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Aquamarine Page 14

by Terry Bolryder

  “You. You threatened my mate,” Mercury said, frowning as the sword drew nearer to Nilo.

  “I—didn’t want you involved. I warned you to go.”

  “So you’re the one who sent those men to attack me?” Mercury hissed.

  Nilo flinched. “Please, spare me. I’ve seen the true power of the Mercury family. I’ll never try anything again. I—”

  “I could kill you a hundred times for threatening Marina.” Mercury scowled, murder in his eyes.

  Instinctively, Marina came closer, and when he was almost within arm’s reach, Mercury looked over his shoulder at her. Immediately, his gaze softened slightly, the feral beast within calming a little.

  “Mercy! Please!” Nilo begged.

  “You don’t deserve it,” Mercury said, towering over him. The sword was right over Nilo’s heart now. The slightest movement would run him through. “But sometimes people get more than they deserve.”

  Marina had finally reached Mercury, and to her shock, his hand grabbed hers, entwining their fingers together. At first, his touch was cold. Then it warmed gradually, making her heart stir.

  Mercury turned to see her, his gaze vulnerable, not looking away from her for even a second.

  It felt like forever.

  Nilo, completely unaware of what was going on, scrabbled to his feet to run. But he didn’t make it very far when Lead was before him, towering and immovable. With a swift punch to the face, Nilo was sprawled out onto the dirt, unconscious.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time,” Lead remarked as the rest of the dragon guard joined him.

  “We’ll take care of this one,” Arsenic exclaimed, grabbing Nilo by his shirt and dragging him along.

  “From the looks of it, you two have some talking to do anyway,” Cadmium said with a grin and a wiggle of his eyebrows.

  “We’re forever in your debt,” Cobalt said. “And thank you also for that spectacular display of a lost power,” he added with fascination.

  Chromium just nodded.

  Mercury just stared at the dragons, still frowning, as he if he didn’t know what to make of them actually being nice to him.

  Lead grabbed Mercury’s hand and raised it as the winner, and Marina heard the entire stadium react.

  Mercury stared in shock all around him as the arena broke out in applause.

  He’d shown mercy only for Marina, because he wanted to be a better dragon for her. He didn’t care what the rest of these people thought. But looking around him at the faces finally staring at him with something other than hate, the little boy inside him couldn’t help but feel a bit of lost warmth coming back.

  Was this what he had wanted? Acceptance? People beside him all along?

  He had thought it was too late.

  But as Marina kept her hand in his, warm and reassuring, he realized all of this was real. The applause, Marina looking at him as though he were special, the dragon guard coming over and not acting like total douches.

  The announcer’s booming voice saying Mercury would be reinstated in society.

  Zinc’s pleased face from where he stood in the stands.

  Mercury sagged slightly as he released Marina’s hand so he could wrap his arm around her waist and pull her in tight against him.

  She looked up at him, seeming slightly dazed.

  “Are you all right? No one hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine, a little confused, but—”

  “About what?” Mercury said, focusing on her and ignoring the crowd. As if they were the only dragons in the universe.

  “Well, you said I couldn’t choose you. Now it’s like you went and decided everything the other way on your own. You didn’t even ask me.”

  He raised her hand to his lips, kissing it softly. “I want you. I was stupid. I want you to choose me. Will you?”

  She flushed deeply, red flooding her perfect cheeks. “Yes. But we are going to talk about this later, obviously,” she muttered, looking embarrassed. But before she could look away, his lips captured hers because he couldn’t wait another moment to claim her.

  After a lifetime of pain and worry and loneliness, of always being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he’d finally found something right. Something worth fighting for. Something worth facing the past and still trying hard to be better.

  Something more precious than anything in the world.

  He’d found love.

  “I love you, Marina,” he said, setting her down and pressing his forehead to hers. “And I’ll explain everything when we’re alone. Not only that, but I’ll make things right with the dragons on Earth. I’ll talk to your brothers, get ahold of the metal dragons. I promise I’ll do anything I can to make it right.”

  “I know,” Marina said. “And I’ll help.”

  “You already have. You softened my heart and let the poison out. And though I hated it at first, now I couldn’t imagine it any other way.” He sighed. “Do you think the other dragons will ever forgive me?”

  “Well, you did just save Drakkaris, so I think the dragons here will put in a good word for you. And as for the dragons on Earth, they didn’t even know it was you at first, and once they did, they were busy being happy with mates they wouldn’t even have met if it weren’t for you.”

  “But I could have hurt them—”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore what you did,” she said, taking his face in her hands and forcing him to look at her. “What matters is what happens now. What do you want to do?”

  “I want to take my beautiful mate back to her room and make things official,” he said gruffly. “I want to give you everything in the world. I want to make things so happy between us that all the troubles that come after will feel like nothing in comparison.”

  “I’d like that,” she said.

  “Me, too.”

  He picked her up, threw her over his shoulder, and ignored her playful struggles as she batted at his back. “Oh, come on. I still get to have a little fun, right?”

