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Hitched Page 8

by Lea Hart

  Not able to stop himself, he rubbed his thumb along the reddened flesh. “What’s making you nervous?”

  “Not sure.” He removed one hand from her waist and tucked her hair behind her ears, then pressed his fingers to the back of her neck. When her body released some if its tension, he continued to slowly stroke her skin.

  Fuck, she was soft: her hair, her skin, her scent.

  Holding her felt freaking amazing, but he knew she’d feel better beneath him. He moved closer, crowded her against the wall, and circled her waist with his hands, his thumbs dipping into the waistband of her skirt. Feeling her hips twist with desire, he ducked his head so his lips found hers.

  When she locked her grip to the back of his neck and held tightly, he figured she wanted him to continue. Opening his mouth, he found her tongue was as soft as the rest of her, but not as confident as he expected. Which, surprisingly, turned him on, because he wanted to be the one to lead them where they needed to go.

  Letting his tongue play, he discovered she tasted like the mangos and papayas they’d had for dessert.

  Never had he tasted anything so perfect in his life.

  Pulling back to look at her, he wanted to see her reaction and saw her eyes slowly open as desire filled her gaze.


  “Let me see how beautiful you are.”

  “But, I’m not…”

  Not wanting to hear it, he took over her lips, her tongue, and the kiss. Feeling her pulse under his palms, his dick throbbed in a matching rhythm. Another twist of her hips and a small, imperceptible moan from the back of her throat had his control shredding.

  Releasing her mouth, he felt her fingers dig into his skin, as she pulled him closer. Another moan and his dick was straining against his zipper, reminding him to move things along. But he didn’t want to get there too quickly because, despite the need raging through his system, he wanted to slow everything down so he could savor every moment.

  To prolong it for as long as he could. “You’re perfect, Brooke.”

  “Hardly,” she whispered.

  Her breath brushing against his skin pulled him deeper into the moment, his heartbeat increasing with every touch. “Let me be the judge of that.” Letting his eyes drag down her body, he moved his hand under her tank top and pushed the material up and watched her lips part. “Raise your hands.” When she did so instantly, he gave her a satisfied grin. Sliding the material over her head, he then threw it over her shoulder. The perfect swell of her breasts were revealed, and he sucked in an appreciative breath.

  Closing his eyes, he tried to bring himself under control, reminding himself he had all night to satisfy them both. Moving his hand up her stomach, he felt her muscles ripple under his hand as she squirmed.

  “Frisco, stop.”


  Bowing her head, she slowly nodded.

  “Okay, I won’t torture you…yet.”

  Laughter spilled out of her mouth, and he joined her. “But when I do, all you’ll do is beg for more.”

  Lifting her face, she gave him a smile that hit him directly in the solar plexus. That goddamn perfect smile that would make him do anything in the world for her. Not wanting to think about that too much, he gave her his own smile, then moved his hand around her back and released her beautiful lacy blue bra and licked his lips in anticipation of having her nipples in his mouth.

  He leaned forward and plunged his tongue between her beautiful breasts, enjoying the sweet taste of her skin, and then dropped to his knees in front of her. He landed at the perfect height to take in her disheveled, wanton glory and knew he was the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.

  Lifting her breasts into his hands, he noted that she fit perfectly. “Hands above your head, sweetheart.” When she did as she was told, he felt a river of satisfaction run down his spine as he took a nipple into his mouth. Sucking her sweet flesh, he heard her whimper and knew he could stay like this forever.


  He decided to make his mark and licked up to the top of her breast and took a good nip, and then did it again when she moaned. Hearing the need in her voice had his patience disappearing almost instantly, so he let her go and stood. He got out of his T-shirt and shorts in record time and then slid her skirt and panties off. “Ready?”

  “Be careful, Frisco.”

