Wicked Kind of Love

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Wicked Kind of Love Page 4

by Nicole Snow

  “Look, I know you're shitting bricks over missing supplies, wondering where the fuck they went. You're the one who bitched out my brothers when they came to you about a job.” I rounded my way to the stairs, taking one more for every step she took backward.

  “Bastard! Get the hell away from here! I-I'll call the cops. No bluff.”

  “I'm not bluffing either, lady. I'm here to help your ass out. You stop worrying about the missing shit because I'll tell you where it went: I took it.”

  Her eyebrow wrinkled and she dropped her cigarette. “You? That's such bullshit! Nobody gets into the supply rooms without a security clearance.”

  I let out a long breath. “You really think key cards ever held back this club when we decide to take what we want? You see this patch?” I tapped the red 1% diamond on my cut. “You know what it means?”

  “Yeah. You're outlaws. I've danced with your kind in my younger days, boy, and I know what you're all about. Same reason I want all your asses out of my town. All you do is murder, kill, steal...”

  I stopped. The shit coming out of her mouth surprised me, and so did her about face from shock to anger. This old bird knew how to play defense, I'd give her that.

  “Great,” I growled. “Then you realize we play by our own rules. Not your laws. I don't need to tell you a damned thing about how or why, but yeah, we took your fucking supplies. We were gonna buy 'em off you. Too bad you were too damned stupid to take the money and run. You turned down my brothers, and we had to do shit the hard way.”

  Linda shook her head, faded hair bobbing on her head like a nest. “So what? What now? Are you going to hurt me if I don't do what you want? Hurt my grandkids?”

  Kids? Fuck no.

  My stomach churned. Whatever experience she had with bikers in the past, I had an ugly feeling it was all with the Grizzlies MC, fucks who had no boundaries this side of hell.

  I took one step back, giving her a little space – but only a little.

  “I'm doing you a courtesy. The club sent me here to let you know we're done. No more offers for your stuck up ass and no more pawing at your precious medicines. We've got other sources for the shit we need.” I paused, taking a step forward again, turning my face to dead stone. “All we need you to do is forget. All of it, Linda. You're not stupid. Obviously, you know a thing or two about MCs. What I'm telling you is to shut your fucking mouth and never breathe a word about this shit to anyone. Doctor the damned records if anybody sticks their nose in our business. You wouldn't help us out the first time, I get it. Now, by doing you a favor and leaving you out, you're gonna help us seal the deal and walk away clean. We'll never hit your old ass up for anything else.”

  Her face was beet red, shining through the dull darkness. Half-expected her to spit in my face or take a swipe with her long green fingernails. Whatever, I was ready, as long as she kept those old claws away from my wounds.

  “Okay!” she shouted at last. “I'll do two things: wind down the investigation and keep quiet. You came to my house and talked up a storm. Now, I want you to understand something, Mister Badass...”

  She stepped up to me and stabbed her finger in my chest. If she were a man, I would've broken it right off. I held.

  Fuck it. I let the old bird take a little jab. She was giving me exactly what Emma and I needed, and nothing else mattered worth shit.

  “You ever come to this home where I live and my grandchildren sleep again, I'll kill you myself. I was too stupid, too complacent. I wasn't ready for you, so you're going to get what you want. Just this once. Next time, I won't even call the cops. I'll bring out my own heat and shoot your ass dead.”

  “Don't waste your bullets, bitch. Fucking with old ladies and kids doesn't make us hard. We're the Prairie Devils MC. Not the fucking Grizzlies.”

  I turned and walked off. We had our understanding. If this wound up crone lived by her word, then Emma's career was safe.

  By keeping her from getting dragged deeper into this shit, she was safe. Only thing that mattered. I wasn't about to go against my club's officers, but every minute I spent with her told me she wasn't cut out for blood and death. I wanted her sewing stitches, handing out Tylenol for hangovers, and then going home.

  Emma saved my ass. If I could save hers by preventing her from doing double duty for the club and winding up in a world of shit, then maybe I'd sleep at night without drowning myself in pills and Jack.

  The next day, everything went to shit.