  She made a muffled snort. “Fine. But this doesn’t feel dignified.”

  “If you really want me to put you down, I will.”

  There was silence at that, and he laughed and started walking for the exit to the arena. Despite her protests, he knew Marina liked it when he showed her he wanted her. After how confusing he’d been, he didn’t blame her.

  But once he got her back to her room, once he was free to show her how he felt, to be with her without holding back or feeling like it was the last time, she would no longer have any doubts. They were meant to be together. That was all there was to it.

  With a wave at the crowd and the rest of the dragon guard, Mercury walked out of the arena to go claim his mate and start the rest of his life.

  Chapter 18

  “Wait a second,” Marina said, struggling slightly as Mercury pressed her into the bed, placing kisses in the crook of her neck and shoulder, making her shudder. “You said you were going to explain.”

  “I know,” he said. “I’m sorry. I’m going to.” He sat back, looking down with a sigh.

  Her heart was pounding, and she wasn’t trying to hurt him, but she needed to know more before she went on.

  “What made you change your mind? This was all so fast,” she said. “You really hurt me last night.”

  “I know,” he said. “I can’t seem to do anything right in regard to you. Until today that is. And that was only with Lead’s help.”

  “His help?” she asked, letting out a little yelp as Mercury leaned forward and kissed her neck again.

  “Yes,” Mercury said. “He decided to pretend to be dishonorable to provoke me. It worked.”

  “What did he say?”

  “It doesn’t bear repeating,” Mercury said. “But that’s all right. It helped me come to my senses.” He sat back, looking at her with glowing, silver eyes that were finally focused on her with nothing but love. “Though, I think I would have anyway, once you picked him and he tried to carry you
off. The thought of any man’s hands on you sends me into a rage I can’t contain.”

  “You contained it today when you didn’t kill Nilo.”

  Mercury’s eyes darkened. “Only because you were no longer in danger. I still want to kill him for trying to take you away.”

  She laughed, reaching up to touch his face. “It’s fine now. I’m fine.”

  “I know,” he said, giving her a look that was so gentle that she realized he really was changed. “So is that it, then? Do I get to take you?”

  “You already have me,” she said. “Then again, you already knew that.” As he pinned her back again, she let out a little growl. “But why do you always get to be in control? Marina, I don’t want you. Marina, I do want you, blah, blah—”

  He cut her off with a laugh, surprisingly amused and lighthearted for some reason. He folded his arms and looked down at her with a grin. “So what, you want control, dragon princess?”

  She swatted at him. “Don’t call me that name.”

  He leaned over her and whispered in her ear, “Okay, princess.”

  With a little hiss, she let him have it. She quickly raised her hips, knocking him off balance so he fell onto the bed. Then she quickly came on top of him, straddling him with her hips and pinning him down. Her hands pinned his above him, and she let him feel her strength, the reminder that she was also a dragon.

  He stared at her for a minute, shocked, and then a grin curved his lips. “I have no problem with this, lady dragon.”

  She grimaced. “That’s worse.”

  “Marina,” he said, his tone growing serious. “Marina, what do you want?”

  “You,” she said. “I’ve just wanted you.” She ran frustrated hands over his chest. “But I just want to know that I’m done struggling for it.”

  He reached up and cupped her cheeks, a pained look in his eyes. “I’m sorry you ever did struggle for it. But just so you know, you were always the one in control. You’ve always had me around your finger, from the moment you came to my cell. Every day, you were all I could think of. I just wanted to see you, though I knew I had no right. When Silver’s sword pierced my chest, I think it released some of his purifying power. I was changing even while I was locked up. But no matter how much I tried to be better, I never for a moment felt I deserved a treasure like you.”

  She nodded softly, fighting back tears once again. He wiped them away with his thumb.

  “I never wanted to hurt you at all,” he said. “I didn’t want to take your choice away. I knew you wanted me, but I didn’t understand how deeply you cared, that I could hurt you by pulling away. I’ve never been loved in my whole life, Marina. How was I supposed to believe I could be loved by an angel like you?”

  “Dragon,” she said, her voice tight with emotion.

  “Dragon,” he said, stroking her cheek. “Even better.” He reached up and pulled her down against him, hugging her to his chest as she quietly wept. “Why is it that I finally gave you what you wanted and now you’re sad?”

  “I’m not crying because I’m sad. I’m crying because I’m happy.”

  “That makes no sense. You cry too much.”

  “Water dragon,” she said with a laugh. Then she finally contained herself and sat up on him. His hips and abs were hard beneath her soft thighs, and she loved the feel of him. The dragon inside her was pacing, waiting.

  Waiting for her mate.

  “Are you ready?” she asked.

  “For you to be in control? Maybe. Is there going to be rope? I’m not sure how I feel about that—”

  She flushed. “No. I just want you the regular way. I just want us to be together.”

  He nodded. “That’s what I want, too.”

  Moments later, they were together on the bed, side by side, clothing shed so they were naked, looking into each other’s eyes. Marina felt nervous despite the fact that they’d already done so much together.