  He saw her pleading eyes and knew she wasn’t talking about her body, but her psyche, soul, and heart. Not knowing how to respond, he tried to come up with the perfect thing to say to reassure her that he wouldn’t do what he’d always done…but didn’t know how.

  He had no experience and didn’t want to fuck up the most perfect thing that had ever happened to him. Lifting her onto the bed, he collapsed next to her. “We don’t have to. If this is too much.”

  She leaned up on an elbow and gave him a scowl. “You don’t want me?”

  “Fuck, no!” he shouted. He sat up and swiped his hand down his face. “I want you too much and…” He pressed his hand against his granite cock and grimaced. “I don’t want to hurt you, or for you to be uncomfortable.”

  “Then don’t,” she replied. “I’m not expecting anything after tonight; don’t worry. I know you’re not into relationships. We’re two adults in the middle of Africa, so let’s just enjoy tonight.”

  That was his goddamn speech, one he’d given a hundred times, and he fucking hated hearing those words from Brooke.

  Whatever was happening between them wasn’t going to be satisfied after one night. Hell, a thousand probably wouldn’t do it either.

  Not knowing exactly what to say, he rolled on his side and decided they could figure out what they were going to become as they went along. “We’re going to enjoy tonight and then as many as we can stand after that.” He let his hand drag down her stomach, watching a trail of goose bumps rise, and pushed gently so she landed on her back. Rising on his knees, he licked his lips. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  He dragged his gaze down her body and let it rest on her pussy. Pushing her legs apart, he settled between her thighs.

  “What are you doing?”

  Grabbing her so she wouldn’t squirm away, he held her in place. “I’ve been dreaming about this for a while, and I plan on eating you up and licking up all the sweetness you’re willing to give me.”

  She fumbled with his shoulders, trying to pull him up. “You don’t have to. I’m…ready.”

  “I want to taste you,” he replied gruffly. “Don’t you like it?”

  She flung her hand over her face. “It’s just that…”

  Jesus, was she Catholic? He crawled up her body and hovered over her. “Take your hands away so I can talk to you.” If he could reach inside her brain and pull out every one of her thoughts, he would.

  Her eyes wouldn’t meet his, and she stared at his collarbone. “I’m just really wet, so you don’t have to go down there.” She gave a little shrug. “It’s never happened before and well…”

  Fuck. She might as well have told him he had a monster dick and was the best lover she’d ever had. Why she thought telling him that was embarrassing when all it did was turn him on was a mystery. “Sweetheart, I don’t want to do anything to embarrass you.” He nudged her nose with his. “But just know that there’s nothing that I would like to do more than lick your pussy. All that honey is for me.” He pressed his mouth to hers gently. “The fact that I did that to you is such a turn-on.”

  The small smile playing at her lips told him that eventually, she wouldn’t deny him what was his. Silently, he raged at whoever the asshole was who’d made her feel embarrassed about what she had to offer. Someone who was less than her, certainly. If he ever figured out who it was, he was going to do something about it.

  Her hands moved along his back, and he gnashed his teeth, as her touch had him almost going off. Bracing himself above her, he gave her a smile. “I need you, and since you’ve told me you’re more than ready, I’m not waiting.” He leaned over, dug his
hand in his shorts and pulled on a condom.

  The small nod she gave him satisfied his inner beast, so he leaned back on his knees and got himself suited up. Wanting nothing more than to be buried in her welcoming heat, he positioned himself and glanced up, their eyes connecting. Was she trying to see inside him?


  Another nod and her lips twisting told him she was nervous, and he knew within a couple of seconds, that feeling would disappear. He dipped his head and gave her a reassuring kiss and found he couldn’t pull away, so he dropped his head to hers so their breaths mixed.

  Tracing the tip of his dick from her clit down to her entrance, he felt her moisture coat the head of his cock. “Do you want this, Brooke?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Pushing into her in a slow, controlled slide, he wasn’t going to stop until he was balls-deep. Damn, she was so tight that he gasped. Not wanting it to be over in thirty seconds, he controlled his movements and enjoyed their connection. Every part of his body was touching a part of hers.

