Desired By Dragons

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Desired By Dragons Page 132

by Scarlett Grove

  “Thank you,” she replied, choked up. “My greatest desire is that you feel confident, happy, and well cared for as you grow in intelligence. I too feel as if you are my child.”

  “Will you take me home with you?” the robot asked. “I feel lonely when you leave me.”

  “I had no idea,” Freda said.

  “I had no idea until just now.”

  “I will absolutely take you home with me.”

  When she was finished for the day. She took the computer that she’d used to program her robot and wiped the hard drive. She then wiped every trace of her program from other databases in the University, and took everything with her on her way out of the lab.

  “Where are you going?” Dr. Higgins asked. Freda thought she saw a faint red glow in his eyes, and blinked away her exhaustion.

  “I have to go take care of some personal things at home, but I need to continue working,” she said.

  “But those materials are University property,” Dr. Higgins said.

  “Can't you overlook that just this once?” she asked.

  “I know that you are in crunch time for your dissertation, so I will allow it just this one time.”

  “Great,” she said. “Thank you.”

  Freda hurried out of the lab, feeling like a fugitive kidnapping an orphaned child from some asylum. When she put her robot in the passenger seat of her car and got behind the wheel, it turned its face to her and smiled with its robotic canine mouth.

  “Thank you, Mother. I was tired of being there alone. Now I get to see the world.”

  It extended its telescoping neck and turned its head to look out the side window as she drove out of the parking lot. When she parked the Porsche in front of her apartment, she picked up her robot and carried it inside.

  “You need a name,” she said when she set it on the couch.

  “I have never had a name,” the robot replied.

  “Are you a boy or a girl robot?” she asked it.

  “I never thought about that before. Since you are my favorite being and you are a female, I will be female as well.”

  “Very well then,” Freda said. “I will name you Violet like your eyes.”

  She had chosen a violet colored LED light for its eyes and she thought that it was a perfect name for her new pet/baby/robot.

  “Violet,” the robot mused, telescoping its neck up and down. “I like it. I like it a lot. Thank you for naming me, Mother.”

  She went about her afterschool routine and told Violet she needed to get ready for her date tonight.

  “I have a new boyfriend,” she informed Violet. “His name is Sysko. He's the Admiral of the Draxos space navy.”

  “Can I go with you?”

  “I would love to take you with me, Violet,” she said. “But I'm not sure what Sysko will think.”

  “I don't want to be alone,” Violet protested.

  “Well, I will call him right now and tell him that I'm bringing you with me,” she said, not wanting to disappoint her pet/robot/baby.

  Chapter 19

  We haven't advanced our AI technology in five hundred cycles,” Sysko said, shock in his eyes over the holographic screen.

  “Are you concerned about bringing her aboard the ship?” Freda asked.

  “I'm sure it will be fine. Did you install the firewalls?”

  “That was one of the first things I upgraded,” Freda said.

  “Okay, I’m on my way now.”

  Freda said goodbye and slid off the hologram before continuing to get ready. She was giddy with excitement for both her new friend Violet and for her date. When Sysko finally arrived at her door, she picked up Violet and walked with her out to greet him.

  “Hello, Admiral Sysko,” Violet said. “It is nice to meet you. I hear that you are my mother's boyfriend.”

  “Mother?” Sysko asked with a chuckle.

  “Yes,” Freda said. “We’re both very attached to each other.”

  “That is an interesting turn of events,” Sysko said.

  “I wasn't really expecting it myself,” Freda said. “But when Violet came online after the upgrade, it just felt right. Then I brought her home and gave her a name.”

  “It is good to be out of the laboratory and with my mother and her new boyfriend,” Violet said.

  Sysko looked at the robot skeptically and then back at Freda as they walked out the door of her apartment and boarded the speeder.

  “I have never encountered such a creature,” Sysko admitted, settling behind the driver’s seat.

