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Deity Page 6

by Matt Wesolowski

  RR: It feels to me that you’re helping them replace something that was lost, the same as you are doing for yourself? Is that fair?

  ZC: Yes. It’s like people don’t want to hear that.

  RR: I need to ask, because there’s so much in the media, so much that people want to know … Is it true that you have a room dedicated to your mother in Crystal Forest?

  ZC: See, that became one of those stories, another one of those cruel headlines in the papers about me. I don’t understand why people read these things. Both my mother and my father died ten years ago now. It still hurts to this day, Ruby. Yes, I have many of my mother’s things at Crystal Forest so I can remember her. She was a humble person who gave me everything she could. It is in her name that I want to give to others, you know?

  RR: That’s so beautiful. Zach, I want to break for a moment because I believe you’ve recorded something for us?

  ZC: That’s right. I know how much people wanted to see the inside of Crystal Forest. So I made a little walk-through video. A world exclusive, just for this show. My own guide to my home. It was for all the fans who want to see where I live.


  RR: Another world exclusive on Ruby tonight. So we’ll take a short break while you enjoy ‘At Home with Zach Crystal’, ladies and gentlemen…

  [More cheering, reaching fever pitch]

  Episode 2: Zach Crystal Stan

  —And you know what’s laughable? What’s the most amusing thing about this whole, entire bullshit debate? Let’s just all stop for a moment and take a look at some of the pictures, shall we? I mean, these are pictures that she uploaded herself. Only a year or two before she became a ‘victim’. She chose to upload this one here, where she’s hanging on to her mate for dear life. Look at her dress, it’s almost obscene without being nearly halfway down her chest. Her makeup’s all smeared and there’s what is most probably a cigarette behind her ear.

  Here’s the next one — and to my absolute surprise, she’s on another night out. Another skimpy little number, and this time she’s too pissed to even walk in her shoes; she’s got them in her hand, for fuck’s sake. Oh and who’s this she’s clinging on to? Some random guy? You bet. You think I’m wrong?

  I could go on, I really could. There’s just not enough hours in the day for this sort of shite.

  We will, though. We will because no one else is going on about it, are they? Number two: here she is, at some sort of bar, standing between two guys. Arms around them both. How old do you think she looks there? I mean, to me, she doesn’t look old enough to even be in there.

  Number three — this is the one with the video. Yeah that video. Which I can’t show you because if I do, I’ll get done for child pornography. What we can see are some of her messages though. I’ve blurred out a lot of it — well, for obvious reasons. I mean, she was sending these to guys on dating sites when she was fifteen. I think that’s all I need to say about her…

  Number four of the five despicable sluts, and here we have a little comparison. Here she is, standing with Mum and Dad, looking altogether respectable. You know, like a girl of thirteen should on her birthday. There’s even a cake and candles. Very nice, no?


  Here she is on the same night, believe it or not. Maybe just a few hours later. I mean, c’mon. Really? And we’re supposed to believe that she was a victim?

  Last and in no way least — I mean that she’s as bad as the others, they’re all equally vile – here she is ladies and gentlemen … oh dear. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that’s vomit, and look at the colour of it — as pink as the drink that she isn’t old enough to be drinking. Yes, if you look closely, that’s a bit of it in her hair. How lovely. Her granny must be proud. And look everyone, she’s smiling. Yes, she’s actually pleased with herself. Isn’t that wonderful?

  I mean, there’ll be many of you asking me why I’m putting these pictures out there; how do I have the nerve to question any of these girls? As a woman, how on earth can I give it the whole ‘gaslighting’ ‘victim—blaming’ bullshit?

  I tell you why. I tell you why – because I wasn’t the one who put them out there for the world to see. I wasn’t the one who then tried to take them down again when the narrative didn’t quite follow the way I wanted it to.

  That wasn’t me. That was them, ladies and gentlemen.

  That was all them.

  Welcome to Six Stories.

