Star Bright

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Star Bright Page 5

by Christina OW

  He got undressed and readied himself for bed, thinking of the best contractor he knew to install cameras in Amy’s room. He was going to leave her penniless and alone. It was time for one of her lovers to shoulder her expenses.

  Dave walked out of the court house, pride flowing with every step he took, victory number forty nine tucked under his belt. This win was definitely getting him a step closer to the promotion.

  Since he started at McKenzie and associates, he’d only lost two cases and he was determined not to lose anymore. He had managed to get a big oil company out of a billion dollar law suit. He was glad it was against a rival oil company, if it was against a sick community his conscience wouldn’t have been able to take it. He was still having nightmares about the pharmaceutical company he managed to get off with very little effort. He blamed the prosecution for that loss, if it was him, he would have gotten the plaintiffs double what they had sued for. If his career wasn’t at risk, he would have encouraged them to appeal and given them some pointers to use.

  He got into the car and answered his ringing phone. He thought it was his boss calling to congratulate him and offer an early promotion, which he wouldn’t have minded at all, but it was the opposite.

  “Dave you need to get here now, the witch is here with her minion.” Carol whispered on the phone. Dave threw his phone on the passenger seat and pushed his car forward, speeding to the office. He didn’t care if he got a ticket, as long as he got there in time to get Elizabeth away from Amy.

  Carol had insisted on calling Amy a witch in front of Dave without batting an eye lash. Minion was her code for boyfriend. She was in Dave’s life enough to know that his wife was cheating, that’s what gives her the courage to chase after Dave openly.

  The past week was rather peaceful when Amy disappeared. She told Dave that she was going to see her family, but he knew exactly where she was going. Whenever there was a new toy in her life, she would disappear for a week. Her mood after the trip always told Dave how long that toy was going last in her life. As usual, she would mark her return by driving Dave crazy. She would normally spend thousands of dollars on new clothes and jewelry, if the toy was staying, or she would throw parties at the house, with Elizabeth locked in her room. All Dave could round up was she wanted something, and she was going to use Elizabeth, if she was going to get it without a fight from him.

  His car came to a screeching halt in front of the building, he didn’t even bother to drive it into the parking lot. He grabbed his briefcase and his phone and ran for the elevator. He threw his keys to the receptionist and asked him to park the car. When he got to his floor he rushed for his office, struggling not to draw attention to himself.

  He stopped when he saw Amy and a moron looking guy, who looked like a sixteen year old GQ model, facing Carol who had pinned herself between them and the door. Dave walked slowly towards them, a smile over his face. He could always depend on Carol to take down Amy.

  “What’s going on?” Dave asked calmly. He put his briefcase down on Carol’s desk and sat at the edge of it looking at Amy’s angry face and then at the daft, idiotic face of her companion.

  “Your bimbo won’t open the door!” she answered angrily.

  “I’m a red head, bimbos are blond, like you.” Carol said coolly. Dave suppressed a smile. He didn’t want to encourage another fight outside his office.

  “Why do you want to get into my office?”

  “She locked my daughter in there!”

  “No I didn’t.” Carol said.

  “Then explain the locked door and the baby inside?”

  “Who says there is a baby inside? And this isn’t my office.” She replied coolly. Dave looked at Carol’s grinning face then turned back to Amy. He felt relieved that there was no way Amy could get to his daughter. He turned and looked at the boy, amused at how he was checking his reflection out on the tall painting on the wall opposite his door.

  “Amy, aren’t you going to introduce me to your new boy toy?” He took this moment to irritate her, “Don’t you think I should at least know one of the many?” He stood up and extended his arm, “I’m Dave, her husband.”

  “I’m Brian, her model boyfriend.” He said candidly, with a smile. Amy looked at him shocked. She turned red, embarrassed by his confession.

  Carol laughed loudly, “Where did you get him, high school?”

