Merker's Outpost

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Merker's Outpost Page 23

by I. Christie

  Zohra did not stop the smile that curled up the corners of her lips. It meant the two were in charge and evenly matched in stubbornness. She wondered who the other two members were. Usually military war forums were composed of two military and two civilians so that one personality did not run the operation. Military egos have in the past run amuck.

  "When the medic arrives, get cleared quickly, so you can take the leadership of the troops when they arrive. Be safe, Captain Zohra, beloved daughter. Guardian, thank you for your continuing updates. Out!"

  Captain Zohra took a deep breath and leaned back in the chair. It was still up to her, but there was an end in sight and that really did help her morale. She had not realized how tired she was until she saw her mother.

  "What does she mean 'continuing'?" she suddenly asked.

  "I am a member of the Naboths Vine," Guardian explained, as if that told her everything.

  She studied the hologram for a few moments and then asked, "Were you my...?"

  "Yes," he told her before she finished her sentence. She hated when people did that. "You had some most interesting test questions to see if I was to be trusted. General Aglauros was entertained."

  "You had to ask her?" an uncharacteristic squeaky voice asked.

  "Well, who else was I to trust with your life?" Guardian responded practically.

  Zohra was now regretting her cynical questions she used to test her mysterious 'insider' with. She was not going to live some of her remarks down with her mother. "So, we still have the portal to worry about."

  "Portals. There is a great deal of caution being taken amongst the other guardians in securing their portals. If one is disrupted it will cause a chain reaction to the others, and to the host planet," Guardian explained.

  The captain glanced at the screen of the dojo. The two women were still working out. Carol was tossing Lady Harriet - more often than not and spending far too much time wrestling on the ground.

  "If they have this reaction so near to each other, they'll have to be separated for their own sakes for any jobs into the city we may need to make. I can't risk any of our lives on a distraction this strong."

  The two were silent as they continued to watch the two.

  "I think I will go rescue the women from their hormonal surges." She pushed herself out of the chair. "They are having far too much fun."

  Guardian's chuckles followed her out of the command center.




  Captain Zohra entered unobserved by Lady Harriet, but the heightened senses of Suzamni Takenya or Carol, picked up on her presence. Until the chip was removed from her, Captain Zohra suspected Carol would protect Lady Harriet with her life, unasked, because the impulse was part of the chip implant. It explained why she was so protective of her when she had walked into Com-C. She was wondering if the two would allow each other out of sight when they had to do some recon missions and it was necessary to break them into one-person pods. The recon missions were a must for her to find out what was going on in the city. Zohra laughed silently, as she thought she would also continue what Guardian did so well, drive the unwanted visitors crazy. It would be nice to be on the other side of the rude surprises for a change. When her reinforcements arrived, she wanted to be able to give an accurate assessment of who was still on the planet. Between Guardian's assessment of the soldiers and her own knowledge she would have a comprehensive report ready for whoever was Captain of the Respite.

  Now leave it to the general for not giving me the names of just who are the officers in charge of the two ships and who will be among the troops personnel. She did that on purpose. So, who would she like to surprise me with? Gawds I hope not an old girlfriend or girlfriends.

  She decided it would be less stressful to study the two women from a technical standpoint and leave speculation for another time. The two women put on a good demonstration, even with the laughs, teasing and passionate kisses preceding the takedowns. But then, as she watched Lady Harriet, she thought back on her hesitation in accepting Guardian's word that she had been deprogrammed. She was right to worry. Though she felt consciously that she had no problem recognizing whose side she was on, there was something buried deep that she had not been able to bring to consciousness. It was something that had been with her for three years now. It was about that time when her dreams started to take on a different tone. The more she attempted to wheedle it out, the more elusive it became. Many times she had tried to discuss it with her contact, but for one reason or another, the subject was never brought up. She shrugged off the worry. When the healers arrive she would mention it to them.

  Thump, bam.

  Ow! Bet that hurt…

  They followed the same pattern; first they circled each other…with big grins on their faces…testing each others defenses, and then one would attack and somehow, they would both end up on the matt. Of course, Lady Harriet was getting a lot of painful thumps because Carol was using their connection to her advantage. She frowned. Was she only making it appear that way? After all, they were just playing a rough game of tag. Her dark eyes moved to Lady Harriet as she studied her with a more critical eye. Her reflexes were not what a Black Rose would call impressive, but she did not have to be a one-woman killing machine, she reminded herself. Her balance was good and she had the right moves. She did not let thinking get in her way as she responded to some of Carol's moves when she did not want to land on the mat. She guessed Lady Harriet was controlling more of this game than what appeared. She did not need to study Carol, for she had seen her in practice when Lord Chaney visited. He did not want her to train with anyone that could later use what they learned from her against her, so he had a special program designed for her. The entire Black Rose squad on Merkers had a copy of it. She smirked to herself as she remembered the others were incredulous that she really worked to the level of the holograph program. Some of them thought it was a joke on them and no one could train a metradame to that level unless she was an assassin before she became a metradame and then they got silent. No one was supposed to know where metrapeople came from. Which was why the knowledge had not trickled down to the masses yet. However, she and four others had decided to work up to the same level as the training holograph, just in case someone would need to take her out, the captain had said. But, each of them had their own selfish reasons to train at that level. She did it because it was a challenge.

