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Hitched Page 4

by Lea Hart

  He got a very small smile in response before she took a sip. He grabbed his cup as well and decided to drink it so he wouldn’t keep talking. Morning chatter didn’t seem to be her thing, so he’d just enjoy her company. Letting his eyes drift over her tank top, he did his very best not to stare at her cleavage or let any drool drop. One thing was damn clear, and that was Brooke Foster was his idea of perfection. From her long mahogany hair to her sexy-as-fuck body, he was done for.

  The guy part of his brain was in full hunt-and-devour mode, and it was only by a small margin that his mature, rational brain was holding on to control. This warm, sleepy, gorgeous woman was his kryptonite, and he prayed to hold himself together and not do anything stupid.

  Leaning forward, he looked into her coffee cup and saw that it was half-empty, so he risked taking her hand and lacing their fingers together. “Did you want to sleep in?”

  “I haven’t slept in a regular bed in a room by myself in over eight months.” Draining her coffee cup, she then handed it back to him and lay down. “Clean sheets and quiet are something I crave, so to answer your question, yes…I wanted to sleep a little longer.”

  Frisco felt like an insensitive ass. All he’d thought about from the moment he woke up was how soon he could see and be with Brooke. He didn’t even consider where her head was at or what she wanted. Which was a pretty good indication that he had a lot of work to do if he was going to become the sort of man she would want to spend time with. “I’m sorry, Brooke. I should’ve thought about coming by so early.” Moving toward the edge of the bed, he saw her hand move and land on his leg. Please let this be a good sign, he prayed silently.

  “I’m awake now, so you don’t have to go, and I’m sorry I was so cranky.”

  Taking her hand, he kissed it and rolled on his side so they were facing one another. “I just wanted to see you as soon as I could.” When the corner of her mouth lifted and she gave him a tiny smile, he felt like he had a chance at being forgiven.


  Moving closer, he moved his face so their lips were only an inch apart. “Yeah, I didn’t get to kiss you enough yesterday, or talk to you enough, or be with you enough. I’m like a freaking starving man that only your presence will satisfy.”

  Her hand moved under his T-shirt, and her fingers slowly moved up his chest and rested against his heart, making it trip out of control. A hundred things to say ran through his mind, but he didn’t say any of them, because the last thing he wanted to do was break the magic surrounding them. The only things he was aware of were their breath moving back and forth, the heat of the room, and the perfect scent of Brooke Foster surrounding him.

  It had taken thirty-three years for him to discover what he’d been put on this earth for, and it was to make this woman happy.

  Sappy, romantic, over-the-top gushy.

  Yeah, he’d own that shit, because it was how he felt.

  Brushing his fingertips across her jaw, he slid his hands into her hair and cupped the back of her neck. Pressing their mouths together, he whispered, “Let me in, Brooke, let me all the way in.” Before she could respond, their lips fused and her hand pressed against his heart. When she arched against him and moaned softly, he knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until he had every part of her.


  The warm hand that just slid up her thigh was heavy and calloused and driving her perfectly insane. As much as she wanted to protest the early morning intrusion and the interruption in sleep, she couldn’t, because Frisco Jones in her bed was the best thing that had happened to her in ages.

  The heat and connection that was happening between them made her wonder how soon she could see all of him.


  Which was surprising, considering desire had been absent from her life for so long.

  And the word desire was a very mild and polite way of describing the feelings rioting in her body. Moving her mouth away, she followed Frisco’s dark gaze to the gaping neckline of her tank top. Seeing his pupils dilate at her exposed breasts made her believe he was feeling something similar.

  The moment he moistened his lips, she imagined them latching on to one of her nipples and drawing it into the wet heat of his mouth. Lust shimmered over her body sharp and clear as she pressed her finger to the bow of his full lip. When their eyes locked, heat flashed over her body, and goose bumps erupted. “I…”

  “Tell me you feel it too,” Frisco whispered. “Tell me I’m not the only one.”

