All Bite, No Growl

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All Bite, No Growl Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “Come here, Willow.” Devon’s words were so deep, so rough, that he sounded like the animal he housed deep inside him. Eyes that seemed to glow under the shadows, Devon watched her with an intensity that had chills racing across her flesh. Dropping her gaze to Case, she saw his eyes closed and his mouth slack against her pussy. As if he sensed her stare, he opened his eyes and they locked. The next thing happened in slow motion. She watched Case lift his head and felt him push two fingers slowly inside her.

  Mouth hanging open as desire rippled through her, he pumped those thick digits in and out of her three times before pulling them out and holding them up for her to see. The streetlight shining through the window made the wetness on his two fingers glisten. Case brought those fingers to his mouth and sucked on them. His tongue peeked out and licked all of her cream off, a low hum of approval leaving him.

  “Even though I could eat your sweet little pussy out all night, I don’t want to be selfish.”

  “Come here, baby,” Devon said more dominantly, harder and deeper. It took her a moment to move, but when she did Case stopped her with a hand on her inner thigh.

  “And don’t worry, I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

  A lump formed in her throat, and she flicked her eyes to Devon. He held his hand out to her, never stopping the slow, rhythmic thrust of his hips. When her hand slipped into his a shock of electricity coursed through her. He pulled her close, so close that she knew if she looked down she could have seen exactly where his body met Case’s.

  The urge to do that, the need to see it was so strong inside of her. Not denying herself what she really wanted to do, she looked down and felt her heart pound faster.

  Devon’s thick, long cock slid in and out of Case’s ass. The glistening lube he used coated the latex and Case’s anus. With every thrust of his hips, Case’s hole stretched wide around Devon’s girth, swallowing him all the way to the hilt. The sounds the two males emitted were strong and heady, causing her inner muscles to clench with the desire to be filled by both men.

  She brought her head up, looked at Devon, and saw him watching her. “Do you like what you see, baby?” He never stopped pumping his hips as his gruff words penetrated her hazy brain. As if her mind had taken a vacation, she nodded her response, meaning it with everything inside of her. Her gaze was still locked with Devon’s, and when she felt his large palm cover her breast and an involuntary moan left her. It felt so good. They felt so good.

  “I’m going to feel your tight little pussy milking my cock soon, Willow.” He breathed out roughly. “I’m going to lose myself in you. I’m going to make you scream my name as Case sucks on those luscious little nipples of yours,” he growled, and she could see his body pick up speed beside her. “I want inside of you so damn badly my lion is clawing to get a taste.”

  She brought her lips to his, instantly moaning when she got his taste in her mouth. So very male in flavor, he kissed her with what felt like pent up passion. When she placed her hands on his chest, the feel of his hard muscles, slick with sweat, called to her on some primal level.

  “Christ,” Devon said gruffly. The sound of skin slapping together had her pulling away and watching in lust-filled awe as he slapped Case’s ass, over and over, the muscular flesh becoming red from the sensual abuse. Case grunted in response and shoved his ass back, causing the two lions to growl as one.

  “I can’t take it anymore. I need to be inside of you, sweetheart.” Case’s guttural plea had her struggling to keep her composure. “Come here, Willow. I need to feel you.” Devon slid out of him, and Case rolled onto his back, his erection huge as it lay against his belly, far surpassing his belly button. She looked at Devon, felt his hands running up her back, and then crawled over to Case. He grabbed a condom from the bedside table, slipped it on, and then she was pulled more firmly onto him.

  One leg on either side of his hips, she felt his shaft slip against her folds. It was an intense feeling, but she still felt empty, and not because there was nothing in her pussy. Hands on his chest, she looked over her shoulder, saw Devon, and licked her lips.

  Devon’s gaze was riveted to her mouth, and she felt the wicked desire to do it again, somehow knowing it drove him mad. She was rewarded with a look of lust on his face and the scent of his need for her in the air.

