Parallel (Prophesied a spirit within,Book I)

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Parallel (Prophesied a spirit within,Book I) Page 17

by Cheryl Doucet-Surette

Chapter 15/Home to you

  Within no time at all Cece arrived, she saw Daniel’s healed face and how he was up and about, she didn’t question anything she was so happy to have her boy back, some things were better left unsaid, she thought. Whatever had taken place tonight was beyond her scope of comprehension but she truly didn’t’ care the how; she was enjoying the results instead. When the nurse on call had phoned and began to ramble to her about him being healed and Selah had something to do with it and a bright light, she had been in shock that it was finally over, and when she saw his bright grey eyes staring back at her, all other thoughts disappeared.

  As they chatted as if nothing had transpired over the last week with Daniel, Cece looked at Selah every once in a while and noticed there was something remarkably different about her, she just couldn’t put her finger on it, she looked the same as when she had left her the evening before but something was off…she seemed more alive, as if that was possible… she almost glowed.

  Daniel watched Selah she was still infused with the energy she had liquidated herself into earlier, people said pregnant woman glowed…well they had nothing on Selah right now she was electrifying. She was talking a mile a minute about something irrelevant when he first heard the voice, beckoning him. “Daniel, it’s time, bring her back home to me.”

  Selah stopped rambling and became still as a stone, listening intently, she had heard it too. She turned to Daniel with a questioning look in her eyes, she turned to look at Cece to see if she had heard anything. Cece was confused also she had heard something, “Daniel did you hear something?”

  Daniel knew that voice anywhere, he was being summoned to him, the creator, it made sense Selah had done all she was supposed to, he thought he might have a little time to convince her to go. He felt his pulse quicken all they centuries the creator had waited for this moment, Daniel understood if he was slightly impatient. He looked deeply into Selah eye’s wondering how he would explain it and his mom was here, he felt the sweat trickle down his back as he was suddenly very nervous on how things would play out.

  “Daniel, come now the portal is wide open bring her to me, bring them both we must have a mortal witness.”

  Selah grew pale as a sheet, “Who is talking Daniel, what is going on?” her voice held a good measure of fear.

  Daniel rose and walked over to her, “Selah what you did tonight to save me, you have let a light shine upon you that has been blocked until now, there are powers beyond us that want to meet you…we have to go there now.”

  “Go there, where is there? What are you talking about? I just got you out of the void that’s all, we’ve been there hundreds of times before and…you wrong.” She cared not what Cece thought of their conversation she instead felt extreme dread settle upon her upon hearing that voice, calling Daniel.

  “Don’t be afraid it’s not a bad thing, it’s good, very good when you broke through you made a unconscious decision to follow a certain path, the voice is just telling us it’s time to follow thru. We have to go back through like when you brought me out, you have to go the same way, we have to go whole, with our mind and bodies intact, what you did makes that possible now, it wasn’t before.” He held her hands tightly in his, “Can you trust me Selah, this is the beginning for us you will see, you will understand it all very soon, ok, can you trust me?”

  Selah stared deeply in the familiar grey eye’s she had so missed, he had never really led her astray if she was totally honest with herself. Even when they had split up, if it hadn’t been her own insecurities that had made her so untrusting of him, she felt him putting a slight pressure on her hands bringing her back to reality.

  “I do trust you, I really do Daniel, but I’m scared like I have never been before.”

  “It’s fear of the unknown that’s all, but it’s going to be awesome you will see,” he turned to his mom “You have to come too mom, you’ll finally understand a lot about me that I never could tell you. I don’t want to say too much, you will have to see it to believe it, just keep you mind open ok.” He took her hand then looked at Selah again; “Bring us back through the door you created earlier.”

  Cece looked at both of them; she had heard the words from the detached voice just as clearly as if someone was standing next to her. Something had taken place earlier tonight she couldn’t deny it any longer, after listening to the conversation between Selah and Daniel. She took her son’s hand and asked no questioned she had a very scientific mind and had learned a long time ago the best way to learn was to experience things in their full capacity, she felt butterflies in her stomach, this was going to be a moment of great revelation she could feel it all the way down to her very soul.

