Seed of the Master (Christian’s Kisses Book 2)

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Seed of the Master (Christian’s Kisses Book 2) Page 11

by H. N. Sieverding

  "You scared me!" Addison shoved her laptop into her bag forcefully, not making eye contact as he moved farther inside.

  "You live in this dump?" He looked up at the ceiling, the tiles dark yellow from a smoker who had lived there before her. "This place is nasty."

  "Yeah, that’s why I only took out a two-month lease." Addison stood up from the bed and walked over to Zak. "I was hoping to find a better place to live by then."


  "How did you get in here, anyway?"

  "The door was unlocked." Zak laughed as he held up a bag of takeout. "I thought I’d bring you some dinner before I go out hunting tonight."

  "Thanks, Zak." Addison took it from him, peering at the contents. "You’re sweet."

  "Umm…" He watched Addison dig around before taking out a sandwich. "I have to talk to you about something."

  "What?" She sat down on the mattress again, patting the spot next to her as she unwrapped her dinner.

  "Something’s happened at Hanton Memorial. Some of the vampires we rehabilitated have been killed."

  "What?" Talking with her mouth full, Addison slowly lowered her sandwich. "Did someone get our names?"

  "Yes." He reached into the bag and took out his own. "And took the supply of medicine you need to stay human."

  "Really?" She narrowed her eyes on her sandwich, trying to hide her happiness.

  "I’ll figure something out." Zak took a bite lightly tapping her leg. "You don’t need another one until next week, anyway."

  "Did the Master do it? Does he know where I am?" She wasn’t reacting in the sad, scared way Zak was hoping for.

  "I don’t know." Sighing, Zak lay back on the mattress, looking up at the dirty ceiling tiles.

  "Is he here?" Her eyes looked to the open door as she chewed slowly.

  "You know I can’t tell you that."

  "Yeah, you can."


  "Come on, tell me." Addison laughed, putting her sandwich down as she grabbed his knee.

  "I’m not talking about that kind of stuff with you." Zak sent her a slightly angry look. "Drop it."

  "You don’t trust me, do you?"

  "This has nothing to do with trust." Wrapping up his half-eaten sandwich, Zak sat up and tossed it into the bag. "I just don’t want you getting involved with all this vampire stuff anymore. You don’t need to."

  "I want to."

  "Well, I don’t want you too."

  "Zak." Pausing, Addison stared down at her hands, a soft, sad tone in her voice. "I forgot to tell you something last night."


  She couldn’t look at him. "I saw Josh last night. He was hunting with the elites."

  "Did he recognize you?" Zak rubbed his chin, his hands running over some light-colored stubble that was forming there.

  "Yeah." Addison nodded slowly, sucking slightly on her bottom lip. "He saved me from the other vampires…" Pushing her lips together tightly, Addison tried to hold back her tears. “They hurt him, Zak." She dropped her sandwich, her hands going to cover her face. "They just kept beating him and beating him. I was so scared I ran away, and I left him there. I should’ve gone back and saved him." Her words were thick with her tears. "What if he died?"

  "Don’t worry so much." Zak wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and she formed a tight ball in his arms. "He’s probably fine. Besides, he’s a vampire, he deserves to die. Less of those bastards for me to kill."

  "Zak!" Addison pulled away, wiping away some of her tears as she glared at him. "Why would you say something like that?"

  "It’s true." Shrugging his shoulders, Zak didn’t seem to care that he had upset her. "Just like every other vampire I come across, I’d kill him if I saw him. It’s what I do."

  Addison’s jaw dropped as she stared at him in disbelief. "You’re an asshole, Zak."

  "Hey, sweetheart. You knew what I was when you started a relationship with me. I’m not changing my views for you." Zak chuckled, a grin on his face as he noted her angry face. "I’ll kill any vampire I can get my hands on, and your brother’s an elite. Those are the worst."

  "You’d kill me if I was a vampire?" Furious, she narrowed her eyes on him and scooted away.

  Zak tried to grab her arm, but Addison yanked it away and stood up, taking a few steps back. "Come on, you know I’d never kill you."

  Crossing her arms over her chest, Addison was firm. "If you killed my brother, I would kill you."