  “Take me into your hand and guide me to your body,” Case said as he panted beneath her. “I won’t last long but I’m sure as hell going to make sure you cry out in pleasure before I do.”

  His cock was hot and hard in her palm, and she placed the tip against the opening of her body and felt their combined heat sear through her like a hot poker. They really didn’t need condoms because their kind was not susceptible to human disease, but she was close to being in her fertile month, and there were no chances that needed to be taken.

  They may not be her mates, but she could still get pregnant. She placed the tip of his dick at the entrance of her pussy, her wetness so monumental it slipped down his length. She was really doing it, and damn did it feel right.

  Chapter Five

  Case gripped her hips, wanting her to slide down on him, engulf his shaft, and milk him until there was nothing left. He was so close to coming already that he knew it would only take him a few strokes and he’d get off. He cast a glance over her shoulder, saw Devon dip his head and kiss the area where her shoulder and neck met and gave him a look full of promise.

  When she started lowering herself on him, her sweet little pussy stretching over his cock, surrounding him in wet heat, he let his head fall back and groaned. It was heaven on earth filling her up. He placed his thumb on her clit and started rubbing slow, steady circles around the already engorged bud. Her hips moved forward, as if she were seeking more of his touch. He watched Devon’s hands move up her sides and then over her belly. He covered her breasts, his thumb and forefinger pulling at her nipples, causing the tissue to turn a pretty shade of red.

  They swelled right before him, drawing up tight and beckoning him. He and Devon had never been in a threesome before, and the truth was they’d never been with men before finding out they were mates. They’d always had feelings for the same and opposite sex but, until they were mates, felt that instant bond and click, they’d realized what they’d been missing. Even right now, as Willow was with them, and even if she was their mate, Case felt connected to her like this truly was the perfect triad. It was a dangerous emotion to feel, because she’d be going off to college soon, away from their sleepy little town of Silver Crest, and once she was gone she’d surely find someone else.

  A gentle lift of his hips had her gasping. Fuck, but she felt good. Rubbing her clit faster, her slickness coated his thumb and made his ministrations glide smoothly over her. She was lifting her hips on her own now, the cries coming out of her soft yet needy. When he sensed she was close, he lifted his hips, meeting her now frantic pumping body. She rose and fell over him, her eyes closed and her head thrown back.

  Devon licked and nipped at her neck, his eyes on Case, his hands continuing to tease the turgid peaks of her breasts. He then moved to the side, grabbed his cock, and started stroking himself. He stared at where Case was buried in her body, his mouth slightly open, and his chest moving up and down from his breathing. His dark hair was wet from sweat, plastered to his forehead, and his blue eyes seemed to glow. His abdomen clenched and relaxed, his six-pack coming into stark contrast. Case was going to come from the feel of Willow and the sight of Devon.

  “Yes, oh… Yes.” Her cry was mewling and drawn out as her orgasm tore through her. The slippery feel of her cream covering him had his own climax tearing through him.

  “Jesus!” Neck straining from the strength it was taking for him to come, Case gripped her hips tightly and held on. He held onto her hips, dug his nails into her body, and right in front of them, between them, Devon came on his chest. Arcs of white cum shot out of the top of his mate’s dick, and a gasp of pleasure and surprise came from Willow.

. God,” Willow breathed out and came again, her pussy milking his cock as she exploded around him. When all of them had gotten off, their breathing filling the room, the scent of their lions coming to the surface, the three of them collapsed on the bed and didn’t move for several minutes.

  “Damn,” Devon said, finally breaking the silence.

  “Yeah,” Case said, looked at Willow, and saw her eyes wide as she stared at the ceiling. “You okay, sweetheart?” She didn’t speak for several seconds, and when he looked over at his mate, saw the worried expression on his face, they both thought they’d fucked up for sure.

  She turned and looked at him then, her brown eyes still wide, and the scent of her hesitation clear in the air. “Yeah,” she said softly, and not the least bit reassuring.

