Seed of the Master (Christian’s Kisses Book 2)

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Seed of the Master (Christian’s Kisses Book 2) Page 16

by H. N. Sieverding

  "Hey!" Zak looked back at Addison, sending her a grin. "Should I let him go?" Addison couldn’t speak, a few muffled whines escaping her lips. "No?" He held his hand to his ear, pretending to wait for her answer. "Okay."

  Scrunching up his face, Zak swung the axe, and it landed on Josh’s shoulder. Josh belted out a painful scream as the blade lodged into his flesh. "Damn. Missed." Zak laughed, pulling it out of Josh’s shoulder. "Let’s try again." He swung again, this time hitting Josh’s arm and severing it at the elbow. Josh slumped over and passed out, blood rushing from the wound. "Aww, he’s dead already?"

  Addison squealed as her knees buckled, her whole body numb as she looked at her unmoving brother. She was hysterical, thrashing wildly in the hunter’s arms like a fish out of water.

  Zak looked back at her briefly, but didn’t seem to pay much attention to her distress, his attention focusing on the next vampire brought out. She watched in horror as Zak killed every single one, making sure she had a front row seat. Addison closed her eyes with each chop, black lines from her running mascara streaming down her cheeks.

  When he was done, he turned his attention back to Addison. Her terrified eyes were glued on the axe that he held at his side as he walked, vampire blood dripping off it and leaving a trail behind him.

  "Hey, sexy girl." Turning his head sideways as he bent down, Zak studied her expression. "Aww…" He cupped the side of her face, wiping away some of her tears with his thumb. "Are you scared?" He looked back up at the hunter holding her. "I’ll take her now."

  The hunter shoved her forward into Zak’s arms, and Zak chuckled when he felt her shaky body fall into his. She didn’t struggle, the axe forcing her obedience.

  "Come on." He grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the truck. "Let’s ride in the back on the way home."

  He shoved her inside, and she rushed to the farthest end as Zak shut the door. Now that her hands were free, she ripped off the bandana that was tied around her head, letting it fall limply around her neck like a necklace. He grabbed her and laid on top of her, keeping her pinned with his weight. The truck had a cover, hiding them. They could hear the hunters laughing and joking, like nothing was out of the ordinary.

  "Look at you." He held the hand with the axe out to his side and stroked Addison’s face with the other. "Even soaked in tears, you’re still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. It’s a shame you’re a vampire." He pushed the axe away from him so he had both hands free. "And before I kill you…" Forcefully shoving her dress up to her stomach, he unbuckled his pants. "I’m taking what you would never giving me."

  "Please. Please no, Zak." Addison’s frantic hands reached up to his face, her voice strained and quickened. "Please. I’ll be good… Please, just don’t hurt me."

  "I gave you enough chances." He pulled her underwear down and Addison felt the cold kiss of metal against her bare bottom. "After this, we’re through, sweetheart." He looked angrily into her eyes, the great terror on her face forcing him to turn away.


  "Shut up!" Zak screamed in her face, making Addison recoil and pull her hands close to her chest. He shoved the gag back in her mouth to silence her.

  He began kissing her neck roughly as pulled down his pants. He could feel her body tense, the force of his touch making her squeal. She was sobbing, her words coming out muffled as her breaths came out of her flared nostrils in quick, panting huffs.

  He ripped the front of her dress to reveal her bra and slightly bulging belly. His rough kisses wandered down to her breasts, the smell of Christian’s cologne filling his nostrils as his lips traveled over the scared playing ground of Master Vallore.

  Using both of his hands, he tore her dress all the way down the center. The fabric fell limply over to the side, revealing her bare skin underneath. Zak couldn’t see well in the dark, but he could feel her, one of his hands scaling roughly down the side of her torso. He held her hands together tightly in one hand as his lips descended down her stomach. Then he stopped, his own body shaking as he took in her rejection.

  "Why can't you love me?" His hand reached up to stroke her cheek as he looked into her eyes, giant tears falling down the sides of her face like a trickling waterfall. "Why are you making me hurt you? All I wanted was for you to love me. To save you, so we could be together. Why couldn't you do that?"

