Parallel (Prophesied a spirit within,Book I)

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Parallel (Prophesied a spirit within,Book I) Page 10

by Cheryl Doucet-Surette

Chapter 8/What’s your sign?

  She found herself again reaching out for Caleb as her heart was healing from her mom’s death she was thirsty for knowledge of the parallel world she frequented. He was again on the beach, a bit more modest this time with a shirt on and longer shorts…Selah was slightly disappointed but relieved too… she shouldn’t be thinking of someone else when she had Daniel.

  Caleb waved her over he had made a fire and was staring into the flames. “Hey glad you made it tonight; we haven’t had much chance to talk so tonight I hope your brain is powered up, because I have a lot of information to pass on to you.”

  Selah sat down cross legged before him and rested her chin against her left hand, elbow on her knee, as if she were enraptured with him, waiting patiently for him to begin.

  “So I told you about how this place came about, and about dreams and nightmares. You also know a little about souls, I’m going to tell you a bit more about them now, there are a few different kinds of souls, the last time we met and you mentioned the fortune teller. Well it made me realize I should explain in detail how she got a glimpse of this place; the more I thought about it the more it sort of fit all together.” He sat comfortably as if he wouldn’t be moving for a while. Selah took the hint and lay down in the sand on her side with her head propped up on her hand.

  “There are souls signs made of fire, earth, water, air and lastly there’s some made of sulfur. Your personality and soul are directly connected, that’s where astrology fits in also, all the signs that people are born under follow the same properties, Virgo’s for instance in the astrological signs is an earth sign and a Virgo will be drawn to the earth to plant or to have something rooted to nature. Pieces are a water sign and they will be drawn to work or live close to water, their personality will be easy going also free flowing like?”

  “Water” Selah answered.

  “You understand then, like in the real world we see forces of nature everywhere, the elements that make up each soul are found in all walks of life and are needed for us to survive, so it would make sense how it’s what makes us also, a fire soul will have a tendency to have a short fuse and will lead with emotions. They might always need to be the brightest in the room an attention seeker, an air sign goes with the flow being able to be completely independent of others, just moving in an out doing their thing and remain unnoticed. That’s also why some people are more compatible, an earth sign would be great with water or air sign but what do you think would happen if they got with a fire sign?”

  Selah thought about it for a second and mentally pictured a forest fire “they would burn them up?”

  “Well sort of, an earth sign is all about peace keeping and helping people, a fire sign like to get pumped up about themselves, a bit selfish perhaps, what sign would go well with fire?’

  She thought about all the signs he had said, “Air maybe?”

  “Yeah that’s it air feeds a fire they would work well, water would eventually put a fire out, water would do well with earth and air both,” Caleb again played unconsciously with the sand as he spoke.

  “So fire signs sound like a pain in the ass!” Selah exclaimed.

  Caleb chuckled, “Some probably are but they are also, extremely positive and great motivators, nothing makes you haul your ass like a fire under it, they’re also very passionate, so not bad at all.”

  “You mention another element that doesn’t seem to fit well with the others Sulphur you said, what kind of soul is that?” Selah wondered.

  “A soul with its energy stemming from sulfur is a troubled soul, souls that are violent, there’s some everywhere, and they’re tortured, demonic and definitely damned. The world wouldn’t be complete without them; there must always be a balance in the energies. I’m not saying that an elemental soul cannot be evil, it can have evil tendencies, we all can, but a sulfur soul goes against its true nature if it tries to do well.”

  ‘Wow this stuff it pretty deep,” Selah commented, thinking about some people she knew, their sign easily discerning.

  “Now there’s another soul, this soul doesn’t fall in the five elements it’s a dark soul or spirit, they aren’t very many, but they are extremely dangerous, they can be cunning and you won’t even know they are there, but when they strike, chances are it’s always fatal. Whether they are in the real world or here, all these type of souls are accessible.”

  “All souls can have a bit of darkness in them but the dark soul are the opposite with no of light at all, they are here to torcher and torment other souls they derive great pleasure from others pain, serial killers are dark souls. Most likely a soul will not survive an encounter with one of these souls. They are cunning and loners; they have no remorse and feed off of other souls, taking their energy in as power.”

  “There is a chance you could come across any of these souls here, so far you have met no resistance, but like anything the more you come here the stronger you become and the more power you have…”

  “The more I will attract right?” asking and hoping she was wrong.

