relationship with Gene
Kelly, Michael
Kelly, Timothy: adult life and career
appearance on Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer
birth of
destruction of North Rodeo Drive home by fire and
family troubles following the death of Gene
Father of the Year Certificate for Gene
on Gene in his later years
at Gene’s American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award
Gene’s marriage to Patricia Ward and
Gene’s parenting of
Gene’s role in Viva Knievel! and
Gene’s strokes and death
Ireland vacation following Jeanne’s death
Jeanne’s leukemia and
Kerry Kelly’s relationship with
Take Me Along tour and
Kendall, Kay
Kenley, John
Kennedy, Arthur
Kennedy, Ethel
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Paddy
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy Center Honors
Kenny, Sean
Kenrick, John
Kern, Jerome
Keystone studio
Keys to the Kingdom, The (film)
Kidd, Michael
Kiddie Revue (revues)
Kiddies Vodvil (revues)
Kilgallen, Dorothy
Kind Lady (film)
King, Ernest J.
“King Who Couldn’t Dance, The” (dance routine)
Kisselgoff, Anna
Klosters (Switzerland)
Knight of the Legion of Honor
Kotchetovsky, Alexander
Kramer, Stanley
Kronenberger, Louis
Kruger, Otto
Kubrick, Stanley
La Cava, Gregory
“La Cumparsita” dance routine
La Dolce Vita (film)
Lady, Be Good (play)
Laemmle, Carl
Lake Conneaut
Lake Erie
Lamarr, Hedy
Langner, Lawrence
Lardner, Ring, Jr.
Large, Victoria
Lasky, Jesse
Las Vegas
Laurel Canyon
Laurents, Arthur
Lawford, Patricia
Lawford, Peter
Lawrence, Carol
Lawson, John Howard
Leave It to Me! (show)
Lee, Cherylene
Lehman, Ernest
Leigh, Janet
Le Monde
Lennart, Isobel
Leon, Ruth
Leon and Eddie’s nightclub
Lerner, Alan Jay: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn project
An American in Paris
on Arthur Freed’s influence on film musicals
“Gigi” song
on musical shows in the 1940s
on theater and film musicals in the 1930s
on World War II’s impact on Hollywood
LeRoy Haines’s restaurant
Les Ambassadeurs Club
Les Girls (film)
“Les Girls” (song)
Lester, Colleen
“Let Me Call You Sweetheart” (song)
Let’s Make Love (film)
leukemia: Jeanne Coyne and
Levant, Oscar
Levittown Courier Times
Levy, Emanuel
Liberty Theatre
Lichine, David
“Life You Save, The” (Schlitz Playhouse television episode)
Light in the Piazza (film)
Lilly (PA)
“Limehouse Blues” (dance routine)
Lishinsky, Harry
Little, Louis
Little Accident, The (film)
Little Theatre Movement
Litvak, Anatole
Living in a Big Way (film)
Lloyd, Harold
location shooting: in On the Town
Loew, Arthur
Loewe, Frederick
Loew’s State Theatre
London: birth of Kerry Kelly’s daughter
filming of Invitation to the Dance
Gene’s family life in
The Gentleman’s Gentleman project
Kerry Kelly’s study of psychology in
screening of Les Girls for the Royal Film Performance
“Long Ago and Far Away” (song)
Loos, Anita
Loraine, Martin
Lorre, Peter
Los Angeles Times
review of The Tunnel of Love
review of Ziegfeld Follies
Lost Weekend, The (film)
Lou Bolton’s Dance Studio. See also Gene Kelly School of Dance
Louie Bergen’s Bar
Love Boat, The (television show)
Love Is Better Than Ever (film)
Lovely to Look At (film)
Love Me Tender (film)
“Love of My Life” (dance routine)
Loy, Myrna
Lucas, George
Luke, Keye
Lunt, Alfred
Lyceum Theatre
“Mack the Black” (dance routine)
MacLaine, Shirley
Madame Bovary (film)
Maen, Norman
Magazine Page, The (revue)
“Main Street” (dance routine)
“Make ’Em Laugh” (dance routine)
“Make Way for Tomorrow” (dance routine)
Malamud, Eddie
Maltese Falcon, The (film)
Mamie (Kelly housekeeper)
Mancini, Henry
Manet, Édouard
Mankiewicz, Joe
Mannix, Eddie
Mantle, Mickey
March, Frederic
Marjorie Morningstar (film)
Mark of Zorro, The (film)
Marlowe, Bruce
Marlowe, Helene
Marsh, Paul
Marshall, Armina
Marshall, Marion
Martin, Dean
Martin, Hugh: brings Gene into Best Foot Forward as choreographer
Freed Unit and
life in New York in the 1930s
Meet Me in St. Louis
on New York in the 1930s
postwar film career
socializing in Hollywood with Gene and Betsy
teams up with Ralph Blane
World War II and
Martin, John
Martin, Mary