  “How about we get some rest?” Devon said, obviously sensing the shift in the air as well. Devon grabbed the blanket and put it over them, and for the next five minutes, while the air settled, the emotions faded slightly and the aftereffects of what they’d done faded, all Case could think about was what had he done.

  This could, and probably would, ruin that they shared with Willow, but they hadn’t been able to help themselves, obviously. If they’d thought about this, let the alcohol fade from their systems more, maybe they wouldn’t have been so trigger-happy to jump into this and possibly scare away the woman they loved in the process?

  Case stared at her, saw she’d turned her back toward them but sensed that she was still awake. He wanted to touch her, reach out and stroke, but Devon’s hand on his chest stopped him. Maybe they could have had something more with her, tell her they loved her? It didn’t matter that she wasn’t their mate, because in their eyes she would be the only woman for them.


  Willow had left, just got up and left Devon and Case in the bed because she had been afraid of her feelings for them, afraid of what they’d done. Even now, as the sun started to rise above the horizon and she sat on her porch, the chill in the air causing her to shiver, she thought about the scene she’d looked at before she left the house.

  They’d been spooning, embraced in each other’s arms, and she’d been on the edge of the bed alone. Of course it wasn’t their fault, because she’d been the third wheel in their mated relationship, but the thing was she’d felt this twinge in her heart at that sight. She’d never be a part of what they had, and although she might find her own mate one day she also knew that staying here, allowing herself to try and block out her emotions for the two lions, was not going to happen. She loved them, and because of that and after what they’d done, she just couldn’t be around them right now.

  God, she felt like she was abandoning them, but she did have to go to college, did have a future of her own outside of this town, and she should embrace it. She finally stood and turned to head into her house. It was barely sunrise now, and her house was still, silent. She was so sore between her thighs, and that had a surge of heat at the remembrance of what she’d done last night.

  She rounded the corner and stopped, startled to see her mother standing there with a coffee mug in hand, her hair tussled, and this sleepy expression on her face. She had her eyes closed, yawned widely, and then she opened her eyes and clearly saw Willow standing there she blinked a few times.

  “Willow, what are you doing home so early, or up so early?” Her mother rubbed her eyes, and then gestured to the table. “I’m glad you’re home, because I wanted to talk with you anyway.”

  Okay, this was starting to sound serious.

  Once they were both seated across from each other, her mother looked down at her mug and started running a finger over the rim of it.

  “Mom, what’s going on?”

  Her mom looked up, the light blue of her eyes framed by the darkness of the bags under them made them stand out. Lila Black had long, right now mussed blonde hair, a slender frame, and red pouty lips. She’d been a sought-after female back in the day, or so Willow had heard. But Willow looked nothing like her mother, and in fact had her father’s dark hair and eyes, and this almost frumpy figure. Although her mother said she had a woman’s body, all curves and dips that drove the men wild, Willow didn’t really see it.

  It was a long moment before her mother answered again, and Willow didn’t know why this sudden weirdness surrounded the air around them. She had never seen her mother like this.

  “It’s about your father and I, Willow.”

  She knew her mom and dad had issues concerning the finances, but it wasn’t because they didn’t have any money. Her mother came from a wealthy family in town, and was used to spending without worry. Willow’s family didn’t air their dirty laundry. In fact, the shifters in this town were notorious for smiling when the shit in their lives was going downhill. It was maybe a dirty little secret between the lions, and no one asked questions or tried to make things right.

  “Okay, so what’s the fight about this time?” Willow asked. She’d never even told Devon or Case about her mom and dad’s constant bickering about why her mother seemed to think it was okay to buy a five hundred dollar bottle of perfume. “Is this about your spending, or something else?” Willow asked genuinely, not sounding sarcastic or accusatory. She didn’t care what happened between her mother and father when it concerned the money.

  “Its not about money, or anything else.”