  Zak laughed, but it quickly trailed off when he caught the very serious expression on her face. "I bet you would."

  "I would." Addison stalked closer, bending down and putting her hands on his shoulders. "And if you killed the Master, I’d kill you, too."

  "Fuck Master Vallore!" He shot up, grabbing her shoulders and shoving her to the ground. He had never been violent with her before, and Addison trembled as he pinned her to the floor. "I hate him! How the fuck can you still care about him? Damn it, Jessica, you’re not a vampire anymore!"

  She swiftly turned her head to the side. "My name’s Addison."

  His elbows jabbed into her arms, pinning them at her sides. Zak was holding her down with the force of his weight. His hands went to her face and squeezed her cheeks, squishing them together. "What?"

  "Get off of me," Addison spoke through gritted teeth.

  Zak didn’t budge.

  Closing her eyes tightly, Addison pushed her face up, planting her lips firmly on his. Like throwing water on a fire, this quickly melted Zak’s hold on her as he kissed her back. There was anger in her actions, Addison shoving him up and onto his knees. Her hand slipped down his pants and grabbed hold of what lay beneath.

  Pulling back, her fingers tightened around it, squeezing as hard as she could. Zak let out a high pitched squeak and shoved her back down on the floor. He quickly ripped down the zipper of his pants and shoved them off, trying to pull Addison’s hand off his sensitive piece.

  "You…" He crushed her delicate fingers, making her release a soft, high-pitched shriek as he bent them back. "Wanna play, you ungrateful little bitch?"

  "Stop it!" Addison’s head was titled backward and resting on the floor as she began to cry, her mouth staying open. "Get off me!"

  Speaking through gritted teeth, Zak got close to her face. "You like it when people are mean to you, don’t you? You like it when the Master treats you like crap!"

  "No! Get off me!"

  "Want me to bite you?" His strong hands held her down, Addison sobbing as she lie helpless beneath him. "You want me to be Christian? Is that it?"

  "Stop it! Get the fuck off me!"

  Zak lips went to her neck, the heat radiating off her skin making him back off a little. "Addison?" His grip loosened as his expression turned concerned. "You’re burning up. Are you—" He went to touch her forehead, but now that her hands were free, she planted a firm slap on his cheek.

  Shoving him off, she stood. "Leave." Addison pointed angrily toward the door, avoiding his eyes.

  "You’re sick." He now noticed her flushed cheeks and tired eyes.

  "Leave." She was still glaring at him, her arm rigid as she kept pointing at the door. "I never want to see you again, Monroe."

  Hearing Addison call him by his nickname, Zak was speechless. The way she looked at him broke his heart.

  "You have to go to the hospital, you’re—"

  "I can take care of myself. I don’t need you."

  Zak went to walk over to her, but his advance was halted by a pillow she tossed from the bed.

  "Get out!" She picked up another and hit him again. He covered his head as he made a retreat for the front door.

  When he was close, she shoved him out into the hallway. He turned around to speak, but she slammed the door in his face. Hearing the lock click, Zak fumed as shoved his hands through his hair and jogged down the hallway.

  Addison was doing something similar. Fleeing. As soon as Zak left the apartment, Addison went back to her room and quickly began gathering her things. She kn
ew Christian was near and that he was looking for her.

  She had to find him. She was done with this game, and she knew nothing would replace her life as a vampire. Addison wanted to go home, and she had to see if Josh was all right. She was going to be brave and face Christian, despite his obvious anger.

  Filling her small suitcase, she headed for the door and didn’t look back. She was going home. Home. Her head was dizzy with joy, pushing away the throbbing heat that was surging through her tired body.

  Chapter Ten

  Coming Undone

  Getting into the cab, Addison smiled a little when she saw it was the same driver she had the day before. "Where to, sweetie?"

  "The airport." Addison didn’t look at him, but he was looking at her.

  "Hey, you’re the lady I gave a ride to the valley yesterday. What happened to you?"

  "I just had a little accident." She pushed some hair behind her ear, and the cabbie saw the handprints on her neck.

  "Good for you." He motioned toward her bags. "You leaving the bastard that dun that to ya?"

