear her over the music. The moment is jerked from us, and I look over at her.

  Ivan doesn’t release me from his hold. “Net. I’ll never be done.” His Russian accent is thicker now, deeper than before. But he isn’t looking at Pandora when he says it. He’s looking right at me.

  “Well, that’s great, Big, Dark and Tattooed, but we’re leaving,” she tells him. She grabs me by the hand to pull me, but Ivan still doesn’t let me go.

  “Krasota wants to dance. We will leave when she’s finished.” He finally looks over to Pandora, but then his eyes come back to me. “Krasota, would you like to dance more?”

  “Fucking shit,” I hear Pandora say.

  “I want to go,” I tell him, hoping if we go that means the two of us get to be alone. I want his mouth back on mine.

  “Then we go.” His hand slides into mine as he leads me from the club.

  The crowd parts to make way for us. For Ivan actually. His big body moves through the swarm with purpose.

  “I’ll call us a cab,” Pandora says.

  “I’ll take you home.”

  Pandora tries to fight with him, but Ivan challenges her. “I’m her guard.”

  “Not for long, you won’t be. Wait until our mom finds out you’re trying to stick it to my sister. The only thing you’ll be guarding is your balls.”

  Ivan shrugs like he doesn’t care for the safety of his balls.

  “My sister will keep her mouth shut,” I half-growl at Pandora. I know she isn’t going to tattle, but she still glares at me. Clearly she’s not happy about what’s going down.

  When we make it outside, he goes over to the valet and is handed his keys. He keeps his hand locked with mine as we walk over to a Porsche. He opens the passenger-side door for me and waits.

  I glance over at Pandora, who’s standing there with her hands on her hips. “I’ll sit on your lap,” I tell her. She lets out a deep sigh and gets in the car. I slip in after her, sitting awkwardly on top of her legs. Ivan closes the door then goes around to the other side. I move a little so my back is more towards the door.

  When Ivan gets in, he reaches over and pulls the seat belt over both my sister and me, clicking it into place. His hand comes up to brush my cheek for a soft touch before he cranks up the car and pulls away from the curb.

  We ride in silence for a moment before Pandora breaks it.

  “Fuck it,” she finally says, and I roll my eyes. “I’m just going to say it.”

  Yeah, like she’s ever bitten her tongue when there’s something she wants to say.

  “You’re no good for her. I know you see it. Look at her. She’s sweet and soft and all that shit. She’s like the freaking heart of our family. Hell, I bet you’ve even killed people before.” She snaps the last part, and the air in the car feels like it’s alive.

  I watch something pass over Ivan’s face, and I hate it. I elbow Pandora, hitting her right in the ribs before I place my hand over Ivan’s, ignoring Pandora’s string of curses. He moves his thumb against mine as he welcomes my touch. His eyes stay on the road, but God I wish I could see them right now. I wonder how many other people have judged him all too quickly. Don’t they see the man underneath all the tattoos and scars?

  “Do you hear her?” I tell him. Leaning more towards him, I say, “She’s trying to tell you all the reasons we can’t be together. But I don’t care. Do you?” I reach up, rubbing the back of my fingers across the stubble on his face. I know if we really want to be together, my sister will be the least of our battles.

  “If you want me, krasota, I will forever be yours.” He says it so simply, as if I can have ownership over him. He leans into my hand.

  “I want you,” I tell him. “All of you.” I watch tension leave his body. I smile at him, and for the first real time in my life I’m pissed at my sister.

  “So, Taco Bell?” Pandora says.

  I grit my teeth.

  “Are you hungry?” Ivan asks, glancing over at me.

  “I’m always hungry,” Pandora pipes in like he’s talking to her.

  “Krasota?” he asks, ignoring her.

  “I want to go home. With you.” I add the last part because I don’t want there to be any confusion. I need to be alone with him.

  Pandora huffs, and the car grows silent again. I place my hand on top of Ivan’s as he drives us home. He pulls up to the gate and keys in the code. He takes us to the front of the house, and I hop out and Pandora follows.

  “Ivan, I’m coming with you,” I tell him as he gets out of the car. I grab Pandora by the arm and pull her towards the side of the house. “I just need a moment with my sister,” I call over my shoulder.

  I stop when we make it to her bathroom window.

