by Rebecca Janet

  He pulled out his phone, scrolling through it.

  I lifted myself off my bar stool slightly, curious. What was he looking at?

  “Then you sent me the email.” He turned the phone in my direction.

  My heart tightened at the sight of that long, emotional string of words. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to forget that horrible, horrible day.

  “I knew it was over. That you hated me. But, I still came here.” He reclined in his chair. “It helped me reflect, you know? So many nights, months, years, just thinking of us and what we could have been.”

  His phone was lying on the table, that horrible email still displaying on the screen. I grabbed it, flipped it over, and pushed it toward him without a word. My eyes burned with the needed to cry but I held back the urge. Not now. Not in front of him.

  “You know, lately, all this winning has become pointless to me. I’ve taken the time to think about what is going on, why I’ve lost my insatiable appetite to win. And then, it hit me. I was sitting right here when I realized that the most important part of winning was to do it together, with you. Dedicating it to you. You were the most important part of the game to me.” Again, he took my hands in his, squeezing them tight. “Val…”

  My heart thumped. I leaned forward, drawn in by his sorrowful expression, those eyes, the eyes I used to fall into every night and find the wings I needed to soar. God, I miss that Camden, my Camden.

  “You know what I realized?”

  “What?” I breathed.

  “That I wanted to be your King! And that you are my Queen. That was my main goal. Becoming a pro player was just a bonus. Here I am, living my life, still reaching my goal, but without you… because it doesn’t matter that I won today. Sure, I may have won the battle, but I’m losing the war.” He rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand. “The most important part of this game we call life was My Queen—the one woman that wasn’t mine.” He threw his hands into the air, motioning to the various TVs. “And, I don’t want any of this if I didn’t have you by my side. I didn’t know that football was just a bonus to my biggest happiness…” He leaned forward, his nose touching mine. “You!”

  My breath caught in my throat, heart beating so fast I thought it would pop out of my chest.

  “Our love was the most important part. You are the most important part of it. The rest was just a bonus.”

  My pulse quickened as I thought back to a few nights ago when Cam got himself drunk, completely opening up to me and wearing his heart on his sleeve for the first time.

  Replaying that memory in my head left me even more frazzled. My heart pounded. My skin was covered in goosebumps.

  What has Cam done to me?

  I got up and tried to shake it off, but the effects of that kiss lingered. It pumped through my veins like electricity and reached every inch of my body.

  Why am I feeling this way?

  Chapter 16


  A few weeks later.

  I’m back in Baltimore. The same stadium, the same bathroom, where this whole mess started. The two teams were up for a rematch and everyone’s pumped.

  I stood in front of the mirror practicing my vocal lessons. Today was the day of my first big assignment with SportsCast. If I wanted to make a good impression on the company, then today’s the day.

  Slowly, I rolled my shoulders and adjusted my posture, relaxing into it. Then I started stretching and messaging my jaw, neck, and throat, getting them nice and warmed up.

  I placed my hands on my stomach, feeling the breaths leave my diaphragm.

  Inhale. Exhale.


  With my lips pressed together, I hummed softly, pressing my tongue against the roof of my mouth to feel the vibrations.

  “Betty Botter bought some butter. ‘But,’ she said, ‘this butter’s bitter and if I put this butter in my batter it will make my batter bitter.’ So, Betty Botter bought some better butter and put the better butter in her batter, so her batter wasn’t bitter. ‘That’s better,’ said Betty.” I watched my lips move as I practiced the tongue twister, making sure to enunciate every word.

  When I was done, I dropped my hands, resting them on the sink.


  I glanced around. Usually, I’m self-conscious about someone watching my idiotic performance but today the bathroom was empty.

  There’s actually security posted outside the door to keep anyone from using it.

  It’s ridiculous. After all, this was a public bathroom and it’s not like I’m the president or anything. I’m just some reporter. But with all the attention I’ve been getting, I’ve turned into a low-key celebrity. I kept seeing myself on TV. How weird was that? Anyway, some people are furious with me for taking Cam off the market. In a way, I’m glad for all the security. There’s no telling what some crazy fangirl might do to me.

  I straightened out my hair. A reel of events played through my head. The last couple of weeks had definitely been strange. Pretending to be Camden’s girlfriend has been a much more pleasant experience that I thought it would be. Nice dinners. Plenty of time at our old hang out. A couple of romantic dates. Lots of laughter. I had to admit, it’s been fun reliving the past.

  Sometimes, I could almost convince myself that nothing had happened, that we were still a couple of high school sweethearts helpless in love with one another. Oh, how I wished that could be true. I missed those days.

  Finally, I leave the bathroom to find my cameraman waiting for me in the hallway. SportsCast was kind enough to transfer him over from my old job when I vouched for his camerawork.

  “What’s going on out there?”

  “There’s a few minutes left. Cam’s team has the ball. He just brought the team back from the dead. They were down 20 points.”