  I missed three frantic calls from Blaze and picked up on the fourth. The clubhouse was gone. So were the Missoula Grizzlies. Worst of all, so was my fucking bike!

  I couldn't believe it. They'd used the bomb idea I floated to Maverick while I was laid up. Just not any way I ever imagined.

  The brothers rigged up our bikes, invited the bears in with a mock surrender, and blew our own headquarters to kingdom come. The boys barely made it out in time, and everybody was heading to Bozeman to regroup. Throttle, our national Prez, was on his way from North Dakota to see if the bastards would take a truce after we beat their asses raw.

  My medical leave was over. Blaze was coming for me right now, and I was gonna leave Emma's place behind.

  I started to scrawl out a note for her to leave on the kitchen table when the door burst open. She was home early, eyes wide, mouth hanging just a little. The girl looked like she'd seen a fucking ghost, and she was looking right at me.

  “What's wrong?” A terrible jolt slammed my skull. “Don't tell me they're fucking with you?”

  “No, Tank. It's the opposite. Linda and the admin are dropping the whole thing. I don't know what the hell happened.”

  “Shit! That's fucking great!”

  Mission accomplished. I walked to the door and pulled her inside. Threw her over my shoulder, not giving a single shit about the pain. I squeezed her until she stopped laughing.

  When her feet were on the floor again, she looked at the table, then at me. “What's going on?”

  Shit. Time to drop another bomb.

  “I've got to go. Right fucking now, unfortunately. Blaze's orders. I was gonna leave you a thank you note, babe. I appreciate everything you've done for me, and I mean it.”

  The happiness drained from her face. She looked clouded, confused, as if the whole world just dropped out underneath her.

  “What? Why so sudden?” Her eyes snapped down, and then right back at me. “Will I see you again?”

  Fuck! Those eyes. Those beautiful, glistening, desperate green eyes. They called me like sirens, and wouldn't let go. Every part of me mutinied against leaving her, especially without a single taste.

  I said the only thing I could. “It's club business, babe. All of it. No promises, but I got a feeling we'll be back after the bears are cleared out and no longer breathing down our necks. This town's gonna be Devil's territory before too long.”

  And you too, Emma. I don't give a shit if they make us settle in Billings for the new charter. My dick won't let me stay away from this town.

  She'd retreated into her shy, shocked little self. The clock was ticking too. Fuck my thoughts and fuck caution.

  I stepped forward, throwing my arms around her all over again. This time, I didn't let go. I reached low, clasped her ass. She gasped, barely able to keep up as I pushed her several steps backward, straight to the wall.

  I wasn't gonna let it end with her gawking at me like I just put down her dog. She was gonna remember me, damn it, and remember me right. And I was gonna take something on the road to remember her, something savory and sweet I'd never, ever forget.

  My hands squeezed her perfect ass while I leaned in. Her lips were so fucking hot when they hit mine, and bombs went off at every junction in my blood. I saw fucking stars.

  Fireworks. White lightning.

  Hot, churning lights urging me to kiss her harder, deeper, shoving her back against the wall. Back, back, 'til there was nowhere else to go but plush against my torso.

  Emma moaned into my mouth and I
sucked her lip. I pulled it tight, pushed my tongue through the gap, and wouldn't let go before I gripped her with my teeth. I dove, twisting, stroking, exploring her wet, warm heat, searching to find her tongue.

  I broke. My breath was steaming out all over her, hotter than a fucking sauna, and I still hadn't let up on that kiss for a single second. She was shaking in my hands, hips making little circles on my hands.

  My cock was about to bust through my jeans, especially with her body screaming fuck me, same as her heavy breath.

  No, I thought. Fuck me. Fuck me for doing this without wanting to admit how hot it would be just to have my tongue against yours. Fuck me for thinking I can kiss and walk away like nothing. Fuck me for imagining I'll be anything but a cold lost wolf every second I spend away from this town, away from you, Em.

  We locked lips, teeth, and tongue. I wouldn't let go 'til it was too fucking much.