  “I’m afraid so Selah, power attracts power, and so on…we will attract what we need. It’s how we are made to survive and achieve in this world and any world, if we strive to attain a goal then the more we focus and imagine and work for it, the chances are greater we will reach it. But if we just say we want something but aren’t willing to take the risk and work for it our chances of reaching our goals are much less. There are souls here just waiting for the right opportunity to come along, to turn another soul to their own advantage.”

  “So are we good with all this any questions?” Caleb asked itching to continue, he was really getting somewhere tonight with her, he felt her open to him, trusting each word.

  “No, no questions, keep going… this stuff fascinate me,” she honestly replied.

  “Now that you understand what souls are made of the next part will make more sense, when we are here we can actually manipulate the elements are souls are made of. For instance when you use your energy to change your clothing here you’re doing that in a minut form. It uses small amount of energy that is the glowing you saw when you tied off the thought, you gave it a physical state by pulling and releasing it and then you stabilized it like I told you before, its child’s play really, there’s much more complicated things that can be done.” She watched as he lifted his hands and small threads of glowing energy flowed from his fingers they resembled a weave of many different lines as she watched them form into a thick ropes of energy, which pushed the waters of the ocean,

  Selah watched as it lifted the waters up making a solid wall, she thought of Moses from the bible immediately and the Red Sea parting as they escaped from Egypt.

  Caleb looked at Selah her jaw had dropped open and she was amazed by his feat. He grinned; liking her reaction, she was impressed.

  Selah realized immediately what sign Caleb was “You an air sign, you threw up a wall of air to move the water, right?”

  Caleb was the one impressed now, he lost his concentration and the wall fell creating huge waves in its wake…she was incredible she had taken it all in understanding more than he imagined, when he had been explained all of this he had to ask questions and had to have a few lesson to begin to put it in practical use, she already knew what sign he was…could it be? Was she slowly melting his icy surface?

  Selah asked him again, “Are you an air sign?” she wondered about herself she was born an earth sign but she had tendencies in all the other signs too it was confusing.

  Caleb suddenly flustered by her presence answered her abruptly, “Yeah, I am an air sign, you have me figured out. Putting that much energy into my weave has tired me out some, how about we continue our lesson some other night, maybe next time we can work on you projecting your energy outwardly.”

  Selah was disappointed in his abrupt departure she barely got out when they would meet again and where, when he disappeared suddenly. She sat on the beach thinking of all the information he had given her. Sh
e played with making small things appear in her hand, she made a ball of light no bigger than the tip of her finger, she watched as it floated, hovering in her palm. She kept in for a full minute, she stopped focusing on it and it disappeared instantly with her thought.

  She got up and walked to the water edge, she imagined her hand as the shape of a cup, she bent down and scooped up a hand full of water, she looked to see if it would drip from the cracks her fingers made but the water took the form she imagined, it looked as if she had an invisible cup holding the water in her hand.

  Selah walked back to where her and Caleb had been sitting, the fire was still burning, red ambers sizzling, slowly she poured her cup full of water on the fire, she sat down in front of the fire again, she stared at the smoking ruins of fire, she imagined the wood as dry as hay and pictured the flames licking the wood, she watched as the water slowly sizzled away, and then the colors changing from yellow to orange to a bluish, the flame crackling the wood once again, as if no water had been poured onto it just seconds before.

  She had just used two types of energy, she felt mentally tired from the small amount of work she had done and it wasn’t anything close to what Caleb had done, no wonder he had went back home. As she thought about it she realized she had never even asked anything personal of Caleb, like where he was from or who he was. She would ask sometime she saw him, he was sort of an enigma, and it would take some ingenuity on her part to figure him out.

  She let herself return once more to her physical state, as she succumbed to a deep sleep, all her thoughts immobilized for now.

  True to his word Daniel, helped out Jacob and her Dad over the next few nights as she worked. Tonight they would spend some time together; they were planning on going out for supper and going to see a movie. It was actually there first official date, as weird as that sounded they had been inseparable for weeks now; Selah was really looking forward to it.

  She became melancholy thinking about what her mom would have said to her regarding this evening, there was so many things she wished she could tell her about. This was some of the most exciting times in her life, she was sure she could of explained the parallel world to her mom, she would have been cool with the whole thing.

  Selah often wondered what her mom would say if she knew about Caleb and Daniel. She had always asked Selah about her love interest, secretly Selah knew she was disappointed every time she had told her there wasn’t any, and it was almost like she wanted to live vicariously through Selah.

