Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 37

by Heather Rainier

  Beck’s attention was suddenly on the two fucking huge men who broke through the crowd at the gate, down at the driveway. Both men looked supremely pissed as they searched the crowd. Beck wondered if Hank had let these strangers through the gate or if the blond giants had pummeled their way through with their bare fists.

  Chloe turned and the sound she made spoke volumes to Beck. It wasn’t a moan, or a panicked cry, or fear. It was the vocalization of pure need.

  Yes, she’d found her soul mates in two men. Those men.

  Chloe had been right to leave him because she’d never reacted to him the way she did to them. And that was okay. It really was, as Lucy slid her hand into his from behind.

  Chloe flew across the yard, aiming straight for those men. The relief and the love in their eyes as they finally saw her was evident across the distance. Still a few feet away from them, she flung herself into the air.

  The more serious-looking of the two men, his face all hard angles and intense lines, snatched her out of the air and wrapped his arms around her as her long blonde hair flew all around them. Beck actually heard the sound of their bodies impacting. She’d thrown herself at him with utter assurance he’d catch her.

  The other blond giant, who was smiling and pale with relief, gathered her hair from her face and moved it as he pressed against her back and kissed her cheek. His shoulders slumped as though he could finally relax. She was squeezed tight between them, her legs wrapped around the waist of the man who’d caught her, one man’s face to either side of hers, bookending her in love and safety.

  Anyone who thought she was meant for any other man would be a fool. Lucy slid an arm around Beck and the other around Patrick. Beck looked down at her and saw the tears tracking through the dust on her cheeks. She looked up at him and pure tenderness and love radiated in her blue eyes.

  You were right, Chloe.

  Mel and Connor, along with Emily Anne, joined them and from the looks of it, Chloe was in a bit of trouble with her men. Beck chuckled when the man holding her pulled her loose and held her out in front of him as if she weighed no more than a bag of sugar. He said something to her as he dangled her above the grass that made her cheeks blush an even deeper pink before she started sweet-talking him to get herself out of the doghouse.

  Lucy wiped her tears and sniffled as she looked up at them. “I’m still confused. Why did Baxter come to the spa? Why take me? He only took Emily Anne because she was there with me. He thought we were all hookers. He said so.”

  Patrick said, “He overheard the meeting. Knew we were talking about him. I think it was coincidence that Emily Anne happened to be with you when he made his move.” Patrick looked over at the sheriff’s patrol car, with Baxter securely cuffed in the backseat, still talking to himself. “I don’t imagine he’s saying much that’s useful right now but we think he recognized Beck and me, remembered seeing us kissing you, and figured he’d get himself some insurance before leaving town.”

  Beck said, “Yeah, the funny thing—or not so funny actually—is that he could’ve bolted for his house, grabbed all his shit and been on the road out of town and we wouldn’t have known for hours. Chloe wouldn’t have pinged on him alone, and he would’ve been in the wind again.”

  Lucy rubbed her ribs and the back of her head. “He didn’t sound stable most of the time. He kept talking about secrets staying buried and needing insurance so he could get out of town. He was packing for a trip, which is the only reason we were able to plan a diversion. If he’d been in his right mind and undistracted, this could’ve gone the other way.”

  A tremor shook her and Patrick wrapped his arms around her from behind as Beck cradled her jaw and kissed her. He closed his eyes and breathed her in, his body vibrating with gratitude that she was safe and between them, right where she belonged.

  He felt their presence even before he saw them. Those big firefighters didn’t just take up space. They took up the oxygen around them.

  “Beck?” Chloe queried softly from behind him.

  Beck turned and was eye to eye with the two men who belonged to Chloe. To a casual onlooker, it might’ve seemed the other way around, that Chloe belonged to them. But Beck had been able to see that the moment she’d started sweet-talking earlier they’d both been putty in her hands.

  Chloe stood between them, holding their hands, and had a hopeful smile on her face. She looked up to the more serious of the two giants. “Grant Jessop,” she said with a smile before turning to the other, more laidback of the two giants. “Andrew Jessop, I’d like to introduce you to Beck O’Malley, Patrick Owen, and Lucy…” she turned to look at Lucy with a hint of humor in her eyes.