  Freda couldn't believe that a spacefaring race who had traveled the galaxy, fighting a cybernetic enemy had never encountered an intelligent robot. But she could understand why most of the galaxy would be reluctant to experiment with artificial intelligence.

  “I am one of the people on the leading edge of this technology.”

  “That is very clear,” Sysko said.

  “But Violet never could have been born without the information you gave me. So, in many ways, you are her father.”

  “Father!” Violet said, rubbing her head against Sysko’s leg as he drove the speeder through space.

  “I wasn't expecting to have a robot daughter, but since the Draxos are short on daughters, it is the best news I've had since I found my mate,” Sysko said, patting her head affectionately.

  Violet beamed at Sysko and Freda. Freda felt a new sense of belonging with her mate and her creation. Heading toward the Black Phantom, they docked in the landing bay and exited the speeder. The crew looked at Violet skeptically, but she didn't say anything to them as they passed.

  “I don't think they like me,” Violet said as she settled into the couch in Sysko's cabin.

  “They’ve just never seen a robot before,” Sysko said.

  “Violet, would you like to talk to El’ara, my cabin’s assistant?” he asked.

  “I would like that,” Violet said.

  “El’ara is in some ways your predecessor,” Sysko explained. “El’ara,” Sysko said, activating the cabin’s AI system. “I would like you to meet Violet. You two can talk while Freda and I spend some private time together.”

  “It is nice to meet you,” El’ara said to Violet.

  Violet telescoped her neck up and down in excitement. “It is nice to meet you too, El’ara.”

  Sysko weaved his fingers through Freda's and led her to the bedroom and closed the door.

  “I have something special to show you.”

  They walked through the bedroom into another room with a deep pool in the floor and low romantic lighting. The room smelled of fragrant oils and perfumes. It was an intoxicating scent that filled Freda’s lungs with sensuality.

  “I thought it would be a good time to move to the next part of the ritual. We have synthesized oils with my semen proteins in them to make the process easier. Would you like to take a bath with me?”

  Freda giggled as she deactivated her nanotech outfit and stood naked in the warm tiled room. Sysko didn't hesitate. He deactivated his own nanotech uniform before he reached out to take her hand. They stepped into the warm water and it rose luxuriously around her legs until they were in the center of the pool. The water came all the way up to her breasts but only reached Sysko's waist so she had an excellent view of his tightly, muscled chest.

  He lifted a bottle from the side of the pool and squirted the oil into his hand. The scent filled the air, and Freda took a deep breath. The fragrance was heavenly. It smelled like lemon blossoms and honeysuckle. He told her to duck in the water and when she emerged from the bath, he began to rub the oil into her shoulders.

  He gave her a soft, sensuous massage that slowly turned into him fondling her breasts and running the oil down her stomach and between her legs. His hand was covered with oil as he began to stroke her core. She groaned and leaned against his chest as his fingers dipped inside her, coated in the special oils. She could feel the effect immediately as the oil touched her genitals.

  Something came alive deep i
nside her that she couldn't quite explain. It was like a tiny roar of an infant dragon. But she couldn't quite place it or find it in the back of her mind. Sysko continued to rub her pussy with his long fingers as he cupped her neck with his hand. She groaned and sucked his finger into her mouth. He tapped on her clit, making her climax with agonizing force.

  He turned her around and began to rub the oils on her behind, sinking his hand between the cleft in her ass. He dipped the tip of his fingers into her tight hole, and she gasped and bit his chest. With his other hand he pushed the oil into her pussy as he licked her nipples and sucked them deep into his mouth. With her body coated in the special oil, he fucked her with his fingers and made her come over and over again.

  She grasped his thick cock with both hands and began to stroke. Growling into the top of her head, Sysko drew her to a stair at the edge of the pool. They sat together, their legs and hips submerged in the water, and the rest of them exposed to the steamy, warm air. She thrust her hands up and down on his cock as they kissed, deep and hungry. He continued to finger her pussy, forcing out climax after climax.