  Selah turned and looked at the very spot her and Daniel had traversed only a few hours before, the outline was still visible it wasn’t so much a door but a jagged rip in space. She began to breath slowly again as she began to concentrated on her breath she calmed on the inside, letting her fear dissipate, she felt her body liquefy. She was once again light, pure energy, she forgot all else she was just energy, and she was fast as light. She reached over and held fast to Daniel’s and Cece’s hand then she slid into the awaiting opening.

  Cece was speechless as she saw her son’s girlfriend actually morph into a beautiful light right before her eyes. Her eyes had never seen such a magnificent sight before, she was awestruck, as Selah reached out for her she let herself be lead, in that instant she would have done anything to be a part of that light surrounding her.

  When they reached the other side safely inside the void, Daniel took over, he was the only one who knew where to bring them from there. He slid to the familiar place he had been to many times before. He slowed remembering the first time he had walked these corridors how overwhelmed he had been, he didn’t want to tarnish their experience in the slightest.

  Selah glanced around this new place Daniel had brought her to, she was still brightly infused in energy; it was how she appeared here when she was totally in her physical form. She was surrounded by many statues of the most beautiful winged creatures, angels; it seemed as if they were frozen in time waiting for something. There were also frighteningly grotesque statues that made her think of tremendously evil spirits, demons. As Selah looked up and saw the huge ceilings in what seemed to be a corridor of sorts; it was the tallest ceilings she had ever seen. Did she see clouds moving up ahead, she wondered if they were actually inside or out? Then she saw a stone statue move, its head bending low as if it were bowing to her. She must have imagined it; she continued to make her way slowly, inching forward.

  Cece held onto Daniel’s hand with a vice like grip, this place was otherworldly, this was the stuff of dreams, nightmares or this was heaven, or even hell. Noticing how the statues before her were carved with the precision of a master carver. All the details were remarkably lifelike; when she passed closely in front of one she was sure she could see the actual veins in the arms, and the flesh in the stone. So when one bent its head in front of Selah she squeezed Daniel’s hand even harder her fear immense.

  “It’s ok,” Daniel tried to reassure his mother; his own fear choking him. He noticed curiously that Selah wasn’t one bit afraid, she smelled more of determination. He let go of her hand and watched as she continued on her own, eagerly towards their destiny. She met each statue with a direct stare eye to eye; as they all bowed their heads to her. Daniel had never known that they were alive he had always thought they were pure stone, and he had never seen them move. But then again he had never brought Selah here, they were welcoming her home.

  Selah saw the huge bronze door loom before her, the creatures carved inside emerging from the metal. She had the strangest feeling she had been here before, that this place meant a lot to her, it was this feeling that guided her to the doors fearlessly. As the gruesome sentries descended from the doors, their eyes of flame made to intimidate even the greatest amongst them. As she reached the two gigantic entities guarding the doors, and they moved into place she too
k a stance of her own challenging them. They both went down on one knee before her their weapons raised to her in an offering of peace, as the doors opened before her.

  Daniel and Cece followed Selah at a much slower pace fear gripping them both as their hearts raced inside their chest. Daniel was amazed as her watched her; it was as if she remembered who she was.

  Selah watched as the doors swung open slowly, she felt the excitement build in the pit of her belly, this was real and meant for her. When she was finally able to see what was beyond the door she was taken aback, there was an enormous amount of people, on their knees facing the back of the room towards the alter found there. Selah could not see their faces, they were mumbling something in unison she couldn’t quite make it out, as she made her first step inside the room it all went deathly still.

  As all eyes turned towards her, the movement made her hesitate suddenly, afraid for the first time since arriving here. As she paused she felt Daniel’s hand on the small of her back edging her forward. She took a few more steps, but as she got deeper inside the room, adjacent to the first pillar she suddenly felt her knees buckle beneath her and she felt herself go down, it was as if someone was pushing her. She found herself lying flat on the floor unable to even lift her head it was under the sheer weight of an incredible force.