  She dressed slowly putting on a dress her mom had bought her for a semi-formal dance, the year before, it was a few inches above her knees and the skirt was black and free flowing while the top part was white and form fitting. She remembered when she had put it on her mom had said she look like she belonged on a magazine cover, Selah had laughed, as she appraised herself in the mirror she could see what her mom meant, her legs were muscular and lean and seemed to go on forever.

  She usually always wore her hair up but tonight she let it flow down her back, soft curls framing her face, she had braided the left side of her bangs it helped keep them from covering her eyes, she had even applied a bit of makeup some blush and eyeliner and mascara, her mom had shown her when she was fourteen how to apply it subtly, she added the finishing touch of a little dab of gloss on her full lips she rubbed them together softly so it wasn’t too thick.

  She could hear the boys talking downstairs Daniel had become a member of the Jones family; she grabbed a small purse she had seen in her mom’s closet. No-one had looked at cleaning out her clothes, or things. Selah knew she wouldn’t touch anything unless her dad asked her too. Besides if she was still here she would have been borrowing stuff from her anyway. Her mom had loved clothes and had lots; Selah knew she would fit in most of her things except her pants, Diana had been shorter.

  She found a pair of heels 1 ½ inches tall, suddenly glad Daniel was over 6 feet, she still had to look up to kiss him and could have easily gotten away with taller ones, but they were a bit uncomfortable. She didn’t want to be ungraceful if possible; she headed down the stairs finally ready.

  The stairs opened up into the living room as she got to the end she saw the boys who had been strumming the guitars had stopped and were watching her descend slowly, the stillness in the air made Selah nervous as if she had done something wrong. She stopped when no-one said anything.

  “What, why isn’t anyone saying anything?” she turned inspecting to make sure she hadn’t tucked her skirt in her underwear or something. Her dad got up and hugged her, “You look beautiful, Selah, just beautiful.”

  Jacob just smiled “You clean up pretty good sis.”

  Selah eyes searched Daniel’s wondering if he approved of her attire, what she saw there confirmed it and much more, she felt her confidence return to her in spades. She smiled her best smile, as she watched Daniel slowly put down the guitar and walked towards her, “Wow, you look amazing, I definitely have to take you out more often,” as he got close he grabbed her in his arms and whispered, “Looking like that, I don’t want to share you with anyone else.”

  Selah wanting to finally be alone with him ushered him out the door, Daniel announced they would take the tercel, her dad had told him to. Selah’s reaction to her dad telling Daniel to take her car, was one of disbelief, but she soon shrugged it off. When Daniel got into the driver’s seat, and Selah got in the passenger’s side it was awkward to say the lease.

  “So handsome where are you taking me to eat, Macdonald’s?” she said sarcastically with a grin, teasing him slightly.

  Daniel gave her a lop sided grin and in a soft seductive voice said, “It’s to be a surprise my lady.” He started the car, Selah knew instantly he wasn’t accustomed to driving a stick, he was fumbling a lot, and had grinded the gears a bit trying to get it in reverse.

  Daniel had only driven a stick shift 3 times in his life he knew the gist of how to do it but had no finesses whatsoever. He glanced at Selah, she was biting her lower lip trying not to comment he noticed, but determined he was and finally he got the car in reverse and slowly released the clutch, the car jerked a bit then took off, he eased his foot off the gas, and backed out of the driveway.

  As he got in the street he tried to smoothly put it into first and drive normally, but as soon as he let go of the clutch again the tercel moved forward a few inches and the engine sputtered a bit and then died.

  Selah was biting her lip to stop from laughing, she remembered it wasn’t that long ago she was doing the same, but she was screaming inside to just let it her laughter out.

  “I think you put it in 3rd by accident” she said as sweetly as possible considering the situation.

  Daniel was getting a bit frustrated but was obviously determined to make it work. He switched the lever once again and started the engine, “Thanks” he muttered a bit embarrassed at his inadequacies.

  He attempted again to release the clutch, Selah knew, ‘Bessie’ (She had named the car) was temperamental with new drivers; she held her breath and closed her eyes knowing what would happen. Selah felt her body being jerked back and forth as the car tried to take off to no avail. She couldn’t help herself anymore she busted out laughing; she felt tears come to her eyes she was laughing so hard, she looked at Daniel and he was grinning and shaking his head. They heard a horn honking, there was a car behind them waiting for him to make a departure, and Daniel rolled down the window and stuck his hand out motioning for the car to pass them, because clearly he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Selah laughed all the more, the tears were rolling down her face and her sides were hurting. She knew she should stop but she could make herself, she had lost all control.