  I’m Scott King.

  In this, episode two of six, we are looking back at the disappearance, re-emergence and death of one of the biggest stars in the world of music and entertainment; now one of the largest and most polarising subjects on people’s lips.

  Superstar, maverick, genius, abuser, murderer?

  Pop megastar Zach Crystal re-emerged in 2019 after making a sudden disappearance a year previously. After frantic appeals from Crystal’s twin sister and alleged plans to sell off or demolish his elaborate home in the wilds of Scotland, Zach Crystal returned.

  The sudden re-materialisation of the star caused headlines across the globe and was followed shortly after by the news that Crystal was suing online paedophile hunting group Monster-Busters for £30 million after they claimed they had caught him trying to arrange meetings with underage girls online.

  Then he did a reveal-all interview on Britain’s number one celebrity talk show, Ruby, which was interspersed with music videos and a rather bizarre ‘tour’ of his lavish home in Colliecrith National Park, Crystal wielding a video camera and breathlessly showing the viewers blurred and poorly focused shots of his swimming pool, recording studio and elaborate tree house. What was confusing for many, including myself, in the interview, was the matter-of-fact way Crystal spoke, how ‘normal’ he seemed. Maybe it was all the years he’d spent evading scrutiny that made it seem this way. Even so, what was truly spectacular was his absolute command over his audience. Of course, a legion of dedicated Zach Crystal fans managed to get tickets to see the show, and their bizarre behaviour throughout showed how much Crystal meant to them. So maybe he didn’t need to be anything more than who he was.

  During the interview Crystal announced the release of a new album, the first for more than ten years, and a tour, tickets for which sold out within minutes. Crystal – or most likely his PR – spoke out through his Twitter handle @ZachCrystalOfficial:

  This rebirth – of me and of my music – was the long-term plan. In hindsight, I should have let my loyal fans know a long time ago. For that, I am sorry…

  I remember the feeling that emerged in me when Zach Crystal reappeared. I remember seeing the Ruby interview – the man many millions across the world saw as more god than human. I, like many, pulled out my old Zach Crystal records, relived what those songs had done for me, what they still do for me. For a little while I forgot about the rumbling accusations that had slowly started to become synonymous with the name Zach Crystal. I was, like everyone else, caught up in the hype. Crystal’s PR campaign was relentless in its positivity and its message about the reappearance. This had always been the plan: he was back and he was going to take the world by storm. Again.

  —Were you always confident that Zach Crystal was going to return from his exile?

  —Exactly. Absolutely correct. Anyone who’s a Zach Crystal fan, a proper fan, will know that he was always going to return. Think about it. The number nine, yeah? It signifies the hermit in the Tarot, right? What does the hermit do? What is a hermit? Someone who goes off alone, to seek a sort of enlightenment, a spiritual awakening. Eight plus one, nine. 2019.

  It’s pretty obvious. Look at the lyrics to ‘Fortune’ on the Damage album:

  Let me tell you your fortune,

  Let me light your way,

  Let me hold you tightly,

  It’s gonna be OK.

  What do you call people who can read Tarot cards? Fortune-tellers. What does the hermit on the Tarot card do? He carries a staff with a lantern on it. Lighting the way.

  So the true Zach Crystal fans
knew that this was coming. We knew he’d be back.

  We all knew he would be back, anew.

  The voice you are hearing right now and at the start of this episode is that of Sasha Stewart. Sasha, resident of Inverness, Scotland, the closest large city to Crystal’s home, is perhaps most well known for her YouTube channel and podcast The Crystal-Cast. In fact, Sasha is something of a Zach Crystal expert and claims to have actually spent time at Crystal Forest. This is something we are sure to return to this episode.

  Sasha has agreed to speak to me via Skype on the condition that she is allowed to break down and discuss the interview on her podcast in turn. In order to speak to Sasha, I’ve waived many of my own rights. I imagine, if her other videos are anything to go by, she’ll attempt to destroy anything negative I might have to say about Crystal. But it was this way or no way at all.