  “I’m sorry,” she says before I can even yell at her. “I just worry about you. Don’t be mad at me.” She reaches up and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “We don’t fight. I was wrong about him I think,” she adds, taking me by surprise. “I watched him when I said those things in the car. He’s—”

  “Don’t.” I cut her off. I don’t want to hear about how he’s broken or whatever it is. That’s for me and Ivan to work out. I feel so protective of him. I don’t want anyone thinking of him in any way but positive.

  “You’re already so far gone,” she says, studying my face. “I know we always joke about how you take care of us. You’re the tender one, but no one gets as angry as you when someone goes after what you love.” She leans in, kissing me on the cheek. “I’ll sleep in your bed tonight so when Mom and Dad get home they’ll think we’re both in there,” she says before opening the window and slipping in. “Be careful. I don’t want to have to kill him,” she adds as she climbs in and shuts the window.

  I think about her words, about how angry I got when she made a comment that I thought hurt Ivan. It only makes me believe even more that he was meant to be mine.

  I don’t have to turn around to know he’s behind me. I have a feeling that’s where he’ll always be.

  Chapter Ten


  “I snuck in here when I was younger, but there was only a gym at the time, so it didn’t hold much appeal.”

  Penelope takes my hand and leads me down the hallway to where my bedroom is. I should stop her, take her back to the living room, but where she leads I will follow.

  “Then how do you know where I sleep?” I ask as I close the bedroom door behind us.

  “Process of elimination.” She looks back at me over her shoulder as she slips off her shoes and climbs on the bed. “There are two floors and only one bedroom on this one. You’d be down here to either be close to the kitchen or close to me.”

  “To you,” I admit, not shy about my feelings for her. “I can’t think of anything else besides you. I’m loyal to your family, and though this may make me an enemy to your parents, I knew the second I saw you that I’d lay down my life for yours.”

  “I guess people might call this love at first sight,” she says, scooting back to the middle of the bed.

  I walk over to the side table and press play on the surround sound. Soft music fills the room from the hidden speakers, and I walk back to the bed.

  “I don’t care what anyone else calls this.” I kick off my shoes and unbutton my shirt, opening the front so that my pale skin and tattoos are exposed. “I know that I’ve never experienced love before and that the feelings I have now for you are unlike anything I’ve felt before. My soul was bound to yours the first time we touched. If that is love, then I love you, Penelope. But it feels like more than that. More than one word.”

  She lies back on the bed as I come over her, her hands pressing to my bare chest. Her fingers burrow under the material of my shirt and smooth down my back then come up again. Her nails score a path as they move.

  “Will you make love to me?” Her eyes are pleadi
ng as her hands move to my shoulders and neck.

  “Da. But I will give you pleasure first,” I answer, leaning down and kissing her softly.

  She reaches up, untying the ribbon on one side of her dress and pulling it down. I help her move it down her body until it’s off and she’s bared to me in her bra and panties. There are no straps on her bra, so I reach around her to unclasp what’s covering her breasts.

  When they are exposed, I place a kiss between them. I run my nose along the soft swell of her breasts and then kiss them gently before taking a nipple into my mouth. I suckle her delicately, not wanting to hurt her. My only desire is to give to her the same pleasure she has already given me. The gifts of her love and her body are more than a man like me deserves. I will spend my life trying to correct the balance, for she outweighs all that I am a thousand times over.

  She pulls at my shirt, asking for more. I strip off my clothes, leaving only my underwear, unable to deny any demand she makes.

  “Sweet flower, have you had a man between your thighs before?” I ask as I kiss her feet and move my hands to her panties.

  “No. All I’ve ever done is kiss.”

  Her blush shows her true innocence, and my cock grows harder. How can I take such beauty for myself and allow her no other for the rest of her life? I tell myself that no man will love her as I do. No man will make her dreams come true as I can. She will want no one else after she has felt the pleasure I will give her body.

  “And if we make love, will you hold my baby inside your womb?” I kiss just below her belly button, where the edge of her panties are. I look into her green eyes as I slide them over her hips, revealing her untouched pussy.

  “Oh God,” she whimpers as my mouth moves lower, almost to the slit of her sweetness. “Um, I’m not on anything. Can you pull out?”

  “Da, my sweet krasota. And where will you let me spill my seed?” I gently spread her legs apart, opening her lips and seeing her nectar.


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