“Yes, it was, but I believe I would’ve fallen for you regardless.”
“Will our time together be short lived, like with her?” I asked, on the verge of tears.
He clutched my hand tightly. “No, not this time,” he said determined.
“You can’t be sure of that.”
“I’ll do everything in my power.”
His reassurance wasn’t comforting. There were many obstacles in the way of our happiness. Doubt in our ability to be with one another weighed heavily on my mind. “I guess just spending this time together is better than never knowing you,” I murmured.
“Haley, please stop. The outcome will be different than what happened to Alexandria and me.”
“Apparently, my luck in love follows me in each life, so bear with the gloomy outlook I have on our chances this time around,” I grimaced.
The car came to a screeching halt on the side of road, almost giving me whiplash as my head jolted forward and my seatbelt tightened crushing my chest momentarily. My head slammed back against the headrest; leaving me dizzy and disoriented as I tried to understand what just took place. Immediately placing my hand against the back of my head to ensure everything was still intact; I horrifyingly looked over at Andrew; noticing he was perfectly unharmed and sat glaring in my direction. “What happened?”
“Haley, you’re absolutely correct in having doubts about this whole situation, but I cannot allow you to be so pessimistic about our chances. What happened centuries ago and your relationship with Braden and our chances this time cannot be compared with one another.”
There was a brief moment of silence as I watched his eyes eerily change from bright crimson red back to his usual beautiful emerald green.
“I was foolish centuries ago and trusted my family. I no longer have that trust for them. As I stated before, I will know when they’re near. And as for Braden, you admitted the love you felt was not genuine because you were hiding from your real feelings, so this situation cannot compare, correct?”
I closed my eyes, trying to gain insight in to my feelings. “What I feel for you cannot be compared to any other feeling I’ve ever experienced. I wasn’t speaking about Braden. He isn’t even a factor anymore. I don’t want to lose you or be away from you,” I admitted.
“Then why are you so doubtful?”
“I lost my mother, whom I loved dearly.” I began weeping uncontrollably.
He clutched my hand again. “I won’t die,” he whispered softly.
“You can’t guarantee that,” I challenged.
“I can guarantee my love, and I’ll do everything in my power to ensure our future together,” he breathed.
He continued to grip my hand as he pulled back onto the main road. The rest of the drive was silent as I processed everything that had occurred, not only tonight but also for the past few days.
We entered into the front gates of my house. “Will I see you tomorrow evening?” I asked dreading the time apart.
“Of course, we have class tomorrow night and a quiz,” he reminded.
“Oh yeah, I need to study.”
“I can give you all the answers,” he winked.
“No, I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“It just wouldn’t feel right.”
“Wow, you’re integrity is remarkable,” he said, softly brushing his hand along my cheek.
“Thanks,” I blushed. “We’ll see each other outside of class, right?”
“Yes, of course, there’s nothing I look forward to more.”
He carefully leaned in and pressed his warm, soft lips against mine. I reveled in the incredible feeling of our kiss. The sparks we both felt were reassuring that somehow, everything happening between us was meant to be.
“Tomorrow,” I breathed, touching his face one last time.
“Tomorrow.” He whispered back.
I carefully unlocked the front door, trying to be as quiet as possible. Glancing over in to the living room, I noticed my father still asleep on the couch. I tiptoed upstairs.
I was exhausted and ready for bed. Gently laying my head upon the soft, cool pillow, I stared up at the ceiling with thoughts of Andrew swirling around in my head. This feeling I had for him was very powerful, but another one was starting to creep in. It was the sick feeling that our time together would be limited, and I was positive that my death would be the reason. “The kiss of death,” I murmured one last time before closing my eyes.
Little White Lies
Wow, I figured you had died!” I heard a familiar, voice shout across the room.
My head shot up from its current resting place, the same laminate desk I loathed at the beginning of the school year was now somehow exciting and reassuring. Ryan was angrily heading my way.
“Hey.” It was all I could muster.
“That’s it?”
He slammed his books down on the desk behind me, and I reluctantly turned in his direction. “I’m sorry.”
“You ruined my Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning. I almost skipped class because I wasn’t sure I could handle seeing you tonight,” he hissed.
“Ryan, please don’t be mad,” I said calmly. Ryan’s anger was upsetting. I hated to see him like this.
“How’s your boyfriend?” he snarled.
“He isn’t my boyfriend.” No, he wasn’t—he was much more than that. He was truly my soul mate. I almost snickered at the thought of that phrase.
“Then what is he?”
“He’s just a friend, well sort of, if that even,” I lied horribly.
“What does that mean?”
“It means that he likes me, but I don’t feel the same way as he does.” More lies.
“Did he try to touch you? Because I’ll hurt him if he did,” he threatened.
Ryan had no idea what he was really up against or the fact that he wouldn’t survive such a fight. “No,” I snapped.
“Just making sure.” His voice lowered.
“Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”
“You took off with him while I was making you lunch, doesn’t that seem a bit rude?” he asked angrily.
I thought back to that day and instantly felt ashamed. “Sorry, he surprised me. I had no plans of leaving early until he showed up.”
“Were you supposed to see him later that day?” he asked still irritated.
“Yes, but not a date,” I insisted sternly.
“Why don’t I believe you?” His voice was sharp.
“I don’t know why,” I said, rolling my eyes, as I started to turn back toward the front of the room.
He grabbed my arm. “Stop—I’m sorry I’m being a jackass, but you hurt my feelings.”
I turned back around. “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings; that wasn’t my intention.”
“I know.”
We both stared at one another briefly, before I broke the silence. “What did you do the rest of the weekend?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.
“Not much, just played a few video games and watched football on Sunday. You?”
“Watched television with my dad and went to my mother’s grave.” My voice dropped.
“You did?”
“Yes,” I sighed heavily. “It was time to finally say goodbye.”
He lightly patted my shoulder. “I’m sure that was difficult, but necessary,” he said softly.
“Yes, it was,” I said looking down at my feet, not wanting to meet his stare. It had been difficult and necessary, but it was also a relief—my heart no longer ached as much.
“I understand now why you didn’t call,” he said compassionately.
“Yes,” I lied.
He did not need to know all the juicy details of my falling in love with a mystical creature with magical powers. I almost broke out in laughter just thinking about it how it sounded. I would surely be locked up if I were to ever speak of this.
“If you want to talk about it after class, let me know
, I’m free,” he offered.
I was tempted to say yes, just to ease his worries, but I was too eager to be close to Andrew once more. “I’d love to, but my dad wants to talk with me this evening.” I lied again.
“My mother.”
“Oh,” he sighed.
There was nothing he could say or do. He knew that my father and I needed this time. Just as I thought of it, I realized that my father and I really did need some time to talk, but it wouldn’t be tonight. Tomorrow at work would be the perfect time.
“Where’s the teacher?” he asked.
I quickly spun around in my seat to check the clock at the front of the classroom. It read 6:40. Andrew was never late. I reactively began biting my nails. “I don’t know,” I mumbled nervously.
“Did he quit?” he said hopeful.
“No,” I snapped back at him.
Imagining all the horrible things that might have happened to him, I ripped open my purse and began searching for my phone.
“Sorry I’m late,” Andrew’s voice boomed, stopping my fingers from dialing his number. Seeing his beautiful golden face, relief instantly washed over me.
He searched the room and smiled gently as our eyes met. I smiled back. I could feel my cheeks blushing. Class was going to be very long tonight with all the built up anticipation of being close to him later.
“We won’t be staying late this evening, probably not much past seven thirty.”
He glanced at me one last time before passing out our weekly quiz. Normally, he counted out each row of students passing that exact number to the head of the row, but tonight he walked by every student and handed theirs out individually. I was a little perplexed by his decision to do things differently, until he gently set my quiz before me. There was a note attached.
I’ve missed you all day and hopefully you’ve been paying attention to all my stories, since this quiz IS about me. I can’t wait to kiss your lips once more. I blushed again, quickly removing the note and sliding it into my pocket. I planned on cherishing those words forever. I picked up my pencil and began reading the questions. I had been paying attention, so the answers came easily. Holding up my paper and smiling, he retrieved my quiz and winked before returning to the front of the class.
After everyone handed in their paper, he began his lecture—I couldn’t concentrate. I glanced up at the clock several times, counting down the minutes until seven-thirty. I was relieved when class was finally dismissed.
“Good luck with your dad tonight,” Ryan said, standing by my desk.
“Thanks,” I smiled.
“Call me if you need to talk afterward,” he offered.
“All right.”
He stood there for a second, waiting to walk me out. “I have to talk to the teacher. I didn’t end things amicably the other night, and I want to apologize.” Lies, lies and more lies.
“I’ll wait outside,” he smiled and began walking.
“No, don’t, because my father’s picking me up.” I lied again.
“Okay,” he said with a hint of frustration.
I gently placed my head on the desk. I hated who I was becoming…a complete liar.
“You okay?” Andrew asked.
I slowly looked up. “I hate lying,” I sulked.
“I know,” he sighed heavily. “Your soul isn’t accustomed to this kind of behavior. I fear I’m damaging you,” he said stiffly.
“Really?” I gasped.
“No. I‘m only joking,” he said “You can tell Ryan that you and I are together, if that makes you feel better,” he offered.
“No way,” I said, shaking my head. “That would make things worse.”
“Why?” he asked sharply.
“Not because I don’t want anyone knowing, but because it would just cause unnecessary issues.”
“If you’re worried that I’d hurt him, I wouldn’t,” he assured.
“Why not?”
“I’d only hurt him if he tried to hurt you, not if he threatened or even threw a punch at me,” he explained. “I realize I could easily squash him in seconds, so his actions wouldn’t bother me.”
