Seed of the Master (Christian’s Kisses Book 2)

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Seed of the Master (Christian’s Kisses Book 2) Page 1

by H. N. Sieverding

  Seed of the Master

  Christian’s Kisses Book 2

  H.N. Sieverding

  Seed of the Master: Christian’s Kisses Book 2

  Copyright © 2015 H.N. Sieverding

  First Edition E-book Publication: July 2013 by Secret Cravings Publishing

  Second E-book Publication: September 2015 by H.N. Sieverding

  Cover design by H. N. Sieverding

  Edited by Tabitha Bower

  Proofread by Rene Flowers

  Ebook Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  I want to give a special thanks to Jodi and Jennifer, who have read almost every story I've ever written. I love you ladies! I'd also like to thank Adam, Tricia and Leta for all their encouragement.

  Chapter One

  A Reluctant Killer

  "We make a great team, my love." Christian placed a gentle kiss on Addison’s cheek, and she could feel the weight on his hands on her shoulders. He rested his head against hers, her soft curls kissing his skin. His cat-like eyes quickly scanned the crowded room below, an evil glow filling his handsome features as he licked his lips in anticipation of the hunt. "As long as you are at my side, no harm will come to you."

  Staring straight ahead, as if in a daze, Addison watched the happy scene going on below her. They were standing on an upstairs balcony of a mansion, their bodies partially hidden behind a pillar.

  His tanned fingers ran over the cracked leather of her jacket, his eyes focused on his love whom he held in his arms. Scanning the delicate flesh of her neck, his lips hovered over her skin. His breath was a teasing tickle that made her lean closer to him, so that she could feel the entire surface of his mouth against her skin. He could tell she was hesitant, her breaths heavy and her lips quivering slightly.

  Down below, a senator and his family were celebrating his daughter’s birthday. Wendy was thirteen. She was freckle-faced child with pudgy cheeks, dressed in an expensive gown that made her look older than she really was. Everything about the party was in excess, the senator no doubt using the bribe money from his behind-the-scene partners to afford such a lavish and wasteful lifestyle.

  This was the target that The House wanted to eliminate. The senator was a hated man, especially by the church, which despised his views on religion as well as his wasteful use of government money. He was also a great supporter of prostitutes, even covering up the death of two the year before. He was not a good man, and even though Addison knew this, she still couldn’t stomach the fact that she was sent to kill him.

  "But," Addison’s voice was a low whisper, her words running off her lips like the soft hiss of a blowing breeze, "There’s children, Christian."

  "Don't think about them. I will take care of the children." Christian’s hands tightened on her shoulders, but the motion only lasted a few brief seconds, his hands quickly going to her waist and wrapping around it. "I can feel your hesitation." He grabbed her hands and held them tightly in his own. Addison tried to turn and face him, but Christian was cheek-to-cheek with her and she couldn’t move. "Do you need help?"

  Tears rushed into her eyes, and Addison gritted her teeth, trying to hold them back. She wanted to be brave and be the perfect queen that Christian wanted her to be, but she couldn't. The instinct to kill wasn’t in her heart, no matter how much The House hoped to convince her that she was ridding the world of evil by doing so. "I can’t—"

  "Addison." There was a tenseness in Christian’s jaw as he rubbed his nose against her cheek. Her body began to tremble. "You don’t have a choice. You must do this."

  "I can’t…" Her sad eyes looked down at the children below, all of them laughing as Wendy held up a new designer purse. "Don’t make me kill anyone, Christian. I could never hurt a child."

  "Don't think about that." Christian closed his eyes, moving his cheek against hers with great gentleness. "Do you need a kiss of courage, my love?" He stroked her stomach, making slow circles under her jacket. "That will surely clear your mind of any hesitation."

  Addison’s words came out shaky and soft, "No." She turned around in his arms, Christian running the side of his hand against her cheek, a look of great love in his icy eyes. "Don't."

  "I will help you gain your hunger." As he smiled at her, his large fangs protruded from his lips, a great excitement growing within him. The dimly lit balcony played with the shadows on his face, intensifying the appearance of a killer on his sinfully perfect features. "I will do it quickly, so your suffering shall be brief. When it’s all over, you will not remember a thing."

  His smile seemed to grow wider as his gaze captured hers, Addison’s fear fueling a deep pain inside him that couldn’t be seen in his pleasant expression. "My kiss will erase the ugliness of death…erase your fear."

  "Please, Christian. No…please…" Addison shook her head frantically, pressing her body against the column and pushing away from him a little. She closed her eyes when his body pushed against hers and filled the gap between them.

  His touch was gentle as he held her shoulder and brushed away a few stray hairs that fell from her ponytail. Every movement he made was slow but accurate, every gentle touch showing his extreme love for her.

  "A kiss of strength for my love." Speaking into her ear, his lips barely kissed her skin. They slipped down her ear and to the space behind it. His breath warmed her flesh as he paused there for a second before he bit down.

  A small smile popped up on her face when she felt his fangs sink into her, her hands tightening around his shoulders as she took in the pleasure of the bite. But soon the vast amount of blood he was taking from her made her dizzy. That tingly feeling was turning into something painful, and Addison felt her body grow weak.