  Daniel was still holding his mother’s hand in his, she was clutching on to him with all her strength he could feel her pulse in her wrist going erratic. She was staring at all the people on their knees around the altar; he saw no sign of the creator. This left him confused slightly as to where he was, as he had summoned them. As he got just behind Selah and watched as she was forced to her knees he knew when they got to that spot they would have to do the same. He turned to his mom, her eyes were filled with wonderment at all she was seeing the height of the ceilings all the creatures surrounding the altar before them. And the pillars that encompassed the room, he squeezed her hand to get her attention and when she turned to face him he saw the tears rolling down her face. “When we get to the first pillar we will have to go to our knees, just as Selah is, ok” he said to her.

  Cece was overwhelmed with emotions at first it had been raw fear that held her together and now it was pure joy she felt at peace for the first time in a very long time, all the doubts she had ever had about religion and god were confirmed for her in that instant and she released all her negativity. She shook her head in response to Daniel, having just noticed Selah lying on the floor before her. She was much too emotional to speak at the moment, and when she reached the spot Daniel mentioned and felts herself brought down low from an invisible power beyond her control she let go of everything she had ever held back, and laid her soul bare before the throne.

  Selah had been laying there, millions of thoughts running through her head, why did she feel as if she had been here before? Why wasn’t she frightened? Why did they all stare at her that way? Before she knew it she could see Daniel’s and Cece’s outline next to her, they too were made to bow before the throne. She tried to turn her head to meet Daniel’s eyes for a quick second but was completely paralyzed.

  They all felt a slight touch on their shoulders and heard the same voice as before tell them “Rise my children; you have no need to fear.”

  Selah felt the weight lift and she went to her feet slowly she lifted her head as she rose and saw feet before her, she looked up and saw a man dressed in a robe in the brightest white she had ever seen. His eyes were like flames the same as the sentries at the door, he had his hands clasped together and was smiling in welcome she felt as if she had found something lost, she was filled with tremendous joy. He was looking at her and her alone, he approached her and took her by the hands holding them, Selah could feel the absoluteness of his power it was as if she was holding on to time itself, she felt weightless, free and complete, wanting or needing for nothing.

  “You have finally come back to me Selah, I have been waiting for a long time, I know you don’t remember but you will shortly. You have done something you told me a long time ago that you would do, you have kept your word and know I will keep mine.” He released her hand and put his inside a pocket of his robe and pulled out a small scroll. “All you must do is partake of this scroll and all your previous memories here will be restored, as in the beginning.”

  Selah accepted he scroll and looked at him questioningly, should she read it? She heard his voice in her head “eat it” she looked around to see if anyone else had heard that, Daniel was looking straight ahead as if he couldn’t see her. She brought the scroll to her lips and put it all in her mouth, wondering what it would taste like when it began to dissolve instantly she thought of pure honey from wild bees the taste was magnificent. She felt herself changing suddenly as if her insides were going on the outside; she was light as air as if she were floating.

  Daniel waited to see the creator before him he had felt the touch on his shoulder but no more after that, he rose and helped his mom to her feet. He still saw no sign of him he couldn’t see Selah anymore she had disappeared he stared at the throne before him and waited. So when he suddenly saw Selah reappear right before his eyes, her body floating above him in the center of the room he understood. The creator had been there all along with her, she began transforming before them. Her light shone brighter than ever before she was twenty feet from the ground her body rotating slowly she appeared to be in a cocoon and her physical appearance was changing she was taking her original form. Daniel began to bubble with excitement he hadn’t seen her this way since the beginning. All the creatures in the room was transfixed on her, it was done in a matter of minutes. She stopped rotating and became completely still before them all.

  She had the most beautiful robe spun of pure silver to deflect the light keeping the darkness away; her hair was also silver and shimmered like gold. Her eyes were still the same hazel but the green were now specked with gold throughout. She had two huge wings fluttering from her back, they were divided into two separate sections that were swaying gently back and forth keeping her afloat twenty feet up in the air. And on her feet were the most beautiful silver sandals molded to fit.

  She came down to Daniel and stood before him. Daniel eyes welled with tears, he couldn’t believe this moment had finally arrived, he had dreamed of this his whole existence.