  Her gaze darted quickly over his face, her body trembling beneath him. "Here." He reached up and pulled the gag out of her mouth. She licked her lips several times but didn’t speak. "I love you, Addison, and I wish you could’ve loved me back. Why couldn’t you love me back? Why do you have to be my enemy?"

  "I’m sorry." Addison’s voice was shaking, her tone defeated and broken. "Please, Zak…"

  "Now, I know you’re nothing special, you’re just Master Vallore’s whore." Zak pulled up his pants, a venomous tone in his words. "Another blood-sucking bitch that needs to die."

  He reached to the side for his axe, his hands wrapping around the handle. The blade scraped against the bed of the truck, and Addison closed her eyes tightly when she heard it. She began to sob again as she turned her head to the side and looked away from him.

  "Say you love me, and I'll stop." His voice was wet, and she could tell he was crying.

  Suddenly the hatch of the truck flew open, someone grabbing Zak and ripping him out the back. It happened so fast that Addison didn’t see who it was. She slowly sat up with a little help from her shaky arms, so paralyzed with fear that she could hardly move.

  Christian slammed Zak up against the side of the truck, choking him with one hand. "Get your hands off my wife!" Zak couldn’t say anything back as he frantically tried to pry Christian’s fingers away. He pulled Zak’s body forward a little then smashed his head into the glass behind him.

  Sighing in annoyance when Zak got knocked out by the force of the blow, Christian looked over at Darien, who was tending to one of the injured vampires. "How disappointing." He released Zak and let his limp body fall to the ground. "Take him." Christian climbed into the back of the truck and went to Addison’s side. She was sitting on her knees and sobbing into her hands. "Oh my love."

  Cooing to her, Christian wrapped his arm around her shoulders, Addison slowly melting into his arms as she clung loosely to his waist. "I am very sorry I am late." He took off his suit coat and draped it around her. "Come. Let us go home."

  He slowly pulled her out of the truck then carried her in his arms over to their car. Christian’s gait was smooth, Addison’s hands clinging to his dress shirt as they walked, her sad eyes scanning the ground and seeing several dead bodies. The mood was silent now, the sound of the night enveloping Addison like a lullaby that made her mind try and disconnect from what had happened. She felt numb but safe in Christian’s arms.

  Darien tied Zak up and tossed him in the back of a van with a few other hunters. When he saw Christian approach, he slammed the back door shut and tossed the keys to an elite standing next to him. Then, he strolled over and opened the back door of the nearby car for Christian. Christian lovingly placed Addison in the back seat before sitting down next to her.

  The ride back to the manor was quiet. Christian held his love in his arms, a tenseness to his jaw as he gazed out the window. The sound of rain slowly became louder as they drove into the passing storm, bouncing off the car and surrounding them with it’s cold, damp mood.

  * * * *

  "Good evening, Monroe."

  Zak’s eyes slowly opened, his vision blurry at first as he focused on the face staring back at him. Christian sent a sinister smile as he sat in the chair across from the hunter.

  "How I have waited for the day we could speak face-to-face." Christian turned a knife around in his hands, watching the light bounce off the surface.

  "I have nothing to say to you." Zak spoke through gritted teeth, shoot a venomous stare.

  "Let us see how strong you are, Monroe." A small chuckle escaped Christian’s lips. "I will enjoy this time with you, and I kno
w you will as well." He stood up from the chair, looking very out of place in the damp, old basement room.

  The room was lit pretty well for a cellar, large shop lights hanging from the rafters. Darien was standing behind Christian, and seeing the pair together was a frightful sight for captives. They were the only people in the room as a small, portable radio played a cheery, classic tune.

  "I brought your father to this very room." Christian circled around Zak’s chair, watching him sit there without a struggle, his eyes looking forward. "He was just like you…arrogant." He stopped in front of Zak, bending down a little bit and turning his head to the side so he could look into Zak’s face. "Cocky. Of all the Monroes I have killed over the years, you will be the one that will give me the most pleasure."

  Christian stood up straight again, his hands held behind his back. The light from above bounced off his jet black hair and made it shine. "Like your father, you have a taste for my women."