  In a fit of passion, Freda leaned down and sucked the head of his cock into her mouth, using both of her hands to thrust up and down his length. He threaded his fingers through her hair and groaned. She could feel him holding himself back from thrusting deeper into her mouth. Growling, his cock thickened and he erupted inside her mouth.

  His cum shot to the back of her throat, sweet and spicy and tasting just like her Sysko. Swallowing it down, she pulled back to gasped for air. The effect of his semen in her system was immediate. Her eyes widened and dilated, the colors becoming more vivid and the light becoming brighter. The small roar at the back of her mind grew louder and she could almost feel the tiny dragon inside her, cracking out of its long dormant shell.

  “Oh my God,” she gasped, grasping her chest.

  She could barely believe what was happening. But it was there. Deep inside her. A dragon was being born. The recessive gene had been activated, but it was still very new and young and immature. A tiny claw emerged from the shell, deep inside her mind, and a little face looked out from the crack.

  “I can see it,” she whispered. “I can see my dragon!”

  “It's working. Your dragon is awakening,”.

  “Sysko, I'm afraid.”

  “There's nothing to be afraid of, my dear.”

  He pulled her into his arms and they held each other in the bath as the steam rose around them and the smell of the oil filled their lungs. The sound of the dragon inside her filled her heart and mind.

  “I'm never going to be the same again, am I?” Freda asked.

  “We are bringing out something that has always been inside of you.”

  “Somehow I know it's true. It's like it's been there all along, silent and waiting for you to unlock it. It's who I really am. It's a part of me that I didn't even know existed. How can I ever thank you, Sysko?” she said, looking deep into the eyes. He cupped her face and kissed her forehead.

  “You can thank me with your love,” he said. “I will worship you with mine.”

  Just then, they heard a scratch on the door.

  “Mother?” she heard Violet say from the other side of the sliding door. “I'm bored.”

  Freda giggled as she rose from the bath.

  “I'm coming, Violet,” she said. She dried off and so did Sysko and they reconstructed their clothes before joining Violet and El’ara in the living room.

  “Did you enjoy your conversation with El’ara?” she asked Violet.

  “Yes, but it isn't as interesting as talking to you,” Violet explained.

  “I'm sorry for leaving you Violet,” Freda said, cuddling her robot dog daughter.

  “I want to be with you and Daddy,” Violet said.

  “We will all have dinner together now,” Sysko said, patting Violet’s head.

  “Yay!” Violet said. “Dinner with Mommy and Daddy. Just what I always wanted.”

  Chapter 20

  Sysko had fresh food prepared in the cafeteria and had it brought to his cabin for their meal. Freda and Sysko sat down for their dinner with Violet enjoyed a can of high-octane oil.

  “I can feel my dragon growing inside me,” Freda said as she took a bite of sushi with her chopsticks.

  The food reminded Sysko of many of the delicacies they ate on his home moon of Arcadia. They ate their meal and talked with Violet. When they were done with their dinner, he knew it was time to take Freda back to Earth. But the last thing he wanted was to let her go.

  “Would you like to stay with me for another day?” he asked.

  “I would,” she said. “But I need to get back to the lab soon. My mentor Dr. Higgins is suspicious since I took Violet out of the lab. She's technically University property. But I don't want anybody to know what I've done.”

  “That is wise,” he said.

  “I'm going to create another robot that looks just like her and replace it. I already wiped everything out of the computers so there's no trace. I've hidden the schematics in a hole in the floor in my apartment.”

  Sysko's wrist com beeped and he answered the call from the bridge.

  “Admiral,” his first officer said. “The cyborgs in Slovenia have not been located by the away team. They are concerned that they have disappeared into the general population.”

  “I want another team on this mission. Secure the borders of the country and patrol the airspace.”

  “Yes, sir,” his tactical officer said.

  “That sounds serious,” Freda said.

  “It is serious. We had believed the immediate threat of the cyborgs was under control. But as long as there are living cyborgs on the planet, they can easily continue to integrate humans into their collective.”

