McCarthy, Joseph, 3
McCoy, Alfred W., 207, 209
McGehee, Daniel, [vi], 46, 69, 92, 144, 163, 165, 174, 191
McGehee, Jean, [vi], 20-21, 44-46, 68-69, 92, 144, 177, 191
McGehee, Norma, [vi], 17-22, 31-32, 44-46, 64-69, 75, 92, 110, 124, 144, 147, 160, 165, 174, 176-177, 191
McGehee, Peggy, [vi], 20-21, 44-46, 66, 68-69, 92, 110, 144, 161, 191
McGehee, Ralph W. (father), 1
McGehee, Ralph W., Jr.
acknowledgements, [viii]
reasons for writing book, ix-xiii
childhood, youth, college, 1-2
as football coach, 2
recruited by CIA, 2-3
goes to Washington, D.C., 3-4
processed by CIA, 4-7
CIA orientation, 7-10
basic operations training, 10-11
paramilitary training at Camp Peary, 11-16
in Japan with China operations group, 17, 20-22, 31-32
secrecy agreement and effect on family, 17-21, 32, 45-46, 66-69
son Scott born, 31-32
in Philippines, 32-33
back at HQ (1956-1958), 34-43
as case officer in Taiwan, 44-53, 64
at HQ (1961), 54-56, 63-65
goes to Thailand, 66-80
at HQ (Thai desk), 81-86
back in Thailand, 87-116
illness, 92-95
assigned to Taiwan, 114-115
assignment cancelled, 117
at HQ (1967-1968), 117-124
in Vietnam, 125-128, 141-159
growing disillusionment with CIA, 144-148, 159, 171-172
seeks other jobs, 147, 160-162
home visitation, 147-148
in Thailand, 163-177
back pains and operation, 175-177
final assignment at HQ, 178-191
awarded Career Intelligence Medal, 191
secrecy agreement and this book, 196-203
El Salvador article cited, 206, 210
McGehee, Scott, [vi], 31-32, 42-46, 69, 76, 92, 110, 144, 161, 163-165, 174-175, 191
McLean, Virginia, 85, 118
McNamara, Robert, 64
Maddox (U.S. destroyer), 139
Mae Rim, Thailand, 79
Mafia, the, 58
Magsaysay, Ramon, 26
mail drop, 11, 212 (defined)
Malaya, 99, 170
mailbox operation in, 99, 101
Malaysia, 187, 191
Mandate for Change (Eisenhower), 208
Mao Tse-tung, 9, 25, 50, 70, 118, 129, 183, 186
Marchetti, Victor, 5, 35, 63, 141, 196, 202, 204, 206, 209-210
Marks, John D., 5, 35, 141, 196, 202, 204-206, 209-210
Marshall Plan, 1
Martin, Ambassador Graham, 109
Marxist-Leninist movement, 120
Mary (teenager in Bangkok), 163-164
Mary knoll seminaries, 131
mass media, 28, 30-31
massacres, 57-58, 141, 200
May Day (1953), 17
Mayerfeld, Ernest, 197-198
medical examination, 5
Mekong River, 64
Meo, the
see Hmong, the
Michigan State University, 134
Middle East
CIA operations in, 28, 190, 194
see also specific countries
Miskito Indians, 174, 193
mobile strike forces, 84
Mobutu, Joseph, 60
“Moe, Jimmy” (case officer), 13-14, 16, 47, 83, 174
Moline, Illinois, 1
Montgomery County, Maryland police trained by CIA, 63
Montgomery Ward, 2, 18
Monthly Order of Battle Summaries (MACV), 136
Mossadegh, Mohammed, 28
Mount Fuji, Japan, 21
MPLA, 60
“Munson, Mr.” (head of personnel pool), 4-7
N-1 (Stockwell’s agent), 171
nai amphur, 100-103, 111, 213 (defined)
Nam Tha, Laos, 64
napalm, ix, 80
Nation, The, 57, 206, 210
National Alliance of Democratic
Forces, Vietnam, 138
National Liberation Front of South
Vietnam, 135-137, 147
national security, 196, 201, 203
national security advisors, U.S., 80, 139, 171
National Security Council, U.S., 8, 64, 131, 136, 194, 213 (defined)
National Student Association, 30, 62
NATO, 120
Nelson, Craig, 210
Nelson, William E., 121-122, 147-148
New Jersey, 131
New York City, 30
CIA operations in, 61, 63
police trained by CIA, 63
New York State, 131
New York Times, 3, 180, 197, 199, 206-207, 209
Index, 199
news services, 31, 189
Newsweek, 206, 210
Ngo Dinh Diem, 26, 126, 130-135, 138-139, 152, 155-156
Ngo Dinh Nhu, 134
Nguyen Cao Ky, 139, 156
Nguyen Van Thieu, 128, 150, 153, 155-156, 188
CIA operations in, 174, 193
1984 (Orwell), 184
Nixon, Richard M., 25, 62, 120
Normal Park Presbyterian Church, Chicago, 18
Notre Dame Magazine, 208
nuclear explosion, India, 189