  “I dropped out to be a male model.” He answered Carol. She looked at him in shock before she blew up in a loud laughter. Dave found it funny. His first impression of him was right, he was an idiot.

  “Amy, don’t you know it’s illegal to sleep with minors, especially those who are slow, like Brian?”

  Amy pushed her nose up at him, “He may be slow and a drop out, but he’s very talented in the field that matters.” She said with a heinous smile.

  She hoped that remark would offend Dave, but it didn’t. He didn’t doubt his manhood one bit. He and Amy used to go at it like rabbits and she had told him on countless occasions how good of a lover he was, Elizabeth was the end result of it.

  “That defense wouldn’t hold up in court, but I’m sure the pedophile you’ll meet in prison will most certainly agree with you.” Dave jeered with a wide grin on his face.

  Amy’s smile faded, she froze for a moment before she grabbed Brian’s arm dragging him away. He turned and waved goodbye to Carol and Dave. They waved back, laughing. When they were gone, Dave turned his attention to Carol. He wanted to show her gratitude, without crossing the professional boundary.

  He bent down and hugged her, “Thank you, again.” He pulled away and stared down at her.

  “You owe me another thank you.” she said with a beaming smile.


  “Elizabeth is fed and sound asleep. How can someone so small have so much energy?”

  Dave bent down and kissed her on the cheek, “Thank you.” He held out his hand for his key. She opened the door for him, but kept the key.

  “This is mine, yours is still on your desk.” She pushed the door open for him and stepped away, “So when do we go out?”

  Dave looked at her pensive. He wanted to structure his answer without offending her. After all she’d done for him, the last thing he wanted was to alienate her, especially since it seemed he would need her help in the future, to handle Amy, “When you stop working for me.” He smiled at her and walked into his office closing the door behind him. He walked to the pen to find Elizabeth wide awake playing with her dolls.

  She stood up and stretched her arms towards him. Dave picked her up and sat in his leather seat behind his desk. He’d spent the whole morning in court and he’d won a big case, he was entitled to some down time with his daughter. He stood up and picked up her play mat. He spread it on the floor and poured all her building blocks on it. He set her down and sat behind her and watched her put them together.

  The door opened and Dave’s boss walked in. Dave stood up with Elizabeth in his arm. If he knew his boss was coming, he wouldn’t have littered the floor with toys. “Mr. McKenzie.” Dave said nervously.

  “Hello Dave and little one.” He took Elizabeth’s hand and shook it gently. She laughed, clutching his finger in a final shake before her attention was diverted back to the toy in her other hand, “Are you teaching her the ropes?” he asked with a smile.

  “You could say that.” Dave answered with a nervous chuckle.

  “You do know we have a day care downstairs?” he asked with a raised brow. Dave stared at him unable to answer. He did know, but with Amy back, he wasn’t going to take her back there any time soon, “But you want to keep her from her mother don’t you?”

  Dave looked at him, not at all surprised by his question. The man has eyes and ears all over the building, “Yes and no.” he hoped the conversation wouldn’t turn into a legal position that the firm wanted to avoid.

  “Uhmm. You need to fix your situation with your wife Dave. You are a lawyer, pull a card from under your sleeve, I’ve done that a few

  “For your clients?”

  “No. With my three ex-wives,” he laughed, “congratulations on the big win.” He turned, but stopped at the door, “the only reason I’m not giving you a warning for this is because you are the best I have. And if having your daughter around makes you a better lawyer, I’m willing to compromise.” He left, immediately Carol rushed in.

  Dave sat down, “A heads up next time would be appreciated.”

  “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t at my desk when he came, so what did he say?”

  “Congratulations.” Dave spoke, his eyes on his daughter.

  “And?” Carol prompted.

  “He said if having my daughter around makes me better, he’ll compromise.”

  “Yes!” she yelled, jumping and punching the air, “We are getting a promotion!” She danced around.

  Dave looked at her amused, “He didn’t say that.”

  “He implied it. I’m getting a raise!”

  “You know that means no date?” Dave humored.