  Her thoughts returned to the problem they were facing. Since Alan was on his way, his little army of metrasoliders would also be arriving. Probably before he did, to make sure he would be safe. From what she had read, he had over a hundred soldiers programmed to kill, though she doubted he would send them all here, but even two troops, between the three of them, or four, if she counted Guardian, would have to hold them off if the two relief ships did not arrive on time. Would Alan take advantage of this time when the protection of the outpost was vulnerable? Yes. So where were all his troops? Maybe they caught him off guard and his troops were scattered about. So, where would he have had them stationed or what was he planning before Lord Chaney's death changed the political balance?

  She had seen and competed against various members of Alan's elite group. They wore the black clothing almost like that of a yobashi, a well-organized and closed group of assassins; though she knew, they were not part of that group. It was probably Alan Fermin's idea to dress them that way. It instilled fear of them on sight…and it was justified. The elite group had trained in the compound the Black Rose's troop used for their advanced tactical training, compliments of Lord Chaney, much to the anger of the Black Rose members. But the training compound was Lord Chaney's, one that he had specially designed to train assault ground troops. Zohra wondered who else he rented it out to when they were not around. She was sure Naboths Vine knew.

  Alan and Lord Chaney usually arranged competitions between their favorite two groups. The fights stopped short of death or maiming since neither wanted to lose their well-trained mini
ons, she recalled with contempt. Both sides sported scars from encounters, though she had no more such marks of battle on her body. She guessed Guardian's medibot had removed them. Alan's group was good and trained in a fighting technique the yobashi used. It was meant to kill quickly and efficiently. She would have to teach it to these two women so that they would have a chance of surviving in a confrontation with them.

  Her breath caught as she watched Lady Harriet spin in the air in a surprise move on Carol. She imagined what it would look like if Lady Harriet had long hair, loose and flying in slow motion like an orange wave about her head…without any clothes on. She sat up higher, startled where her thoughts kept going. She really needed to keep her thoughts on a professional level now. She was not a Sgt. Major anymore.

  Captain Zohra's movement caused Lady Harriet to look in her direction, giving Carol the advantage. Carol kicked to her stomach, sending her sailing a good distance. She ended up flat on her back. Guiltily, Zohra rose to her feet to join the two.

  She stared down into dark green glassy eyes as Lady Harriet's lungs struggled to fill with air again. She felt her heart warm over as she gazed down at the woman she had so long ago joined with. Did she see something more behind the green unfocused eyes? Did Lady Harriet remember watching her? Of course she did. The masters had emphasized to all the students the power behind the dragon energy that was called into play with the Dance.

  Oh, yeah. She remembers. The question is, what is she…what are we, going to do about it? No. The question is 'when.' As the green eyes cleared she could see an emotion behind Lady Harriet's stare, but it was gone as she took her first deep shaky breath.

  "Good shot," Harriet wheezed, as she rolled to her hands and knees, pulling herself together before rising to her feet.

  "It was a sucker shot," Captain Zohra remarked unsympathetic. She needs to learn not to be so easily distracted…though I can't imagine how difficult it is to remain aware when all her senses are wrapped up in sexual feelings. However, she's going to have to find a way if we're going to face Alan's group before the drug wears off.

  Harriet felt a moment of irritation but let it pass. The captain was correct. She was too focused on Carol and when another noise intruded, she let it distract her. She merely nodded at the captain.

  "Have you been working out daily?" she asked to be polite, though by the huffing of the two she gathered their fun was taking up a lot of energy. She was sorry she broke the game up because she really did enjoy watching them.

  "No." Not that there is much room or anyone to work out with on Spinner's Tale. Helgas Moon. Here are two women in top condition and me. I'm gonna be a weak link here. It was not something she was used to. A look of annoyance crossed Harriet's face.

  "Have you ever studied ChoTaK?" Captain Zohra asked both women.

  "No," they answered in unison.

  "I will teach you some basics. Alan's elite team specializes in that particular form of combat, which is based on what the yobashi use. When I am finished teaching you, if a lethal blow is delivered, you will know the reversal. I will also show you how to recognize when it is delivered. Unless you are a can only do this for yourself."

  Both women nodded. Harriet was surprised that the captain could speak whole sentences and stringed together. Carol was being polite because she already knew the ways of the yobashi. She was curious what the captain knew.