  “Carter,” Lucy said as she held her hand out to Grant, who took her hand in his as if it was delicate crystal. “Pleased to meet you, Grant.” When he released it, she held her hand out to the man who was obviously his brother. “Andrew, a pleasure to meet you.”

  The giant smiled, glanced at Chloe who was smiling at him, and then leaned toward Lucy and hugged her gingerly, as if aware that she had injuries.

  Andrew said, “Thank you for your quick thinking in there, Lucy. Chloe told me what the three of you did. That was very brave.”

  “Stupid,” Grant murmured under his breath. Chloe giggled as she reached behind him and he jumped a little. “Ow. Woman,” he said with a growl, but there was laughter in his eyes.

  Grant and Andrew greeted Beck and Patrick and the two of them shared what information they had about what had happened with the firefighters.

  The conversation might’ve been uncomfortable under other circumstances but Beck could see up close and personal that Chloe was happy beyond what he’d ever seen her before. She was fulfilled. Beck looked at his woman as she easily conversed with them and knew the same satisfaction. Patrick smiled at him and gave him a slight nod over Lucy’s head, as though agreeing.

  Hank Stinson walked over. “Lucy, EMTs want to check you and Chloe over real quick. I just got off the phone with Ethan. A small group has gathered at the Pony, including your brother, and Ethan said a celebration is in order. He’s got food and refreshments set up for everyone, if you want to head over there.” He turned to Chloe and her men. “That invitation is extended to everyone, Miss Rhodes. You and your men are more than welcome to come to the Dancing Pony. Mel and Connor said they would bring Emily Anne over after they make a couple of stops in Divine.”

  Chloe looked at her men and then nodded. “Sure. We can come over.”

  Grant nodded. “Yeah, but I’m driving your car, baby girl. You’ve had enough excitement for one day without adding in more driving.”

  Chloe rolled her eyes and Beck grinned as she harrumphed. He was pleased that her men looked after her that way.

  Lucy giggled with Chloe until Patrick turned to her and said, “Soon as we find your keys, I’m driving, Luce.”

  “It’s five miles into town—”

  Patrick cut her off with a grin. “You were injured, you’ve had a bit of trauma, and we need a ride, since we came with Ace and the guys. The least you can do is let me drive.”

  Lucy smiled and said, “Well, all right. My ribs hurt anyway, and my hand,” she said, shaking it out. “And my head.”

  Beck lifted her hand and saw the purple bruise forming over the top of it. “Son of a bitch takes pleasure from hurting women. He’s going to get his when he gets to prison.”

  Lucy turned to Hank. “Please tell me that asshat will go to prison, Hank?”

  Hank seemed pretty confident when he nodded. “He’s facing two charges of kidnapping, three of forcible confinement, and two of threatening death. That’s besides another possible charge of murder, if we find the evidence we’re looking for on his property. It’s likely he’ll be looking at the inside of a prison cell for a long damn time.”

  Lucy crossed her arms under her breasts in a way that made Beck tingle as she nodded in satisfaction. “Good. He deserves to suffer for what he did to Chloe and her sister. I hope he has a sadi
stic roommate who’s itching for a new butt buddy.”

  Hank laughed out loud. “Very eloquent, Lucy. You know, you’ve given me food for thought with your actions today.”

  “I have? Is that good?”

  Hank nodded. “I’ve been considering holding self-defense classes for women at the activity center downtown. I worry about the women in our community who don’t know how to defend themselves. I started thinking about it after Gwen Henderson defended herself against that jackass at the Pony a few months back, and now here you went and practically did our jobs for us.”

  Lucy glanced up and must’ve seen Beck’s opinion in his eyes and held up a hand. “I had help with that, Hank. Chloe and Emily Anne were just as involved.”

  Hank grinned and Beck swore his expression had evil glee in it. “I’ll leave you to work your way out of the mess of trouble you’re in with your men, then. See you all over at the Pony later.”

  “Shit,” Lucy muttered. “He had to go and remind the alpha males.”