  She tried to break for air, and I still wouldn't let her. I pushed her head with mine, slamming her against the wall, catching her hair in one hand. Fisting those sweet gold locks was even hotter than I imagined. I wound them tight around my fingers and pulled, wishing that was all I needed to keep her here, forever up against my ink.

  Mine. I held her in place while my tongue danced against hers, pistoning in and out her lips, fucking them with the same rough motion I burned to throttle between her legs.

  Several seconds more seconds of that was all she needed to stop struggling. Em melted beneath me, burning up in my hands. The need for air wasn't half as bad as the lust cutting through us both.

  I held on so tight I didn't expect her to jerk away. She tore hard against my hand and I let go, caught by surprise.

  Her feet tumbled to the floor. I gave her a few inches of space, letting her breathe. Fuck if I didn't need air after all.

  I'd screwed my share of whores all over the world in the club and in the Army. No woman – none – had been able to keep up. Now, I stared at the girl who finally matched my heat, and knowing I was about to be a lone furnace on the road made me want to flip my shit and put my fists through the nearest wall.

  “Tank!” she panted, swiveling and bracing herself against the counter for balance. “What the hell?”

  I took a good, hard look at her. My cock pulsed in my pants, rumbling like a goddamned jackhammer, but I wouldn't give in.

  Asshole! a voice snarled in my head. You're supposed to be giving her some distance. If you want to keep her safe, then do it. Doesn't matter if you're here or five hundred miles away.

  She can't be your woman and a safe woman.

  Let her go. Do it like a man.

  “Little going away present,” I said, trying to gather my words. “Damned good chance I'll be coming back sooner or later, babe. But listen...I can't come here.”

  Those words hurt like hell. They tasted like ash, bitter ice splashed against her sweetness bubbling on my lips.

  I stabbed my finger at my chest. “I'm the one who had a little talk with your head nurse, Linda. Told her to lay the fuck off, and she agreed. I did it to protect you.”

  “What?” Her hair was a beautiful mess, and it rippled on her shoulders when she shook. “They told me it was a slip up...a mistake...somebody took inventory all wrong.”

  “Then they lied through their fucking teeth. Exactly what I wanted. I told her myself to forget about the club and the hospital.” I paced backward, hating the way the hot red I pumped in her face was fading to white. “I know that look, babe. You're pissed, scared, wondering if I threatened her. I didn't hurt her. I did what I had to – just words – and I'd do it all over again. I did it to keep you safe, Emma.”

  “Maybe I don't need your help.” She swallowed, her soft voice on edge. “You could've fucking talked to me first, Tank. I told you what happened because I wanted your support. I didn't ask you to go out and solve my problems yourself!”

  “Damned right you didn't. I don't need permission when it comes to doing what's right.”

  Shit! Why didn't she understand? I had to make her.

  I took a step closer. She recoiled, throwing herself against the wall, dismay tearing through her eyes.

  “How can you kiss me like that and then turn into such an asshole?”

  Damn, those eyes were beautiful, even when they were lit with anger rather than lust. I shrugged. Good fucking question.

  “Take it as a reminder, Emma. You work for the club. Not me. As bad as I'd love to tear off those scrubs and finish what we started up against the wall, I'm gonna put you first, your safety and sanity. We've got to keep this shit professional. Big fucking chance you would've lost your job if I hadn't stepped in and saved it. If that had you worried – and it did – then just imagine how stressed you'd be if we'd fucked. You couldn't handle all the shit coming your way after my dick's been inside you. You almost took a spill for this club, for me. Now I'm helping you up before you get hurt, understand?”

  “No!” She gritted her teeth. “You're right about one thing: this is a job, and I am a professional. You're not my boss. You don't get to tell me where I go or what I do with my body.”

  Fucking shit. She still didn't get it!

  “I will, babe,” I growled. “Especially when you don't have a fucking clue –“

  “And fucking?” I never should've let her cut me off. “Forget about it. I don't know what I was thinking...”

  Ouch. She knew how to go for the nuts, and not how I wanted.

  She jumped when the horn started to blast outside. It was Blaze, and the asshole slammed his fist down on the horn and didn't let up, rocking the neighborhood with one long, jagged note.