He was definitely right about the squashing part, and I was relieved that he would never lay a hand on Ryan. His power and confidence were definitely very appealing as my mind began to wander.
“Haley,” he called out, interrupting my drooling.
“Yes,” I said, shaking my head to clear those immoral thoughts.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, just relieved that you wouldn’t hurt Ryan,” I smiled nervously.
“I wouldn’t hurt anyone that you cared about.”
“Are you ready to go?” he asked, extending his hand.
“Sure,” I smiled, slightly torn about our alone time.
There were a few questions that lingered from last night’s confessions, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear the answers. However, knowing the truth was necessary, no matter how much it might sting.
“Do you have a list of questions for me?” he grinned.
“Why do you ask?” I asked, petrified that he really could read my mind.
He leaned his head down toward me. “After all of my revelations, I’m positive you have several more.”
“I do have a few,” I admitted.
“Good, I’m prepared to answer them all.”
We reached our cars. I slid inside and began following behind Andrew. My phone rang as I was beginning to disable the GPS as he had instructed last evening.
“Hello,” I answered quickly.
“Is everything all right?” My father’s voice was puzzled.
“Yes, Dad.”
“I came into your room and saw you sleeping, but I didn’t want to disturb you. You didn’t come into work today,” he noted.
“I wasn’t feeling up to it. Are you free tomorrow for a few hours?” I asked, trying to defer any further questioning of my feelings.
“Yes, anything for you, sweetie.” I could hear the smile in his voice.
“Lunch tomorrow?”
“Of course.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then,” I said, trying to end the conversation quickly.
“Are you coming home tonight?”
“Yes, later, but I’m meeting some friends. Class let out early, and I think hanging out with a few old friends will help,” I explained. I truly wasn’t lying. Andrew had said we had once known each other in a past life, so technically we were ‘old friends.’
“Okay, sweetie, have fun and be safe. I can’t wait for lunch tomorrow.” His voice seemed saddened, but relieved with my newfound ability to be back amongst society.
“See you then, Dad. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
I continued searching through my settings to disable the GPS. The ringing of my phone startled me slightly as I was just about to toss it inside of my purse.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Are we parking your car at your house?” Andrew asked.
“We can’t, my father’s home.”
He quickly took a right turn into a gas station and parked on the side of the building. I followed, parking right beside him. He swiftly appeared at my window.
“What did you tell your father?” he asked, casually scouting out the place.
“I told him I was going out with old friends from high school.”
“So you aren’t ready to tell him about me yet, right?”
“No, not because I care what he thinks,” I paused. “But he’s friends with Mr. Mitchell, and I’m afraid it might cause trouble.”
“That would definitely be a problem,” he agreed.
“We can park my car elsewhere,” I offered.
“No, we need to make it look like you’re at home. It’ll cause less suspicion.”
“What did one of these old friends look like?”
“Why?” I asked confused.
“I can’t mimic them exactly, but I can get close if you give me a few details.”
“Oh,” I murmured, now understanding he was preparing to change his appearance. “Well, it could be Ryan,” I said cautiously.
“No, it can’t be him.” His voice was sharp.
“I don’t really know what you’re asking.”
“Did you have an acquaintance in high school, someone not really well known by your father?”
“I guess,” I said, thinking back a few years.
After a few minutes, a person came to mind. “There’s someone that I hung out with a few times, but this person wasn’t from around here, so he wouldn’t know them. And they moved back to their hometown the last part of my senior year,” I explained without giving away that it was a girl.
“Great. What was their name and what did they look like.”
I inhaled deeply. “Her name was Angela, and she was my same height and weight and had long, dark brown hair with green eyes, I think. She was from Alabama and had a slight southern accent,” I recalled.
“Okay, I’ll come get you in about thirty minutes. I’ll be in a different vehicle.”
“Are you going to turn in to a woman?” I asked almost horrified.
“Yes, remember I can change my appearance,” he chuckled lightly.
“I remember,” I said uneasily.
“Everything will be all right. I’ll change back as soon as we get in to the car safely.”
“Fine,” I said, trying to imagine him as a woman. “Her name was Angela Catrell!” I shouted as he opened his door.
“Got it.” He smiled and slid effortlessly into his car. I sat in my car and watched him drive away. I had to get home and change my story with my father, before Andrew, or should I say Angela, arrived. I took a deep breath and put the car in reverse.
I shoved my key in the front door knob, anticipating my father’s questioning. The television was deafening as I entered the house. “Dad!” I shouted.
There was no response. I decided against parking my car in the garage, just in case anyone was spying on us, so they would assume I was at home.
I took a quick shower, only leaving fifteen minutes to get ready before Angela showed up. It was a façade that probably wasn’t necessary since my father was not home. I retrieved my cosmetic bag and applied my makeup as fast as I could. After pulling on a pair of jeans and a sweater, I lightly misted myself with perfume.
Discern (Discern Saga, Book #1) Page 21