  “Right?” Chloe asked with a giggle. Her men put an arm around her and she said, “We’ll see you over there.”

  After Grant and Andrew directed Chloe over to the EMTs, Lucy turned to him and then to Patrick. “You aren’t really going to go all alpha on me now, are you? I have a business to run. I can take care of myself. I’m a big girl you know?”

  Beck exchanged a look with Patrick before tilting her chin up. “Yeah, we know you’re a big girl. We have no plans to fence you in, sweetness. Matter of fact, we plan to make sure that you think our occasional pushiness is worth it. You sure you’re up to a stop at the Dancing Pony?”

  “Yes. I’m even a little hungry. But I’d like to stop in town for something before we go over there.”

  “Sure,” he replied and then pointed at one of the EMTs who was headed her way. “Right after you get checked out.”

  * * * *

  Lucy smiled as Chloe received the gift box from her, her cheeks blushing. Lucy had stopped in town and put together a wedding gift for her and her men.

  “It’s so heavy,” Chloe remarked as she slid the box onto their table at the Dancing Pony.

  Over the last several months, the corner nearest the bar and closest to Ethan’s office had become their group’s official hangout spot and that was where their group now sat.

  Lucy nodded and said, “I hope you like it. Open it.”

  Chloe looked up at Grant and Andrew who towered over her and then slid the silver lid off of the box and lifted the tissue that was padding the top. She looked at what was inside, did a double take, and gasped. She bit her lip as she reached into the box and removed the first item. Chloe looked at her and Lucy could see the tears pooling in her eyes before she turned her gaze to Beck.

  “‘Bee’s Knees.’” She sniffled as she read the label on the container. “Orange Blossom Beeswax Body Balm.” She reached in and lifted out another smaller tin. She removed the lid and smiled as she sniffed the contents. “The hand salve.”

  Beck nodded and Lucy noted the slight flush to his cheeks and the way he looked to her as he squeezed her hand before looking back at Chloe. “It’s your recipe, the one you found for me.”

  Chloe sniffled and put the lid back on the salve, her smile glowing in her eyes before she lifted the lavender and rosemary scented beeswax candle from the box and then looked up at her men. “There’s a small fortune in beeswax products in here.”

  Lucy said, “Beck’s Bees Honey and the Bee’s Knees Body Products have really taken off. You should come see the operation someday, and your flowerbeds, too.”

  Chloe seemed surprised. “You kept them up?”

  Lucy nodded, remembering the juvenile urge she’d had to rip everything out and start all over again. It wasn’t the most mature inclination she’d ever had and common sense had dictated otherwise. “The red salvia re-seeded somewhat, but I added more to fill out and some other plants as well.”

  Chloe smiled and looked up at Beck. “You were able to go full time with your bees. Your dream came true, and in such a short time. Beck, I’m so proud of you, and happy for you. I’ll bet Lucy has a lot to do with your success.”

  Beck nodded. “She does. She runs A Divine Retreat during the day, sells my products from there, and then she helps me at the house on her free evenings.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Beck mentioned earlier that you’re a massage therapist, too. Small world, huh?”

  Lucy giggled. “Tell me about it. For a while, I filled your vacant position at Madeleine’s.”

  Chloe snorted at that news and said, “Oh Lord. Are those stylists still giving Madeleine fits with all their drama and backstabbing?”

  “You know it. Some things never change. Put that many women together and there’s bound to be trouble.”

  Grant leaned forward and said, “I’ve heard that before, Lucy, but I can’t help but notice that all of you girls seem to get along really well. I’ll bet your men don’t have near the trouble we do keeping our women in Lusty from racing headfirst into disaster at every opportunity.” He gave Chloe a significant look and Andrew nodded in agreement as he crossed his bulky arms over his broad chest.

  “Trouble magnets, all of them,” Andrew added for good measure. “Regardless of age or status. Our Chloe-doe looks like she’s following in their footsteps, too.”

  Chloe elbowed him and said, “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Andrew grunted and made a sound of disagreement that ended with laughter. He watched as she removed each item from the box, including foot crème, hand cream, and body lotion, all handmade by Beck.

