Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3)

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Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3) Page 7

by Melville, J. A

  With the distractions going on around him it was hard to concentrate on Fabian but no one ignored his sire, so he fought to get his mind on the questions he was being asked and off the blood bodies sitting nearby.

  “I don’t know sire. When would you wish to meet with her? I haven’t gone out to her the last few nights when she’s walked the old lady’s dog. I worry that she will turn me down and I don’t want her to turn me down before she’s given me the full week.”

  “It does amaze me how much this girl is getting to you. I have not seen you do much hunting lately. Are you feeding properly? You will become weak if you don’t feed. It would be unwise to allow yourself to become depleted when you intend taking this girl out on the weekend.” Fabian warned him. “Keeping what we are a secret must always be your priority. I would be displeased if you risked exposure for our family. Allowing yourself to become too hungry could make you sloppy. Your fangs might show at the worst possible time or you’ll feed too long. You don’t want to risk frightening this woman off that you want so much.”

  “I won’t do that sire.” Lucian stood and began to pace restlessly. “Tomorrow, how about we join her on her walk tomorrow? I can’t go out to her tonight. Not like this. I need to feed and those humans make me hungry.” He slammed his hand against the wall as his frustration grew and howled in pain when the skin split and began to bleed. “Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” He yelled and turned towards the women with Damien. “Give me one of them. I can’t handle this any longer. I need blood, I need to fuck.”

  Francesca walked into the living room, her hair slightly mussed and her eyes glowing. She smelled of sex and that just pissed off Lucian even more.

  “Fuck all of you; rubbing it in my fucking face that everyone’s getting laid except for me. Well fuck it, not tonight. Give me one Damien or I will just take one.” He warned and reached out for a tall skinny black haired woman. His blood brother’s arm fell away from her and he gave him a barely decipherable nod of his head to show that it was ok. Lucian immediately dragged her to her feet, tossing her over his shoulder and stalked out of the room.

  He didn’t bother taking her to his room, nor the communal room. He simply carried her into the large guest bathroom, slamming the door behind him. He deposited the woman on the vanity unit, hastily unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down until his cock was free, standing up hard in front of him, the overhead lights shining off his piercings.

  He pushed the woman’s dress up to her hips, tugged her panties down her legs, while she sat, watching him. She was a little vague, but not completely under mind control, as her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw his cock. He snickered to himself at her expression. It was probably the piercings but right now, he didn’t give a shit, he just wanted to be inside that cunt of hers.

  With a growl he lowered his fangs and bit into her neck, hearing her cry out. As he took his first mouthful of her warm blood he lunged forward, burying his shaft inside her, feeling her damp heat close around him snuggly. God she was tight, deliciously fucking tight. He pulled his fangs from her groaning at the vice like grip she had on him. It was incredible to have his cock inside a nice warm human cunt but he knew he wasn’t going to last long. Not that he had to anyway. This woman was nothing more than a vessel to him; somewhere for him to make a deposit. His only intention when it came to her was to fill her up with his cum then hand her back to his brother.

  As the pressure began to build in him with every desperate thrust, he dug his fingers harder into her hips to hold her steady. Faster and faster he fucked her, until he was slamming into her so hard, the room was filled with the sound of his flesh slapping against hers.

  Momentarily he faltered, his movements suddenly jerky and uncoordinated, his balls drawing up hard against his body, and with a loud growl that sounded more like a snarl, he started to come, pumping into her, filling her. Even once he’d flooded her with his release, he continued to thrust, unable to stop.

  Again he latched onto her neck and fed hungrily, hearing her cry out and come too, her muscles gripping him hard. In his highly sensitised state, the feel of her squeezing along his length with that tight little cunt, was enough to push him over the edge again. Lucian threw back his head and yelled as he slammed hard into her once, twice, a third time, his body jerking and convulsing as he came again.

