The Firm of Girdlestone

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The Firm of Girdlestone Page 41

by Arthur Conan Doyle



  When Kate had made a clean breast of all her troubles to the widowScully, and had secured that good woman's co-operation, a great weightseemed to have been lifted from her heart, and she sprang from the sheda different woman. It would soon be like a dream, all these drearyweeks in the grim old house. Within a day she was sure that either Tomor the major would find means of communicating with her. The thoughtmade her so happy that the colour stole back into her cheeks, and shesang for very lightness of heart as she made her way back to the Priory.

  Mrs. Jorrocks and Rebecca observed the change which had come over herand marvelled at it. Kate attempted to aid the former in her householdwork, but the old crone refused her assistance and repulsed her harshly.Her maid too answered her curtly when she addressed her, and eyed her inanything but a friendly manner.

  "You don't seem much the worse," she remarked, "for all the wonderfulthings you seed in the night."

  "Oh, don't speak of it," said Kate. "I am afraid that I have given youa great fright. I was feeling far from well, and I suppose that I musthave imagined all about that dreadful monk. Yet, at the time, I assureyou that I saw it as plainly as I see you now."

  "What's that she says?" asked Mrs. Jorrocks, with her hand to her ear.

  "She says that she saw a ghost last night as plain as she sees you now."

  "Pack of nonsense!" cried the old woman, rattling the poker in thegrate. "I've been here afore she came--all alone in the house, too--andI hain't seen nothing of the sort. When she's got nothing else togrumble about she pretends as she has seen a ghost."

  "No, no," the girl said cheerily. "I am not grumbling--indeed I amnot."

  "It's like her contrariness to say so," old Mrs. Jorrocks criedhoarsely. "She's always a-contradictin'."

  "You're not in a good temper to-day," Kate remarked, and went off to herroom, going up the steps two at a time with her old springy footstep.

  Rebecca followed her, and noticing the change, interpreted it in her ownnarrow fashion.

  "You seems cheerful enough now," she said, standing at Kate's door andlooking into her room, with a bitter smile on her lips. "To-morrow isSaturday. That's what's the matter with you."

  "To-morrow Saturday!" Kate repeated in astonishment.

  "Yes; you know what I mean well enough. It's no use pretending that youdon't."

  The girl's manner was so aggressive that Kate was astonished."I haven't the least idea of what you mean," she said.

  "Oh no," cried Rebecca, with her arms akimbo and a sneer on her face."She doesn't know what I mean. She doesn't know that her young man iscoming down on the Saturday. She does not know that Mr. Ezra comes allthe way from London on that day just for to see her. It isn't that thatmakes you cheerful, is it? Oh, you double face!" The girl's prettyfeatures were all distorted with malice as she spoke, and her two handswere clenched passionately.

  "Rebecca!" cried Kate energetically, "I really think that you are themost complete fool that ever I met in my life. I will trouble you toremember that I am your mistress and you are my servant. How dare youspeak to me in such a way? Leave my room this instant!"

  The girl stood her ground as though she intended to brazen it out, butKate swept towards her with so much honest anger in her voice, and suchnatural dignity in her bearing, that she sank her bold gaze, and with afew muttered words slunk away into her own room. Kate closed the doorbehind her, and then, her sense of the ludicrous overpowering her anger,she laughed for the first time since she had been in the Priory. It wasso intensely ridiculous that even the most foolish of mortals shouldimagine that she could, under any circumstances, be desirous of seeingEzra Girdlestone. The very thought of him brought her amusement to anend, for the maid was right, and to-morrow would bring him down oncemore. Perhaps her friends might arrive before he did. God grant it!

  It was a cold but a bright day. From her window she could see thesnow-white sails of the Hampshire fishing-boats dipping and risingagainst the deep blue sea. A single barque rode amongst them, like aswan among ducklings, beating up against the wind for Portsmouth orSouthampton. Away on the right was the long line of white foam whichmarked the Winner Sands. The tide was in and the great mudbanks haddisappeared, save that here and there their dun-coloured convexity roseabove the surface like the back of a sleeping leviathan. Overhead agreat flock of wild geese were flapping their way southward, like a broadarrow against the sky. It was an exhilarating, bracing scene, andaccorded well with her own humour. She felt so full of life and hopethat she could hardly believe that she was the same girl who that verymorning had hurled away the poison bottle, knowing in her heart thatunless she destroyed it she might be tempted to follow her guardian'ssinister suggestions. Yet the incident was real enough, for there werethe fragments of glass scattered over the bare planks of her floor, andthe insidious odour of the drug was still so strong that she opened thewindow in order to dissipate it. Looking back at it now, it all seemedlike some hideous nightmare.

  She had no very clear idea as to what she expected her friends to do.That she would be saved, and that speedily, she never for one instantdoubted. She had only to wait patiently and all would be well.By to-morrow night, at the latest, her troubles would be over.