  Using Carol first as an example so that she would not feel she needed to challenge her if she should hurt her mistress, Captain Zohra demonstrated each hit and informed them of its intention, and then demonstrated the counter. Her voice was soft, terse, and she used few words, letting the movements teach themselves.

  As Lady Harriet countered Captain Zohra's moves, Zohra felt a slight tremor from their contact. Pretending not to notice, Zohra grabbed her wrist to demonstrate another move, reminding them how to breathe and what to imagine.

  I guess I don't have the same power over her as Carol, so we won't be rolling around on the mat, however…she does react to my touches. Ooooh. But I can have fun with this.

  For an hour, Captain Zohra worked with them. She enjoyed the exchanges with Lady Harriet. Each time they touched, she could feel her pulse quicken or feel a tremble in her limbs. It occurred to her that Lady Harriet may have confused feelings with the lust gas and with her touches, but she wickedly continued. When Lady Harriet had made two simple errors in a row, she decided to end the workout.

  "That is enough for now. Later tonight, we can review. Breifing with Guardian is in a stan hour, so I suggest we clean up and get something to eat before we meet with him."

  "I can go for that," Harriet rubbed her sore thigh thoughtfully. The liquid from the bots was sustaining, but solid food sounded nicer. So, the captain becomes less of a stranger in workouts. Okay. Well, I know by the string undergarments that she isn't all stone faced. Then the question is, how long does it take for her to warm up to someone? Gawds, Montran. You have enough on your plate without worrying about making friends with her. Just get a working relationship and when things settle, go on from there.


  Captain Zohra watched Lady Harriet as she tiredly took the towel from the bot. Her hair was sticking to her wet scalp and the damp outer clothing clung to her body. Captain Zohra pulled her eyes off her and looked at Carol. Carol was watching her expressionless, as she took a sip of water. As they exited the room, Captain Zohra stepped in beside Carol and struck up a conversation; her ulterior motive was to get to know Carol and to see how it would affect the two women to be separated. She was not disappointed in their hand-to-hand drills she put them through. From the short time she had to review the surveillance film on Lady Harriet, she knew she could take care of herself under fire. Sheila's training was legendary, mostly spread by her owner, Lord Chaney. But did Carol retain the training and would she use it in defense of herself and for a cause she may not remember? Was there a program buried so deep they would not be able to detect it that would kill her or them? Lord Chaney was the type that would do something like that. But would he also refrain because he harbored a fear that his metradame may turn on him? Now that was a thought. What would he do to insure against that? No, she did not think he had that fear. He had metragirls since they first came out. If anyone knew of their weaknesses, he would. She would just have to wait for the healers. They had a way to find out such things. She would also see them about…about what?


  Harriet, deep in thought, fell in behind Captain Zohra and Carol. Her physical reactions to Zohra's touches and the images they conjured up she attributed to the pheromone gas effects, which was troubling in its consequence on her defense performance. The jealousy that it incited in her when Zohra touched Carol was especially annoying and distracting.

  Alright…all the more reason to get Carol on the track to self-realization. Only, I have to do it so she doesn't feel like I'm pushing her away or abandoning her.

  Walking behind the two women, she watched Carol as she politely interacted with Captain Zohra. The questions were military in nature, and Harriet knew the captain was assessing another player she would use in defense of the outpost. Harriet realized that leading was something Zohra was comfortable with. She attributed it to her early training as a galaxy athlete, her four years at the Academy learning the basics of being a military officer and as her role as a Spartan SMajor. It had given her a working understanding of team play and the importance of knowing both your allies and enemies. She wondered if it fell into her personal relationships. After all, keeping tight control of all relationships for a covert operator was necessary. One mistake was not just your life that was forfeit, but all those connected to you, whether they were innocent or not. Harriet understood that tradition of warfare intimately well. Her thoughts returned to Carol, worried she would be seen only as a fountain of information and not as an individual.

  What type of a woman would Lord Chaney want to be his special metradame? If Captain Zohra knew about h
er past is she a sister from one of the Guild Houses? For a brief moment, she wondered if the two women had been lovers, but she quickly pushed that thought out of her mind. Jealously was an emotion she had little experience with and felt like a complete novice in knowing what to do with the disconcerting emotion.

  "Would you mind if Carol and I have a private chat?" Zohra asked Harriet as they paused at the entrance of Harriet and Carol's room.

  Harriet flushed. "No, of course not! Carol, it's not necessary to ask my permission to do things away from me…just…just let me know where you are. I will worry." She sent a glare towards Zohra to remind her what she had said earlier.

  The door swished shut behind a relieved Harriet. She looked down at her hands and noticed she was nervously twisting the unfamiliar ring that would draw Carol to her.

  Ahhh. You're now starting to think there is a sexual thing going on between them. Jealously is not pretty, whether from contrived reasons or not. You need to find something to keep your mind busy.

  Harriet took a shower and changed her clothes.


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