  Daniel was laughing with her this was ridiculous it was like he couldn’t drive, he looked at Selah, he knew this was funny as hell, if he didn’t get going this time he probably wouldn’t be able to stop laughing too, he couldn’t believe he had to wave that car passed him.

  Selah finally regained her breat
h she had snorted a little from laughing so hard, it had brought her back to reality quickly. Daniel started the car up again.

  Selah said “Just ease your foot off the clutch slowly and when you feel the car start to pull ahead, release it and then step on the gas ok.”

  Daniel was nervous now as he began to let go of the clutch he could feel his foot shaking, his nerves he supposed, slowly he let it come forward when he felt the car move ahead he did just as Selah had said, he stepped on the gas the car lunged forward at top speed, the engine began revving high.

  Selah started laughing again, “Shift, Daniel. Shift into 2nd now!”

  As soon as he shifted into second the car went ahead smoothly, and then drove off, Daniel looked at Selah and crossed his eyes in exasperation.

  Selah prayed they didn’t come up to too many stop signs, she had to admit it was making their first date rather enjoyable, for her at least she hadn’t laughed this hard in a long time. She watched him as he concentrated on the road ahead oblivious to her staring he had his eyebrows pinched together; this was causing him some stress she noticed.

  Selah felt sympathy towards him “Do you want me to drive?” She asked.

  Daniel curtly replied “No I’m fine.” He realized how he had sounded as soon as the words had come out and apologized to her. He reached over and squeezed her hand for a quick second then put it back on the stick shift.

  Selah’s feeling hadn’t been hurt at all, she understood where he was coming from, a bit sorry she had laughed so hard at his attempts to move forward and backwards. She settled in and looked out the passenger’s side window enjoying the scenery.

  Daniel began to gear down to slow the car, he was learning fast, she looked and couldn’t believe he was gonna put gas in the car they were at a gas station. “Daniel what are you doing there’s gas in the car already I put 10 in it the other night.”

  Daniel grinned sheepishly, “I’m gonna fill her up for ya, your dad gave me some dough to make sure we didn’t run out of gas on some stranded road or something.”

  Selah grinned and shook her head “It figures he would think of something like that.” She sat back and watched Daniel as he got out and began pumping gas in the car, she thoroughly enjoyed watching him move, and he had a certain grace that oozed masculinity. And he looked so damn good, she still couldn`t believe he was hers.

  He went into the station paying for the gas, he came back out jumped back into the driver’s seat, he turned towards her then said “You better make sure you have you seat belt on, wouldn`t want you going thru the windshield when this thing takes off again.” He had a devilish look in his eye teasing her.

  She removed her shoes quickly and then braced both her feet against the dash “Ok I’m ready.” she said.

  Daniel glanced at how she had positioned herself and burst out laughing,”Hey it’s not that bad!”

  Selah grabbed onto the holy shit handle, that what her dad called the hand bar on the roof, when Selah had been learning how to drive standard. “Next time I’ll remember to bring my bike helmet,” she teased him relentlessly.

  Daniel started the car and did what he had done before, except this time he eased into the gas the car rolled off without a hitch as smooth as butter. He smugly looked at her, “Ok smart ass you can put your feet down now, or I WILL bring you to MacDonald for supper.”

  Selah looked at him innocently, “I do love nuggets,” with a two years old grin, “I really lick dipping them, and the toys!”

  “Ok, you have to be a big girl now!” he laughed. “We’re going to someplace fancy… well they have tablecloths at least.” He admitted.

  Selah chuckled “I’m glad I wore my fancy shoes then,” still teasing him.

  They pulled into The Red Cap restaurant, Selah hadn’t been there before but thought right away seafood would be good. They walked in an announced to the hostess that he had a reservation, Selah was impressed he had really planned this.

  She led them to a quiet table in the back; Daniel told her he had asked for privacy. They sat at a table for two, no sooner had they sat down that a young girl arrived to fill their water glasses, Selah noticed it was Brittany Foley.

  As soon as she saw it was Selah she began pouring on the charm, Selah knew it was all a show for Daniel’s sake. “Oh hi Selah, how are you? So sorry about your mom, is he your cousin?” as she appraised Daniel like a piece of meat at the butcher shop, apparently the cut was to her liking.

  Daniel took Selah hand and rubbed it gently not taking his eyes off her, ignoring Brittany, Selah took his cue. “Hi Brittany, thanks, and no this in my boyfriend, Daniel.” As she emphasised the word boyfriend in her voice, making sure she got the hint.

