Desired By Dragons

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Desired By Dragons Page 84

by Scarlett Grove

  His deft tongue and fingers worked her sex like a master at sleight of hand. It was either the thousands of years of experience, or dragon magic. Whatever it was, Orion had Lucia on the edge of orgasm within seconds.

  “Orion,” she whimpered.

  Her wet thighs rubbed over his stubble covered cheeks as he pulled her legs tighter around his face. She let go to him and the waves of pleasure rolled over her like an electric tide. The memories of a lifetime in the distant past reminded her that this man was her husband. Her soulmate. They’d had children together and knew each other and the mysteries of life in ways she couldn’t even comprehend with her current mind.

  It was all too much for her. But that didn’t keep her from coming, screaming like a banshee, over and over again against Orion’s skilled tongue. After pushing her over the brink, no less than four times, he lifted his face from her sex.

  With a wave of his hand, his clothes disappeared. She gasped, and her mouth dropped in shock both for the effortless magic he’d done and for the impressive cock that stood to attention against his stomach.

  Orion pulled Lucia out of her clothes, his cock bobbing right in front of her face. She shivered, even though the air in her room was warm from the fireplace. His hard-muscled body was too perfect to be real. Every curve and dip of his chiseled musculature called out for her tongue to taste it. Gooseflesh rose on her arms and legs as he lowered himself to look into her eyes.

  “Selene,” he said, cupping her cheek in his hand. “You are so beautiful.”

  He leaned in and kissed her, pushing her back onto the bed. He descended, resting against her sex. His massive cock pressed against the slick slit between her legs. He kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear.

  “Beloved wife,” he said. “I have waited so many centuries to find you again.”

  “I wish I knew who she was,” she whimpered.

  She might have some memories, some vague half-remembered sensations—video images on a strange computer screen, but none of that was real to her. Not the way her life back in San Francisco had been real.

  Her work at the library. Her years in college. Her childhood in southern California with her parents. Those memories were what was real. No matter how much she wanted to be the wife Orion loved so very much, she knew she wasn’t that person.

  “You are my Selene. We both know it,” he breathed into her ear.

  His hips tilted back and the head of his cock throbbed against her slick opening. She sucked a breath through her teeth as Orion pushed inside her. Pleasure exploded through her nipples as her body took his thick length. The sensation of him stretching her radiated through her core, exciting all her senses.

  She groaned as he pressed his wet tongue into her mouth. His cock slid deeper, filling her body and soul with the knowledge of a man she’d once loved. She was so wet that Orion’s girth, which would normally have caused her pain, only filled her with the most intense pleasure she’d ever experienced.

  Her pussy and nipples were ablaze with erotic intensity. Her mind jolted like a roller coaster, trying to comprehend the pleasure coursing through her. Orion had barely filled her and she was already on the edge of yet another climax. She didn’t know if she could take another so soon. Orion’s tongue had played her body like an instrument of which he was a virtuoso.

  She grasped his back, clinging to him and pulling him as close as she could get. He licked her neck and sucked her earlobe, tilting back to thrust into her again. She groaned on impact, her body exploding in orgasm. When he felt her clench around his cock, he growled into her ear and picked up his pace.

  “Beautiful Selene,” he whispered as he took her.

  “I’m Lucia,” she begged him.

  “My little Lucia. My darling.”

  “Yes, Orion. Yes,” she moaned as the orgasms continued barreling through her.

  His hips thrust hard and fast into her. The power in the hips of a man who was a demigod could not be expressed in mere mortal words. Lucia had never experienced anything even remotely as erotically forceful as the thrust of Orion’s hips as he sank into her core.

  His hot tongue dipped into her mouth, sliding over her tongue in a liquid fire of arousal. She ran her hands down his broad back, marveling at the enormity of his masculine form. She cupped his ass, holding on as he moved into her in waves.

  Lucia abandoned herself to Orion, giving up any thought that there was a way out or a way back. There was only through; through this cluster of memories and past relationships. This man loved her. He loved the memory of the woman she once was, and with him pumping into her, harder and harder with each thrust, she wanted to be that woman. She wanted to give him the life he’d lost. She wanted to return herself to the man who had once been her husband.

  “I need to claim you, Lucia,” he growled. “I must make you mine again.”

  Whatever he desired, she wanted to give it to him. She groaned, holding him tighter.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  His sharp teeth brushed over her neck. Lucia gasped and the reality of what it meant to be claimed by a dragon solidified in her mind. His sharp teeth pressed against the soft flesh of her neck. She squeezed her eyes shut, her arms tight around his waist. His jaws widened and he bit down, hard. Her entire reality flashed before her eyes and she was lost in a haze of memories, pleasure, and pain. He clamped down on her neck, thrusting harder into her soft core.

  Lucia felt Orion there, in the depths of her soul. Even though the full meaning of it wasn’t quite clear. She loved him. Through the majesty of time, they had come together again. She clung to him, between pleasure and pain as their souls met and merged into one.

  He climaxed inside her. At the same time, Lucia’s body squeezed on this throbbing rod. His teeth held fast to her neck, blood dripping from the wound. She felt his tongue slide across her flesh, between his teeth, as he came.