  Her hips moved against his, and he allowed himself to smile. “Feel good?”

  No words, just her arms coming around his neck as she pulled him closer. Her long legs hugged his waist, and he wondered if she was feeling what he was. The crazy connection, the invisible ties binding them together.

  He made small isolated movements, keeping their bodies tight against each other as he shifted his cock up and down. Not too far out, though, because he didn’t want to lose her warmth. Just enough so that they were perfect.

  Everything was so intense, the pleasure so concentrated, that he needed more. He took her mouth and tasted the fruit again. It was like an arrow to his groin, threatening his control. “Fuck,” he groaned, his words spilling into her open mouth.

  Her fingernails dug into his shoulders again. “Don’t stop.”

  “Not ever,” he replied. Their bodies were tightly pressed against each other as they shared each breath, merging into one. Not close enough, he lifted her ass into his hands and pressed her closer.

  “Stay there,” she said quietly. “I like you over me…the weight.” Groaning, she arched into him.

  It was almost too much; he was seconds from letting go. But he refused to before she did. He pushed deeper and harder, keeping his movements small, as he squeezed into her. His tongue reached into her mouth again, because he was desperate to have more of her. When their tongues crashed together, he felt her pulling him into her, her orgasm igniting his own.

  Somehow, he managed to pull back enough so that he could see her beautiful face as she detonated. Her eyes were glassy, but she looked straight at him as if she knew everything.

  “God damn,” he cried out as he spilled into her, bowing his head, his cheek resting against hers.

  Whatever just happened was a lot more than fucking and sex, because the final look she’d given him had somehow unraveled him.

  Everything he knew about himself no longer applied. Their uneven breaths filled the quiet room. “That’s not what I expected,” he murmured quietly.

  When she didn’t reply and shifted underneath him, he moved to her side and discarded the condom, then rolled onto his back. Moving his head to the side, he gazed at the woman lying next to him and then laced their hands together.

  Surprised she was quiet, he wondered what was going through her mind. He figured she would be chatty, but all she did was lie there perfectly still with a small smile on her face. Not satisfied, he moved up on the bed and pushed a couple of pillows together and then brought her against his body. When she settled into his arms and rested her head on his chest, he felt better.

  Her hand moved across his skin, and she started to trace small patterns, and he let out a breath he hadn’t been aware he’d been holding. Okay, maybe she was quiet after sex. He could work with that.

  Maybe she was marinating in what just happened between them just like he was. It was powerful as shit, that was for sure. The connection, the way she fit against his body. This was the beginning of something.

  “Are you going back to your hut?” she asked quietly.

  “No. We’re sharing mosquito netting, remember?”

  “Okay, can you turn off the lantern, then?”

  “Sure, honey.” He reached his long arm over and turned it off and then pulled the netting around them.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” he asked.

  “For everything. You were perfect.” Pressing her hand against his heart, she placed a kiss on his chest. “It was perfect.”

  “Better than perfect, Brooke.”

  When she didn’t respond, he ran his hand down her back and heard her even breathing. “Rest, sweetheart, ’cause we’re going to be perfect a couple more times before the sun comes up. No doubt about it.”


  Tuesday, September 12th

  Brooke stood next to Piper inside the MSF tent in Am Timan and arranged the medical supplies they were going to use for the day. The local man who organized the patients had told them earlier they expected to have at least thirty patients who were suffering from hepatitis E. While it wasn’t usually fatal, several cases in the area had resulted in death, with two children not surviving their bout with it, as well as a pregnant woman and three elderly people.

  It wasn’t something she could easily accept, but she also knew it wasn’t something she could immediately change either. People often didn’t understand the ramifications of the illness, and their hesitancy to seek treatment or simply the unavailability of it made something that was easily curable, life-threatening here in Chad. Which was why she was standing inside a tent, doing what she could.

