Merker's Outpost

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Merker's Outpost Page 42

by I. Christie

  "No. I…I don't feel any of this is familiar. It is true I saw the cards and I knew I laid them on a recorder table. But I don't know why."

  "Someone in your genetic line may have been an Enuit," Guardian conjectured. "Your DNA scan shows some of the same markers, but many have similar DNA, it just expresses itself differently. Hmm. You do not look like a Land Enuit and certainly not a Water Enuit. I understand you were an orphan raised by the Sister House on Altra Seven."

  "That is what Major Zohra had said, however, I don't remember that." Carol frowned remembering the small data chip she had not investigated yet, that held information of her past. Was she really interested? Inwardly she sighed. Life was just too busy right now.

  "Well, that isn't important right now. What is important is that we determine what possible weaknesses Alan may have found to exploit," Harriet reminded the others.

  "If you feel that the ritual is important, you will have to decide soon for the visitor had told ShaDiAt that he will be arriving soon," MaaSa told them.

  "Did the visitor say how he would arrive?"

  "By the moon."

  "Through the dome?" Carol and Harriet asked together. Both had noted the impressive dome that covered the ceiling of the water city.

  "That is how she translated it."

  "I can only think of a transporter. But Guardian has…"

  "Not over Avanster," Guardian corrected. "The Enuits oversaw the construction of this city themselves. I don't know what they have done to protect their city from unwanted visitors."

  "Nothing. We thought only Enuits and friends would visit and those that were here had arrived by the portal. We had waited expectedly for a while after the Change, then thought all had forgotten us."

  "You did not keep a watch, MaaSa?" Guardian asked worried.

  "We were aware of Century City being occupied, but we had become accustomed to our solitude and had no intention of ending it."

  "How did you know that the city was occupied?" Harriet asked.

  "We are connected with the planet. She told us. She was not happy with the harmful energy that was settling within her, and with the disruptions she is experiencing at various vortexes. It is causing her discomfort."

  "She did not tell you Guardian was alive?"

  "She has no thought of Guardian. We became intimate with her after the Change, when Guardian left us. She had told us the tomage was safe and that is what is most important for any of us."

  Harriet felt the presence of MaaSa focused on her. I think I will leave my question of what is tomage for another time, she wisely decided.

  "Since all that we can do here had been done, perhaps MaaSa and Guardian you will excuse us. We need to prepare to visit the next city, Iota," Harriet informed the two sentient friends.

  "You will visit Iota uninvited?" MaaSa asked not believing. "Guardian?"

  "There is no one there," Guardian assured him.

  "You are sure?"

  "The life support had been shut off."

  MaaSa was quiet.

  "You don't feel that is true, MaaSa?" Harriet prompted.

  "The Spirit of the Planet reported that there is life there."

  Harriet felt MaaSa's energy diminish.

  "It is time we left here," Harriet softly informed Carol. She nodded in agreement.

  "You are not waiting for MaaSa to return?" Guardian asked.

  "The communication link is back up…and we still have other cities to prepare for."

  "You sound as if you are in a rush to get the cities on line." There was a pause, and then, "It's not because you are worried that once the forum has the planet under their protection you will have nothing to do until your admiral calls for you, is it?" Guardian teased.

  "Yeah. You got me," she laughed back; however, she suspected that was it exactly. Or, was it something else that had her wanting to get the other cities online so that they could be monitored. Wonder if it's the Alowans that are disrupting the energy vortexes. If Lord Chaney used the Alowan for gathering information about what was going on here during his absence, than Alan knows about him. But Alan would not risk his soldiers for the benefit of the alowans…is it just because of the portal? Why is this place so important to him? It's got to be more than me…

  On the ride back, Harriet's thoughts went over what possible reason the outpost could be so important. Too many important people were interested in the protection of the outpost. The outpost was a research outpost. Whatever he was researching, was it detrimental to the portal…was that why the outpost was closed? Why not just change the type of research? Guardian surprised her with his information on the Enuits. Her drowsy mind moved to the tale of the Enuits and thought of the Weildworlds, Chrysaorweild in particular. It was a closed planet protected by the Counsel of Rings, no less. Was that where the Enuits had settled?

  You gotta stop thinking, lieutenant. Your brain is on hyperdrive.



  When they arrived back at the Lair, the atmosphere was noticeably different. There was a feeling that the place was not deserted any more. As they passed through the hall, Harriet could see green lights lit up on the outside of all the doors that had once been out, but they were the only ones present. She glanced at Carol. She had a distracted look on her face. Harriet let her vision blur and could see the swirling energy around Carol. Suspecting she was thinking about the merging, she decided to let Carol wrestle with the decision alone. She reminded herself not to question actions she had already taken. She made the suggestion that she felt was right, now it was up to those that could make it happen to decide if they would. If not, then something else had to be arranged. Guiltily she remembered that this was now a joint military operation and she really was too low on the decision making pole to have broached it without clearing it with her CO, who would discuss it with his CO and then it would go to another group and no telling when it would get back to the people needed to take on the task.