  A few whines escaped that Addison was trying desperately to silence, her fingers digging into his flesh. A hunger was sweeping over her, her thirst overwhelming her and making her forget who and where she was. All she could think about was survival. And the taste of blood.

  Pulling away from her, Christian licked his lips, a heavy, dreamy look in his eyes. "Feel better?" She was shaking, slowly sliding down the pillar until she collapsed to her knees. He held his hand out to her, the diamond cufflinks on his expensive black suit sparkling as they caught the dim light. "Get up."

  Nodding her head quickly, Addison took his hand, and he pulled her up. She was breathing like she had just run a marathon, her whole body numb and a giant hunger in her chest. She needed to feed. Her blurry vision was making it hard to see his face.

  Securing his grip, Christian jumped off the balcony with her, both of them landing on their feet. Before the family had time to react, Christian had grabbed the children, holding the scared girls by the hair. He quickly snapped their necks, their bodies slumping lifelessly to the floor.

  Addison went after the senator’s wife, quickly biting down. This feeding was brief, the woman’s struggling making Addison grow impatient. With her fangs still deeply embedded in the woman’s skin, Addison quickly moved them down her neck, severing her artery and producing a stream of blood that soaked both of their clothing.

  Addison quickly abandoned the w
oman, letting her limp body drop and bounce off the coffee table before falling to the floor. She followed Christian, who had run upstairs after a few of the other guests. Still riding the high of severe hunger, Addison attacked several more people, their attempts to fight her fueling her violence.

  Her thirst was quickly diminishing, her sanity slowly returning. She was feeling full again, that pounding hunger that drove her mad disappearing. Slowly, she realized she was in a different place than she last remembered. Her fangs were still embedded in someone’s neck, and Addison stayed there for a few seconds as she tried to readjust to her surroundings.

  Keeping her eyes tightly closed, Addison pulled away gradually, every breath that escaped her lips less rapid than the next. She licked her bloodied mouth, her shaky fingers releasing the hold on the man’s shirt and letting his lifeless body fall to the ground.

  She sat on him, straddling his hips with her eyes still closed. Her bottom lip trembled furiously, flashes of the last few minutes running over and over in her mind. She couldn’t remember exactly what she had done, the blurriness and extreme nature of her hunger not allowing her to feel the full guilt of it all.

  After a few seconds, Addison’s large doe eyes reluctantly fluttered open. They fell upon the face of a man lying across the room from her, his eyes wide open with fear, a look of terror permanently etched there.

  Letting out a giant sigh, Addison pushed her tingling body up into a sitting position. Carefully, she swung a heavy leg over the man and stood. She took a measured look around the room, her gaze scanning the carnage her rage had caused. There must have been ten people lying there, but her stare fell on one in particular.

  A small boy was lying near a woman, his body draped over her and a giant gash on his check that ran all the way down his neck. Covering her mouth, Addison jumped back in surprise, giant tears falling from her eyes. She ran to a nearby bathroom, holding in her puke until she was able to reach a toilet. Falling to her knees, she wiped a mixture of blood and vomit from her lips.

  She had never wanted to kill. Christian had made her what she was, the hunger of her godly status making her an unstoppable monster. She sat on the floor for a few minutes, her sobs falling on deaf ears.

  "Here you are, my love." Christian appeared in doorway, the sight of him making her startle. A hearty chuckle escaped his bloodied lips as he walked over to her. Reaching down, he placed his hands under her armpits and pulled her to her feet. He pulled her heavy, limp body close to his, letting his chin rest on her shoulder as he kissed her cheek. "I’m so proud of you."

  Turning her around, his hand reached up to cradle the side of her face. His smile grew when her sad stare met his own, her tears smearing her makeup and intensifying the light blue color of her eyes. He bent closer to her, letting his nose rest against hers as he looked at her lovingly.

  "I-I…" Hot tears stung her cheeks, and her shaky arms encircled his neck. She sobbed into his chest, Christian holding her loosely and letting her cry. "Killed a child."

  "Don’t worry about such things." His hands slid down her hips and came to stop on her inner thighs. He grabbed them and hoisted her up into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. "You have done well, my love. Let’s go home." He carried a very tightly clinging Addison out of the room quickly, her head buried so deeply in his shirt it spared her the sight of death that littered the ground at Christian’s feet.

  Trying to catch her rapidly flowing breath, Addison could smell the familiar cologne of her love, the scent calming. Her head burrowed deeper inside his suit coat, and she took in the warmth of his proximity.

  Addison didn’t like to kill. She was still gentle and kind, a fragile child in so many ways. Christian was well aware of her weakness, but he intended on making her like him. He wanted her to kill without regret, but no matter how many times she killed she could never shake the guilt of what she had become. The guilt of loving Christian and the weight of the scar from his kiss.

  He took her to his car, her body bouncing in his arms as he walked. The slow bobbing was soothing, his smooth gait like riding the waves. She kept her eyes closed and tried to think of something else, her mind desperately trying to bury the guilt of what she had done.