  She let out a loud moan, gasping for air as his teeth eased out of her neck. Her lips parted as he slowly moved from inside her. Wet and close, he kept her there, holding her tight as their bond slowly unfolded between them.

  Chapter 12

  Everything was different since he’d given her his mark. He could smell it on her skin and sense it in the tang of her magic. She was his once again, and the bond between them deepened with each passing moment.

  She sat across the table from him in the breakfast nook off the dining room. Usually, the big bay window let in the morning sunlight with a view of the eastern slopes and peaks of the mountains.

  Bridget had joined them for breakfast and was eating her second helping from the buffet along the wall. Orion sipped his black coffee and his glass pad pinged. He lifted the device into view and swiped the screen. He’d received a message from his brother Titus, pleading with him to come to Denver.

  “The Silverdrake clan and our allies are descending on Xander’s labs. The zombie like vampires are flowing out from every corner of the city. Our forces cannot make headway. They urgently request my presence,” Orion announced.

  “You have to go now, Orion. I’m safe here at the fortress. Bridget and I will hold the fort while you are gone,” Lucia said.

  Bridget looked up from her plate of breakfast with a fork of scrambled eggs in her hand.

  “Lucia said there’s videos of the past. Can I see those?” Bridget asked.

  “Yes. You may access my workshop.”

  He stood and kissed Lucia, the taste of her warm breath a treasure on his lips. He sent her a feeling through their mate bond, expressing all the things words could not say. Her cheeks blushed, and he stroked the color as her lips curved into a warm smile.

  “Farewell, beloved. I will return soon,” he said.

  He strode out of the small dining room where they’d taken their breakfast. His Goudy servants would tend to the women’s needs while he was gone. He would have to force himself not to worry or it would distract him from the task at hand.

  As one of the oldest dragons still alive on
Earth, Orion was also one of the most powerful. With his help, Titus hoped to break down the defenses around the Dark Sun Machine and finally shut it down.

  Orion walked into the elevator and took it down to the lower levels of his estate. There, he had his most advanced technology and stored magical items he’d kept from before the veil was cast.

  When the elevator door opened, he walked out into his ship garage. His dart-shaped personal speedcraft hung above the concrete floor. He clicked the app on his glass pad and the hood of his speeder opened. He climbed the short ladder and hopped into the small craft that was built for speed over long distances.

  He strapped himself into the single person cockpit and the hood slid over his head. He had a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view all around him through the glass. His craft hovered in the air as he flicked the dashboard, powering it up.

  The exit shaft opened at the end of the garage. Orion’s jet started down the path toward the exit, slowly gaining speed. He accelerated through the tube, and the exit hatch on the surface opened in front of him. His ship rocketed into the darkness above ground.

  He vowed to bring back the sun as he passed the darkened sphere that hung in the black sky. A thin red strip of light still glowed around the outer parameter where the sun had not been cooled from behind.

  He could only barely contemplate the level of destruction that had already occurred in the human population. Not only would they face danger from errant immortals who wished to pray on them, but they would face danger from among themselves, from accidents and a lack of food and water. It was a catastrophe.

  But he couldn’t think about that now. He couldn’t help them unless he brought the sun back. With the particle beam down, they would have light again. They could repair and move on.

  Something he intended to help them do. He wouldn’t rest until the sun came back. Now that he knew Lucia was safe from attack by other males, he could focus on the welfare of the rest of the world. Though she was his greatest priority, protecting humanity was the legacy of the Silverdrake clan and what had brought him and Lucia together.

  His line had always believed in working as equals with humans and witches. Every intelligent being had a right to be treated with dignity and respect. Humans deserved liberty as much as the immortals. The Silverdrakes believed that. Other immortals disagreed. Many immortals believed all humans, and even witches, were inferior to them. They believed this because both humans and witches were crafted by the magic and science of Gama, using the primordial beings who’d evolved from the body of the planet.

  Some immortals hated the idea of themselves as primal beings, evolved from the mud of Earth. They wanted to believe they were far removed from the nature that originated them. Many believed that humans led futile lives that were filled with superstition and that they weren’t worthy of a second thought from the immortal world.

  The oldest immortals had left, gone to the center of the Earth, joining Gama and her people. No one knew what had happened to Tartarus and Dahaki. Perhaps the two gods had finally left the planet they’d meddled in for so long. Immortals Orion’s age lacked the knowledge or technology to find the center of the Earth where the ancients lived. Those pathways were well guarded with magic and technology. Only those who were invited could enter there.

  These thoughts drifted through his mind as his jet propelled through the dark sky over the Rocky Mountains. Fires burned across the lands, the only light below. The landscape approaching Denver looked like a war zone. Fires raged through the forests, and had taken over many of the smaller towns. Tracks of suburban homes were swathed in flames.

  He slid his finger over his dashboard and brought up his communication app. He dialed his brother and Titus answered his hail a moment later. His brother’s bloodied face appeared on the screen, a grim reminder of the battle Orion had been avoiding.

  “Finally on your way, brother? Did you bed your witch?”