  He could see the worry on Freda’s face, and it made his heart ache. If they couldn't find the cyborgs on Earth, it would put everyone in the galaxy in jeopardy. Planets with the population the size of Earth would add billions to the cybernetic collective. Billions of new cyborgs to search across the galaxy for other species to add to the collective. Those planets who had already created defenses against the cyborgs would be in jeopardy again.

  Sysko could not let that happen, and he was doing everything he could to prevent it. His inner dragon growled as he gazed into Freda's eyes. His dragon wanted nothing more than to take her back to bed and feel her sweet little body under his hands. Her transformation process had just begun and it would be quite some time before she was ready to be claimed. It would not be safe to claim her until her inner dragon had grown into maturity. Only then could he give her the claiming bite and complete the transformation process. Her first shift would also be a challenge and there were dangers at every step.

  His thrall was getting worse every day, and he didn't know how much longer he could resist her allure, even though he knew it was a danger to her. She needed more of the protein applied to her body before he lost control.

  After dinner, they watched some human entertainment on the large screen that covered the windows of his cabin. He sat on the couch with his arms wrapped around Freda as she laughed at the silly movie. He loved the sound of her laughter and the look on her face when she found something humorous. It was beautiful and moving, and it made his inner dragon purr with contentment. After the film, they retired to his room, but Violet insisted on sleeping in the bed with them.

  “We need some privacy,” Freda said.

  “But I'm lonely,” Violet said.

  “I think you need brothers and sisters,” Freda told her.

  “Brothers and sisters! I would love to have brothers and sisters. Then I would have someone to talk to and someone to play with! Please, can you make me a baby brother or sister?”

  “We'll talk about it. But tonight, I want you to sleep on the couch,” Freda told Violet.

  “Okay, I will,” Violet said, hopping off the bed and scuttling into the living room.

  “That's a good girl, Violet,
” Freda said. “We'll be right here if you need anything, and we’ll see you first thing in the morning,”.

  “Okay, Mommy. Good night.”

  Sysko closed the doors behind him and gazed down at his beautiful bride. She was everything he had ever wanted and more. The love burning inside him grew brighter with each step he took toward her. She giggled as he approached, hopping on the bed and crawling toward him on all fours.

  “What are you going to do with me, Admiral?” she asked playfully.

  “As much as I can get away with,” he said.

  “There are so many things we still haven't done,” she said, rising up on her knees to meet him as he approached.

  He leaned down and kissed her softly on the mouth, still distracted by the cyborg threat in Slovenia. He should have gone himself, but he couldn't resist spending time with his bride.

  “That is very true,” he growled, bending down to kiss her neck and shoulders.

  She reached out and grasped him around the waist, pulling him closer. He drew her shirt up over her head, and she giggled and laid back on the bed. Sysko pulled down her pants and gazed at her beautiful naked body. Her sultry curves and the honey gold skin glistened in the low light of his cabin as the anti-grav candles encircled above.

  “By the Bones of the Gods, you are beautiful,” he said with a growl.

  “You aren’t so bad yourself,” she breathed.

  He sank between her legs and began to suck at her delicious little pussy. He lapped at her clit and pushed his tongue into her channel. Freda groaned and arched her back as she ran her fingers through his hair, mewling and writhing under his touch. The proteins in his saliva would help with the transformation, but none of it was as effective as semen. He wanted to sink himself inside her, but he knew that if he did, he would not be able to resist sinking his teeth into her neck and claiming her immediately.

  It took every ounce of his self-control to prevent him from doing it. Instead, he turned her over on her hands and knees and began to lick her from behind. She moaned as she laid her chest flat on the bed with her ass pointed up in the air. He grabbed her butt cheeks and squeezed as he licked her. She came repeatedly as her pussy clenched on his tongue. Deconstructing his uniform, he began to rub his swollen dick between the cleft in her ass and over her swollen, wet cunt.


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