Boys Club: How Far Would You Go?

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Boys Club: How Far Would You Go? Page 41

by Ema Bancroft


  "But I don't want to do it."

  "Yes, you do."

  "No. No, I really don't."

  "Elijah will love it."

  I hesitated, biting my lip. Mabel struggled with a smug smile, knowing that she had struck my Achilles heel.

  "But everything? " I complained. "Won't it hurt?"

  She shrugged. "A little bit. Beauty is pain, Daisy."

  I had done a good job of improving my attitude - although I had to admit that the champagne in the limo helped me a lot - but when we stopped in front of the Spa and Euphoria Room, my heart sank a little.

  She wasn't a spa girl. I mean, I cut my hair regularly... I had some fuses put in my hair... but to spend a day rubbing and massaging myself?

  It's not really my thing.

  Still, Elijah had fixed it, so I put a smile on my face. I mean, a mani-pedi and a facial? It wouldn't be so bad. I might like it, right?

  And then Mabel dropped the bomb.


  And not for my eyebrows.

  "But what if I have an infection? " I knew I was clinging to straws, but I didn't care. "What if it gets all gross and pussy?"

  "You're not going to get an infection,"Mabel replied patiently. "This is a high-class establishment, Daisy. Everything is sterile.

  "Have you done it? "I asked tentatively. I'd always kept myself neat and clean... down there... but I'd never left the Full Monty, so to speak.

  Mabel shrugged again. "Sure."

  I bit my lip. "And you really think this is what Elijah wants?"

  She smiled with a smile. "I swear. He'll love it. Raul always says he wants to get down on his knees and-"

  I raised a hand. "It doesn't matter. I don't want to know."

  Mabel laughed with laughter. "Do you want me to come in with you?"

  I swallowed it thick. "No. I can do it myself. I mean, how bad could it be?"

  About 20 minutes later, I knew exactly how bad it could be. I grabbed my tunic around me, limping a bit as I followed Drucilla - (that wasn't her real name, but I nicknamed her Drucilla, Devil of Pain) - to the area where Mabel was painting her fingernails a bright fluorescent rose.

  She looked at me once, winking slightly. "Are you all right?"

  Shriek, carefully taking a seat beside her.

  The parts of my lady shouted at each rubbing of the soft robe, and I stood perfectly still, trying to avoid any rubbing.

  "If it hurts, you can use some of this,"Drucilla said, giving me a small tub of balm. I took it impatiently, wondering if anyone would notice if I pulled my string and threw it over.

  I decided they would.

  So instead, I limped to the bathroom and soaked the balm between my legs, sighing with happiness when it really relieved the burn... even though it smelled like feet...

  I went back to Mabel, able to walk a little straighter, and I dug my feet into the pedicure tub with a sigh.

  "What's that smell? " she asked, her nose wrinkled.

  I shrugged my shoulders, choosing Ravishing Red Polish for my fingers and toes.

  As Elijah would say: When in bloody Rome...

  19:15 - Limo takes Daisy to the Pre-Func suite

  (Choose to register on the A60 to make sure everything is ready)

  E. C.

  I was always proud to be calm. On stage, I never let my nerves show. I just smile and wink... I make a little twist or a turn of the hip and get the girls to scream and I'm fine...

  In interviews, the technique is more or less the same, less the hip twist.

  Well, most of the time. A guy has to do what he has to do, after all.

  But tonight? I was very nervous tonight.

  It started with my brilliant idea of cutting my hair. What the hell was I thinking? A haircut on a big day?

  Everyone knows it's a terrible idea. You always get your hair cut a week early. That way, if it looks like shit, you have time to fix it.

  But no, not me. Damn E not cocky. C. Lynch. I get out of the shower, look in the mirror and decide I have time to trim a little.

  I don't even take the fact that my regular stylist is on vacation and they hit me with a guy named Gabriel - whose pink-striped bangs hang over an eye - as a sign that I should rethink my plan...

  Not even when he starts talking about dim lights and dim lights and my hair talking to him?

  Yeah. He fucking talked to him. Apparently my wells were dry and needed deep conditioning.