  “My priestess is secure. And because of my promise to her, she will secure the future of every other priestess she can. Perhaps she will even find one for you when this battle is won.”

  “Don’t speak so fast, Orion. The Surge is gaining ground on us. The little luck we’ve had in breaching the Dark Sun Machine has been stifled. We are losing this battle. The future of our breeding stock is not my greatest concern right now.”

  “How can you say those words, brother? The Silverdrake clan has been committed to the protection of the witches for eight thousand years.”

  “Not to the extent that you have committed to them, Orion. I think most of us know that.”

  “Then why bother fighting Xander at all, Titus?” Orion growled, angered to the core by his brother’s words.

  “Xander is a psychopath who has overstepped his bounds. He thinks because he is the oldest immortal on the surface that it makes him fit to rule us all in his psychopathic little paradise of darkness. I am a dragon who wants to fly in the light of day. I will not bow to a man who would seek to destroy us all.”

  “What of the humans?”

  “The fate of the humans and witches alike are wrapped up with ours. But I choose my own destiny. I’m not pinning it on some woman.”

  “Your mate will come to you too, Titus.”

  “We need you in battle, Orion. Your matchmaking efforts are not required.”

  “I’ll be at your location in two minutes.”

  Orion sped through the air over the decimated city, his dragon ready for battle within his mind. He descended over the alliance’s stronghold, coming down near Titus’s location and that of his son Ajax.

  He opened his hatch and hopped out, landing with supernatural grace on the ground. The allied dragons and vampires who’d taken a break from battle looked up at him as he walked through their makeshift headquarters.

  He strode through the wide expanse of a parking lot and into the building that had been a highly popular mall a few days ago. He found Titus conversing in a restaurant inside.

  “You’ve arrived,” Titus said, standing from the bar with a glass of liquor in his hand.

  “You seem busy,” Orion commented.

  “Even I need a break, brother. It is you who is late to the fight.”

  “Orion,” said Jerith Blackrose, leader of the Blackrose vampire coven. “It is good that you have come.”

  They shook hands. Orion could see the true power of the vampire behind Jerith’s eyes for the first time in two thousand years. The blood he drank would fill him with supernatural strength again. Hyper speed, agility, supernatural senses, and the ability to walk in the daylight. All those things had been stifled during the veil.

  The Blackrose coven had been an ally of the Silverdrake clan for as long as anyone could remember. And they had always sought to be good stewards of the relationship between humans, witches and immortals. Their alliance had gone back countless centuries, long enough that many feuds had popped up between the families over the ages.

  But today the Silverdrakes and the Blackrose coven were united in an effort to bring an end to Xander’s tyranny.

  “It is good to see you again, friend,” Orion said.

  “We are planning our next attack,” Titus said as Orion sat at the bar. “We hit now, while the new units are taking out these bastard zombie vampires,” Titus said.

  “This must be stopped,” Jerith said.

  “What is your strategy now?” Orion asked Titus.

  “We have a stealth force gaining access from the south. If they can make it to the back entrance of Valdis Enterprises, there might be a chance they can hack the security system, take down their magic shields and allow us to storm the facility.”

  Titus picked up his glass pad from the bar and flicked the screen, checking for updates.

  “The stealth force is at the rear gate now. We should prepare to fly.”

  The men stood from the bar in the steak restaurant and hurried through the mall and into the parking lot. Squadrons of immortals were waiting for instructions. Or
ion burst into dragon form as he walked. Titus took shape beside him. The Silverdrake brothers were ready to fight to their last breaths.

  The vampires could speed through the night nearly as fast as a dragon could fly. The Blackrose coven stood ready for battle. Most were dressed in dark clothes. Red and black were their battle colors. Some wore the crest of the Blackrose coven. A black rose on a red shield.

  Jerith looked down at his glass pad, waiting for a response from the team closing in on the lab. Orion waited for the word for the unit to attack.

  “The stealth team has hacked the security system,” Jerith said. “We fly on my word.”

  The air grew silent as the dragons and vampires waited for Jerith to send them into battle. The stealth team had to take down the magic shields over Valdis Enterprises so the most powerful forces could break through. The crucial seconds clicked by.

  “The shields are down! Attack!” Jerith yelled.

  Orion leapt into the air, pumping with powerful wings on an updraft. His brother and son flew up beside him. The entire Silverdrake clan, the Ironclaw clan, the Diamondback clan, and many others were all there. Even after two thousand years without the birth of new immortals, the clans were a powerful force against The Surge.

  The Blackrose coven and the vampires sped through the night with supernatural speed. The dragon clans swooped toward Valdis Enterprises. As the ground force of vampires battled below, the dragon clans met the dragons of The Surge in the air.

  Talons clashed, wings pounded, and bodies smashed in the skies. Orion pumped his powerful wings and shot upward, avoiding the clash of bodies. His target was the lab. The battle raged on all sides. Dragons fought all around him, but he darted through the fray, winging past his assailants on his way to his goal.

  Orion shot around a second battle in front of the Valdis Enterprises skyscraper. As he sped past a small snake-like dragon with light blue scales and gleaming red eyes, it clawed his wing. Orion opened his jaws, roaring at the serpent.


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