  So thought Girdlestone too, as he sat down below, with his head bentupon his breast and his eyes looking moodily from under his shaggy browsat the glowing coals. To-morrow evening would settle the matter onceand for ever. Burt and Ezra would be down by five o'clock, and thatwould be the beginning of the end. As to Burt's future there was nodifficulty about that. He was a broken man. If well supplied withunlimited liquor he would not live long to trouble them. He had nothingto gain, and everything to lose by denouncing them. Should the worstcome to the worst, the ravings of a dipsomaniac could do little harm toa man as respected as the African merchant. Every event had beenforeseen and provided for by the old schemer. Above all, he had deviseda method by which even a coroner's inquiry could be faced with impunity,and which would do away with all necessity for elaborate concealment.

  He beckoned Mrs. Jorrocks over to him, for he had been sitting in thelarge room, which was used both as a dining-room and as a kitchen.

  "What is the latest train to-morrow?" he asked.

  "There be one that reaches Bedsworth at a quarter to ten."

  "It passes the grounds at about twenty to ten, then?"

  "That reg'lar that I could set my clock by it."

  "That'll do. Where is Miss Harston?"

  "Upstairs, sir. She came back a-laughin' and a-jumpin' and as sassy asyou please to them as was old before she was born."

  "Laughing!" said Girdlestone, raising his eyebrows. "She did not seemin a laughing mood this morning. You don't think she has gone out ofher mind, do you?"

  "I don't know nought about that. There was Rebecca came down herea-cryin' 'cause she'd ordered her out of her room. Oh, she's mistressof the house--there's no doubt about that. She'll be a-givin' of usall the sack presently."

  Girdlestone relapsed into silence, but his face showed that he waspuzzled by what he had heard.

  Kate slept a sound and dreamless sleep that night. At her age troubleis shaken from the young mind like water from the feathers of a duck.It had been all very gloomy and terrible while it lasted, but now thedawn of better days had come. She woke cheerful and light-hearted.She felt that when once she was free she could forgive her guardian andRebecca and all of them--even Ezra. She would bury the whole hideousincident, and never think of it or refer to it again.

  She amused herself that morning by reckoning up in her mind what thesequence of events would be in London, and how long it would be beforeshe heard from her friends. If Mrs. Scully had telegraphed, news wouldhave reached them last night. Probably she would write as well, givingall the particulars about her. The post came in about nine o'clock, shethought. Then some time would elapse before the major could find Tom.After that,
no doubt they would have to consider what had best be done,and perhaps would go and consult with Dr. Dimsdale. That would occupythe morning and part of the afternoon. They could hardly reach thePriory before nightfall.

  Ezra would be down by that time. On the Saturday before he had arrivedbetween five and six. A great dread filled her soul at the thought ofmeeting the young merchant again. It was merely the natural instinct ofa lady shrinking from whatever is rough and coarse and antagonistic.She had no conception of the impending danger, or of what his comingmight mean to her.

  Mr. Girdlestone was more gracious to her than usual that morning atbreakfast. He seemed anxious to efface the remembrance of his fierceand threatening words the day before. Rebecca, who waited upon them,was astonished to hear the way in which he spoke. His whole manner wasless heavy and ungainly than usual, for now that the time for action wasat hand he felt braced and invigorated, as energetic men do.

  "You should study botany while you are down here," he said blandly."Depend upon it, one cannot learn too many things in one's youth.Besides, a knowledge of natural science teaches us the marvellousharmony which prevails throughout the universe, and so enlarges ourminds."

  "I should very much like to know something of it," answered Kate."My only fear is that I should not be clever enough to learn it."

  "The wood here is full of wonders. The tiniest mushroom is asextraordinary and as worthy of study as the largest oak. Your fatherwas fond of plants and animals."

  "Yes, I can remember that," said Kate, her face growing sad as her mindtravelled back to years gone by. What would that same father havethought, she wondered, had he known how this man opposite to her hadtreated her! What did it matter now, though, when she would so soon beout of his power!

  "I remember," said Girdlestone, stirring his tea thoughtfully, "when welived in the City as 'prentice lads together, we shared a room above theshop. He used to have a dormouse that he was very fond of. All hisleisure time was spent in nursing the creature and cleaning its cage.It seemed to be his only pleasure in life. One night it was runningacross the floor, and I put my foot upon it."

  "Oh, poor papa!" cried Kate.

  "I did it upon principle. 'You have devoted too much time to thecreature,' I said. 'Raise up your thoughts higher!' He was grieved andangry, but in time he came to thank me. It was a useful lesson."

  Kate was so startled by this anecdote that she remained silent for somelittle time. "How old were you then?" she asked at last.

  "I was about sixteen."

  "Then you were always--inclined that way?" She found some difficulty inconveying her meaning in polite tones.

  "Yes; I received a call when I was very young. I became one of theelect at an early age."