  Zak gritted his teeth, his hands gripping tightly around the handle of the chair, the ropes tied around them digging into his skin. He looked down at his knees, his stare so hard it made the color of his cargo pants grow fuzzy.

  "Yeah." Darien laughed as he set a tool box on an old wooden table. "Kim. That actress from the theatre." He tossed open the lid, and it bounced slightly with the force of his shove before settling. "You fucked the bitch in front of him, and he cried. What was that you used?" Darien’s hand paused in the air, a light tone to his voice, as if he were just having a casual conversation with his best friend. "Pliers?"

  "The handle of the knife." A small laugh escaped Christian’s lips as he turned his head toward Darien.

  "Then you put it to his throat, and the smell drove him mad."

  "Yes." Christian looked back at Zak, who was glaring at him and gritting his teeth, Zak’s nostrils flared as he breathed heavily. "But you, boy, have taken a taste of my most precious treasure." Someone knocked on the door, Christian sending an annoyed glance it’s way before motioning for Darien to go see who it was.

  He went over to the tool box, picking up various objects inside. He held a hammer, turning it around in front of his eyes, inspecting the dried blood that remained on its surface. "And I hope every second your filthy hands touched my love is worth every tooth and nail I rip from your body…because to me, no amount of your pain will ever makeup for such a sin."

  Darien opened a small slot under the window, speaking to someone on the other side before turning back to Christian, projecting his voice a little. "Master?"

  "What is it, Darien?" Christian dropped the hammer, the heavy metal falling into the other tools and making a small crashing sound.

  "The princess is out here." Darien pointed to the door, a slightly worried look on his face.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, Christian looked at Zak and then back at the door. "Tell her to go back to sleep."

  "She says she wants to watch." There was a sour expression on Darien’s face as he shrugged his shoulders. Darien was a pushover when it came to Addison, and he found it hard to say no to her.

  "Fine, but only for a few moments." Christian motioned for Darien to let her in. "She needs her rest."

  Darien opened the door, letting Addison into the room. Her shoes made soft clicking noises with each step she took on the cold, stone floor, all the men’s eyes turning to her. She was dressed in a light blue sun dress, her hair and makeup done up perfectly.

  Zak swallowed the lump in his throat as she walked toward him. Her gait had a slight bounce to it, Addison’s face now free of any sign of tears. She walked up to Christian, her arms wrapping around his waist and clinging to him like a silent child. Her gaze settled on Zak’s, but there was no emotion on her face, her expression still and mute like painting.

  "My love, why have you come?" Christian removed his suit jacket and draped it around her bare shoulders.

  "I want to watch." Addison’s words made Zak shiver, the calmness in her voice something that had never been there before. "For Josh."

  "If that is your wish." Christian let his hands rest on her shoulders for a few seconds as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Come." He led her over to the toolbox, where Darien was now standing.

  "What do you want to use first?" Darien gaze fell upon Addison’s sad face. "You wanna pick, Princess?"

  "I want to bite him. I want to taste his fear."

  "You may." Looking slightly disappointed, Christian put his hands in his pockets as he let out a small sigh. "But first…" Christian chose a rusted knife and made a sour face at it as he tossed it onto the table. "Let me have some fun with him." Addison slowly nodded her head. "Good girl."

  Removing a hammer and pliers. he held them in one hand before leaning forward and giving Addison a kiss. He motioned for Darien to go over to Addison before he walked over to Zak. "What should we start with?"

  "Fingernails sound good." Darien laughed, looking briefly at Addison as she leaned up against the table, turning her back to Christian and Zak.

  Christian nodded, moving back over to the toolbox. "Excuse me, my love." He placed his hands on Addison’s hips, lightly running the back of his hand against her cheek and igniting a small smile on her face. "You are such a distraction." He gave her a brief kiss then reached behind her and grabbed something small from the toolbox. Standing in front of Zak, he asked, "Shall we start?"

  "No." Zak glared at him, his fingers digging into the chair. "I’d rather go home."