  Seconds moved slowly, and she tried to form a response. “Frisco, we just…” Before she could finish her sentence, he pulled her closer and buried his nose in her hair, inhaling deeply. “Isn’t it too soon?”

  “I think shit either is or it isn’t, and we are.”

  Not able to completely deny the truth of the statement, she decided to move her hands around his chest and hold him tighter. It was a crazy day in Africa, and, for all she knew, they would never see one another after today. “I think…”

  “That we’re perfect.” Tightening his hold, he gave her a chaste kiss on her head. “I know.”

  Laughter erupted from deep in her chest, and, for the first time in forever, she felt a burst of happiness. He was ridiculous with his over-the-top confidence and swagger, and she found it more charming than she cared to admit. “Just because I let you into my room for coffee and snuggles doesn’t mean that I consider any of your crazy talk real.” A loud snort came out of him, and she didn’t think it was because he agreed with her. “I mean it. Morning kisses are not promises for something else.” Which was such a lie.

  “It never crossed my mind that was the case,” he replied firmly. “I came here to give you the plan, and what happens?” He kissed her gently and then shook his head. “Seduction, that’s what.” He tightened his hold and smiled. “Woman, you have your hands up in my shirt. What do you expect me to do?”

  Moving her hand away from his hot skin, she started to sputter. “Th-that’s not what happened, and you know it. You’re the one who got into my bed and started bothering me.”

  Giving her a condescending smile, he tapped his hand against her behind. “My hands were not under your clothes. I’m behaving and keeping them in the PG acceptable position.” Another understanding smile crossed his face as he moved closer. “I’m hard to resist, so I understand.”

  Before she was too tempted to do bodily harm to him, she moved away and was about to scramble off the bed, when he pounced. Looking up into his laughing face, she felt like punching him. He was the seducer and she was the seduced, and for him to characterize it in any other way was ludicrous. “I just want to say, for the record…” His mouth smashed against hers before she could finish, and she fought it for at least two seconds before giving in to the pleasure.

  When he finally released her mouth, he spoke against her lips. “I’ll take you mad over you pulling away any day.”

  Studying his face, she measured his sincerity. “Just to be clear, you are the one who started this.”

  “Yes, Brooke, I’m the one who started it, and the one who is going to keep on until you let me in.”

  “I’m not going to have sex with you until I get to know you and decide if I like you.” Which she’d already done but was not ready to admit.

  “I know, and I wasn’t expecting it. I want you to let me into your head and your heart.”


  He gave her an exaggerated eye roll and then pulled her closer. Anchoring her firmly against his body, he held her tightly. “You have a dirty mind if you think I was asking to get into your body.”

  Wiggling so he would loosen his hold, she waited. When he did, she sat up and rested her hands against his chest. “I see what you’re doing, and it won’t work. You can’t rile me up.”

  Rocking his hips, he moved his hands under her tank top and grinned. “Are you sure?”

  Feeling the enormous bulge against her behind, she willed herself not to move back just slightly and enjoy what was happening
in his jeans. Nope, wasn’t going to happen. “So very, very sure.”

  “I could’ve lived with just the one very; adding another one just seems mean.”

  “Poor you.” Leaning down, she pressed her chest into his and held his rough, handsome face in her hands. She gave him a light, gentle kiss and knew that whatever was happening between them was not only real, but fun. When his big hands held her tightly against his very impressive erection, she stifled a moan of desire. “Don’t you be mean either and tempt me with your man parts.”

  “As long as you find me tempting.”

  She gave him a kiss on his cheek and then sat up. “What did you come here to tell me, and why do you have plans?”

  He ran a hand down his face and let out a breath. “Give me a second so I can get some blood running back to my brain, and I’ll fill you in.”

  Jumping off the bed, she turned toward the bathroom. “I’m going to shower, and I’ll meet you downstairs in thirty minutes.” When she heard no response, she turned around and looked at Frisco lying on the bed with his hand draped over his face. “What are you doing?”