Marty (film)
Maslin, Janet
Masque and Wig Society
Matchmaker, The (play)
Matthau, Walter
Maugham, W. Somerset
Mayer, Louis B.: “An American in Paris” ballet and
Andy Hardy series and
appreciation for Gene as an asset
attempt to hire Gene
death of
end of block booking and
For Me and My Gal and
opposition to Gene’s dancing with the Nicholas Brothers
production of musicals and
purchase of Gene’s contract from Selznick
reaction to The Roosevelt Train radio broadcast
resignation from MGM
Debbie Reynolds and
Dore Schary and
Singin’ in the Rain and
Summer Stock and Judy Garland
On the Town and
The Wizard of Oz and
Maynard, John
McCarthy, Frank
McClelland, Lois: Jeanne Coyne’s leukemia and
departure from Gene’s home in 1948
destruction of the Kellys’ North Rodeo Drive home by fire and
with Gene following Jeanne Coyne’s death
with Gene in Europe in the 1950s
with Gene in New York in 1958
on Gene’s personality
as Gene’s secretary
Kelly family troubles following the death of Gene and
r /> meets Gene in the navy
provision of domestic assistance to Betsy
McClintic, Guthrie
McDonald, Marie
McDowell, Malcolm
McHugh, Dominic
McManus, Sharon
Meet Me in St. Louis (film)
Melnick, Daniel
Memory of All That, The (Blair)
Mencken, H. L.
Method acting
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM): The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn project
An American in Paris
Anchors Aweigh
The Barkleys of Broadway
The Black Hand
Jeanne Coyne and
Crest of the Wave
The Cross of Lorraine
Culver City lot
Dancing Lady
Deep in My Heart
The Devil Makes Three
dismantling of under James Aubrey
Du Barry Was a Lady
Easter Parade
end of block booking and
film adaptation of Best Foot Forward
film musicals of 1929
film production during World War II
Arthur Freed and (see also Freed, Arthur)
the Freed Unit (see also Freed Unit)
Judy Garland and the Wizard of Oz
Gene joins from Selznick International
Gene’s appearance and persona with
Gene’s departure from
Gene’s influence on film musicals
The Happy Road
The Human Comedy
impact of television on
Invitation to the Dance
It’s a Big Country
It’s Always Fair Weather
Van Johnson’s postwar career
Les Girls
Living in a Big Way
loan-out of Gene to Columbia for Cover Girl
loan-out of Gene to Universal Studios for Christmas Holiday
Love Is Better Than Ever
Lovely to Look At
Louis Mayer’s attempt to hire Gene
Louis B. Mayer’s resignation
For Me and My Gal
Meet Me in St. Louis
Pilot #5
The Pirate
purchase of Gone with the Wind
Debbie Reynolds on working at
Royal Wedding
Dore Schary as head of production
Dore Schary’s departure from
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Singin’ in the Rain
the “studio will take care everything” syndrome
successes of 1949
Summer Stock
Take Me out to the Ball Game
tax exemption law and
Teahouse of the August Moon
That’s Dancing!
That’s Entertainment
That’s Entertainment! Part II
That’s Entertainment! Part III
Thousands Cheer
Three Little Words
The Three Musketeers
On the Town
The Tunnel of Love
Ted Turner’s acquisition of
Two Girls and a Sailor
The Unsinkable Molly Brown
Wolves softball team
Words and Music
Yolanda and the Thief
Ziegfeld Follies
Mexican Hayride (show)
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare)
Milestone, Lewis
Milland, Ray
Miller, Ann
Minnelli, Liza
Minnelli, Vincente: Academy Awards of 1952
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn project
An American in Paris
apartment of
death of
the Freed Unit and
Judy Garland’s “Get Happy” routine and
influence on Broadway musicals
later career of
on Oscar Levant
“Limehouse Blues Ballet” dance routine and
Madame Bovary
married to Judy Garland
Meet Me in St. Louis
Liza Minnelli’s award for Cabaret and
The Pirate
the Red Scare and
removed from Easter Parade
work habits and outward appearance
Yolanda and the Thief
Ziegfeld Follies
“Minnelli red”
“Miss Turnstiles” (dance routine)
Mitchell, Elvis
Mitchum, Robert
Modern Screen
Molotsky, Irvin
Monroe, Marilyn
Montand, Yves
moon landing
Moore, Victor
Moorehead, Agnes
Mooring, W. H.