  “I’ll take comfort in the new hundreds on my pay check.” she danced out of the office and closed the door behind her.

  Dave laughed, glad that situation had worked itself out. He wasn’t really up to getting into another relationship after Amy. He had enough of women for now, he may revisit that endeavour when Elizabeth was in high school or off to college.

  “It’s just you and me, baby girl.” he kissed the top of her head and went back to watching her play.

  Chapter Seven

  Rumors had made its rounds in Jacksonville until they were exhausted. Maria didn’t pay much attention to them, she was determined to start a new life. She walked down the streets unashamed, she worked in the diner unafraid of what people would say to her, but she had gotten some surprising reactions. Some women came up to her and whispered congratulations on getting rid of the woman beater, others wished her well in her freedom, others gave her fake condolences, but most asked her what she did first, knock him out or set him on fire. It amused her how people got a high out of gossip, but one thing she appreciated out of the whole mess was that men had a new found respect or fear for her. In the past few months no one dared grab her ass, or make scummy remarks towards her. Those who did were quickly warned on how she had burned her boyfriend alive for beating her.

  But it got old and people didn’t care anymore, Ricky was quickly forgotten and everything that surrounded her went back to normal. The new talk was about several burglaries around town. Maria was grateful they hadn’t hit Jane’s house. Jane had insisted they move in, until their house was reconstructed. She said it would be cheaper for all of them if they lived together and shared the expenses. Maria felt awkward about it at first, but with time she felt right at home. They were one big happy family. Tom was enjoying himself too, and he didn’t have to take double shifts anymore giving him more time to spend with his family. It was working well for all of them.

  As JJ was walking out of the diner, “Jane and Maria, you two are closing up tonight.” Maria stared after him as he walked away, irritated by his arrogance.

  Maria picked up the basin and walked around the empty booths filling it with dirty dishes. “Would it hurt if he asked once in a while? All he has to say is Jane and Maria would you please lock up today?”

  Jane followed Maria, wiping the tables she had cleared, “JJ polite, that’s like expecting a cow to milk itself.”

  Maria turned to face her, “Thanks, for everything and for letting us stay in your house.”

  “No biggie, that’s what best friends...” Jane stopped, interrupted by a noise in the kitchen. They turned to face the kitchen door, neither of them making a move. Jane took a step and stood next to Maria, her eyes glued to the kitchen door, “I need to call Tom,” she put her hand in her apron pocket and pulled it out cursing quietly, “I left my phone behind the counter.”

  Maria moved forward, “I’ll go get it.” Jane pulled her back.

  “Are you crazy? Let’s just get out of here!”

  “What if they are covering all the exists? Let’s just call Tom and the Sheriff.” Maria pulled her hand out of Jane’s hold and walked quietly to the counter. She crouched down and searched for Jane’s phone.

  “Maria!” Jane yelled. The fear in her voice made Maria freeze. She felt her heart race and her throat dry out. She hadn’t felt that kind of fear since Ricky died. She stood up and slowly turned to the shadow next to her.

  “Hello honey, did you miss me?”

  Maria’s heart raced faster and her body tightened. She fought the urge to curl up on the floor and cry desperately. She thought she had rid herself of this nightmare. She was right the first time, nothing could save her from him, not even death.

  “You did this to me.” He hissed out pointing to his face with a disfigured finger. Maria hadn’t bothered to really look at him. When she heard his voice, the same scary, angry face popped into her head, but now she really looked at him.

  The left side of his face and neck was burnt and the skin was folded up. The edge of his lips and his left eye were drooped down. His arms were covered, but his fingers exposed more burn marks. He let his hair grow out to cover his forehead and his ear. Maria looked at him sickened, all she could think about was the character Two-face in the Batman movie.

  Moving closer to Maria, “I disgust you, don’t I?” She moved back and bumped into the counter. There was nowhere to go, “Answer me, do I disgust you?” He roared louder. Maria looked at him, the familiar fear creeping inside her. She jumped on the counter, but Ricky pulled her down before she could get over it. She fell back, crushing into the glasses and the liquor bottles behind her.

