by Cheryl Adam
181 Adani mine ‘not a positive thing for Australia’, Labor’s Mark Butler says;
182 An unprecedented grassroots campaign meant Lisa Singh was re-elected in the 2016 Federal Election, which was the first time a candidate has been elected on the below-the-line votes since the Senate voting system was introduced in 1984.
183 Chasing Coral;
184 Judith Wright (1977, re-published 2014) The Coral Battleground. Spinifex Press, Mission Beach and Geelong.
Chapter 10: An About Face
185 In May 2018, Annastacia Palaszczuk announced $40 million new funding in the upcoming budget which included $26 million in extra funding for a Joint Field Management Program for reef protection and a further $13.8m over the next four years for water quality. Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, Leeanne Enoch, said that further investment for the reef needed to be backed by a national climate change policy and said that was the ‘number one challenge facing the reef right now’. The Palaszczuk Government also has a 50% renewable energy target with net zero emissions by 2050;
186 ‘Upset’ Adani protester goes at premier in Airlie Beach;
187 Gina Rinehart celebrates Roy Hill ramp up in blaze of pink;
188 Atlas Iron backs Gina Rinehart’s $390 million takeover offer;
189 The Boom: Iron ore and Australia;
190 Palaszczuk says she will veto federal Adani loan as she accuses LNP of ‘smear’;
191 Anna Krien (13 June 2017) The Long Goodbye: Coal, Coral and Australia’s Climate Deadlock, Quarterly Essay 66. Black Inc. Publishing, Melbourne.
192 Queensland Election: how Palaszczuk’s Adani veto turned tide for ALP;
Chapter 11: The Carbon Bomb is Ticking
193 On 17 May 2018, environmental writer, Peter Hannam wrote about Clive Palmer’s proposed Alpha North mine in the Galilee Basin under the headline: ‘Carbon bomb’: Clive Palmer seeks nod for mine twice the size of Adani’s;
194 Galilee Basin: State Development Area Development Scheme;
195 Cooked by Coal: The Global: Significance of Australia’s Galilee Basin;
196 North Galilee Basin Rail Project;
197 Adani to pay for Isaac council staff working on Carmichael mine activities;
198 Queensland coal – mines and advanced projects;
199 Other stakeholders include the Queensland Government, Wirsol (which has 94.9%) and Whitsunday Regional Council and Federal Government ARENA (Australian Renewable Energy Agency).
200 Dispatches from the Adani frontline;
201 Clive Hamilton (2016) What Do We Want! The Story of Protest in Australia. National Library of Australia Publishing.
202 Tasmanian Dam Case;
203 Adani claims anti-coal activists cost company $7.5 million;
204 Furious Bowen local in viral spray at Adani activists involved in North Queensland protest;
205 Thea Astley, Multiple Effects of Rainshadow (1996) Viking Press, Melbourne.
206 Porcupine is Aboriginal English for echidna. Barrbira is the Birri people’s word for what they call porcupine.
207 Alex Miller (2002) Journey to the Stone Country. Allen & Unwin, Sydney.
208 Reading Australia: ‘Journey to the Stone Country’ by Alex Miller;
209 Anna Krien (13 June 2017) The Long Goodbye: Coal, Coral and Australia’s Climate Deadlock, Quarterly Essay 66. Black Inc. Publishing, Melbourne.
210 The attendance register for the meeting indicates that 60% of the participants had never attended any of the prior claim group meetings and were not recorded in a database of Wangan and Jagalingou members maintained by Queensland South Native Title Services (QSNTS) encompassing the then 12 years of the claim. Others still did not name an ancestor from whom they were descended. ‘Killing Country (Part 5): Native Title Colonialism, Racism And Mining For Manufactured Consent’;
211 The Equator Principles (EPs) is a risk management framework, adopted by financial institutions, for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risk in projects and is primarily intended to provide a minimum standard for due diligence and monitoring to support responsible risk decision-making.
212 Adani mine: Traditional owners aiming to block native title ruling on mine site;
213 Native Title law came into effect through the 1993 Native Title Act, to the celebrated ‘Mabo case’ in which Eddie Koiki Mabo and other Murray Islanders from the Torres Strait asserted ownership of their island. The 1992 Mabo v Queensland (No 2) High Court case decided in favour of the islanders, overturning the idea of terra nullius (land of nobody) as a legal fiction, thereby altering the established land ownership recognised previously through settler land law in Australia.
214 Native Title Amendment (ILUA) Bill 2017.
215 Adrian Burragubba, ‘High Noon in the Galilee: Wangan and Jagalingou Law and Order’ in The Coal Truth by David Ritter (Ed) (2018), UWA Publishing, Perth.
216 Adani mine: Traditional owners aiming to block native title ruling on mine site;
217 Federal Court rejects latest bids to stop Adani;
218 Indigenous group hid more than $2m in payments from Adani mining giant;
219 Adani port faces possible ‘stop order’ after traditional owners object;
220 Geoff Cousins reveals how Bill Shorten wavered on Adani mine;
221 Geoff Cousins said
Bill Shorten told him Labor could revoke Adani licence;
222 Stopping Adani mine would pose no ‘sovereign risk’ to Australia, says economist Saul Eslake;
223 Richard Denniss: ‘Sovereign risk’ econobabble has lost all meaning;
224 The Indian newspaper Business Standard, in September 2016 reported that GVK Reddy failed to pay the final tranche of $560 million to Gina Rinehart. GVK fails to pay $560 million for mines in Australia;
225 Stop Adani destroying our land and culture;
226 Good news about renewables: but the heat is still on to cut fossil fuel use;
227 IEA accused of undermining global shift from fossil fuels;
228 Draft Joint Report – Environmental Law Australia;
229 Assessment of selected aspects of the Alpha Coal Project with respect to climate change;
230 Professor Roger Jones, Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University, expert witness for Kelly said that the Alpha mine and three other mines’ total emissions could be 2% and 5% of total global emissions by 2040.
231 To slow climate change, India joins the renewable energy revolution;
232 Doing Big Business In Modi’s Gujarat;
233 Renewable Energy Index – Green Energy Markets;
234 Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway (2010) Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming. Bloomsbury Publishing, London.
235 The US is the Biggest Carbon Polluter in History. It Just Walked Away From the Paris Climate Deal;
236 Changing Climate. Report of the Carbon Dioxide Committee;
237 Antarctic ice melting faster than ever, studies show;
238 Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway (2010) Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming. Bloomsbury Publishing, London.
239 Floating sunscreen-like film could protect the Great Barrier Reef;
240 The amazing biological fixes that could help save the Great Barrier Reef;
241 What lies beneath?;
242 Page vii, Impacts of the 2016 and 2017 mass coral bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef tourism industry and tourism-dependent coastal communities of Queensland;
243 Page vii, Impacts of the 2016 and 2017 mass coral bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef tourism industry and tourism-dependent coastal communities of Queensland;
244 Page 85, Impacts of the 2016 and 2017 mass coral bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef tourism industry and tourism-dependent coastal communities of Queensland;
245 Page 25, Final Report 2016 Coral Bleaching Event on the Great Barrier Reef, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville;
246 Valda Blundell and Donny Woolagoodja (2015) Keeping the Wandjinas Fresh, Fremantle Press, Perth.
247 How will the Barrier Reef recover from the death of one-third of its northern corals?;
248 Some rare good climate news: the fossil fuel industry is weaker than ever;
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