  I almost hit him until I realized he was still talking about my hair.

  But I was so distracted by my plans for the night, texting Mabel to make sure everything was going well, that I didn't even pay attention to him while he washed and deeply conditioned and shaved and dried with the razor and dried him hair.

  Until I looked in the mirror when he proclaimed,"Voila! " with a blooming and smiling smile of pride, his hand leaning on his leather hip with his leather pants as he waited for me to kneel thankfully.

  "Holy crap,"I whispered.

  "I know, right? " Gabriel laughed, shaking a little bit of a strand of my hair. "It's unbelievable, if I say so myself."

  I blinked. How come I didn't realize what I was doing? How did I end up with half my curly hair almost to the scalp, and the other half curling wildly in all directions?

  "What the fuck is this? " I asked, getting up to touch the side of the foam. I mean, I'm not a vain guy, usually. But my hair? My hair was one thing that set me apart.

  And now? Well, more than stay away. It looked like I was lying on my side and I got hit by a lawn mower.

  "He's unbalanced!"

  "Asymmetrical,"corrected Gabriel, sucking his cheek between his teeth. "It's the latest. Everyone does it in Paris. He tossed his bangs with a nod, but they prostrated immediately over his eye.

  "Paris? " He growled. "I don't live in fucking Paris!"

  Gabriel's eyes widened and he took a step back. "You mean... you don't like it?"?

  I may have imagined it, but I thought there might be a ray of tears in his eyes.

  I opened my mouth to answer, but I frowned as my phone rang, alerting myself to a message from Mabel.

  On the way to the suite. All right on the A60?

  "Shit,"I muttered, looking at my watch. I was late and still had to go home and get the champagne before I went to the Thompson to get everything ready.

  Gabriel, meanwhile, was still watching me closely, a wounded look on his face. I knew I had to handle this smoothly. One thing you never wanted to do was piss off your stylist with you.

  I mean, if this is what the guy did when he was happy, who knew what he would do if I irritated him?

  "I'm sure this is very... avant-garde,"I said, struggling to stay calm. "But I'm more of a traditional type. You know, both sides match? "I waved my hands over my head to illustrate my point."

  "Do you think you could, I don't know, even things up a bit?"

  Gabriel frowned, touching his finger on his lips. "I'll have to take the long side shorter,"he replied. "Much shorter."

  I grimaced, but seeing no other way, I nodded. "Do what you have to do."


  I shouldn't have worn jeans. I was fine in the soft gown, with easy access to my lower regions when I needed another dose of the miraculous balm that smells like feet. But to move my poor little battered kitten to my skinny squeezes?

  Ugh. Not too much.

  My bow-legged gait caught Mabel's attention as we returned to the limo. Once we had settled in - I was a little more cautious than her - she didn't waste any time pouring me a glass of champagne, a fault-like look darkening her eyes.

  "For what it's worth,"she said. "You look amazing."

  I shuddered, but I thanked her anyway, determined to keep my positive attitude. Except for the whole waxing disaster, the rest was pretty nice, and when I looked in the mirror when we finished, I had to smile at what I saw there. I had been polished and polished as close to perfection as I could be, my makeup and hair soft and pretty - not too old-fashioned
, but just enough so that even I was sure Elijah would appreciate the effort.

  Oh, what the hell. I looked really good.

  As long as I wasn't walking.

  I moved awkwardly in the leather seat, swallowing the champagne in one drink. "How long does it hurt? " I asked.

  Mabel bit her lip. "It's usually not that bad. I'm not sure what the problem is.

  "Perfect,"I muttered, holding my glass for a refill. The car hit a hit and I winked at it, firing a glow at the back of the driver's head.

  Stupid idiot idiot was probably doing that on purpose and laughing out loud. I pulled up the separator, just in case.

  He might have been a little irritable. A sore hoohah will do that to a girl.

  After another glass of champagne, I felt a little better, and when the limo stopped and the driver opened the door, I was able to get out without too much trouble. I thought I might have heard him laugh a little, but when I looked at him, he had a soft expression, his unreadable eyes behind his dark glasses.

  I could have accidentally stepped on his foot.