  When the quivering through his limbs finally eased, he pulled out of her, wiped up his cum that trickled from her and helped her back into her panties. He threw her over his shoulder again and carried her out to the living room, shooting a warning glance at Francesca when she opened her mouth to say something. Lucian knew it would be something smart, it always was with her and he really wasn’t in the mood.

  He may have just fed and fucked but the familiar empty feeling was setting in again. It should have been her, he wanted her; the thoughts of Arissa brought the frustration to the surface in him again, as he dumped the woman back on the lounge alongside of Damien, and with barely a glance into Fabian’s knowing eyes, he stormed from the room.

  “Fuck you Luc, she’s dripping all over the fucking lounge you dirty bastard. Couldn’t you have at least cleaned her up? I don’t want your sloppy seconds.” Damien called but Lucian never hesitated, not stopping until he was in his room and could close the door behind him.

  He’d just dropped onto his bed when he heard a quiet knock at the door. “Fuck off!” He called out.

  “It’s me Lucian, can I please come in?” Sirene’s voice was muffled by the thick wooden door but it was her voice.

  Damn her, he couldn’t tell her to fuck off. They all loved her. She’d brought about such a transformation in their sire since she’d been in his life. “Come in.” He said almost wearily and turned as she stepped into his room.

  She walked over and sat down on his bed, putting out a hand to rest on his knee. “What is wrong? Fabian has told me about the girl over the road and I understand she’s not falling for your natural charm.” She grinned and he couldn’t help the reluctant smile that curved his lips at her comment.

  “I have tried for weeks with her and nothing. I did kiss her a few nights ago and she seemed to be liking it, I think but when I pulled her closer she freaked out and ran home. I’ve asked her to come out with me on Saturday night but I doubt she will. I’ve done everything I can to persuade her but she’s still timid, like a wild animal and she panics if she’s cornered. I don’t know what to do.” He sighed.

  “Do you love this woman?” Sirene asked and Lucian snorted.

  “No Sirene. I don’t know her to love her but I am drawn to her. She makes me feel things I’ve never felt before, but it’s not love. I want her so badly and I like her very much, but it’s not just because she’s driving me crazy with the need to fuck her, it’s simply that I enjoy being around her.”

  “Fabian tells me you have asked this young woman to come out with you on the weekend. She obviously has not agreed to do so?” She gave him a questioning look and he nodded. “I know my impatient vampire likes to interfere at times but he has told you he wishes to meet this girl and so would I. Would you like me to cast a spell upon her so she is more, how shall we say it.” She tapped her chin with a long fingernail. “So she is more accommodating.”

  Lucian catapulted upright at her suggestion. “NO!” He said vehemently before sagging back against his pillows. “No, I want her to want me preferably without witchcraft or mind control. I just hope I have the patience to wait, because she is really testing my self-control and I’m tired of being frustrated and resorting to fucking women I don’t really want.”

  “Oh Lucian.” Sirene’s expression was sympathetic. “We will go and meet this woman tomorrow and see what it is that troubles her. Fabian suspects it has something to do with her father.”

  “It does, she mentions her father quite a bit but he sounds like a control freak; he has lied to her to keep her under his wing and not allow her to grow and mature I think.”

  “Hmm, I know, Fabian h
as told me.” Sirene stood up. “I will leave you now as Fabian and I need to go and feed. We will wait and see what tomorrow brings.” She smiled at him and left the room, leaving Lucian to his thoughts.

  Chapter Six


  For what felt like the hundredth time I wiped the palms of my hands down the front of my jeans as I walked slowly and nervously up the driveway of the creepy looking sprawling home where Lucian lived. How on earth had I let Daisy talk me into this when I could have just waited to see if Lucian came out to walk with me? ‘He hasn’t come out to walk with you since the night he kissed you.’ The little voice inside me pointed out.

  I stared up at the imposing looking house and felt my heart hammering behind my rib cage. What was wrong with me? I was just going to knock on the neighbour’s door and speak to the neighbour after all. No big deal really. I shivered, no big deal? I was crazy for doing this and even crazier for letting Daisy talk me into it.