  “Okay,” Willow said slowly. There was a tense moment between them, and then her mom leaned back in the chair and breathed out.

  “Your father and I think it’s best to separate at this time.”

  The world seemed to drop out from Willow, and she braced her hands on the table. “What?” Oh, she’d heard her mother, but she couldn’t believe this. “I thought it was just arguments about your spending.”

  Her mom shook he head. “No, honey. We tried not to fight in front of you, but of course it couldn’t be helped sometimes.” Her mom took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes again. “Its just…” she paused, and for some reason Willow thought that whatever her mom had to say right now would be far worse then what she’d just heard.

  “Just say it, Mom, because these long pauses are only making it worse.”

  Her mom gave her a sympathetic look, and it pissed Willow off for some reason. “It’s not just about the money, but the fact we’ve been unhappy for a long time, but wanted to stay together for your benefit.”

  Her heart thundered, and the pleasant memories of the night before left Willow drastically.

  “You’re father’s met someone.” Willow closed her eyes, shook her head, and felt like she’d been dropped right in the middle of some alternate dimension.

  “So he cheated on you?” Willow asked, her eyes still closed, and her life changing right before her, without Willow even able to fix or control it.

  “Honey, I don’t really want to talk about that with you—”

  “Why? You’ve already told me all of this.” Willow’s life as she knew it was being taken away from her, and she didn’t know how to grapple with it. Hot tears spilled down her cheeks. She stood. “Where is he? I figure if we’re having this conversation, Dad should be here too.” Willow wiped away her tears, hating that she couldn’t keep it together.

  Her mother stood, and held her arms out. “Darling, come here.”

  Willow shook her head, her tears coming out more forcefully. “No, please, just let me get a grasp of this.” She felt like a child instead of an eighteen-year-old woman for her emotions right now. But she couldn’t control them.

  “It’s okay to cry. Your world just went upside down.” Her mother was in front of her and had her in her arms seconds later. “Shhh, it’s okay to feel out of control right now, but remember this has nothing to do with you. Your father and I still love you very much.” Her mom pulled away slightly, and stared down at Willow. “You’re going off to college, you’ll have your whole life ahead of you. Things sometimes work out this way.”

  Willow shook her head. This was so out of the blue. Everything seemed fin
e, or at least it looked fine. But she reminded herself that this town smiled out the outside when really on the inside they were all kinds of fucked up.

  “We can talk about all of this as a family tonight, if you want. Your father didn’t come home last night, hence why he’s not here. But we decided that I’d talk to you first.” Her mom smiled and brushed away the tears on Willow’s cheeks. “It’ll all be okay, honey,” her mom said and pulled her in for a hug.

  Willow closed her eyes, knowing her mother would never lie to her, but feeling like nothing in this world would be okay, not with this news, and not with everything that happened with Devon and Case.

  Chapter Six

  The family dinner was uncomfortable, to say the least. Willow’s phone vibrated for the millionth time today, and without looking at it she knew it was from either Devon or Case. They’d been trying to get hold of her all day, but she’d ignored them, not sure how to talk to them after last night, and especially not sure how to get herself right side up because of the bomb her mom dropped on her this morning.

  Her mother and father were sitting across from her at the dining room table, the same worried expressions on their faces, and she hated that they felt bad for her. She saw it in their expressions, smelled it in the air.

  “Honey, you’ve been looking at your phone all dinner, all day in fact. Maybe whoever is trying to call you needs to speak?” her mother said, maybe trying to break up the weirdness in the room, or divert attention? Either way it wasn’t working.

  “It’s just Devon and Case, and I think they can wait. This is more important.” Although Willow had nothing to say about what was going on right now, or, at least, she didn’t know what to say. “I’m a big girl, eighteen now, how about we just do this and move on?” Willow didn’t want to sound like a snotty brat, didn’t want to seem like she was whining and complaining because her parents were splitting up. If they were unhappy together then they should find love elsewhere.


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