  “Torturing myself with pictures of you naked in the shower.”

  Shrugging, she turned back around. “Suit yourself.” A pillow landed against the wall, and she let out a laugh as she closed the bathroom door and turned on the water. Frisco Jones was definitely fun, and that was something she needed in her life. Along with those insanely hot kisses.


  Friday, September 8th

  Brooke stood next to Piper in front of the hotel and felt her friend’s hot, questioning stare. Ignoring it as best she could, she studied the massive security gate that separated the property from the road and noticed the armed guards chatting with one another.

  “Anything you’d like to share?” Piper asked sweetly. “Maybe something about the man you were canoodling with at breakfast, for example.”

  “What does canoodling even mean?” Brooke asked, in hopes that it would distract her language-loving friend long enough for the men to arrive.

  “I believe Webster’s defines it as kissing and cuddling amorously.”

  “I was not kissing Frisco at the breakfast table.”

  “But you were kissing him by the potted palm in the corner. And…” Lifting her arm, she made a show of studying her watch. “It hasn’t been twenty-four hours since you met him.”

  Brooke turned and gave her friend a smile. “Roses. He sent me roses and then held my hand and listened when I spoke and…kissed the living daylights out of me.” Flapping her arms up and down, she made a small distressed sound. “Do I run at him or away? I can’t decide.”

  “I’d suggest running at him.” Piper rested her arm on Brooke’s shoulder and nodded. “Grab whatever happy comes your way and hold tight, because you and I both know how rare it is.”

  “Why am I overthinking this and trying to make it more complicated than a handsome man wanting to have relations?”

  “Because you can’t help yourself. You’ve been overanalyzing romantic relationships since we were freshmen and you asked Hugh Fowler to Sadie Hawkins.”

  Leaning her head on Piper’s shoulder, she let out a sigh. “My ability to suck the joy out of something would be impressive if it wasn’t so darn depressing.”


  A gray Toyota Land Cruiser rumbled in their direction, and Brooke saw Frisco in the driver’s seat. “When he told me the plan this morning, I almost started to argue with him, but I stopped myself and ended up telling him thank you. He and the guys want to make sure that nothing happens to us, and I didn’t have the heart to tell him we could manage it on our own.”

  “I’m not surprised, because Jax was making noise about it last night.”

  As Frisco parked the car under the portico, Brooke studied her friend. “What about Jax—are you interested?”

  “He’s still hung up on his ex-girlfriend and doesn’t realize it. One minute he would be flirting, and the next he would be talking about something they used to do with one another.” Scrunching her nose, she let out a laugh. “I think it’s good to avoid men who do a twenty-minute monologue about a woman they used to date.”

  “Yeah, definitely a good idea.”

  “What’s a good idea?” Frisco asked as he walked up.

  “Ice cream.”

  “That’s the damn truth,” he said with enthusiasm. “Is there a good place to get some?”

  “We haven’t spent much time in the city, so I really don’t know,” Brooke responded.

  “We should ask the Marines at the embassy,” Bryce said as he stepped out of the car. “They’ll know where to find some.”

  Frisco nodded with approval. “The kid is like a walking Google; ask a question, and the best damn ideas come out of him.”

  “Happy to contribute,” Bryce said as he held the door.

  Brooke looked at Bryce and smiled. “Smart, good-looking, and brave. You must have to peel off the women clamoring for your attention.”

  “No, ma’am, no peeling.”

  The group erupted in laughter, and Brooke watched the lieutenant’s face grow red. “I bet you’d rather face just about anything but a compliment.”

  “Probably true.”

  Brooke squeezed his arm and grinned. “Me too.” She opened her purse and started digging through it. “I have the directions somewhere in my purse.”

  “Not necessary,” Bryce said as he held up his small tablet. “I’ve got three routes mapped out, so we’re good to go.”

  “Told you,” Frisco said as he led Brooke toward the car. “Human Google.”

  Piper rested her hand on Bryce’s arm. “How are you on song lyrics?”