  She sighed. Life was getting complicated again. Too much was changing in her life. This energy of 'knowing' that she tapped into when she was in the Spartans was a toned down empathic knowing. She could now recognize what she had been denying for so long.

  The door to their quarters slid open and Harriet stopped in the kitchenette where Bach was waiting to serve her.

  "Cha, warm," Harriet requested absentmindedly. Her thoughts moved to the immediate, the new arrivals. Guardian did not say that they were military, so they must be arrivals through the portal. Now that is something that interested her.

  Probably will have a gala dinner or something so everyone can meet…Guardian didn't say just what type of meeting it's going to be. Oh, bloody moon. I gotta wear a uniform if it's formal…or do I? Who am I supposed to represent? I haven't heard anything from the admiral directly only through Guardian. Hmm.

  With her cold drink she trailed Carol into the bedroom. She could hear the shower shut off, and the water to the tub was running. Removing her own clothes, she prepared for a shower thinking about the soak in the tub that was always relaxing. Perhaps she should explain to Carol why she suggested such a radical thing for her to do….except she did not really have an explanation. Did Carol understand psychic insight, intuition or did she believe her mistress was taking back her request that she make her own decisions about her life?

  Sighing she moved into the bathing room. She would rather soak while she thought up a plan for visiting the third city, Iota. The impression she got from MaaSa was not to visit the city. Should she visit a place that someone who was in sync with the spirit of the planet advised against?

  She stepped into the shower for a quick cleaning. Finished, she left a wet trail on her way to the tub. She took a deep breath involuntarily as she felt a pop inside her head as if her senses were unplugged. It was not painful, just surprising. Carol was in the tub with her eyes closed. Harriet stood for a moment as she surveyed what she was seeing. Colors, strong and pulsing were rising from the water and spiraling above t
he tub, creating an energy vortex of some sort.

  "I have decided to merge with the Enuit, Mistress," Carol stated in a quiet voice.

  "So, the herb bath is the beginning of the preparation," Harriet surmised easily.

  "Yes. It is from this planet. It wakens the qi and opens up the senses."

  Unconsciously Harriet rubbed her forehead where the pop occurred. "I noticed. Would you like to be alone?"

  "No, Mistress. I would like your assistance. I don't remember much of the preparation. I was thinking of it in a dream on the way back here and it seems familiar but too…unclear."

  "How were you able to choose this herb?" Harriet asked curiously.

  "I asked Ald."

  "Ahh, a bot with a wealth of hebal information. Well, the more people involved, the stronger the vibration we can create to set the atmosphere for the meld and to protect you two. We also need to find out if MaaSa has agreed."

  "Guardian?" Harriet called.

  "Yes, Lt. Montran?"

  "Has MaaSa thought about the meld?"

  "Yes. His people have selected him to be one to go through with it if it is to be."

  "Okay. Carol has also agreed to go through with it. I trust he knows what to do on his side. On our side, we'll need more people."

  "How many participants are needed?"

  "The normal sitting is seven. Six for the directions and the seventh for observing and watching the outer parameter. We noticed you had a lot of rooms activated, perhaps somewhere amongst your guests you have some that are familiar with ritual preparations."

  "Indeed, Alexandra!"

  The familiar voice was followed by Gedaliaha stepping through the clouds of steam.

  "Gedaliaha!" Harriet was out of the tub quickly wrapping her dripping arms around the smaller woman who was wrapped in a long robe in the soft pastel colors she liked to wear.

  "My dear Alexandra. It is so nice to see you are doing so well." Gedaliaha's arms gave her a strong hug then pushed her back gently to get a better look at her.

  "Hmmm. I see you have finally shed that awful energy about you and become involved with others."

  Harriet's face turned slightly red. Gedaliaha had been suggesting many times that if she had a lover's relationship, even if it were to be short-termed, it would do her heart energy good. Though Harriet knew it to be true, she felt overwhelmed with the care of her Spartan troop, the Degas. All their lives were uncertain…too uncertain to share with another heart.

  "The shamans have foreseen this need and those who are to participate are preparing," Gedaliaha continued. "We have more to maintain the protective ring."

  "Gedaliaha, this is Carol. Carol, this is Gedaliaha," Harriet introduced.

  Gedehelia's reply was in a singsong voice that was musical and foreign to Harriet.

  Carol raised a hand in greeting.

  "I don't know what you have said, but I greet you, Wise Mother," Carol returned.

  Gedaliaha nodded with a smile. "Greetings and blessing onto you and your family's hearth." Gedaliaha studied the energy around the woman in the water and then continued, "We have three with yang energy that have been across the bridge of osho many times. The three with the yin energy," she turned to Harriet gesturing that she should step back into the water, "are yourself in the West, Sharon Teal to the heavens, and Maga Le, to the planet."