  Brittany turned and looked at her as if she were full of shit; she turned back at Daniel hoping he would deny it.

  Daniel still ignoring her said “You can leave the pitcher please.” Clearly dismissing her and giving her no excuse to return.

  Brittany not giving up so easily, sure that if he took one look at her would be instantly head over heels, leaned over to reach his glass and put her breast as close to Daniel’s face as possible, it was her best feature.

  Daniel took the glass from her and the pitcher of water and began pouring his own water, he gave the glass to Selah and she passed him hers for him to fill for himself. Brittany was flustered at the way Daniel didn’t want to have nothing to do with her, she tried one last attempt to get his attention, “Would you like rolls tonight with your meal?”

  Selah looked at Daniel “What do you think do you want some, honey?” she rubbed it in as much as she could in Brittany’s face, that he was hers.

  Daniel was enjoying the game they were playing with the girl, he had noticed right away the fake sincerity she had bestowed on Selah when she had first arrived, and he had met plenty of girls like her in his life. He looked at Brittany. She lite up like a Christmas tree thinking she had him, he asked, “Do you have any multigrain?”

  Selah could see he had the mischievous twinkle in his eye the one he got when he was feeling playful.

  Brittany disappointed that he hadn’t succumbed to her amazing charms, meekly replied “Yes.”

  “Two multigrain rolls please, could you make sure they’re warm.” he asked turning his attention back to Selah. The minute they were alone Selah took his hand in hers “Thank You, she has been a royal pain to me since we’ve been in grade school.”

  “Anything for you Selah, I meant that, there’s no comparison between you and her, girls like her are a dime a dozen. Now you are different you’re a diamond in the rough. And I don’t mind rubbing it a bit to make it, or you shine.” Daniel grinned his irresistible half smile at her.

  They had a very nice supper, Selah convinced him to see a scary movie, using the excuse she was scared, to cuddle up to him during the whole movie. They shared popcorn and Selah loved how their hands sometimes met in the large container, it reminded her of her favorite Disney movie of ‘Lady and the tramp.’

  There was a part in the movie that Daniel even jumped as the crazy killer was hiding behind some bushes unknown to everyone. They both laughed over that for a while after the movie.

  Over all this was definitely one of the best nights she had had with Daniel, her collection of great moments with him were steadily growing. They talked and laughed after the movies his driving skills improved immensely in the short time he drove that night, he had shown he could laugh at himself sometimes, Selah was as happy as she could be in those dwindling moments.

  They kissed goodnight once before going in, then Daniel went in and thanked Peter for the use of the car, sneaking in one more kiss goodnight, as they parted ways.

  Selah was so into Daniel her thoughts were consumed with only him. It seemed the more she was with him the more comfortable she became and the more she shared with him, she had come so close tonight telling him about her dreams and how she travelled she hadn’t had a dream about him for a while, maybe tonight she would let their evening
continue on, she hadn’t quite had enough of him.

  She soaked in the tub after she got home, reminiscing about their date, how they had laughed and how he had stood up for her with Brittany, she definitely would hear about that on Monday she knew, when she got out rubbed herself down with moisturizer.

  As she crawled into bed, surprised to find Gunner there waiting for her, he must of sneaked up here earlier, good something warm to cuddle with she thought. She had heard Jacob listening to the stories again; Selah would have joined him, but was in too good a mood to chance being melancholy tonight.

  As she settled in with Gunner, he loved to rub his ears against the blankets finally he stopped fidgeting, she was getting so much better at going into the parallel now, she was there having barely relaxed into a slumber, she could do it now by sheer will alone.

  Her first thoughts were of Daniel as she called him to her, he was there instantly. Selah walked over to him and continued the good night kiss he had given her earlier. Daniel was so happy to see her here; it had been a long time since he had been with her, here. She was getting accustomed to a lot of the things here; her clothing was stable,

  as she waved her hand and before Daniel knew what was happening, she pushed him onto a long very comfortable couch.

  Selah had been thinking since her bath what she wanted to do with him when she got here, since this was just a dream she could perhaps take things further than if it was not.

  Caleb had felt the thread of power he had placed on her without her knowledge as she entered tonight hoping he would see her, when she didn’t show up on the beach he decided to come find her himself. When he saw her seduce Daniel, he realized how very far in the race he was, she never looked at him that way. He felt as if a fist was squeezing his heart, the pain so great. In the short amount of time he had been with Selah she had grown on him, he had been looking forward to her company. But what she had with Daniel was more than he could have imagined, could she ever have those feelings for him?