  Still, this was something new.

  His hand dipped between her legs, playing at her entrance. He smiled and used his other hand to pull her in for a kiss, still keeping them side by side but angling them together so they would fit. She could feel his hard length. She’d never tried this position, but it felt right, looking into each other’s faces, accommodating one another carefully. They threaded their legs together so they could get close, and as he kissed her shoulder, licking and nipping while his hand played at her clit, she knew she was already ready.

  Her body just knew him, went from zero to a hundred in seconds just at the thought of being his.

  He’d fought for her today. He’d been her warrior, and then he’d given her his heart.

  She couldn’t wait to get the very last thing he could give. His hand reached down to cup her hips, lifting her slightly so he could position himself at her entrance.

  His other hand cupped her face, his eyes boring into hers as he slowly began to enter.

  She moved toward him, exquisite sensation filling her as he came all the way inside. With his member stretching her, his legs entwined with hers, his hands holding her gently, she couldn’t have felt more at peace.

  Totally one with him.

  She began the movement this time, closing her eyes against the exquisite pleasure that bordered on pain it was so strong. At this angle, he was pushing her toward the edge more quickly than ever before, and she wasn’t sure how long she could last.

  His hand came up lazily to play at her breast, flicking her nipple, and she gasped, opening her eyes.

  “That’s right. Look at me, princess.” He shook his head. “Look at me, Marina.”

  She smiled. He was so handsome with those silver eyes, that gorgeous hair, those perfect, roguish features that it practically hurt to look at him. But it was a hurt she could bear. “Okay.”

  “Are you all right?” he asked, looking between them as he continued to gently move.

  She nodded.

  “I haven’t tried it like this, but I wanted to. I wanted to know you’re in control with me. That we’re here together. I’m not pushing you down.”

  She nodded, loving the lazy movement as he stroked the fire inside her to an unbearable peak.

  “Of course, I’m sure there will be plenty of pushing you down later,” he said, leaning in for a kiss.

  His tongue stroked deep, echoing the movements of his body, and she felt totally overwhelmed, owned by him despite his position.

  “That’s okay,” she said breathlessly when they finally pulled apart. “I like a dominant dragon.”

  He grinned at that and began to move faster, and she gasped as the intensity she hadn’t thought could get any stronger increased.

  “Oh, Mercury,” she said, burrowing her head in his shoulder. “Don’t stop.”

  “Look at me, Marina,” he said, pushing her gently back. “I want to see your beautiful eyes. I want to know how you’re feeling.”

  She shook her head, burrowing against him again and letting out a moan as he stroked deep inside her, setting off little sparks. Her hands clutched into his back, digging deep. “You can tell how I’m feeling… either way… can’t you?” Her breath was coming in gasps as she fought against her pleasure, wanting to make it last as long as possible.

  He chuckled and nodded. “All right. But I’m going to look at you when you come. That moment when you become mine, I’m going to look into your eyes.”

  “That’s fine.” She gasped. “As long as you never stop doing this to me.”

  “Never,” he said. “For the rest of our lives, you’re all mine.” His voice was hoarse now, and he thrust hard, retreating and returning in a rush of energy that was building all around them, not to mention inside her.

  She could sense the same from him, see the tension in his hard, muscular body. Finally, finally, she would see him lose control and feel it deep inside her.

  “Mercury,” she murmured, pulling back to look at him in a daze because she was too close. “I can’t hold back any longer.”

  He kissed her nose, his body warm and sweaty and completely mingled with hers. “Go then, sweetheart, and I’ll join you.”

  His words were so gentle, so unexpected, that she fell over the edge without meaning to, right into a screaming orgasm that overtook her whole body from the inside out. She felt her dragon roar and felt Mercury jerk, still inside her, calling out her name as he found his own release.

  It was intense feeling his warm, hard length pulsing inside her as she came, rippling around him, but she loved it. She wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he rasped, kissing her mouth deeply as they both continued to come. He thrust the whole time, through both their releases, and she felt helpless to the dragon inside, the one who was triumphant now that she was finally mated.

  “I love you, Marina. I’ll protect you forever.” He pulled back and kissed her forehead gently, then slumped against her, finally content.

  She smiled and stroked his hair. “I love you, too, Mercury. I think I did from the moment I met you.”

  He jerked, looking at her in surprise before a smile broke out over his face and he curled in around her again, hugging her close for a few moments more.

  Once they cleaned up and were back in bed, Mercury spooned her from behind, and she was still trapped tightly in his arms as he fell asleep, snoring lightly.

  She smiled, feeling his chest rise and fall against her back. Not surprising that he was tired after fighting so hard.

  She had fought for him, too, in a much different way. But it was significant all the same. And it made sense because all the dragons on Earth had to fight for their mates in one way or another.

  And she was, above all, a dragon.


  “Wait. My sister what?” Kai was on his feet at the oracle’s words, while Seaton stayed in his chair, though his hands gripped the arms tightly.


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