The Cure

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The Cure Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “They think they’ve got a chance of winning. Poor little babies.”

  “No one steals from The Cure.”

  The one at the head started down the steps and tutted. “It’s not even the height of the full moon, and you think you can take us on? Packs have tried and failed. No one can fight a vampire.”

  Sandra’s shaking had started to stop. Goosebumps erupted over Lucas’s arms as, before his eyes, Sandra’s wolf flowed into her veins.

  Not only was his woman’s wolf flowing into his veins, she had somehow created a connection to the whole of the pack, and together they were starting to heal, to flow with blood.

  Looking toward Patricia and Sean, Lucas witnessed the witch and warlock chanting together, channeling the energy to create one large pack, bound together with hope, rather than a bunch of wolves from different packs.

  “I killed three of your kind,” Sandra said. Her voice had changed with the control of her wolf. She tilted her head to the side, and Lucas witnessed the beast inside coming out.

  Help me, Lucas. Help me fight them.

  His fangs elongated, and so did his nails, becoming more claws than nails.

  Their mating had given them the advantage to take out The Cure.

  What the group of vampires had tried to do was knock the balance between good and evil. They had awakened the good to their evil, and Lucas was so aroused in that moment. He wanted fuck Sandra.

  Instead, he kept an eye on the threat coming toward them.

  “You lie.”

  “I don’t tell lies. I snapped their necks like twigs and covered myself in their blood.” Sandra chuckled. “Their ashes are out there somewhere, coating the earth. It’s not here, though.”

  “No one steals from The Cure.”

  “I take what I want, and you will all die tonight. Your control is over.”

  “She’s a wolf.”

  “How is she a wolf?”

  “The wrong done to our world cannot be undone, but it can be stopped from getting worse.”

  Before he knew what was happening, Sandra had charged toward the leader of the vampires.

  Reacting, he raced toward the group of vampires and rushed them, slamming his claws into one vampire’s chest. He grabbed his heart, squeezed, and yanked out his organ, snapping his neck at the final touch. Rushing to the next, Lucas kept on fighting, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Sandra pounding the lead vampire.

  The group of wolves had also taken on the vampires, and The Cure was discovering how weak they were when hit by a real opponent. The Cure was weak, and they had only succeeded in killing because they had divided packs and conquered them, hitting everyone at their weakest moment.

  When he realized that, Lucas fought harder.

  Turning back toward his woman, he saw the head vampire land a blow to Sandra’s stomach, kicking her against the tree. His woman didn’t give up.

  “Just think of the power I will have with you.”

  Lucas saw what was about to happen, but couldn’t stop it. The head vampire moved around her back, grabbed her tight, and teleported out of the field.

  He screamed for his mate, and when he looked around the grounds, he saw they had all witnessed it.

  “Find her,” he said.

  Patricia was already grabbing his hand.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Hold onto this piece of rope. You’re the thing that belongs to Sandra. You’re bound together.” She closed her eyes, and Sean touched her, channeling their magic together.

  “If he takes her, he will be stronger and find more vampires to feed off.”

  “Then The Cure will be strong,” Sean said.

  “Come on. We can end this with that fucker.”

  Patricia showed him in his mind where Sandra was, and Lucas blinked. Sandra was gone, and so he had no choice but to go back to the field. Three more tries of finding Sandra had him going back to Patricia and Sean.

  “Where is she?” he asked.

  “Wait,” Patricia said, “he’s doing it on purpose to weaken you. Give him a moment.”

  They stood, waiting, and after a few minutes, she smiled, channeling the image of where she was.

  He was going back to the spot where he first saw her.


  “You think you can fight me?” the lead vampire said, throwing her across the lake toward the trees.

  With all the teleporting, she was dazed and weak. She shouldn’t have taken on this vampire, and it was her mistake.

  He grabbed her, tugged her close, and bit into her neck.

  Sandra screamed, begging for Lucas to come and help her.

  The vampire ravished her neck, sucking the blood out of her.

  “Get off her.”

  Lucas appeared, grabbing the vampire’s throat and unlocking his jaw, much like you would do a dog.

  Sandra collapsed to the ground and gasped as Lucas took over the fight.

  “Where I fall, another will rise,” the vampire said.

  “Then we will keep you all down.” Lucas pushed the vampire to the ground and yanked his head clean off his body. Holding his head, he spun him over and yanked out his heart. Within seconds the head vampire vanished into dust, and Sandra found herself gasping.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you, and I’m not going to let you go.”

  “I’m sorry, Lucas. I had to do it. I had to protect them.”

  He cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her lips. “How can I be angry with you, baby? The Cure has been defeated. We won, and we’re not going to let them take over again.” He held her tightly, and she closed her eyes, just basking in the feel of his arms around her. She didn’t want him to ever let her go. “Hold onto me.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, and he teleported them back to the field. The moment they arrived, they were surrounded by cheers and love.