  “Seriously.” He nodded. “They just need one more touchdown to win. They’re trying to run down the clock and score in the final seconds, so New York won’t have the opportunity to make a final come back.”

  “Smart.” I grabbed my microphone and clipped it in place. “Alright, let’s go out there.”

  As soon as I stepped into the stadium, I could feel the nervous energy radiating from the stands. Everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats.

  The clock kept running.

  They had one shot at victory and it all came down to Cam’s final move.

  I scanned the field and saw him.

  He’s facing in my direction and looked up just before he made the call. Our eyes locked. My heart skipped a beat. My cheeks reddened. I’m trapped in that fiery gaze of his.

  Cam grins, eyes burning with confidence.

  Last night, he had announced in a live video that he was going to win this game for his ‘girl,’ Val.

  It was still strange to hear him refer to me as his girlfriend. After we broke up, via email, I thought we’d never get back together again. Things had gotten much too ugly, our relationship too fractured to piece together again. And, even though this was just pretend, something for the cameras, a small part of me wished it were real.

  “This one’s for you, Val!” The jumbotrons replayed his video.

  I blushed even harder.

  With Cam’s promise to the world, I knew this game was going to be a nail-biter.

  “We only have a few more seconds on the clock. Baltimore is down by three. They need a touchdown to win this thing. Will they do it?” The announcer’s voice was filled with excitement.

  I edged forward, watching Cam’s every move.

  And then, the football springs into action. As soon as it lands in Cam’s hands he steps back, aims his throw, and lets it fly through the air.

  The wide receiver runs down the field, arms outstretched to catch the ball.

  Everyone held their breath.

  The opposing team was gaining on him. Will he make it?

  The stadium was silent, tension high.

  “And, he’s done it! Parson has caught t
he winning touchdown! Baltimore beats New York for the second game in a row. This is incredible!” The announcer raves.

  Camden raises his arms into the air, glowing with victory. The fans go wild, cheering his name. He smirks, rounding the stadium and signing a couple of autographs before he makes his way over to the sidelines.

  He’s sidetracked by the coach who slaps him on the back, congratulating him on the game. His teammates jostle him around.

  Suddenly, they dump a cooler-full of Gatorade on his head, soaking through his uniform.

  He laughed. It’s the same laugh I remember so well from our childhood. Deep and full of life. He’s starting to sound more and more like the old Cam I used to love.

  He shakes his head like a dog.

  I chuckled.

  Eventually, he walked over for an interview. I started to ask him a question but before I could finish, he pulled me in for a passionate kiss, just like we had done at rehearsal. Even though this kiss was planned, I felt my lips burn and tingle. I kissed back, adding my tongue to the mix, melting against his body.

  And, it dawned on me that this kiss was more than just a show for the audience. It actually meant something to me. As he pulled my hair even so slightly, his lips dancing against mine, I could feel it in my heart that I’m falling for him all over again.

  My heart’s beating like a drum.

  With my lungs burning for air, I tried to pull away, but he held me even tighter, palm pressed against the small of my back. The kiss intensifies like he’s trying to tell me something, but he couldn’t find the words.

  My head spins.

  Damn. This was some kiss.

  He really wanted to be convincing.

  Just when I thought I’m going to pass out from the lack of oxygen, he breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes. He cups my cheek in his hand, running his thumb across my skin.

  It sends a shiver running through my spine.

  We’re forehead to forehead. It seemed to me that time had stopped. The world ceased to exist and we’re the only two people left in the universe.

  Suddenly, Cam drops down to one knee. He pulled a little black box from his pocket and opened it. A beautiful diamond ring glittered in the sunlight.

  My eyes widened.

  Was this what I thought it was?

  “Val, will you marry me?”

  Chapter 17



  The question thunders in my mind.

  Val, will you marry me?

  My heart thumped inside my chest. This couldn’t be real. This has to be a part of the whole fake-out thing.

  The ring glittered in the sun. It’s huge.

  I’m stunned, feet grounded to the floor. I swayed forward, about to lose my balance, head swimming.

  This couldn’t be real.

  The world was to stop. All eyes were on me.

  Fuck. How am I supposed to react?

  The cameras crept closer and closer. Rodney nodded his head in my direction.

  I took a deep breath. “Yes.”

  Almost as soon as I said that word, a feeling of relief washed over me. This, despite the circumstances, was the right decision. And yet, my heart ached with the fact that this was all just a show. Fake. Camden wasn’t really proposing to me right now. He was simply following a script.

  Momentarily, I remembered that night at the bar where he told me his life’s dream. At the time, he flattered me with goals of making me happy, of making me his queen but how much of that was actually the truth? So much was different now…

  The arena erupted with applause. Rice flew into the air, raining down on me.

  Cam took me by the hand, reeled me into his body, and spun me around.

  His warmth wrapped around me like a blanket.