  Mabel took me to the luxurious lobby of the Trump SoHo hotel, and I couldn't resist asking,"What are we doing here?".

  I was hoping she'd ignore my question, but instead, she tiptoed over. "It's the pre-func!"

  "Pre-func? I repeated. "What are we, frat boys? " But I laughed, the champagne loosened me up a bit. I stumbled behind Mabel in the elevator and went up to a beautiful suite overlooking the city. She served us more champagne, taking me to the bedroom.

  "M' kay,"she said, obviously a little buzzing. "We have to get you dressed."

  I looked at my clothes. "I'm dressed."

  Mabel shook her head. "No. Dressed in dresses,"she said with a gesture of her hand as she fell on the bed. "I picked out three suits for you to choose from."

  I looked at the luggage rack, which she pointed at me with a gesture of her finger. "You mean three suits to test me and your choice."

  She swallowed her champagne with a sloppy shrug. "Semantics."

  "Well,"I said, turning through the shelf,"at least they're all dresses. I need to get out of these jeans. " I took them off, pulling the first dress - a silky black number - over my head quickly. "Well?"

  Mabel studied me carefully. "Next."

  I shrugged my shoulders, resigned and hung up the black dress again. When I got to another hanger, I tried a strapless green dress with small beads running along the top.

  "That's better,"Mabel observed. "But I want to see the red one."

  I unzipped the green dress, leaving it at my feet as I reached the last option.

  "It's a bit shiny,"I said hesitantly as I worked the straps on my shoulders.

  Fabric folds crossed across the front, and when I turned around to look in the mirror, I had to admit that it made my tits look pretty good.

  "What do you think? " I asked Mabel, throwing some of my underwear around. My pussy was starting to burn again, and I reached into my purse to get the ointment out.

  "That's all,"she said with a satisfied smile. "That and the red shoes. " She rose from bed to dig through a pile of shoeboxes until she came out in a pair of red heels with ankle straps covered in rhinestones, holding them victoriously.

  "I'm going to kill myself with those,"I said, but I took the shoes anyway because -let's do it in the face- they were so cute, and they went in the dress perfectly.

  "You'll be fine,"Mabel replied. "Just take small steps. " She looked at my hips wiggling. "And maybe it's time for you to put on more of those smelly things.

  I nodded, going to the bathroom to treat my little problem and grabbing the bottle of champagne on the way.

  8:20pm - The limo takes Daisy to the A60

  (Elijah don't forget the flowers)

  E. C.

  As soon as I arrived at the Thompson Hotel at eight o' clock in the morning, which gave me enough time to run to the roof and make sure everything was ready before returning to the gates to meet the limo. Fortunately, everything seemed to go smoothly. The hotel manager tried to calm me down, obviously seeing that I was at the end of my rope, and assured me that the heaters were all in place and dinner would be ready just in time. I ran my hand through my hair, winking at the feeling that I was scratchy.

  Gabriel had evened things out, but now I felt almost bald, at least on the sides. The top was still long, and it collapsed slightly as I walked down the elevator, bouncing nervously from side to side, a bouquet of brightly colored flowers clutching in my sweaty hands.

  I went to the front of the hotel, scanning the street to take a look at the limo. I was so nervous I couldn't stand still. I knew that I had done everything to myself, making it a great production and making me very nervous. Daisy insisted she didn't need big, luxurious gestures for Valentine's Day, but I needed to do this right.

  It wasn't every day you asked someone to spend their life with you.

  My phone rang. A text from Mabel.

  We're almost there.

  I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as a flash of street lights drew my attention, and I got a little straighter. The limousine stopped in front of me, Roland's friend Timmothy quickly circled the front of the car to open the door. Mabel appeared first, a look of surprise flickering in her face before coming to stand beside me.

  "Trying a new look? " she asked. I managed to pull some of the longest pieces of my hair shattered on the sides.

  "There was... an incident"?

  "Uh huh,"she said slowly. "Oh, by the way, you might want to get ready. " She winked at me, forgot my hair, before I got back in the car. I licked my lips while I was looking at a pair of legs.