  I’ll admit, and it’s probably to Sasha’s credit, that I’m a little intimidated. Sasha is vociferous to say the least. Her tongue is diamond-edged – I’ve seen it carve chunks out of any Zach Crystal dissenters.

  I’ve explained to Sasha that here at Six Stories, there is no agenda. I’m not a police officer, a forensic analyst or any type of expert. All we do here is rake up old graves. Yet I’m still nervous.

  The case of Zach Crystal is an expansive rabbit warren, and it’s easy to get sucked down into its network of vagary and nuance. What I want to try and do here is get a balanced view of the case. I want to see all sides of this convoluted and fascinating character and the things he was alleged to have done. I know that Sasha will jump on anything that I may get wrong.

  I believe that talking to Sasha will allow us to see the opposite side of what was covered in episode one. Balance, therefore, should be created.

  At the top of this episode, you heard an extract from one of Sasha’s YouTube rants, and I promise, we’ll address Sasha’s opinions there. I do want to challenge her about her assessment of some of the women who’ve begun to speak up about their experiences with Zach Crystal, but for now, I want to give Sasha her turn to speak. Sasha tells me that it’s rare these days for Zach Crystal fans to be listened to without being shouted down.

  Sasha is quite an imposing woman. Twenty-four years old with a round, pale face, black hair scraped back from her forehead and vivid, blue eyes, she speaks quickly and passionately, and I feel like I’m going to need all my wits about me.

  —You see, Scott, people like me, proper Zach Crystal fans, are often regarded in the way flat-earthers are – we’re wacky or crazy in some way. When actually we’re just devotees. We stand up for his name, when he can’t.

  —I’ve heard you referred to as ‘Zach Crystal truthers’. Does that bother you?

  —Not much, no. That’s because what I say is the truth, right? What I’m saying actually is the truth about Zach Crystal. Crazy, right? Some people in the Crystal community do get upset though, because the term ‘truther’ is used as a kind of euphemism for someone who’s not all there. I couldn’t give a fuck, if I’m honest, but that’s how a lot of people see us.

  —Why do you think that is? Surely you’re just making the other side of the argument?

  —Well, yeah, we are. The truth is, we’re kind of outnumbered, and anyone who isn’t towing the line or is in a minority are the ones to be discriminated against, right?

  —Can I just ask, before we go on, what is it about Zach Crystal? Why him?

  —Why is anyone a fan of anyone? Because he’s amazing. In every way. It’s really very simple. But the thing is, you can’t be a Zach fan anymore without being called a load of names. There are so many people for whom Zach Crystal meant everything, who he still means everything to. I’ve loved Zach and his music since I first met him. It’s just gone from there.

  —And you’ll defend him to the end, too?

  —It’s why we won’t let people like Ian Julius drag his name through the mud. Especially now, when Zach can’t defend himself. What a surprise – people like Ian Julius and the rest of them only start piping up after Zach’s death…

  —So you think Zach Crystal was innocent?

  —I think you have to ask yourself a few questions first. Innocent of what exactly? Ian Julius claims things but the guy has no evidence. A chat log from some app? Please. He thinks that was Zach? Tell me, what piece of evidence did Ian Julius actually have that he was going to use to take Zach down with? Oh yeah, nothing.

  When Sasha talks about the opponents of Zach Crystal like this, her eyes widen, her face hardens and she moves closer and closer to the screen. It’s genuinely intimidating, despite the fact Sasha and I are communicating remotely. I feel like I’m the one making the accusations. I’m going to ask Sasha about Lulu Copeland and Jessica Morton, the two young girls found dead in Crystal Forest, about the video that was released and the rumours surrounding them. I don’t imagine that will go down well, so I need to find the right moment to do it.

  —Can we also please just take a moment to have a look at good old Ian Julius, eh? This guy wasn’t exactly an example of virtue himself, was he?

