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Hitched Page 14

by Lea Hart

  Before he realized what was happening, she’d dropped to her knees in front of him and had her mouth exactly as he dreamed. Her lips were rimming the width of him as she glided down, and her tongue slid along his length as she pulled back achingly slowly.

  “Brooke,” he choked out as he realized his plan had gone to hell in a handbasket. Damn woman hadn’t followed the plan at all. The seduced was now the seducer as she sucked and licked him into delirium. Not for one second did he think she would take him seriously and do what he’d suggested. It was a tactic to knock her off balance, and the whole damn thing had backfired because he was the who was off balance and…powerless.

  Completely and irrefutably in her control.

  She squeezed his balls in her hand, making every dream he had a reality. With a deep groan, he braced his hands against the wall and glanced down to see her dark and wicked look. The woman was a master, and he would do well to remember that the next time he thought about shooting his mouth off.

  Speaking of shooting off, he looked down again and saw her lips curve into a small smile as she dragged her mouth up the length of his cock. Hot, pulsing anticipation rolled through him as he flexed his hips, working his way back into the mind-blowing heat enveloping him. As he watched her perfect mouth take him deep, she sucked and swallowed the head of his cock, and he hit the back of her throat, praying for control.

  His stomach muscles tightened as he ground out, “Honey, I’m going to come.” He expected her to move her mouth away before he blew his load, but all she did was make a soft, sensual sound as she took him deeper.

  Not able to hold back, his orgasm barreled through him, and he squeezed his eyes shut, grunting as he came. His body shuddered, and the blinding pleasure short-circuited his brain. Breathing heavily, he leaned back and waited for his vision to clear and his mind to snap back.

  Whatever she had done to him had him completely in her control. Which he figured she already knew.


  Brooke stood slowly and licked her lips. “What was it you wanted to discuss?” Seeing one of his eyes open and then close quickly, she grinned with satisfaction. “Something about…” She tapped her finger against her lips. “Talking while we’re naked.”

  “Get ready, woman,” he said quietly.

  Turning, she walked over to her chest of drawers and leaned forward and studied her visage. “For what?”

  Before she knew what was happening, he scooped her up, dumped her on the bed, and blessed her with a very evil grin. “Frisco…”

  He stripped his shirt off and threw it over his shoulder. “Yeah?”

  “Should I be scared?”

  “Probably.” He slid her yoga pants off along with her panties and said, “Spread your legs, honey, and show me what’s mine.”

  Not wanting to give in too quickly, she leaned up on her elbows. “I’m not sure what we were trying to work out in the first place.” He gave her a patronizing smile that had her temper about to snap. Sitting up quickly, she crossed her legs. “You should be very happy and amenable to anything I have to say…and that’s not happening.”

  “Oh, don’t misunderstand, sweetheart. I would do anything you asked…anything. But I want you to feel the same way about me, so…” He unhooked her legs and spread them with his big hands. “Let me love you and give you half the pleasure you just gave me.”

  Feeling her need to win disappear, she took his face in her hands and pulled him close enough that she could kiss him. “I’m drowning in it, Frisco. You’ve given me more in the last twenty-four hours than I’ve had in my whole lifetime.”

  Reaching down, he tucked her hair behind her ear and skimmed his finger along her jaw. “The only time I feel like you’re completely open to me is when I’m buried inside your body. I want to spend time with you so that it happens all the time, no matter where we are or what we’re doing.” Motioning between the two of them, he said, “Connected, anytime, anywhere—that’s my goal.”


  “So I can breathe.”

  “Is that why you want to spend the day together?”

  “I want to spend our lives together and, since you’re so pigheaded, I seem to be bargaining for one day at a time.”

  Swatting at his chest, she let out a laugh and then collapsed. He fell against her body and blanketed her from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head and, for the first time in forever, she welcomed the sensation.

  Embraced it.

  To believe that he was the real thing and what he said was true was something she finally was starting to believe was possible. “Okay.”


  “I’ll try.” When he embraced her tightly, she let go of her resistance and melted into his body.

  “That’s all I ask, Brooke.”

  His fingers threaded through her hair, and he gently tugged her head back so they were gazing at one another. “Why does that sexy smile of yours make me nervous?”

  “Did you really think I was going to let you suck me off and not have my way with you?”


  “The answer is no.”

  A frisson of heat flowed through her body, and her nipples puckered tightly. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Love on you, sweetheart.” He lifted her T-shirt over her head, closed his mouth over her nipple, and gave her a small bite.


  “Relax, honey.” Moving down her body, he trailed hot kisses down her stomach and rubbed his stubble against her skin, murmuring sweet nothings as he went.

  He spread her thighs apart and blew a gentle breath against her sex. “So fucking beautiful.” Moving his thumbs, he spread her open to his hot gaze and murmured, “All mine.” Burying his face between her legs, he sent an undeniable streak of heat over her limbs as he moved his tongue over her flesh possessively. Ruthless in his effort to make her come, he slid his mouth across her flesh and greedily tongued her trembling body. Not able to hold back, she bucked her hips against his mouth as was sent into utter bliss.