  Lots of leg. In these red shoes I could only describe him as an asshole.

  Daisy stood on the sidewalk, swaying slightly, and I swallowed thick, stunned for a moment.

  She looked amazing. Her hair hung in soft waves, brushed her face and fell on her shoulders. She wore a little light makeup that made her eyes look even bigger, and her lips fuller, stained with deep red lipstick that really made me think, dirty thoughts about where I'd like to see that mouth.

  My dick swelled from the idea.

  A tight red dress with all these layers of folds embraced every curve, from the center of her creamy thighs to the gentle swell of her breasts.

  Oh shit. Her breasts.


  "You're welcome,"Mabel whispered with a whisper of ease before stepping across to embrace Daisy lightly and back in the car. Daisy blinked once before me before stepping forward, swaying slightly over the high heels.

  And her legs were bowlegged? Weird.

  She made her way up the path with tiny chopping steps, her eyes trained on the sidewalk in front of her. When she got close enough I could smell her perfume, I inhaled deeply, calmly, and the heat was flowing through my bloodstream now that I was close.

  "You look amazing,"I said, bending over to kiss her neck gently.

  She sighed, and as she stretched out at me, her eyes rushed over me, from the tips of my shiny black shoes, to my black suit, to the open necks of my matching black shirt, without a tie.

  Yeah. All black. I thought it looked like a funeral home, but Mabel promised Daisy would find it sexy.

  Obviously, Mabel was right, because Daisy's eyes looked a little glassy as she muttered,"You too..." and coughed as her eyes moved a little higher and finally saw my hair...

  "What the hell happened to you?", she started before she clapped her hands. I approached it tentatively.

  "I... uh... I have a haircut"?

  "I can see that," she came over to touch the side of my head, biting her lip. I think she was in mourning.

  "It's a little short,"I said nervously.

  "It's... nice,"she said, smiling on her face. " Type of edge"?

  "You hate it."

  "No... no, I don't know,"she said, hugging my neck with her arms. "It took me a little by surprise. You're looking good. "She licked her lips and my hands moved towards her hips,
the paper around the flowers creased a little."

  "You always look good,"she said, leaning on me. "You could be completely bald and still look good."

  "Well, I'm almost there."

  She laughed and shook with laughter, her hand flying back toward her mouth. "Excuse me."

  I studied it carefully for a moment. Her glazed eyes... the dream smile?

  "Baby? " I started it myself. "Are you drunk?"

  She swayed a little while she looked at me. "No."

  "Are you sure?"


  "How much did you drink? " I was very angry at being mad at Mabel for getting drunk with Daisy and smiling at her because she was so pretty when she'd had a few.

  "She backed away and I kept my hands on her hips to stabilize her. "Just a little champagne. " She lifted her thumb and finger, squinting between them. "I'm just a little tipsy. " She smiled broadly, and I laughed, bowing down to kiss her.

  "All right, then. Let's get you some food. " I wanted to make sure it was fully functional when I asked the question. We turned to the doorway and I stopped suddenly, pulling out the bouquet of flowers a little crumpled.

  "I almost forgot. This is for you."

  Her eyes widened as she accepted the flowers, burying her nose in them for a moment. "No one had ever given me flowers before,"she said, a note of astonishment in her tone.

  "You're kidding."

  She shook her head slowly, put a hand around my neck and pulled me down to give me a kiss. "You're so lucky tonight,"she muttered against my lips before sticking her tongue in my mouth. I could not contain a groan as I approached her... from one finger to another... from hip to hip... her seductive breasts brushing against my chest as her fingers slid over the back of my head...

  Suddenly she threw herself back, pulling the hem of her dress, a strange look on her face as she moved slightly.

  "Are you all right? " I asked.

  She blushed and looked away. "I just need to find the ladies' room."

  "There is one we are heading for,"I said with a wink, bringing her closer and accompanying her to our perfect evening.


  Elijah was so adorable... and sexy... and sweet?

  And sexy.

  Even with most of his glorious hair gone, it was devastating.

  I looked at him in the elevator, taking his broad shoulders, contoured so dramatically in that dark suit.


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