  The front door left me in awe. It looked like it was made of steel or something. Steel, did people really have steel front doors? Well apparently Lucian’s home did.

  I stood staring at it for a moment wondering how much it was going to hurt to knock on it and how effective that would be anyway. It was steel, I could probably stand there all night knocking on it and no one would hear me. It was a big house.

  I finally noticed what I presumed to be a doorbell to one side and just as I was about to press the button, suddenly the door flew open and I squealed in shock, leaping backwards until my back hit the timber railing of the verandah.

  A tall insanely good looking man stood there, shock registering in his beautiful green eyes. As he watched me, the surprise finally left his face and a slow smile spread across his handsome features.

  “Well hello there gorgeous.” He stepped towards me and I looked behind me briefly, contemplating doing a backwards flip over the handrail but although not a huge drop, it was unlikely I’d make it without hurting myself. “Let me guess, you heard about what it’s like with me and you’ve come to find out for yourself?”

  I stood staring up at him, nervously licking my lips as he advanced on me. “Please, no, don’t touch me.” I cried my voice cracking. I felt tears burning at the backs of my eyes and fortunately that was enough to stop him coming towards me, frown lines appearing on his forehead.

  “Shit, relax girl. I’m just messing with you. I’m Damien. Who have you come to see?”

  “I…I…where’s Lucian…I need to speak with him.” I stammered. This man like Lucian was insanely good looking, just a few years older by the looks of things. He was tall, broad across the shoulders and well-built too, from what I could see of him.

  A look appeared in Damien’s green eyes. “Are you Arissa, the woman from over the road?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I am.” I whispered and watched a smile spread over his face.

  “Ah the fabled one. We’ve all heard a lot about you. You do have my little brother in a state. Poor boy doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going, but he’s sure not coming where he wants to.” He grinned at me and I stared at him in confusion. “Hang on a minute, I’ll get him.” He turned and walked back inside. “LUCIAN! Get here now. There’s someone here to see you.” He called and I flinched, suddenly terrified of seeing him again.

  “What the fuck do you want Damien.” I heard Lucian’s voice from deep inside the house. “No one ever comes to see me. You’d better not be...” His voice was suddenly cut off as he appeared at the open door.

  I stared up at him, my heart fluttering wildly in my chest. Oh what this man did to me. It was wrong though, it was so wrong to feel like I did around him. He made me feel like the women in the romance books I read but those were just books. Reality was very different. Men were very different. They represented pain, torment and control. What was I doing here? I must have been crazy to let Daisy talk me into this. I had to go, I had to get away from here now. I turned ready to run but a strong hand curled around my arm, halting me.

  “No, please Arissa, don’t go. You came here to see me, please, stay, come inside. No one will hurt you. You’ve met Damien and I know he’s…” He trailed off. “I’ll apologise for anything he may have said or done but please, don’t go.” His voice, god the tone in his voice pulled me in, and I turned to look up at him, into those deep chocolate coloured eyes of his with the incredibly long lashes. I’d never noticed them before but they were so long, they curled up and brushed against the skin above his eyes.

  “Is this a private party or can anyone join?” I heard a woman’s voice and turned to see yet another genetically flawless looking person coming towards me, but a woman this time. Was she Lucian and Damien’s sister? She had black hair, curly and long, that cascaded down her back. Her eyes were dark too and her skin unusually pale but as I stared at her longer, I realised she wore some sort of pale make up. She was making herself look like that deliberately. Her clothes were black and I blushed when I took a closer look at her dress. It hugged her slim body so tightly I doubted anything could fit between it and her skin. It had a plunging neckline which showed off the curve of her breasts and the sides were cut out too, with the skin over her hips visible. The hem was barely decent, only just covering her and I knew I would be turning an even deeper shade of red at the sight of her wearing something so revealing. My god, father would have a heart attack if he saw something like that. Too tight, too much skin exposed, too much make up. She could almost hear his voice screaming. “Tart, whore, harlot, bad girl, dirty girl.”