  "Yeah." Frowning, Addison looked out the window for a few seconds then back him. "Can I ask you a question?"

  "Shoot." His voice was friendly as he looked at the road ahead of him, sitting back lazily in his seat as he drove.

  "I know what you are." Her eyes met with his in the rearview mirror. "And because you know a lot of vampires, I wanted to know if you knew of any new elite men in town. My—"

  "Oh." Chuckling, he looked back at her briefly as he shook his head, "Looking for elites? You didn’t lie when you said you were into Club 66 guys."

  "Josh Collins? Do you know him?" Addison held her hand on her suitcase, the zippers bouncing as they ran over a few potholes. "He’s the one from Caron."

  "The little guy, right?" As the cabbie artfully turned a corner, the headlights from the other car shown through the window and blinded her a little. "The elites nicknamed him ‘Omega’."

  "Have you seen him lately? He was injured by hunters the other night, and I wanted to know if he’s okay."

  "I don’t know nothing, sweetheart. A little scavenger like me’s not in with those guys. Sorry I can’t help."

  "Do you know if the Master’s in town?" Addison was starting to feel really hot, her face turning bright red. She was feeling dizzy but tried to push it away and concentrate on the conversation.

  "Ah," he laughed, pointing to the road ahead of him with his index finger. "That I do know. He was supposed to be flying in today from Hanton. Must be why all the ladies are at the club instead of the avenue."

  "He’s popular with the ladies." Addison looked out the window, watching some raindrops start splashing against it. "I heard some great stories about his love life." She chuckled mirthlessly.

  "Yeah, yeah, but he’s a married guy now. He’s not into stuff like that anymore."

  "Oh." Wiping her forehead, Addison began to shake a little, her vision a little blurry.

  "Hey." Looking back at her, the cabbie noticed her tired expression. "You okay?"

  Speaking in a breathless voice, Addison could hardly keep her eyes open. "I think I need to go to the hospital."

  "Okay, I—" He looked back as she passed out, her body slowly falling to the side.

  Quickly, he changed course, parking the cab in the emergency room entrance. Addison was conscious, but she was delirious, and he couldn’t make out what she was saying. He left her with some nurses, who took her to an exam room.

  "What’s your name, honey?" A portly nurse leaned over her, speaking softly as the other prepared to insert an IV. Addison just stared blankly, her eyes barely able to focus. "Can you tell me your name?"

  "Add…" Her voice was soft, her words coming out breathless and forced. "Dison."

  "Addison?" The skinnier woman leaned closer as Addison nodded. "Okay, Addison, you’re going to feel a poke here in a minute, so please sit as still as you can for me, okay?" She nodded again, her long butterfly lashes concealing her eyes and only letting a sliver of her baby blues show through. "Do you have a doctor here, Addison?"

  "Zak." Closing her eyes tightly, Addison felt them insert the needle.

  "Dr. Monroe?" the larger nurse asked.

  Addison could only nod.

  "What’s your last name, Addison?" The smaller nurse spoke as she attached a tube to Addison’s IV.

  Addison was breathing heavily as the next word rolled off her tongue. "Vallore. I…think…" Her eyes settled on the skinny nurse. "I’m pregnant."

  "Okay, sweetie." She lightly tapped Addison’s hand as she hovered. "We’ll check for you."

  Addison didn’t answer, her head leaning over to the side as she shut her eyes.

  "Do you have any friends or relatives we can call?" The fat nurse was now holding Addison’s chart, leaning close to her. "A husband or boyfriend?"

  "My brother, Josh."

  "What’s his number?" She had her pen poised above Addison’s chart, waiting for her to give her an answer, but Addison passed out again.

  They took her upstairs to a hospital room before looking up her records in the computer. Josh had reported her as a missing person to all the hospitals in the area the night before and had left a number where he could be reached.

  First, they called Dr. Monroe, who they couldn’t get a hold of. Then, they called her brother. Josh was at the club when he answered, and his voice hard to hear. "Hello?"

  "Can I speak to Josh Collins?" The stout nurse sat at the desk, smiling as she waved at some of the other nurses walking past her.