  Chloe gasped when she lifted the next item from the big box. “Oh. I can’t believe it! Look!” She lifted the ten-pound jar of Beck’s Bees pure honey from the box and her jaw fell open.

  Grant reached in and pulled out the other, smaller jar and read the label. “Beck’s Bees Cream Honey.”

  Chloe looked at Grant and said, “You’re in for a rare treat at breakfast tomorrow, darling.” She slid the big jar of honey onto the table and turned to Beck. “I remember when your entire harvest fit into one jar this size. This is a precious, precious gift. Thank you all.”

  Lucy squeezed Beck and Patrick’s hands and said, “You’re very welcome. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.” She looked at Patrick and saw the way he watched her with a contented look on his face, and then turned to Beck. He seemed relaxed…pleased that Chloe was happy with the gift, but pleased with Lucy, too, judging by the look her gave her, for thinking Chloe might like a gift of his beeswax and honey products.

  Looking back at Chloe, Lucy said, “It’s really all okay. Isn’t it, Chloe? It all worked out. Everything?”

  Chloe looked back at her men, blushed, and wiped at a tear as she nodded. Grant’s big hand looked gentle as he stroked her cheek. “Yeah. If you’d told me last fall that I’d be happily settled and ready to commit to two men, I’d have told you that you were crazy.”

  Lucy laughed and got up to hug her. “I could say the same thing about myself.”

  The men got to know each other while Lucy and Chloe talked shop for a little while. Lucy was thrilled when Chloe asked about selling some of Beck’s products through her place of business, the Lusty Glow Day Spa. Lucy promised to handle it for her.

  Before long, Emily Anne and her men showed up, making quite a splash when Grace noticed the engagement ring sparkling brightly on Emily Anne’s ring finger.

  As Luke Bryan’s “Crash My Party” played on the sound system, Lucy looked around, pleased at the way the Lusty folks were enfolded with her Divine friends. She wondered if more excitement might come down the road from Lusty in the future.

  A hush fell over the crowd as the song finished and another one didn’t immediately replace it. She looked over at the DJ booth along with everyone else and discovered that Ethan Grant was looking right at her.

  He smiled and held up the microphone. “This is Lucy’s song.”

  Holy crap! Ethan pic
ked a song for me?

  Every nerve ending in her body lit up when she instantly recognized the drumbeat and guitar rhythm of Lenny Kravitz’s version of “American Woman.”

  “Oh hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!” Lucy sprang from her seat, unwilling to miss even a second of dancing to one of her all-time favorite songs.

  She grinned at Patrick as she scooted around him, rubbed her breasts against his chest, and gave him a cheeky grin. Her pussy tingled when he licked his lips and whispered, “Shake that sugar, little tiger.”

  Charity began moving to the beat and said, “Well let’s shake it!” Justin looked like he approved of her plan, judging by the way he watched her strut toward the dance floor.

  Lucy kissed Beck’s temple as she moved past him, giving him a great shot of her cleavage, and he said, “Show us no mercy, sweetness.” She saw it when he winked at Chloe and was pleased by her wide-open laughter. She looked like she wanted to dance, too.

  “Hey, Chloe!” She pointed at the dance floor, in a hurry to get out there and give her men another reason to be devoted to her. “Let’s do it! We make a good team.”

  The other girls, including Emily Anne, joined them on the dance floor, and Lucy forgot everything else but the sexy beat of the song and pleasing her men. Her striptease classes and pole-dancing lessons kicked in and she lost herself in the driving rhythm of the song.

  The dance floor filled up and Lucy moved so that she could see her men. Beck and Patrick stood side by side, arms folded over their muscular chests. Their stances were so utterly masculine that her body reacted to the sight. She was their woman, and she let them know it in the way she moved. She turned, undulating and giving her ass a shake, and when she saw them again, they’d moved several feet closer to her.

  A sultry smile quirked the corners of her lips and confidence bloomed inside her as she slid her hands over her hips and her ass, and arched her back in counterpoint with the beat. The music pounded in her blood and the heated stares of her men made her cunt tingle as she imagined what they’d do with her that evening. The night was still young and anything could happen.


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