  “It's time for me to go, Em. Take care of yourself, and I won't have to do shit for you.” I walked out the door and slammed it behind me before she could say another word.

  I got out and hopped in the big ass van, taking one of the last empty seats. Everybody was jammed in except Maverick and his old lady. We were on our way, speeding halfway across the state, putting distance between me and her.

  It feels like shit because it's right, I told myself.

  Not very convincing. Whatever was about to come down, it wouldn't stop me from thinking about Emma. And anytime the patches on my skin ached where the bullets bored into them, I was gonna taste her lips, crude reminders of the heat and need I tasted, everything I wouldn't forget 'til I was six feet under the goddamned ground.

  IV: Boomerang (Emma)

  The bastard was right.

  Tank left me shaking with rage on the day the Devils fled. At least he wasn't around to see the tears.

  My purse was heavy on the counter with the last cash they'd given me, bundled up in stacks. I picked it up and flung it against the wall, screaming like a little girl who'd just been through her first bad breakup.

  For all intents and purposes, I had.

  Tank was the first man who acted like he was really interested in me for ages, and he fascinated me with more than just his body. But like a typical man, the calm mask fell off when it was time to run, time to discard me like the piece of ass I'd nearly become for him.

  As much as Tank pissed me off, I only needed to look in the mirror if I wanted to boil over.

  It was my fault. All of it. By signing on with them, I'd opened myself to this. In just a few weeks, I'd lied, stolen, and risked my whole career for thugs and killers. Maybe they were cleaner than the Grizzlies, but there was no denying the cold, cold truth.

  I'd signed onto a deal with the Prairie Devils, and I wanted out. I wanted to forget their stupid club, forget Tank, forget the fact I screwed over Linda and probably scared the hell out of her too.

  I stared at my purse on the floor, crisp bills halfway spilling out of it. I went down, slumping against the wall, the same one he'd forced me up against and leveled the kiss of my life.

  Tank, damn him, was right again. I really didn't understand this world I'd waltzed into, but its harsh realities were starting to hit me in the face. Worse, I was starting to understan
d things about myself.

  My greed and stupidity did this. Every one of those leafy green bills in my purse was a prison building block. So were the ones I'd already spent paying down debts.

  In too deep? I couldn't believe Tank missed the glaring realization I was already there. And even if the club stayed away from Missoula for awhile, there was no walking away. Not while I owed them a single penny or a drop of blood.

  Weeks went by. I kept my head down at the hospital. Linda avoided me outside direct job duties, as if she knew he'd showed up to right my wrongs. Or else make new ones.

  As spring turned into summer, I had my own life back. I was able to forget, ignoring the faint whispers I heard around town about the Devils returning, this time to Missoula proper instead of Python. The Grizzlies were nowhere to be seen. Montana changed hands, passing from one gang to another, the one I was afraid to acknowledge I belonged to.

  I was relaxing after a long day with crabby patients one evening, when I heard the dull roar fading in my driveway. My heart was beating out my chest by the time I ran to the door.

  I stopped in front of it, hand on the knob. I closed my eyes, unable to bear looking through the peephole.

  Jesus, no. If it's you, Tank, I swear I'll –

  A fist banged on the wood. My eyes snapped open and I saw Blaze through the glass, stern and impatient as always.

  He pushed on the door before I had it open, but the chain caught. I looked out, eyes narrowed. This man wasn't coming in my house like he owned it. I didn't give a damn how powerful he was.

  “Emma, what the fuck?” He grabbed the door's edge. “Need to talk to you.”

  “The only thing I want to talk about is what I need to do to repay you. I made a mistake, Blaze. I don't want to be your club's nurse anymore.”

  I moved back, expecting him to kick down the door. Instead, he laughed.

  “You gotta be fucking kidding me. I heard about the shit that went down with your job. Tank filled me in.”

  Wonderful. I made a sour face.

  “Hey, if you're worried, don't be. We've got a nice new clubhouse here in town. No more dragging yourself down to Python to take care of business. Bigger infirmary too. All the supplies are coming in from our brothers out in the Dakotas, so we won't need a damn thing from your hospital. There's no more need for stupid fucking risks, woman. Understand?”


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