  "Yeah." Josh was only half listening as he laughed. He had been drinking a little and whistled at some of the girls that were stripping on one of the tables near him.

  "This is Jenson Mercy Hospital. You reported your sister missing last night?"

  "Y-yeah." Josh’s voice quickly turned serious as he walked outside onto the balcony so he could hear better. "Why? Did you find her?"

  "Yes. Addison was just admitted with a very high fever. We’re doing some tests on her, but we’re still waiting to hear back from the lab."

  "Can I come see her?" Josh scratched his head, swallowing hard as he spoke quickly. "She’s not going to die, is she?"

  "No, she’ll be fine. I’d like you to come and fill out some papers."

  "Okay. Thanks. I’ll be right there." Josh quickly hung up the phone and ran back into the club. Pushing through a large group of people, he made his way to Christian.

  Christian was feeding off a young woman, his head buried in her neck, his face covered by her long, blonde hair. He was sitting next to Darien, who was making out with a well-endowed woman wearing a tight dress that looked more like a shirt because it hardly covered her butt cheeks. She was sitting on Darien’s lap, his hand plunged down her shirt and grabbing hold of one of her hefty assets, hers down the front of his pants. Their kisses were rough, Darien’s enjoyment peeking out as the woman pulled at it.

  Clearly full, Christian pulled away from the woman and gave her a slight shove. She fell to the floor. He went back to enjoying himself, as one of the club’s employees quickly dragged her away like she was just another empty glass they were picking up from the table. Quickly, another vampire took the now empty seat and started talking to Christian. She leaned closer, flirting with him, a slight desperation in her actions, but he ignored her.

  He licked some of the blood that lingered on his lips and then looked over at Darien, who the woman had now mounted. She grinded against him, Darien’s hands cradling her bare butt cheeks as he drank from her neck. Christian’s stare darted in a quick circle around the room as he surveyed what the other elites were doing. They quickly settled on Josh, whose friendly smile made Christian scowl slightly, his hand reaching for his glass.

  "Master!" Josh tried to push forward, but the girls standing around Christian wouldn’t move.

  Christian slowly took a drink, peering over the rim at Josh. His icy eyes were accentuated by his black eyebrows, his hair formed into p
erfect spikes on his head. Time seemed to stand still in his eyes, and even though the women around him were vying for his attention, he never moved or acknowledged their presence.

  He turned his gaze from Josh and watched the other elites at the table. A woman that stood behind him came close and wrapped her arms around his neck. Without moving his head, he shoved his chair back and slammed her up against the wall. She began to whine, and he shoved back until she cried out in pain. All the while, he calmly drank from his glass. Then, he scooted his chair back up to the table and released her, the woman holding her stomach as she coughed.

  "Master!" Josh made another move toward him, but a few elites stood in his way and didn’t let him pass. It was well known that Christian disliked Josh, and now that Addison wasn’t around, his dislike was made clearer. "Darien!" Josh tried another approach.

  Darien lifted his head up when he heard his name, his slightly sleepy gaze falling on Josh. He shoved the woman off his lap, letting her limp body fall to the floor. His eyes turned from Josh as he zipped up his pants and started a conversation with Christian.

  Fed up, Josh spun away and decided not to tell Christian that he had found Addison. Instead, he sent Darien a text.

  Jenson Mercy

  * * * *

  Addison’s tired eyes watched Zak check her over. They were still mad at each other, and she knew Zak was furious that she had given her real name.

  "You’re immune system isn’t working the way it should. It’s a side effect of the shots you take every week." Zak’s gaze fell on hers as he sat down in the chair next to her bed. "You’ve caught a little flu bug going around, and your body can’t fight it off by itself. I’ll have to give you some strong meds to help with that."

  Laying her head back in the pillow, Addison’s voice was low. "Do I get to go home?"

  "Not yet." Sighing, Zak stood up and put his hand on her forehead lightly. "You’ll have to stay here for a few days until you get better." He bent down and kissed her crown. "Now, get some sleep for me."

  "Okay." Addison nodded, her stare darting all over his face before settling on his eyes. "You’re mad at me, aren’t you?"


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