  “My Daniel, you have proven yourself time and time again, you were with me at the beginning and held fast to your faith in me, us. You have sacrificed much over all your lives and I haven’t always been faithful to you. But in this life you have lead me to have much love, and a strong belief in our unity. I know I would never have made it this far without you. I choose you for the path you set for yourself so long ago, I want you beside me always, you are well aware of the perils we will face now that I have come back into my power, my memories restored. You have been a rock steady and strong and now I will ask you to do the unthinkable, you know what is required, so are you willing, Daniel?”

  Daniel’s hand shook, his feeling were betraying him weakening him in this moment when he needed strength, what he had considered beauty before could not compare to what he saw before him now. His mouth was dry and he took a second to reply, as he tried to get the right words to come forward. He instead let his instincts take over; he bent to one knee showing her instead his intent.

  “Selah, my angel, my love, my life is yours to behold. I am yours to command for as long as I have a breath, I pledge all that I have to you and our cause, never faltering. I accept your request, I have waited since the beginning of time for this chance to be you guard in the quest ahead.”

  Selah smiled at Daniel he had proven himself more than capable and worthy of his calling. She touched his head and made the bond, woven of pure spirit that would make it official. As she reached the part of his vortex inside of his head which gave her access to his thoughts she left a part of herself for him to feel forever. She could feel his immense joy through the bond now, just as he could sense her. They were connected spi
ritually their bond only broken with death, if Selah died Daniel would also. But if Daniel died Selah having formed the bond would suffer incredible pain and loss but would live, her time was limited until she would have to find another to replace him or she could die also from the feelings of emptiness and grief, once a bond had been established she would always need one.

  Selah relished the wonderment of her newly formed connection with the man she loved. She already had transformed, it was now time for him to do so also. She again wove pure spirit, as she remembered how he had fought before, when he had been forced to, he was a two handed fighter, and he would need all his talents for the journey ahead.

  Daniel felt himself being lifted off the ground he didn’t float as high as Selah had, he could feel everything she felt it was amazing. She was a part of him now he knew the consequences of his choice but had claimed it willingly, gladly, to be with her like this. No marriage on earth provided this kind of closeness, and what she had just done had sealed the deal, they were made for one another now, with the same thoughts he could speak to her with no words, she would know everything he had never told her.

  Selah felt the love Daniel had for her vibrate through the bond, she understood now why he had held back from her. Why she had never been told by him about the void at first, it had to do with both their vows. He had vowed to let her make her own choices, like all humans had to do, follow her own will. And he had vowed to protect and he always had, throughout all their lives. Selah wove with all her memories of their times in her weave, she would give him powers to prevail over almost anything; she let her newly found spirit infuse into his very soul, sealing it with her love for him.

  Daniel felt himself being lowered to the ground once more he looked as if he belonged with her now, he wore armor made of the same silver as her dress, he had gauntlets on his wrist, carved with the symbol for power, a triangle with a circle within, it had always meant infinity to him. He had a bow slung along his back with pure silver arrows made to pierce through flesh or spirit, alive or dead. And in both hand’s he held a scimitar, the long curved blades looking razor sharp. He could feel the power of her spirit in the magnificent weapons she had forged for him; it was as if his arms had been extended, the weight of the weapons as light as air. He felt as if he was naked, the armor again as light as his weapons, and he was changed forever on the inside, knowing he was prepared for what was to come, he had never let fear rule his thoughts but now he had the tenacity to follow thru with anything, Selah was his life now he would live to protect her, she was his angel and he her guard.

  Selah watched as Daniel swung his new weapons getting the feel of them, he was a sight to behold beauty and danger exuded from his very being. She could feel his pride at being finally chosen, he glanced at her she heard his thoughts “I look freaking awesome now,” he smiled at her “Thank you, for the wonderful gifts, and with you beside me everything is complete.”

  Selah approached him until she could smell his breath, “I love you, Can you feel how much?” she smiled at him her thoughts penetrating his. She felt him returning the immensity of his emotions back to her triple fold; she lowered her head to his and kissed his lips, never realizing how blissful it was to feel her own emotions and his at the same time. She had not a doubt she had chosen correctly, she loved him deeply and what she felt from him could only be described as ferocious. She had her own magnificent beast to protect her now, her Daniel.