Office of Strategic Services see OSS
Official Disclosure Law, U.S., 197
Official Secrets Act, U.K., 203
CIA base in, 21
opium, 26, 76, 78-79, 163
OPS, 200
Orwell, George, 184, 187
OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 12, 29, 130, 213 (defined)
Osyka, Mississippi, 1
Pacific Corporation, 27
Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, 28, 193
Panmunjom, Korea, 3
Pao Tou, China, 119
Pathet Lao, 64, 83, 169
see also communist movements – in Laos
Pattalung Province, Thailand, 90, 96
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 42
Pentagon Papers, The, 26, 69, 129, 133, 135, 193, 197-198, 208-209
People’s Action Teams, Thailand, 107-108, 111-112
People’s Action Teams, Vietnam, 139, 213 (defined)
People’s Progressive Party, Guyana, 59
People’s Revolutionary Party, Vietnam, 135-137
personality profile, 6-7
CIA operations in, 59
Peyton, John, 196
Phao Siyanon, 26
Philippines, the
CIA operations in, 26, 32-33, 187, 202
communist movement in, 187
Huk insurgency in, 26
McGehee in, 32-33
Phillips, David Atlee, 200-201
Phoenix program, 141-143, 213 (defined)
Phoumi Nosavan, 64
Phu Phan mountain range, Thailand, 100
Pickering, Larry, 71
Pike Committee, 189
Pike, Douglas, 128, 138, 142, 208-209
PKI (Communist Party of Indonesia), 57-58
Plutonium plant, China, 119
poison dart gun, 190
CIA operations in, 24
Polgar, Tom, 188
CIA training of, 60, 63, 102, 134, 138
see also specific countries
Police Aerial Reconnaissance Unit, 26, 58, 69, 169, 213 (defined)
Polish Freedom Movement, 24
Polish security forces, 24
political parties, 24
Portrait of a Cold Warrior (Smith), 208
CIA operations in, 24, 189
Praphat Carusathien, 72, 87, 109
Praphat-Thanom clique, 111-112
President, U.S., 171, 190, 192-194
presidential campaign, U.S. (1964), 61
President’s War (Austin),
Projectile Operation, 150-157
prostitutes, 190
Puerto Rico
CIA operations in, 61
Qaddafi, Muammar, 193, 210
Quemoy Island, 25, 46-47, 50
Race, Jeffrey, 208
radio codes, 11
Radio Free Europe, 23-24
radio interception, 39
Radio Liberty, 23
Ramparts, 61, 205, 208
RAND Corporation, 135
rape, 132
Ratner, Michael, [vi]
Ray, Ellen, [vi]
Reagan administration, 201
Reagan, Ronald, xi, 193-194, 203
reclassification, 201
Red Lahu, the, 70
red scare, 3
“Red Sox/Red Cap,” 24
religion, 9-10
resistance movements, 13, 24, 46
Reston, Virginia, Regional Library, 199
retired police officers, 160
Reuther, Walter, 30
Revolutionary Development Teams, Vietnam, 139
revolutionary movements, 56
see also communist movements
Rhodes Scholar, former, 40
rich Americans, 194
RIF (reduction in force), 54-55
riots, 59, 200
Robbins, Christopher, 205, 207
Rolling Stone, 205
Rolling Thunder Operation, 140
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 12
Roosevelt, Kermit, 205
Ropes of Sand: America’s Failure in the Middle East (Eveland), 205
Rositzke, Harry, 28, 204-205, 207
Ross, Thomas B., 204
CIA operations in, 24
Saigon, Vietnam, 38-40, 50, 125-127, 131, 133-134, 141-142, 145-146, 158, 160, 188
sainthood, 132
Saiyut Kerdpol, 109-110, 116
Sakorn Nakorn Province, Thailand, 109, 167-168, 211
“Sam” (McGehee’s colleague in Thailand), 74, 91-92
Sammy (McGehee’s gardener), 21
San Francisco, California, 30
San Juan, Puerto Rico
CIA operations in, 61
Sarit Thanarat, 71-72
satellites, 41-42
photography from, 119
Saturday Evening Post, 205
Schaap, William, [vi]
Scheer, Robert, 208
Schilling, Paul, 200-201
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 208-209
Schlesinger, James, 179
Scott, Peter Dale, 209
Scott, Walter, 4
Sea Supply Company, Thailand, 26, 214 (defined)
search and destroy missions, 141
see CIA – secrecy agreement; Executive Order 12065 Executive Order 12356 reclassification
secret writing, 11
security clearances, 34-41, 196, 202
Senate, U.S.