  "And which are the elect?" his ward asked demurely.

  "The members of the Community of the Primitive Trinitarians--or, atleast those of them who frequent Purbrook Street Chapel. I hold thatthe ministers in the other chapels that I have attended do not preachthe unadulterated Word, and have therefore missed the narrow path."

  "Then," said Kate, "you think that no one will be saved except those whofrequent the Purbrook Street Chapel?"

  "And not all of them--no, nor one in ten," the merchant saidconfidently, and with some approach to satisfaction. "Heaven must be avery small place," Kate remarked, as she rose from the table.

  "Are you going out?"

  "I was thinking of having a stroll in the wood."

  "Think over a text as you walk. It is an excellent commencement of theday."

  "What text should I think of?" she asked, standing smiling in thedoorway, with the bright sunshine bursting in behind her.

  "'In the midst of life we are in death,'" he said solemnly. His voicewas so hollow and stern that it struck a chill into the girl's heart.The effect was only momentary, however. The day was so fine, and thebreeze so fresh, that sadness was out of the question. Besides, was nother deliverance at hand! On this of all mornings she should be free fromvague presentiments and dim forebodings. The change in her guardian'smanner was an additional cause for cheerfulness. She almost persuadedherself that she had misconstrued his words and his intentions upon thepreceding day.

  She went down the avenue and had a few words with the sentry there.She felt no bitterness against him now--on the contrary, she couldafford to laugh at his peculiarities. He was in a very bad humour onaccount of some domestic difficulties. His wife had been abusing him,and had ended by assaulting him. "She used to argey first, and thenfetch the poker," he said ruefully; "but now it's the poker first, andthere ain't no argeyment at all."

  Kate looked at his savage face and burly figure, and thought what a verycourageous woman his wife must be.

  "It's all 'cause the fisher lasses won't lemme alone," he explained witha leer. "She don't like it, knock me sideways if she do! It ain't myfault, though. I allers had a kind o' a fetchin' way wi' women."

  "Did you post my note?" asked Kate.

  "Yes, in course I did," he answered. "It'll be in Lunnon now, mostlike." His one eye moved about in such a very shifty way as he spokethat she was convinced that he was telling a lie. She could not besufficiently thankful that she had something else to rely upon besidesthe old scoundrel's assurances.

  There was nothing to be seen down the lane except a single cart with aloutish young man walking at the horse's head. She had a horror of thecountry folk since her encounter with the two bumpkins upon the Sunday.She therefore slipped away from the gate, and went through the wood tothe shed, which she mounted. On the other side of the wall there wasstanding a little boy in buttons, so rigid and motionless that he mighthave been one of Madame Tussaud's figures, were it not for his eyes,which were rolling about in every direction, and which finally fixedthemselves on Kate's face.

  "Good morning, miss," said this apparition.

  "Good morning," she answered. "I think I saw you with Mrs. Scullyyesterday?"

  "Yes, miss. Missus, she told me to wait here and never to move until Iseed you. She said as you would be sure to come. I've been waitin'here for nigh on an hour."

  "Your mistress is an angel," Kate said enthusiastically, "and you are avery good little boy."

  "Indeed, you've hit it about the missus," said the youth, in a hoarsewhisper, nodding his head to emphasize his remarks. "She's got a heartas is big enough for three."

  Kate could not help smiling at the enthusiasm with which the littlefellow spoke.

  "You seem fond of her," she said.

  "I'd be a bad 'un if I wasn't. She took me out of the work'us withoutcharacter or nothing, and now she's a-educatin' of me. She sent me 'erewith a message?"

  "What was it?"

  "She said as how she had written instead o' electro-telegraphing, 'causeshe had so much to say she couldn't fit it all on a telegraph."

  "I thought that would be so," Kate said.

  "She wrote to Major--Major--him as is a-follerin' of her. She said asshe had no doubt as he'd be down to-day, and you was to keep up yoursperrits and let her know by me if any one was a-wexin' you."

  "No, no. Not at all," Kate answered, smiling again. "You can tell herthat my guardian has been much kinder to-day. I am full of hope now.Give her my warmest thanks for her kindness."

  "All right, miss. Say, that chap at the gate hasn't been giving you nocheek has he--him with the game eye?"

  "No, no, John."

  John looked at her suspiciously. "If he hasn't, it's all right," hesaid; "but I think as you're one of them as don't complain if you can'elp it." He opened his hand and showed a great jagged flint which hecarried. "I'd ha' knocked his other peeper out with this," he said,"blowed if I wouldn't!"

  "Don't do anything of the sort, John, but run home like a good littleboy."

  "All right, miss. Good-bye to ye!"

  Kate watched him stroll down the lane. He paused at the bottom as ifirresolute, and then she was relieved to see him throw the stone overinto a turnip field, and walk r
apidly off in the opposite direction tothe Priory gates.


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