  Caleb couldn’t watch anymore, erasing his trail so Daniel would never notice him there, he couldn’t compete with the connection they had already and if they were truly bonded with spirit she wouldn’t even remember Caleb existed then.

  Selah imagined Daniel without his shirt and when her fingers reached for him she was touching bare skin, she saw a loose thread of power and tied it off instinctively. She felt her pulse quicken, and her blood begin to boil. She held nothing back this was her dream, she felt every muscle along his stomach, and his breath was coming just as quickly as hers was now as she watched the rise and fall of his chest.

  He had a small amount of coarse hair in between his breast, which only added to his virility. His nipples were erect and a pale pink, Selah stuck her tongue out and licked them gently teasing him.

  Daniel was flabbergasted with her, he couldn’t resist her without her becoming aware he wasn’t just in her dream, something had to give otherwise this would go too far. If he told her to stop she would wonder why her dream wasn’t coming true. He was in a pickle, an incredibly sensual one, but one nonetheless. He searched his mind frantically on how he could distract her.

  Selah was exploring all she could of Daniel without going into the unknown, she wouldn’t go that far even in a dream, that would only happen in real life, she wanted to experience that in its fullest capacity. She stared deep in his eyes and studied his face, knowing if she closed her eyes she would remember every detail. He had a small scar on his face under his left eye, she hadn’t noticed it before.

  She rubbed her nose into his hair, he smelled of a spice she couldn’t quite place, it was tantalizing, his hair was soft and fine. He could have grown a mustache and beard if he wanted to she could see a shadow of one.

  As Selah played with him she said three simple words Daniel never would forget “I love you”.

  He reached up and cupped her face not caring if she knew he was really with her there or not and said “My beautiful Selah, I have loved you since the beginning and I will love you forever more, never another, without a doubt, never faltering to the death of my one and only soul.” Then he kissed her as slowly and completely as was physically possible to be kissed.

  Selah had never felt more loved in that moment, he leaned his head on her shoulder, twined their finger together with their right hands and rubbed her back with the other, she didn’t think at all about seducing him at that moment she just wanted to never forget this moment, if she never loved again after Daniel she knew it would be alright, this was a perfect love, untainted, timeless.

  They held each other that way for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes, it would have an everlasting effect on them both, though neither was aware of it in the moment. Selah opened up to him then telling him how she loved this place she had found, she showed him the beginning of her power how she manipulated things to her advantage, wishing he was aware and able to share in her new world, if he could of then everything would of just fit.

  She even went as far as telling him about Caleb and all the things he had taught her, she described everything to a tee. She confessed her deepest desire to become powerful here, and to learn how to control her skills better here, and how she had wanted him even before she met him officially.

  The mor4e she told him the more she wanted to tell him everything. Her voice got distant, softer as she spoke about when she had found herself here at the age of thirteen and seen him, for the first time ever. She hesitated for a second remembering what Daniel had said to her then. Suddenly her brows furrowed in consternation. “You had said I shouldn’t be here, that’s strange right, how would you have known?” she had a nagging sensation in the pit of her stomach suddenly, but shrugged it off. She explained how she had been attacked by the group of boys and she had just slipped from her body, as a defense mechanism of sorts.

  Daniel left his face a mask of nothingness, while his insides raged at what had happened… as he thought back to that day. He said nothing, just rubbed her back never confirming or denying anything she said, he just let her release everything she had inside. She mentioned finding her mom and tears streamed down her face at the memory, she told Daniel how her mom had went on and on about the quilt they had made, suddenly she got up.

  Selah suddenly gasped out loud, “Daniel, she was talking about here she said the weaves were so beautiful and the patterns, when Caleb made that thick weave with the water it was all sorts of colors, she was trying to tell me about here!”

  Daniel just smiled at her, she had figured it out, and she was so intelligent when she wasn’t bogged down with other useless stuff, her brain was actually like a small super computer, and when she put it in action, and it was a site to behold. It was one of the many things he loved about her.

  He smiled at her, watching her try different kinds of weaves, she was far from her full power having not received her memories back yet, and she would be amazing when she was in her glory.

  Selah was experimenting with different things for a while, she found herself so tired all of a sudden, the power she had used draining her. She walked over to Daniel wanting to just sit and hold him again. Daniel opened his arms to her enveloping her in their warmth, he began singing softly to her, his voice was made for a melody, soon Selah found herself sleeping as her spirit drifted out of the void back to her bed, as Gunner snored softly next to her.


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