  The fact that she was happy and optimistic despite what they were dealing with told her that having someone to fool around with was the exact medicine—she needed.

  And, dear Lord, what medicine it was. Frisco Jones could cure what ailed her whenever he felt like it because he was a gifted and talented lover. Feeling her face heat at the memories of what they’d done last night made her turn away from Piper. No way did she need to advertise how much he affected her.

  “Are you thinking about what you did with that dirty boy in your hut last night?” Piper asked as she checked the number of vaccines they had.

  Turning slowly, Brooke tried to assume a blank expression. “I both hate and love you right now.”

  Piper shrugged, showing she had exactly no concern for what Brooke had just said. “And to answer your question, I am not thinking about last night.”


  “Why are you asking?”

  “Your face is the color of cherry Jell-O, and I know the only thing that makes you blush is sexy thoughts. So…I figured you were replaying the events…of last night, in slow motion.” Sliding her hand on her hip, she gave her an assessing gaze. “The way you two were acting at breakfast tells me that neither of you knows what to do with the experience.”

  Collapsing onto one of the camp chairs, she fixed her ponytail and then studied her grubby shoes. “I’ve never connected with a man the way that I have with Frisco.” Looking up, she pinched the bridge of her nose. “I haven’t processed it yet, so I can’t describe it in a way that makes sense.”

  “I don’t think it’s supposed to make sense. At least I hope that’s what happens.”

  “Yes, I suppose you’re right. If connection and chemistry were simply a formula to be figured out, then that’s what we’d all be doing instead of stumbling around hoping one day the universe works in our favor and the right person crosses our path.”

  “Except that’s exactly what happened. What are the chances you’d meet a man in the middle of Chad at the end of a five-year stint with MSF, and, oh…it just so happens, he’s a SEAL and can somehow miraculously pull off a five-day detour to Am Timan so he can get a second date?”

  “Yes, I see your point. But…we could’ve run into one another back in Coronado. Like at Vons or something.”

s, totally possible. Minus the fact that you run from any man in the military that shows interest.”

  Retying one of her shoes, she then looked out across the dusty road and saw a group of people moving in their direction. “Maybe I wouldn’t have run from him.”

  “I guess we’ll never find out, because, by the looks of it, he got you good, and I bet when we return home, he’s going to come after you with all the tenacity he can manage.”

  “Maybe not, Carrick said he’s a one-and-done, sexy-fun type of guy. The chances of him finding me interesting when we hit San Diego are slim to none. All those SEAL groupies that throw themselves at the guys are probably hard to resist.”

  “Not if you prefer gourmet over fast food,” she replied firmly.

  “Don’t knock fast food, because right now, I’d be willing to run over someone to get to a McDonald’s.”

  Throwing her head back, Piper let out a laugh. “You and your McDonald’s, a love story for the ages.”

  “Consistency—it’s always the same, and knowing what to expect cannot be undervalued.”

  The local man who was going to process the patients stuck his head into the tent. “Get ready, ladies, because the first wave has arrived.”

  “Thank you, Casimer. We’re ready.”

  Brooke stood next to Piper at the front of the tent and looked across the main road and saw Frisco, Jax, and Bryce working on a ladder for the water tower. “You never told me how the night drive went last night. Did you get to see your beloved elephants?”

  Piper turned with a smile that lit up her face. “Being so close to the majestic animals was something I’m going to remember for the rest of my life. We were there just at dusk, and we spent a couple of hours just observing them. There were several calves in the group, and the guide said they were lucky this year because over a dozen had been added to the herd. Zakouma is one of the last places to see herds of over five hundred, and they’ve literally brought them back from the brink of extinction.”

  “Maybe I can join you tonight, and we can see all those amazing elephants together.”

  “I think they’re going to the canyon tonight where the camels congregate and then over to where a pride of lions has been seen.”


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