  Mind officially blown.

  Her eyes opened slowly, and she saw him rise up on his knees. “More?”

  “Always.” Licking his lips, he grinned. “Next you’re going to come all over my cock as you scream my name.”

  “Dirty boy.”

  “Get used to it.” He grasped one of her ankles and then the other and draped them over his thighs. “Now, that’s got to be my favorite view.”

  She watched him take himself in hand and drag the head through her wetness. “Are you planning on torturing me?”


  He stroked his smooth, bare cock along her sensitive flesh, and she shuddered. “Condom?”

  Lifting her arm, he pressed his finger along the birth control implant and smiled. “We’re riding bare since I’m the last man you’re ever going to have sex with.”

  “Says who?”


  He positioned the thick tip against her core and then braced his hands on either side of her head and pushed his way into her in what felt like a long, endless stroke as his body settled completely over hers. “Nothing between us,” she groaned out.

  Moving slowly, he slid in and out and murmured, “This is what I’ve been waiting for.”

  “Oh, Frisco, what are you doing to me?”

  “Loving you,” he said as his strokes increased.

  He built the momentum into strong, hard, grunting lunges that hit nerves in her body that she hadn’t known existed. Digging her nails into his arms, she held on as her mind and body began giving way.

  “Fucking heaven,” he grunted right before he bit the sensitive spot where her neck and shoulder joined.

  Pinning her to the mattress, he completely surrounded her, as his thrusts gained more momentum. Their tangled limbs and shared breaths made her feel not only the physical connection but the emotional one as well.

  Crying out, she arched against his body, and the friction of h
is chest against her aching nipples had her flying off into space. He fused their mouths together, and her climax stole her breath and a new definition of euphoria was revealed.

  She let go, and Frisco shouted as his own climax took over and he emptied himself into her body again and again. Feeling his seed splash against her walls, she prayed that the fates would allow her a thousand more days like this one.

  If she could just let her doubtful heart believe it was possible, then she might actually have a chance at happiness.


  Sitting on the couch, Frisco felt very satisfied that he’d managed to spend the day in Brooke’s company. After they’d lost themselves in one another’s bodies for the better part of the day, they managed to catch a nap and then fix a meal together.

  All in all, a damn perfect way to spend a Sunday, as far as he was concerned. Brooke was settled next to him and they were folding laundry as Brooke spoke to the TV and let the Patriots know what she thought of their performance.

  “How in the world did you become a fan of a New England team?”

  “My mom was from Boston, and everyone in her family is a die-hard fan. I guess I just picked it up through osmosis.”

  “Is Chance a fan too?”

  “Of course. He loves the East Coast, and I’m not sure if he’ll ever move back to California.”

  “Even though you and your father are here?”

  “I haven’t really been here much since we graduated and, though his relationship with the rear admiral is better than mine, I wouldn’t call it close.”

  “Have you seen your dad since you’ve been back?”

  “No, but tomorrow, I’m going down to Titan and have the obligatory annual chat where we both pretend to care about one another.”

  “Jeez, that sounds like fun.”

  “Yeah, I was hoping to skip it, but Chance talked me into getting it over with, so that’s what I’m doing.”

  “Want company?” When he saw her frown, he knew that he’d overstepped the invisible boundary that separated them. “I might be a great distraction since I served under him for a number of years.”

  She patted his leg and then looked back to the TV. “I appreciate the offer, but I’d prefer to get through the awkward experience without witnesses.”

  “Okay, just let me know if you change your mind.”

  “Will do.” Setting a T-shirt on the top of the pile, she looked at him and frowned. “Don’t judge me because I’m not a fan of the great Rear Admiral Foster.”

  “Never entered my mind.”

  “I respect what he’s done with his career, and I know his experience hunting evil for the better part of twenty years defines who he is and what his priorities are.”

  “Being a warrior takes away your innocence and steals a piece of your humanity.” When she moved the basket and sat closer, he decided to lay it out. “There is a cost for visiting violence on others, and the warriors willing to do it pay it so society doesn’t have to. That is a part of me, Brooke, and I can’t and won’t change that.”

  Taking his hand, she lifted it to her mouth and pressed a kiss against his skin. “I completely understand that, and I respect you with everything I have. My strained relationship with my father is not about what his job was, it’s about his almost complete absence in my life. I think he was a hell of a SEAL, maybe one of the best, but he completely failed as a father and, in my opinion, as a husband. He came home once during the last seven months of my mother’s life.” Looking down at her lap, she knitted her fingers together. “I believe he failed the most important person in the world, and that’s not something I will ever forget.”

  Taking her into his lap, he wrapped his arms around her and understood that if he wanted a place in her life, he better show up when she needed him.

  “Sweet Lord, what in the hell is going on with Gronkowski?”

  Lifting his head, he saw the play she was talking about. “Well, I guess the heart-to-heart is over.”