Armed Services Committee, 205, 207
Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, 206; see also Church Committee Report
Subcommittee on Internal Security, 3
Seoul, Korea, 21
Seventh Day Adventist Hospital,
Bangkok, 93-95, 175
sex, 5, 13
Shackley, Ted, 146, 149, 153, 156-158, 175, 178, 185-188
Shan State Independence Army, 70
Siberia, 9
Sihanouk, Norodom, 58
Sinatra, Nancy, ix
Singapore communists, 187
Sino-Soviet split, 183
Sirikhit, Queen, 76, 87
Sklar, Zachary, [vi]
Smith, Joseph B., 208
“Smith, Mr.” (orientation instructor), 8-10
Snepp, Frank, 84, 207
Soldier Reports, A (Westmoreland), 209
“Somboon, Lieutenant” (in Thailand), 101, 103-106, 110-111, 173
“Song, Captain” (in Thailand), 70
South Africa
CIA operations in, 60
South Korean paramilitary troops, 25
Southeast Asia, 70, 92, 203
CIA operations in, 56-58, 190
see also specific countries
Southeast Asia Military Fact Book (DIA/JCS), 136
Soviet Ukraine
CIA operations in, 24
Soviet Union, 9, 23-24, 41, 56, 120, 183, 194
army, 189
CIA intelligence collection on, 62
CIA mail surveillance on, 30
communism of, 8-10
nuclear capability, 192
Sputnik 1 (satellite), 41
Stalin, Joseph, 9-10
State Department, U.S., 3, 59, 71, 109, 127, 174, 180, 186
White Paper on El Salvador, 182, 193
White Papers on Vietnam, 139-140, 181, 193
Stavins, Ralph, 209
Stern, Sol, 205, 208
Stewart, Gordon, 175-176
Stockwell, John, 171, 206, 210
strategic hamlet program, Vietnam, 138
strikes, 59
Sub Rosa: The CIA and the Uses of Intelligence (de Silva), 119, 198, 208
Subic Bay, the Philippines, 32-33, 39
Suharto, General, 57
Sukarno, Achmed, 27, 57, 193
Supreme Court, U.S., 197, 203
surveillance photography, 29
surveillance techniques, 11
Syria, 189
CIA operations in, 28
Taipei American School, 46
Taipei, Taiwan, 43-47, 50, 64
CIA operations in, 21, 25-26, 46-50, 166, 181, 202
CIA station in, 21, 44-53, 114-115, 166
CIA station chief (Cline) in, 51-52
Eisenhower’s visit (1960) to, 50
intelligence service, 44, 46-50, 64
McGehee in, 44-53, 63
McGehee assigned to, 114-115
McGehee’s assignment cancelled, 117
Western Enterprises Company, 25-26, 214 (defined)
Taiwanese, 51-52
Tan San Nhut airport, Saigon, 125
telephone books, 37
Tet offensive (1968), 125, 128, 138, 143, 158, 189
Border Patrol Police, 26, 69, 87, 169-170, 200, 211 (defined)
Border Security Volunteer Teams, 69
Census Aspiration Cadre, 107, 111-112
CIA district surveys in, 101-116, 121-124, 142, 172-173, 183-184
CIA operations in, 25-26, 58, 69-116, 121-124, 142, 165-177, 183-184, 187, 197-200
CIA station in, 66, 71-75, 81, 86, 89
Civilian, Police, Military (CPM), 87-88, 101-102, 108, 112, 116, 211 (defined)
communist movement in, 87-92, 95-116, 121-124, 165-173, 187
Communist Suppression Operations Command, 87-88, 102, 109-110, 211 (defined)
coup d’état (1976) in, 200
farmers in, 166
intelligence service, 88-89, 98
International School of Bangkok in, 92, 110, 163
Joint Security Centers in, 101, 212 (defined)
language of, 73, 86, 173