“mop dance” (dance routine)
Moran, Lois
Morley, Sheridan
Morris, Robert
“Moses Supposes” (dance routine)
Mosher, Bob
Motion Picture
Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals
Movie Show
Munshin, Jules
Murphy, George
Murray, Mae
Murrow, Edward R.
Museum of Modern Art
“Musical Extravaganza” (song)
Music Corporation of America
My Fair Lady (show)
“My Heart Belongs to Daddy” (dance routine)
“My Heart Belongs to Daddy” (song)
My Man Godfrey (film)
Nairobi Room
Names on a List, The (navy film)
Napoleon, Johnnie
Nation (magazine)
National General Film
National Medal of Arts
Naval Air Force, Photographic Unit
NBC-TV: Dancing: A Man’s Game
Dancing Is a Man’s Sport, Too
The Gene Kelly Show
Gene Kelly’s Wonderful World of Girls
The Julie Andrews Show
Pontiac Star Parade
Nemo Theatre
Neptune’s Daughter (film)
Newman, Alfred
Newman, Paul
Newsies (film)
Newton-John, Olivia
New York, New York (film)
“New York, New York, It’s a Helluva Town” (song)
New York City: Broadway musicals in the 1930s
film retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art
Gene’s life in 1939 and 1940
Gene’s move to in 1938
Gene’s social life in 1940
Gene’s visit to in 1937. See also Broadway musicals
New York Daily News
New Yorker
New York Herald-Tribune
New York Sun
New York Times (reviews in): Broadway production of An American in Paris
Broadway production of On the Town
Broadway production of Singin’ in the Rain
Crest of the Wave
The Cross of Lorraine
The Devil Makes Three
Flower Drum Song
of Gene in 1940
Gene’s first television performance
Gene’s second Pontiac Star Parade
Gene’s Wonderful World of Girls
A Guide for the Married Man
Hello, Dolly!
The Human Comedy
Leave It to Me!
Marjorie Morningstar
Pal Joey the show
on the Pas de Dieux
Pilot #5
The Pirate
That’s Entertainment! Part II
That’s Entertainment! Part III
The Time of Your Life
The Young Girls of Rochefort. See also Crow
ther, Bosley
New York World’s Fair (1939)
Nicholas Brothers
Nights of Gladness (show)
Nijinsky, Vaslav
“Nina” (dance routine)
Niven, David, Jr.
Nixon Theatre
North and South (television show)
Norworth, Jack
Novick, Ben
Novick, Jack
O’Brien, Margaret
O’Brien, Virginia
“O’Brien to Ryan to Goldberg” (song)
O’Connor, Donald: at the 1982 Kennedy Center Honors for Gene
at the Chicago World’s Fair
death of
Golden Globe for Singin’ in the Rain
relationship with Gene
Singin’ in the Rain
television appearance with Gene
Odeon Theatre
Office of War Information
O’Hara, John
Oklahoma! (film)
Oklahoma! (show)
Omnibus (television series)
One for the Money (show)
One from the Heart (film)
O’Neill, Eugene
On the Beach (film)
On the Town (film): first musical filmed on location
Gene’s mass appeal and
Gene’s views of
It’s Always Fair Weather and
“Miss Turnstiles” dance routine
production of
reviews and reception of
On the Town (show)
“On the Town” (song)
On with the Show (revue)
On Your Toes (film)
Ormandy, Eugene
Orr Island (ME)
Ortega, Kenny
Othello (film)
Ottawa Citizen
“Our Love is Here to Stay” (dance routine)
Outline of History (Welles)
Pacific Palisades
Pajama Game, The (show)
Palace Theatre
Pal Joey (film)
Pal Joey (show)
Pan, Hermes
Panama Hattie (play)
Parade (magazine)
Paramount Pictures
Paris: Betsy’s life after divorcing Gene
filming of Gigot
Gene and Betsy attend the Golden Palm Awards for Marty
Gene and Jeanne Coyne in
Gene made a Friend of the City of Paris
Gene’s and Betsy’s 1950 visit to
Gene’s and Betsy’s life in the 1950s
Gene’s Paris Opera Ballet project
terrorist bombing incident in 1961
Paris Opera Ballet
Parks, Larry
Parsons, Louella
Pas de Dieux (ballet). See also Paris Opera Ballet
Pasternak, Joe: Anchors Aweigh
Stanley Donen on
Arthur Freed and
Dore Schary and
Summer Stock
Take Me out to the Ball Game
Thousand Cheers
Peabody High School
Pearl Harbor
Peck, Gregory
Pennsylvania State University
Penn Theatre
Phantom of the Opera (play)
Phillips, Brent
Pickford, Mary
Picturegoer (magazine)
Pigaut, Roger
Pilot #5 (film)
He's Got Rhythm: The Life and Career of Gene Kelly (Screen Classics) Page 64