  “Sorry, it’s just so frustrating because they’re having a crap season.”

  “Does this mean we’re watching the Patriots for the rest of the season?”

  “No, we can take turns. Who is your team?”

  “Seattle Seahawks.”

  “And here I thought we had a future.”

  Tumbling her over, he braced his hands on either side of her face and grinned. “What did you say?”

  “Would you like some dessert?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Sure.” He started to pull her shorts down, and she scrambled away. “Where are you going?”

  “Cookies, Frisco. That’s the dessert on offer.”

  He fell back against the couch and crossed his arms. “I had something else in mind.”

  “Dirty boy, you behave.”

  “That’s not what you’re going to be saying later.”

  Chance walked in, braced his hands on his hips, and looked between the two of them. “What are you two talking about?”

  “Cookies,” Brooke called out from the kitchen.

  Ambling over to the couch, he collapsed on the one facing Frisco and gave him a dirty look. “You behaving with my sister?”


  Brooke walked over with a plate of cookies and set them down on the coffee table. “Were you behaving with the girl you had a date with?”

  “None of your business,” Chance replied.

  “Exactly. Mind your business, and I’ll mind mine.”

  Leaning forward, Chance swiped the plate of cookies and put them in his lap. “I’ll mind the cookies for now.”

  “Baby,” Brooke muttered as she got up and went back to the kitchen.

  Deciding he had nothing to contribute to the conversation, Frisco sat back and waited for Brooke to return. When she did, she sat next to him and snuggled in close and then put the plate of cookies on his lap. Kissing her head, he relaxed and enjoyed his Sunday evening and decided negotiations had worked out after all.


  Monday, October 2nd

  Brooke drove up to a nondescript commercial building in Otay Mesa, parked her car, and wondered why Titan had decided to locate their offices so close to the Mexican border. As she got out of her car, she heard the roar of a jet engine and saw a plane taking off from the Tijuana Airport.

  Interesting place to locate a private military contracting firm, she thought as she entered the building. Walking up to the receptionist desk, she smiled at the man handling the phones and waited for him to finish his call. She looked at the large black-and-white photographs that adorned the walls and figured whoever had decorated the place wanted to convey a sense of calm, because most of them were of the desert.

  “May I help you?” the young man asked.

  “Yes, thank you. I’m Brooke Foster, and I’m here to see the rear admiral.”

  “Certainly,” he replied.

  Stepping away from the desk, she wandered over to the chairs that were set up in the corner and was about to sit down when she saw her father walk through the doors. “Hi, Dad.”

  “Hi, honey, thanks for coming down to see your old man.”

  They exchanged an awkward hug, and Brooke hoped they could get through the next hour without pushing one another’s buttons. “No problem.”

  “Next time we get together, let me take you out to dinner.”

  “Let’s just get through the next hour without irritating one another and then decide when and if we want to torture one another again.”

  As they walked through the doors and down the long corridor, Clint Foster slung his arm over her shoulder and let out a laugh. “I think you’ve been telling it like it is since you could form sentences. You are your mother’s daughter.”

  “That is the highest compliment you can give me.”

  “I know, Brooke. Believe me, I know.”

  Her father stopped in front of an area that was filled with chairs and had a small coffee bar along one wall. “Anything to

  “No, thanks.”

  A large man walked toward them and called out a greeting. “Clint, who is that beautiful woman you’re harassing?”

  Sucking in a breath, Brooke waited for her dad to lose his cool. Why in the world was the man calling her dad by his first name? Nobody except her mom had ever done that.

  “Locke, this is my daughter, Brooke.”

  “My bad,” Locke said, and he cringed. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

  “Not quite a ma’am yet,” Brooke replied with a laugh.

  “How was Chad? Your dad told us you and your friend have been there working with the UN.”

  “As you’d expect, lots of people in need of care and not enough people to provide it.” She looked up at her father and wondered when he’d started keeping track of her and what she was doing. He’d never really done that in the past, and she couldn’t figure out why he’d want to start now.

  “I spent some time in the region years ago when I was with Team Two, and, I have to say, the country is beautiful.”

  “I didn’t really understand that until Piper and I spent our last two weeks down in the area surrounding Zakouma. We had the chance to spend a night in the bush with a local safari company, and the experience was life-changing.”

  “Brendan said the same thing when he and Carrick got back.”

  Stepping away, he gave them both a salute. “I’ll leave you to your visit.”

  “Check in with me later so we can go over the details for the assignment in India.”

  “Roger that.”

  “Dad, when did people start calling you by your first name?”

  “When I took the job, I instructed everyone not to address me with my rank, because I think it puts an unnecessary distance between me and the people I work with.”

  “Interesting,” she replied as she followed her father into a large office that had windows on two sides. Taking a seat that faced the desk, she settled herself and then waited for her father to do the same. Looking at the bookshelf that lined one wall, she was surprised to see several family pictures. “Where did you get the photos?”


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