  “Francesca please, I don’t need your shit tonight alright?” Lucian sounded tense, his voice strained. “This is Arissa, from across the road and Arissa.” He turned to me. “This is my sister Francesca. Please don’t pay any attention to her. We all try to ignore her. She has a smart mouth and likes to try and make our lives miserable whenever she can.”

  Suddenly Francesca’s eyes were on me. “Ah, so you’re Arissa. Well, well, my little brother has mentioned your name once or a couple of dozen times.” She put her hand up to her mouth and leaned towards me, her fragrance teasing my nostrils. “I think he might like you, but you didn’t hear that from me.” She gave me a wink. “Anyway, I’m out of here. I have places to be, men to fuck. Good night.” She waved and disappeared down the stairs, climbing into one of the several cars parked in a large open garage area under the house.

  Seconds later we heard an engine start up and the car backed down the driveway. It paused for a moment in the middle of the road before accelerating away with a squeal of tyres.

  Lucian turned to me, his eyes wary. “Please don’t pay any attention to Fran. She doesn’t care what she says or does and she will always go for the shock factor. Please, please don’t go Arissa, come inside and talk with me, meet the others. You must have come here for a reason, so don’t let my annoying siblings chase you away.” He held out a hand to me.

  I looked into his warm brown eyes and then down at the hand he held out with its long slim fingers. God, even his hands were beautiful. My eyes shifted to his again and I sucked in a deep breath before placing my hand in his. His fingers closed around my much smaller hand and I shivered at how cool they were. A part of me wondered if I was making a mistake, but I shook off the warning voice in my head, and tuned out my father’s harsh tone as he told me I was nothing more than a dirty girl.

  Lucian tugged gently on my hand and I stepped towards him, my gaze locked with his. He smiled, showing off perfect straight white teeth and I shivered in reaction. How this man frightened me with his good looks, his charm and that invisible thread that seemed to draw me to him, despite every warning bell inside me, telling me it was a mistake to get involved with him.

  I heard someone clear their throat nearby and the moment was lost. I turned my head to meet Damien’s green eyes and he was grinning. “I’m out of here brother dear. I feel the need, the need to fu…..” He broke off suddenly. “I…I have a date.” He said instead and took off down the stairs.

  “Come Arissa.” Lucian pulled me after him and nervously I stepped inside the vast house, confronted immediately by a long corridor.

  I followed Lucian, my heart pounding and eventually the corridor ended, opening up into what looked like a living area which was a sort of circular shape. It was big, several lounges spaced throughout it, a fireplace at one end and several low tables, some with magazines spread out on them, others with candles and ornaments.

  My eyes drifted around the room, and finally stopped on a man seated in one of the armchairs in the room. He had a newspaper spread out over his lap and I stared at him, my eyes wide. My god he was beautiful, his hair a strange kind of dirty blonde, with some very pale streaks through it, but it was his eyes, the eyes that he turned on me that left me frozen, unable to move. They were a very pale grey/blue colour and as he stared at me, I felt like I’d been stripped bare, exposed, so this man could see inside me to my very soul. He stood and walked towards us, his stride long, his movements graceful and confident. I couldn’t do anything more than stare up at him as he approached, my heart hammering painfully in my chest.

  “Well son, who is this that you have brought into our home?” His voice was deep.

  “Fabian, this is Arissa.” Lucian said and I watched the man with the pale eyes turn his gaze back to me.

  “So this is Arissa. We have heard much about you little one. I think it would be safe to say that my son is very taken with you and has spoken of you often.”

  I stared at him trying to think of something to say in response but my mind was blank. Lucian’s grip on my hand tightened, as he started pulling me forward into the room and towards the imposing man with the pale eyes. Fabian, was that what he’d called him? Was he Lucian’s father? They didn’t look alike; none of them did apart from all being stunningly good looking. Maybe they were all adopted or something? Fabian looked too young to have fathered Lucian and the others. It was very confusing.


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