  Harriet went still on the third step, unsure whether the warmth that was infusing her was from the waist deep water or hearing a name from her past.

  Sharon. How many Sharon Teals can there be in such a large expanse of worlds? And she is to be the Heavens? A shaman who had walked the valley of death and returned is usually chosen for that position. Is it because she is a metradame? How does Gedaliaha know her? Sharon a shaman? Sharon a mad scientist is more likely…or a dedicated scientist anyway. Gedaliaha as a shaman seems natural come to think of it. She took a deep breath…west. I am to represent the west.

  "You shall both prepare for the next two hours. I shall assist as you both are novices at this and may languish at some point in the ritual," Gedaliaha said in her usual dry humor.

  The room quickly changed from a tropical setting to the interior of a ritual bathing area at the temple on Helop in the province of Ma.

  Now how do I know Helop? I know I've never been here. It's by invitation and only the dedicated would want to go. This is really weird, but too late to go back.

  "Dreams," a voice whispered near her ear.

  The energy in the room intensified. Carefully, Harriet followed Gedaliaha's directions, taking a place next to Carol's partially submerged figure. She appeared already in trance. Taking a deep breath, Harriet held the herb's essence in her lungs, feeling it penetrate her cells. Gedaliaha demonstrated the mudra position of the hands and fingers, elbows even with their shoulders and then the breath rhythm.

  Harriet closed her eyes and let the energy in the room transform her senses and move her to another state as the power of the pose, and environment propelled them into another world. Time does not exist for those inside the energy a ritual creates.

  Harriet experienced sudden awareness of others sitting in a semi circle in her quarters in the sitting room. Her dress was a loose saffron cloth, draped in ritual folds over her form, which vibrated to the color of green. Gedaliaha's form was dark and made up another vibration, sitting out of the consciousness of the circle, but Harriet spotted her and knew her. Just like she knew Sharon was present, but it was not the energy she was familiar with. From a distance she studied everyone, hovering above the circle, and then her attention was drawn back to her part where she focused her energy to the center where the others were directing theirs. Carol was sitting in the center of the semicircle, draped in a white sheer fabric. The light in the center became so bright that Carol's physical form was blotted out.

  The process of the meld began as a vibration. Their combined thoughts set up a tone that shot through Carol's form in a colorless energy, which radiated for a moment above her then outward, touching them all. The touch was gentle, foreign and loving. Harriet was faintly aware of another energy that was outside the circle. Gedaliaha. Her energy was like a dark hurricane funnel moving toward the new energy and spinning around it, sucking anything not wanted around it up into it's central core, where it disappeared. When her energy withdrew a new energy entered into their circle. The feeling from the new energy was a tingling cool sensation. As it entered into their combined vibration the tone of the circle changed. Harriet felt the splitting of the energy fields. From this new mix there was no feeling of anguish, but rather a curiosity and intense intelligence, radiating from both spirits as they shared space. A sudden surge of her own energy return to her and Carol's physical form in the center became more solid.

  Those in the circle remained seated, as the slow chant began, her own voice joining in, with the sounds resonating in Harriet's breastbone. Mentally connected with the group, she did not have to be told the rhythm or tone, and as the chanting rose and fell, her physical senses gradually began to assert consciousness and her connection with the others began to fade. It was a grounding chant. Harriet changed the mudra of her hands, and then extended her legs to move into another pose, instinctively, or influenced by the group, changing the energy of the room, thus gradually bringing the sacred ritual to an end.

  Sighing aloud, she stretched her body, just as the others were, and let her eyes travel around the group. Everyone was very pleased with themselves. The sesshi had not been performed before by any of them, yet they could feel the meld had gone without any problems. Both spirits psychologically adapted to it, which helped considerably. One of the men directly across from Harriet looked too young to be a shaman, but when he opened his eyes, they were like those of an old man, nearly sightless and faded. He smiled at her and rose gracefully, patting Gedaliaha on the shoulder as she remained sitting. Harriet's eyes fell on Sharon. Her heartbeat raced as she watched her and the others move the furniture back in place, and then assist Carol
to the couch.

  Sharon turned slightly and gave Harriet a warm smile when their eyes met.

  "You're leaking your thoughts, Alexandra." Gedaliaha spoke softly.

  Harriet turned to her mentor, her eyes rising to meet Gedaliaha's. Now with so much clarity she could see Gedaliaha easily as she is and became embarrassed at her lack of sight in the past.

  "Now, don't be thrashing yourself for past oversights, Alexandra," Gedaliaha admonished. "You were under a cloud for so many years. It almost consumed you! I would not have revealed to you who I was under those circumstances. Be at peace that you were never alone, and that though it may seem you have caused others great suffering, you are not the center of all this mess…though young Alan may insist that is so," Gedaliaha gently poked.

  "I…" Harriet let out her breath audibly, "had no idea of any of this."


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