McGehee in, 66-80, 87-116, 163-177
mercenaries in, 57
military, 87, 90, 108, 170, 172-173
people of, 75-76, 80, 166
People’s Action Teams, 107-108, 111-112
police, 26, 58, 69, 87, 90, 95-116, 168-170, 172-173, 198, 200, 213
Police Aerial Reconnaissance Unit, 26, 58, 69, 169, 213 (defined)
press in, 167-168
Remote Area Security Program, 69
Sea Supply Company, 26, 214 (defined)
Special Branch, 87
students in, 200
U.S. Embassy in, 67, 214
Volunteer Defense Corps, 107
see also Communist Party of Thailand
Thailand Independence Movement, 86
Thammasat University, Bangkok, 200
Thanom Kittikachorn, 72, 87
d World, 194
CIA propaganda operations in, 28
see also specific countries
Third World revolutionaries, 187
Thirty Years of Struggle of the Party (Lao Dong Party), 208
“Thompson, Charles” (records task force head), 40-41
Three Great Books (Dooley), 208
CIA operations in, 27
secret base for training Tibetan guerrillas in Colorado, 27
Tidewater, Virginia, 12
Tilden Technical High School, Chicago, 1
Time magazine, 3
Tokyo, Japan, 17
“Tom” (McGehee’s colleague in Taiwan), 44, 50
“Tom” (McGehee’s boss in Vietnam), 145, 149-150
Tonkin Gulf (Winchy), 209
torture, 103, 105-106, 126-127, 194
training films, 5, 8
Truscott, Lucian, 24
Truth is the First Casualty (Goulden), 209
Tu Do Street, Saigon, 126
Tully, Andrew, 205-206
Turkey, 9, 189
Turner, Robert F., 209
Turner, William, 206
U-2 spy plane, 29
Udorn, Thailand, 109, 115, 172
Undercover (Hunt), 202
United Auto Workers, 30
United Kingdom, 21, 24, 99, 203
United Nations, 190
United States
Armed Forces Radio, 146
Army, 59, 128, 133, 190
CIA mail surveillance operation in, 30
CIA operations in, 27, 29-31, 60-63, 182
CIA training of Tibetan guerrillas in Colorado, 27
Huynh Van Trong’s visit, 151, 155
Information Agency, 127, 146, 180
invasion of Cambodia, 58
Marine Corps, 16, 140, 145, 164, 181, 190
military, 17, 140-142, 149, 163-164, 180, 183-184
Military Assistance Command in Thailand, 64
Military Assistance Command in Vietnam, 127, 136, 139
military – Fifth Field Hospital, Bangkok, 164, 175-177, 181
military police, 125
Navy, 5, 12, 51, 132, 190
police training by CIA, 63
press in, 167, 180-182, 189
sends troops to Thailand, 64
Special Forces, 138
use of atomic weapons discussed, 132
see also specific cities and states
United States Security Policy and Aid to the Thailand Police (Lobe), 204-206, 210
United States Vietnam Relations 1945 (Defense Department) see Pentagon Papers, The
University of Dayton Flyers, 2, 18
University of Notre Dame, 1-3, 18, 118, 172
Unmasking the CIA (Chawin), 207, 209
CIA operations in, 60
Valium, 177
Van Khien, 157
vices, 35
Vienna, Virginia, 45
“Viet Cong” strength, 127, 135-138, 140, 184-185
Viet Cong: The Organization and Techniques of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (Pike), 128
Viet Minh, 129-132, 170
see also Vietnam – communist movement in
Vietnam, 109, 114, 116, 161, 164, 179, 183
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