  —Wasn’t he?

  Quick as a flash; Sasha pulls up a number of articles from online newspapers, dating back to the mid-2000s.

  —Read this: ‘Gambling Addict Fleeces Own Family To Repay Debts’. So this wee guy was hooked on poker: online poker. He had six credit cards on the go and was being chased down by about four payday-loan companies. Listen: ‘Ian Wallace, twenty-nine, was caught withdrawing money from his own granny’s bank account in July when a bank teller made Nora Wallace, seventy-five, aware that she’d been paying huge sums back to online loan company BareDollar.’

  Wallace is his real surname. He goes by Julius, cos that’s his girlfriend’s name. Now, here he is again in 2018, what’s he doing this time? Oh just trying to extort innocent people.

  Sasha shows me an article; this one is about a certain Julian Mearns who had to settle out of court with a retired football coach after claims of historical sexual abuse were found to be completely unsubstantiated.

  —This time Julius was looking for not much short of a million to pay back more debts to BareDollar by making accusations about a retired teacher from his old school. His private school. He thought if he did it on the sly, did it off the books rather than involving the police, he’d get away with a big out-of-court settlement.

  When that didn’t work, Julius had even more to pay back. So what did he do? He looked at the more ludicrous claims coming out about Zach and thought he’d piggyback on them for his own ends.

  —It is true, isn’t it, that Zach Crystal paid substantial amounts of money to the families of some visitors to Crystal Forest.

  Sasha raises one eyebrow and then seems to deflate in a paroxysm of scorn.

  —Aye, imagine that, eh? Imagine a rich guy, probably the richest guy on the planet, giving some of his riches to some underprivileged young women. I mean, if there’s anything that shouts ‘paedo’, then that’s it. Yes, he gave people money – more than just money – because he was doing good.

  For a brief moment, I want to ask Sasha about her luxurious-looking flat, her high-spec equipment. But I don’t dare. Instead, we turn back to the subject of Ian Julius.

  —Ian Julius claimed that he and his girlfriend were accosted at Inverness airport by Naomi Crystal and Zach’s security team, and that they took their devices.

  —Right, right. It’s all very action movie isn’t it? It’s ironic that people like Julius call us the fanatics, the truthers. I mean, who creates a whack-job story like that unless they want attention, or more likely in his case, money?

  —Are you saying it’s all made up?

  —I’m saying there are some parts that have been, quite frankly, left out to provide a better story.

  —Can you elaborate?

  —It doesn’t take much to find out about Ian Julius’s character; just a bit of googling. So we’ve got a known con man, a guy who robbed his own granny, who accused an innocent man of abuse to try
and get money. This guy goes online, pretending to be a thirteen-year-old girl. Aye, OK, that’s fine though, is it? That’s just fine? That’s not dodgy at all. He goes online and goes looking for someone to extort.

  —You think?

  —So let’s just say you get catfished by Ian Julius; are you going to want to go to court, or would you prefer to pay him off and not be called a nonce for the rest of your life? Also, if Ian Julius thinks he’s caught Zach online, why did Ian and his girlfriend fly first class to Inverness before telling the police? Why would you do that? Did they think that Zach was just going to be there, with no security, waiting for them with a bunch of flowers? Come on.

  —To play devil’s advocate Sasha, maybe they wanted to be a hundred percent sure, or they didn’t want to scare off … er … whoever they were talking to.

  —I mean, that’s such a flimsy argument. Let’s say it was Zach. They’d still scare him off, wouldn’t they? Because how would he know it wasn’t the police on the plane? And also, if those two take child sexual abuse as seriously as they say they do – or did – why didn’t they tell anyone until after they landed and all their devices have been conveniently stolen? When all the evidence had gone?

  —Ian says it was Naomi Crystal and Zach’s security who took their devices.

  —Hmm, funny that, isn’t it? I don’t suppose you saw the documents that were released on did you?


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