  "Oh, but this will be much more fun." Christian chuckled, playfully tossing the small object in his hand up and catching it in his hand several times. Then, he opened his fingers and looked down at the small, silver nail laying in his palm. Picking it up between two fingers, he let the sharp tip of it rest beneath one of Zak’s fingernails. "Ready?"

  He twirled the hammer in the other hand a few times, a look of great excitement on his face. Swinging the hammer, he forced the nail into Zak’s flesh.

  Addison closed her eyes tightly when she heard Zak scream, Darien watching her reaction with a slight scowl on his face. Several minutes passed, then Darien took his turn at this game of torture.

  All she could think about was Josh, and how Zak had taken the last thread to her old self away from her. Now there was only Christian. She was finally settling into the cold life of a vampire, outliving the world and staying by her love’s side until the end of time. She knew this would be her fate, and she was glad to have Christian. He was all she needed.

  "My love." Bending his head down, Christian rubbed his chin against the top of her head as she sat in his lap. His voice was soft, "Do you wish to take a taste of his fear?" Addison’s heavy stare connected with his, and she nodded her head slowly. "Go then." He eased her off his lap and motioned for her to go over to Zak.

  Addison’s eyes fell upon Zak’s bloodied face and could see Darien holding one of his teeth between the pliers in his hand. Zak’s stare fell upon the beauty of the woman he loved. She was perfect, her face still maintaining the innocence of an angel.

  Darien moved out of the way as she approached, a slightly worried look on his face that he was trying to mask with a scowl.

  Addison’s words were soft and light as she slowly descended to the floor to kneel in front of Zak. "You betrayed me as a friend…" Her hands reached up and rested on his knees, her touch soft and light. At this moment, she was the most beautiful image his eyes had ever rested upon. A slow tear fell down his cheek, and Zak’s bloodied lip trembled as he watched her closely. "And killed my brother."

  She trailed her hands up his legs and chest, landing them on his shoulders. Her face lie inches from his, and Zak shook like a leaf under the fingers of this fragile, yet dangerous killer. Her words were soft as a feather’s kiss, "But I will bring upon the swift death that will heal your wounds. Send you to a place free of what you hate."

  Blood trailed down the corners of his mouth, and the small droplets slowly fell to his shirt. She leaned closer to his ear, Zak feeling the tea
sing touch of her lips brushing against his skin. "In my veins flows the power of the angels, and with my kiss, I shall send you home."

  He could feel her hands tighten, Addison’s lips slowly trailing down the side of his ear and pausing at his neck. Closing his eyes, he tried to block out all the pain that was ravaging his body and driving him insane. Though her touch was light, Zak could single out the tenderness of it amongst all the pain. He felt her plant a single kiss on his skin before she hovered over it with her fangs bared.

  In a quick action, she plunged them into his neck and drank from him, continuing even when she felt his body go limp. Her hand paused over his heart, waiting to feel it stop. When it did, her lips trembled as they hovered over his skin, a small tear falling down her cheek as she felt nothing inside him. She had taken away his breath, his last heartbeat belonging to her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Walking out of the bathroom and into the closet, Addison put on a pair of underwear and a bra. Her hands paused over her clothes as she decided what to wear. Most of her clothes were too small for her, her due date fast approaching.

  A playful giggle escaped her lips as her fingers settled on one of Christian’s white dress shirts. She put it on, folding up the sleeves to her elbows and buttoning a few of the top buttons because her belly was bulging, and she couldn’t button it all the way down. She grabbed one of his ties and loosely tied it around her neck.

  "Christian!" Addison ran over to the doors of the closet, hiding behind them as she peered out at him.

  "Yes, my love?" He was reading on the bed, his eyes not turning to her as she spoke. He had a tie hung loosely around his neck, his suit coat laying near him.

  "What are you doing?" Her voice had a playful tone to it, her fingers curled around the side of the door.

  He looked up over at her, only seeing her face peeking out. "Waiting for you."

  Reaching her hands out in front of her, Addison pushed open the doors all the way. Walking with an over-dramatic sashay, Addison had her nose up in the air slightly. She pulled the tie tighter, swinging the end of it to the tune of her bouncy steps.


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