  When they reached the vehicle, he set her down in the passenger seat, Addison’s sad eyes looking down at her hands. Swiftly, he covered her bloodied clothing with an overcoat. He buckled her belt, caring for her as he had always done and letting her have the silence she was creating between them. He leaned close to her face and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead before walking around to his side and getting in.

  Christian started the engine, his fingers going to the dials and turning up the radio, so that loud music broke the silence. He slammed on the gas, quickly driving away from the house and down the quiet country road. They drove back to the hotel, both of them happy to finally return.

  Addison hastily threw off her overcoat when she got in the room, leaving it lying on the floor near the front door. Tossing off her shoes, she walked silently to the bathroom, where she climbed into the shower with her clothes on.

  She turned on the water and it came out ice cold, Addison shivering as the icy droplets stung her skin. After a few seconds the water became warm, pounding down on her face as she closed her eyes tightly and tried to heat the chill in her chest.

  Christian walked into the bathroom, slipping off his shoes and socks, his movements so silent she did not feel his presence. He watched her as he got undressed, Addison standing motionless under the showerhead.

  Pulling back the curtain, he climbed into the shower. Addison turned around, her face now clean of makeup. Her long, brown hair fell in soft waves down her shoulders, the water running over it, making it look soft and shiny.

  His hands went inside her jacket, slowly peeling it away and pulling the sleeves down her shoulders. His eyes were glued on hers as he unzipped her pants, Addison’s tears hidden by the fast flowing water that rained down on her head. They fell to her ankles, the wetness of the fabric weighing heavily upon them. She didn’t have the strength to kick them off, her whole body convulsing in a mass of shivers.

  Christian took off the rest of her clothes and let them soak in the water that pooled at their feet. His fingers lightly ran over her wet skin as her sad gaze looked up at him from her downcast face. He couldn’t stand seeing the pain reflected there and shut his eyes tightly to avoid it.

  His hands sprung forward quickly, grabbing the sides of her face and kissing her forcefully until he got a reaction from his silent queen. Addison shook under his touch, her arms wrapping around his waist to keep herself from crumbling.

  With every tremble of her body, Christian held her tighter, his kisses deepening and moving down her lips to her neck. His passionate touches were changing her train of thought, her hands running down his back. She closed her eyes and concentrated on him, and Christian pushed her up against the shower, getting more aggressive with his kisses. He could feel her body loosening up, her focus now entirely on him, which was exactly what he wanted.

  * * * *

  Addison was laying on Christian’s lap as he sat lazily on the couch. It was dark in the sitting room, most of the vampires resting in various places, some of them sleeping and others just waking up.

  It was a large room, the curtains drawn and only a sliver of light coming through the gap. Christian was awake, his head laid back as he gazed at the ceiling. A giant chandelier dripped diamonds from its circular body. He watched them shake slightly. There was a distant look in his eyes, his palm resting on Addison’s shoulder. She was fast asleep, her body heavy and her soft dark curls kissing his hand.

  "How’s the princess this morning?" Darien dropped into the large armchair next to Christian, his body falling down into it with a quick, swift motion. Letting out a small yawn, he raised his arms over his head. "She’s been quiet ever since you two got home last night."

  "She’s fine." Christian didn’t look at Darien as he spoke. "It wa
s a mistake to take her hunting with me."

  "She did that bad?" Giving a hearty chuckle, Darien rubbed his face, running his fingers over the black stubble growing there.

  Christian’s brow lowered as he slowly averted his gaze from the chandelier to give Darien a dirty look.

  "She’s not a hunter, Master."

  "I know." Sighing, Christian’s expression was sour. "I’m discussing it with The House when I report to them tomorrow." He put his finger to his lips, picking at one of his fangs, the side of his mouth raising slightly to show his perfect, white teeth. "They want her to hunt, but…" Exhaling, Christian let his hand drop, his stare settling on Darien’s. "I want her to be my mate, not my hunter. I must change their minds on the matter."

  "I agree." Darien nodded, looking at Addison’s angelic face as she slept.

  "Watch her for me while I’m gone." Stroking Addison’s hair, Christian was reluctant to get up from his spot.

  "Of course, Master," Darien smiled as he sat back lazily. "I’ll watch her like she’s my own."

  Christian sent an annoyed glare in Darien’s direction as he got up from the couch. He gently laid Addison’s head and shoulders on it, placing her flat. She moved a little, letting out a small sigh as she placed her hands under her head and laid on them, pulling her legs closer to her stomach.

  "You will watch her like she is your Master’s mate." Christian bent down and kissed Addison’s hair, before turning back to Darien. "Do not let her out of your sight." He pointed a finger at Darien, the intenseness in his icy glare enough to make Darien look away. "I do not want anything to happen to her. After that damn hunter…"

  "She’ll be fine." Putting his hands up in surrender, Darien laughed as he waved them in the air. "I’ll watch her, I promise. She’ll be right here waiting for you when you come back. Don’t worry about things like that, Master. No one’s gonna come after her."


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