  Sandra smiled at all the people she had saved, and there was no sign of the vampires who’d tried to kill them.

  “Where are the others?” Sandra asked.

  “We’re going there now,” Patricia said. “We’re going to go and release them.”

  Pulling away from Lucas, she looked up at him. “If we go together, we can take Sean and Malcolm and break them out of the cages.”

  “You do that, and we’ll be there within the hour,” Patricia said.

  Lucas took hold of her face and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Be careful.”

  She nodded, taking hold of Sean’s hand. “Are you ready?”


  Closing her eyes, she teleported back into the cells, and Sean pressed a fireball to the lock.

  “It’s okay,” she said, finally going to the children who were locked in the cages. “We’re here to protect you.”

  Snapping the lock, she opened the door. At first the children wouldn’t leave the cage, and it broke her heart to witness.

  “We’re not going to hurt you, and I’m not going to let anyone else hurt you. I promise. You’re safe with us.”

  The youngest girl, no older than six, rushed toward her, wrapping her arms around her.

  “I was so scared.”

  “I know, honey. I know.” All of the kids rushed toward her, and Sandra dropped to her knees to support their weight. They held her tightly.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed before someone tapped her on the shoulder. Glancing up, she saw Lucas smiling down at her.

  “This here is my mate, Lucas. He’s a vampire, but you don’t have to be afraid. He’s not like those evil vampires.” She took Lucas’s hand, pressing a kiss to his hand. “He’s one of us.”

  While she’d been with the kids, Sean, Malcolm, and Lucas had released the other wolves.

  “It’s time for us to go.”

  Sandra nodded, keeping the children together as she moved out of the cages. She looked around, watching as wolves embraced, cried out, and simply basked in being out in the open.

  “I want to see if I can
find their parents.”

  With Lucas at her side, she moved around everyone, asking if they knew them. By the time she was finished, exhaustion was closing in, and Sandra started to believe that the children didn’t have any parents.

  “What should I do?” she asked, looking at Lucas.

  “You’ve got to ask them, baby. I know you don’t like it.”

  She released a sigh and knelt down in front of them. “Do you know where your parents are?” she asked.

  The sadness that came over them broke her heart.

  “They were killed.”

  Closing her eyes, she wrapped her arms around them all and pulled them in together. “Okay, how would you like to stay with me? Would you like that?”

  “What about the scary man?” the girl on the left said.

  Sandra laughed, looking back at Lucas. “He’s not that scary. I promise you. He’s just a big cuddly teddy bear.”

  They all made their way back to the coven, and the youngest boy of the group hugged close to Lucas. When it was clear that the kids were struggling, Sandra picked one up, resting the girl on her hip, Sean tugged one onto his shoulders, as Malcolm did the same. Patricia picked the other girl up.

  Walking back to the coven ground, Patricia and Sean gave back the children, and made their way to the edge of the grounds to set up the boundary. They were all still on edge with The Cure possibly still being out there.

  Sandra didn’t wait around and took all the kids to the bathroom, making sure they were cleaned before feeding them. Time passed as she put them to bed.

  “Will the bad men come and get us?” the young girl she’d been carrying asked.

  “What’s your name?” Sandra asked.


  “No, Christy. The bad men are not going to come, and if they do, I will make sure they don’t get anywhere near you.” She leaned down, pressing a kiss to her temple.

  Going around the room, she learned the names of the children.

  Afterward, she wished them a good night and found Lucas outside of the room, waiting.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “Why would I be mad?”

  “I can’t let them go, Lucas. I know it has been a crazy couple of hours, but we can’t leave them behind.”

  He held her face between his hands and smiled. “I wouldn’t dream of doing any such thing. They belong to us now, and we will take care of them.”

  “What happens now?” she asked, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

  “We all stay together, and we fight any threat posed. None of us are ever going to back down again. We can’t live in fear.”

  “Do you really think someone else will come and try to hurt us?” Sandra asked, already exhausted.

  Lucas shrugged. “I didn’t think anyone would try before the first attack, and I was proven wrong because we were attacked. I’m not going to take anything for granted, not with our family’s safety. Come on. Let’s go to bed. We can worry about what is to come tomorrow.”

  He took her hand, and Sandra was more than happy to be led to bed.


  Five years later

  “Patricia and Sean have finally tied the knot,” Sandra said, looking up from the letter to see Lucas spinning Ben around on the beach. She couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of her man surrounded by their kids.

  After saving the five children that night, Sandra hadn’t been able to let them go, and so she and Lucas took them.

  They lived in Lucas’s home that had been ransacked by The Cure. They had redecorated and fixed the damage the vampires had done to the place.

  This was their first vacation away from the packs, and the covens, and everything in between. Lucas was standing out in the sunlight, and like always, it amazed him that he could watch the sunset with her.