  I pressed my head against his shoulder and pretended, in my mind, that this was real, that Camden really wanted to marry me and spend the rest of his life with me.

  He spun me around, holding me tight. He said something but with the roar of the crowd, I couldn’t quite understand his words.

  “What?” I shouted but just then, he lost his footing and we fell onto the field.

  I crashed into his body.

  Immediately, I felt the outline of his member pressing against my thigh.

  He grinned at me. “We’ll have to celebrate with that later.” As he said this, his hands wandered to my ass, squeezing my cheeks.

  I blushed, hard. I was getting turned on, sure, but I didn’t want to make a scene in the middle of a football stadium full of people. And yet, all I could think about was him. It had been so long since we had… you know. I wanted him. I wanted that. I wanted us together in a bed, nails digging into the headboard as he pounded me from behind. That’s what I wanted. To scream his name, back arched, body shaking with pleasure. I knew Cam could give me that kind of pleasure. With that god-like body of his, he’d have me moaning in a matter of seconds.


  What has gotten into me?

  Cam chuckled. “Enjoying yourself?” He asked, looking down at me. “Because, if you’re comfy, we could just lay here all night long. I wouldn’t mind having some fun with you on the field. We could call it my work out for the day.”

  “Cam!” I exclaimed.

  “What? No one can hear us.”

  “You’re being a perv.”

  “Hey, we’re going to get married. What do you think married couples do all day?” He said with a wink. “We have to play the part, remember?” His grin deepened. “And once I get you on that bed, you’ll never look back. I’ll make you feel like never before.”

  “Cam…” I blushed crimson just thinking about it. Body against body. Our lips dancing. Hips locked together. His thick member deep inside of me…

  Oh, I wanted it, wanted it bad.

  As we got up, the after-game interview crews stepped forward. “Please, could we ask you a few questions? It’ll only take a minute of your time.” But, instead, they rattled me with question after question.

  My mind was spinning, just trying to keep up with all the excitement.

  “How are you feeling, Miss Taylor? Are you excited to become Mrs. Birch?”

  “It was an unexpected but pleasant surprise,” I said with a smile, playing the part. Although there was a grain of truth behind my statement, I’ve always wanted to become Mrs. Birch, just not like this.

  Finally, I managed to sneak away with Rodney’s help.

  “Damn. A proposal. Wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Neither was I,” I admitted. “But that’s Cam for you. He’s always doing the unexpected, right?”

  Rodney cleaned his camera lens. “He’s a wildcard, that’s for sure. Are you really going to marry him?”

  “The ring is on my finger, isn’t it?”

  “Think that’s a good idea?” He asked, raising an eyebrow in question. I mean, from everything you’ve told me, there’s some bad blood between you two.”

  “The past is the past.” I waved him off. “We’re adults now, I’m sure we could look past our mistakes and progress forward.”

  He furrowed his brows. “I don’t know if I buy that bullshit. You’re up to something. I can tell.”

  Just then, Cam emerged from the locker room. He’s on the phone, talking to someone.

  “Look, just because you’re my agent—”

  “The offer just got bigger.” The call must have been on speaker phone because I could hear the other person clear as day. “Much bigger. But, you’ll need to come to the office. There are a few things we need to discuss.”

  “Fine. I’ll be there.”


  He hung up the phone and smiled at me. Gently, he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. Without hesitation, his hand glided across my curves, resting on my ass. Suddenly, he picked me up, pinned me against the wall, and kissed me harder—so hard it was impossible to breathe.

  “Ahem.” Rodney cleared his throat, but Camden ignored him as he slipped his tongu
e into my mouth, tangling it with mine.

  What had gotten into him?

  His lips burned with a fiery passion. First his comments on the field and now this. I could practically smell his lust. He wanted me, just as bad as I wanted him.

  My thighs tingled in anticipation. I locked my ankles behind his back, keeping him in place. I didn’t want this kiss to end. Hell, I wanted him to take this to the next level.

  Teasingly, he slipped a hand into my pants, rubbing my ass cheek.

  “Mmm.” I moaned into the kiss, electrified by his touch. I arched my back, pressing into his body, yearning for more.

  But then he stopped, placing me back on my feet.

  I frowned. “Why’d you do that?”

  “There was something you wanted to tell me, right?”

  I blinked, mind hazy from the desire burning in my chest. “Um…”

  He placed a hand on the wall, leaning toward me, making it even more difficult for me to concentrate.

  What was I going to tell him?

  Oh! That’s right!

  “Today’s my last day as a reporter.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “But, being a reporter was your dream job”

  I cut him off with a wave of my hand. “I’m starting a new job. Head broadcaster for SportsCast. Next week.”

  That night, Cam surprised me with a limo. It just showed up in front of the bar.

  “Um, what’s that?” I asked, looking out the window of his apartment. “That’s not for us, is it?”

  “Who else would be able to afford a limo?” He boasted. “But, it’ll have to wait for a while because I need to get you ready for our date.”



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