  Cece witnessed everything enfold before her eyes and let the tears pour down her face, unashamed. She stood before them now, they were breathtaking to her eyes almost too beautiful to behold, she could feel the power emanating from them both, as she looked upon her son, or what used to be her son. As she gazed upon them she felt the fear descend upon her and settled inside her core. She knew not what they were made to do now, she only knew in her heart that they were not of the earth they belonged in this world now. She felt sadness but also an extreme deep inner joy she couldn’t explain, this was right they belonged here. The creator had stood back and watched the scene enfold before him, the creatures had remained bowed surrounding the altar.

  “Cecile you have had the privilege of being a witness to greatness on this day, what you have seen must remain hidden for a time. When the time is over you must be called to reveal what you have witnessed to many. You must bring forth your renewed beliefs. For through belief you shall conceive faith, your faith shall give birth to hope and it is this hope that shall help sustain them all.”

  Cece felt the words sink inside her soul awaiting their time, she felt better than she had in a long time her strength and stamina renewed, as she accepted this task eagerly. She would never waver from this; the creator knew he had chosen well the women that had sustained one of his best guards.

  Selah turned once more to face her father, her true father the one who had brought her soul into existence. She had been with him when they were few, before the earth had been created. She remembered so much now, she was ancient but she felt as if she had just come to be, all her lives never knowing who she was had made that possible. She had vowed so long ago to make the prophecy come to be, to tear the veil and begin the cycle of time anew. She had had to do it by her own choice and that had to be propelled by her innocence. If she had been aware of the power she would receive in the end it would have tainted her, and the timing would have been wrong. The Mayan’s had thought the task would be performed in December of this year, but that was the date that it would all come to fruition. Today was the true beginning of that change; time would change now, the tear making the stillness of the void bleed into human existence. It would also allow the spirits access now. The people would be afraid for the times to come as things never before seen to human eyes would emerge, good and bad would seek to be released from their stagnation, here inside the void. As the time of spirituality would begin, her time was short to find them all before it was too late.

  “Father, thank you for being so patient with me, through all my mistakes, I am grateful for all the guidance you have given me, but most of all for the freedom to choose my own destiny.” Selah told him lovingly.

  “I am so happy to have you home once more; you would never have become as beautiful as you are now if not for those choices. We shall spend tonight reminiscing over things you and I. But first and foremost, do you remember your tasks now, what must be done?”

  “Yes father, I remember, I must find the others, all seven of us, and help appoint a guard for each before they come into their powers on their own. If that were to happen it

  would be catastrophic, but I only remember one thing to guide me it is a sort of a rhyme, let me recite it for you:

  As the Spirits within, atone for their sins.

  The first untold will tear the veil,

  and change the world on a grand scale.

  Pure spirit to bend and mold all men,

  as time begins anew again.

  The second is heat a burning flame;

  his anger may bring them all to shame.

  Only compassion will set things right,

  or all shall burn throughout the night.

  The third is beautiful a candles light,

  to look upon is an awesome sight.

  Turned frigid and cold,

  only finding her love will melt her soul.

  The fourth is made to rip asunder,

  tear walls with rain and thunder.

  All must turn to their faith once more,

  rivers of tears for what’s in store.

  The fifth is solid as a stone;

  nothing can shatter or break his bones.

  As the earth grumbles groans,

  buried alive, can you hear the moans?

  The sixth may turn the oceans to blood;

  the livings they die forget the floods.

  The people hungry, what shall they eat,

  the fish are dead and there’s no meat.

  Hope is what they truly need,

; only then, may they once more feed.

  The seventh is innocent and so pure,

  as she watches, waiting, so much to endure.

  When finally her powers take flight,

  she becomes to all a never ending light.

  The son of god, judgement near,

  the remainder tremble in fear.

  The signs of the apocalypse shall rain down on you, what will you do?

  As the angels leavened reign down from heaven.

  End of |Book I


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