  What Sandra loved was the fact she could teleport back to their home to grab stuff that they had forgotten.

  “It’s about time those two realized they were meant for each other. I mean, the tension was building between them for years,” Lucas said, putting Ben down, who charged at the waves, chasing after his sisters and brother.

  They kept their eye on their kids, and Sandra leaned against her mate, watching them.

  “I’m out in the sun. I may not be getting a tan, but I can put some suntan on your flesh, baby.”

  Her stomach tightened, and her pussy grew slick thinking about the ways he could put his hands on her.

  “You’re thinking dirty thoughts. I can smell how creamy your pussy is getting, baby. Do you want me to fuck you right here and now?”

  Closing her eyes, she groaned as his hand rested on her stomach. There was a towel over her thighs from helping Judy change into her costume, and Lucas didn’t let that stop him as he moved his hand down between her thighs.

  “Oh, baby, you’re so wet for me.” He teased through her clit, sliding down to plunge a finger into her cunt.

  This is what her life had been like for the past couple of years. It had been about constantly falling in love with Lucas. Not a moment went by when she didn’t want him. They stayed in touch with all members of the packs that they had saved, and so they all kept an eye on the potential danger arising.

  Sandra wasn’t a fool and believed what the man said: where one man falls, another rises.

  She gasped as he pinched her clit.

  “Shh, baby, you’ve got to be quiet.”

  Wriggling on his fingers, she found herself building to the peak, and Lucas didn’t make her wait. He pushed her over the edge, and when she went to scream out her orgasm, he captured the sound with a kiss.

  Lucas discreetly removed his hand, licking her cream from his fingers. “Tastes amazing like always.”

  Resting her head against him, she released a sigh. “What about you?”

  “You can take care of me tonight, baby. I was more than happy to take care of you.”

  Neither of them moved while they watched their kids play in the ocean. They had been planning this trip for over a year. None of them wanted to leave the packs that they had grown close to, but their kids needed a break.

  The hours passed, and the humans that were also on the beach, oblivious to the wolves and vampires in their midst, left.

  “Malcolm has also found his mate,” Lucas said.

  “Penni. She’s a lovely woman and will be perfect for him.” Sandra held onto Lucas’s hand. “What if someone tries to take this all away from us again, Lucas?”

  “We will fight them like we always do. You, the girls, and our boys, they’re our family, and we will fight for them.”

  Last time she didn’t have anything to fight for, not really. She’d been newly mated, and the need to survive had been what drove her to fight.

  Standing up, she gathered up the towels as their kids rushed to the beach, and for the next two hours Sandra didn’t think of anything that could happen. She held each child she had come to know and love as her own, and knew that she would fight to the death for them all.

  Later that night, staring up at the full moon with Lucas’s arms wrapped around her, she allowed the fear to dissipate. For five years she’d been living in fear of something happening, taking her happiness with it.

  That night, she made a vow. A vow that would stay with her for the next hundred years as she brought the kids she’d saved into adulthood, while keeping an eye on any threat that could arise.

  She vowed that no matter how big the threat or how scared everyone was around her, she would fight with every fiber of her being, until either one of two things happened. The first being she died, and the second being she won.

  It had been a hundred years, and still no threat had come, but like so many others, she kept her guard up, taking nothing for granted.


  About the Author

  Sam Crescent is a USA Today Bestselling author who is passionate about romance. She resides in the UK, and loves creating new exciting characters that take her on a journey sh
e never expected.

  When she's not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc.

  For more information on other books by Sam, visit her official website:

  Also By This Author

  Evernight Publishing

  A Fighter’s Choice

  Against All Odds


  Alpha Bait

  Alpha Bully

  Bad to the Bone

  Belonging to the Steer Brothers

  Bent, Not Broken


  Blackmailed by the Beast

  Blaine: Christmas at The Skulls

  Blaze’s Second Chance

  Blind Devotion

  Bound for Christmas

  Break Her

  Broken Hearts


  Claiming His Wife

  Contract of Shame


  Crossing Boundaries

  Curse’s Claim

  Damon’s Challenge

  Death’s Dirty Demands


  Devil’s Charm

  Double Trouble

  Elijah: The Boss’s Gift

  Expecting the Playboy’s Baby

  Falling for the Enemy

  Fear the Boss

  Gavin’s Submissives

  Hard As Steel


  His Obsession

  His Possession

  His to Control

  His Woman

  Holly’s Awakening


  Just Friends



  Learning to Forgive

  Loving a Vampire


  Mine to Keep

  Moving On




  Once in a Lifetime

  Owned by Him

  Owned by the Dom: Part One

  Owned by the Dom: Part Two

  Porn Star

  Pretend for Me

  Propositioning Her Brother’s Best Friend

  Pure Filth


  Ripper’s Torment

  Runt of the Litter

  Scarred Beauty


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