  “That’s my specialty,” Jax said loudly. “Give me a couple of lines, and I can name the song.”

  Brooke looked over at Piper and stifled a laugh. Poor Jax, he thought he still had a chance. Maybe she should fill him in, so he didn’t keep trying.

  “Women in back, Jax is shotgun, Bryce, you’re covering our six,” Frisco called out as he helped Brooke in.

  “You’re kinda bossy,” Brooke said as Frisco’s hand rested on her waist a second longer than was necessary.

  “You have no idea,” he said as he threw her a wink and sexy smile.

  Lowering her sunglasses, she raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure now is the time to tell you my thoughts on that comment.”

  “Probably not,” he said as he shut the door.

  Piper snorted as she climbed in the other side. “Frisco, you’re in trouble with a capital T.”

  “Don’t I know it,” he replied as he got in. Looking into the rearview mirror, he gave Brooke a smile. “Little did I know, it’s just what I’ve been looking for.”

  Brooke tried her best not to return his smile and then gave up. “We’ll see how long it takes for you to change your tune.”

  “Not going to happen,” he replied as he drove toward the exit and nodded to the guards as the massive gate was opened. “I’m heading west on Corniche Road, right?”

  “Affirmative, sir,” Bryce responded.

  “Nothing on the satellite feed that should give us any problems,” Jax added.

  “Why are you treating a trip to the US embassy as an op?” Brooke asked as she looked out the window. “The city hasn’t been hit with any serious violence in two years. Nothing suggests that today is the day that will change.”

  “And nothing indicates that it isn’t,” Frisco replied. “Having Flintlock in town is seen as a negative by some, and encountering Americans in the city may incite people to act out.”

  “This isn’t a united country, and just because our governments are getting along doesn’t mean the population sees it that way,” Jax added as he studied the street.

  “This is one of the oldest inhabited places on earth, and they have never been unified about anything,” Brooke commented as she watched the dust of the desert swirl up in a flowerlike ball. “There are more than two hundre
d ethnic groups in the country, and they perceive themselves as mostly autonomous. Even when the French ruled, there was no attempt at any serious unification.”

  Piper sat forward and said, “Did you guys know that the major cultural divides are geographic?”

  “Had no idea,” Jax said as he turned in his seat.

  “In the South, you have the Sera people, who live sedentary lives and are mostly Christian. The North is inhabited by nomadic tribal groups who are Muslim. The center of the country is the Sahel region, and it blends people from both areas.”

  “They don’t even have a national cuisine,” Brooke added. “The last attempt at cultural unity in the sixties failed miserably and stress between the many groups exists to this day.”

  “Sometimes, the only thing that brings people together is a mutual enemy and the Big Bad West is often seen as that. No need to make you two easy targets, so that’s why we’re running this little field trip with all the precautions necessary,” Frisco commented as he entered the roundabout that would lead them to the embassy.

  Brooke looked over at Piper and rolled her eyes. “A five-minute trip becomes an op.”

  “You, better than anybody, understand the mindset of SEALs and shouldn’t be surprised.”

  Letting out a sigh, Brooke looked at the back of Frisco’s head and wondered how his sexy ways had completely dissolved her usual avoidance of men in the military. When no answer came immediately to mind, she decided to enjoy the view of the busy streets.

  It had been a long time since she had seen this many cars, busses, and throngs of people, and she found the stimuli both shocking and welcome. As they passed a small business district, she noticed a lively sidewalk with cafés and bars and wondered if they should stop there for lunch on their way back. She also saw a busy bazaar next to the disco and wondered if it might sell some of the music that Malaba’s niece had gotten her hooked on. The star of the Chadian music scene, Clement Masdongar, mixed Western pop with traditional songs, and she’d fallen in love with his sound. Leaning forward, she put her hand on Frisco’s shoulder. “Let’s have lunch in this area on the way back and then go to the bazaar so Piper and I can do a little shopping.”


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