  Jane watched Ricky for a moment, shocked that the dead man was still alive. He had been laying low for three months, healing and planning his revenge. She should have known, evil people are usually harder to kill. When Maria went crushing into the glasses, she picked up a stool and knock Ricky over the head with it. He fell over Maria like a ton of bricks. Maria screamed, pushing Ricky off her with her bleeding hands, Jane grabbed her phone and her purse and followed Maria out of the diner.

  Maria got in the car and opened the driver’s door for Jane. She felt dizzy, but she wasn’t going to allow herself to pass out. She lifted her bloody fingers and touched the throb at the back of her head. It stung and she pulled her hand away, her hand wet with blood. She turned and looked at Jane rapping on the phone as she drove like a maniac. She hung up and dialed again, it was Tom. She didn’t have to say much, she uttered his name with so much emotion, tears running down her cheeks, and then she nodded and hung up. Maria felt guilty, she’d brought her nightmare into her friend’s home. She placed her head on her knees and cried, frustrated that she got only a few months of freedom and happiness. When something felt too good to be true, it usually is.

  Jane looked at her crying friend and felt sorry for her. She had finally started living a scared free life only to be robbed of it again. She brushed her hand over her hair. She felt the sticky liquid and lifted her hand, her palm was red. Jane panicked when she seen the blood all over the back of Maria’s shirt. She drove faster, pushing the car hard, feeling the urgency to get home fast.

  She pulled into her drive way, Tom and Edna was waiting for them, their faces anxious. Jane got out of the car and ran to Maria’s side, “She’s bleeding all over.” She pulled the door open and carefully pulled out the crying Maria.

  Edna rushed to her daughter and supported her. She seen the blood on her t-shirt, her legs and arms. She felt a rage build inside her as she saw her daughter bleeding and crying in pain- both physical and emotional. She was going to make that call again, this time Ricky was going to stay dead. She got her into the house and put her on the couch. Jane brought the first aid kit and helped treat her cuts. When she took Maria’s shirt off, she saw more cuts on her back glass inside some of the cuts. While Jane tended to those on her feet and arms, she carefully pulled out the glass in her back and tended to the
deep cut on her head. When they were done, Edna dressed Maria in a loose shirt. They wiped the blood off her body as she sat there in a daze.

  Tom walked into the room with the phone in his hand and a gun tucked in his belt, “Nate is coming to get you out of here.”

  Frightened, Maria jolted out of her daze, “No, we can’t do that!” They’d tried leaving, they’d tried killing Ricky and he still came back.

  “We have to, this time he will kill you.” Tom spoke directly keeping his voice gentle.

  Standing up and going to Tom, “He’ll find us.”

  Jane stood up and faced her friend, she looked like she would go to pieces in any second, “If you stay you are going to make it even easier for him to kill you.”

  The phone rang making Maria jump, Tom touched her gently on her shoulder and walked into the kitchen to answer it.

  “And we’ll be putting Jane and her family in danger.” Edna spoke harshly to Maria. She needed her daughter to take back control of her life. She couldn’t stay a scared little girl all her life.

  Maria choked on the sob in her throat. She let the tears flow freely down her cheeks, “Mama I can’t...” She was tired of living this nightmare, but she wasn’t going to live looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life, only for him to catch up to her and take Michael away from her. She would rather live with Ricky and try to appease him.

  “The sheriff is on his way.” Tom walked back into the room.

  “So that he can do what, arrest Ricky, only to let him out after a few hours because Maria is too scared to press charges?” Edna yelled, her rage making its way to the surface, “What are you waiting for that animal to do to you before you do something?”

  “Edna.” Jane said quietly pulling her back.

  “She needs to realize its time she got out of his hold. Are you waiting for him to kill you, or worse kill Michael?”


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