My Redemption Too: a Second Chance series

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My Redemption Too: a Second Chance series Page 39

by S. K. Lessly

  “Ah, no. I’m not.”

  He looked over at me showing me just how much he wasn’t bothered by not speaking to his family before he turned back to stare outside. He absently reached for a glass he had sitting on a table next to him and took a long sip. Without another word, he placed the drink back on the table, laced his fingers and rested his hands on his stomach, all the while never moving his eyes from the scenery outside.

  I stared down at him for a few more seconds, wondering if he was going to offer up more. When he didn’t, I turned the chair next to him, putting my back against the door and faced him. I sat down and regarded him.

  “Well, what about your sister, Mary?”

  “What about her?” he responded tersely.

  “Have you spoken to her lately or Corinne or Kenneth?” I asked him.

  He met my eyes finally. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I have. I’ve spoken to them on multiple occasions.”

  My eyebrows rose into my hairline. “Really? Okay, that’s awesome. What about your parents?”

  His eyes moved from mine and settled back outside. “What about them?” he replied dryly.

  “Paul…” I said in a whine, and he rolled his eyes letting me know just how frustrating I was making him.

  “Lauren, what do you want me to say? I’m pissed at them right now. I have nothing to say to them, end of story.” He picked up his drink and took the remaining of the contents down quickly.

  “Paul, they’re your parents...” I began but stopped when I saw my words weren't penetrating. I decided on a different approach, more direct, which seemed to be working. “Baby, I don’t want what went on with my family to happen to you.”

  Paul was quiet for a spell before he sighed and scrutinized me with cold eyes.

  “Lauren, I understand what you’re trying to do, okay, but this is the kind of shit they do all the time. My father consistently crosses the line, and my mother goes along with whatever he says. Then when shit hits the fan, my mother makes excuses for him. She expects us to forgive him just because. It’s their M.O., and I’ve had it. That shit will not fly this time. What they did was completely inexcusable. The restraining order on you, are you fucking kidding me? Who does that shit? They’ve witnessed the anguish you went through every day as you sat by my bedside. They watched you wither away, and they did shit to help you or bring you into the family fold. However, they included Sabrina— the woman who I divorced months ago and the woman that betrayed me and cheated on me?”

  Paul’s voice started to rise in volume and edginess. Everything that had happened was still fresh in his mind. I couldn't blame him for feeling what he felt. I just didn’t want it to come back on me later, and I had a bad feeling it would.

  “As of right now, I don’t have shit to say to them,” he continued the sound of his voice unforgiving and dark. “They can be mad at me all they want, but I’m not budging.”

  I sighed and looked at him. He had no idea the longer he waited to talk to his parents the worse it was going to be for me. I wasn’t being selfish here. I was being realistic. He wasn’t around when his parents would whisper around me, making comments that they wished he and Sabrina had worked out. They did the bare minimum with me. With Sabrina, it was as if she and Paul were still together.

  I would never tell Paul that tidbit, but in light of that, I knew they were blaming me for everything instead of placing blame where it belonged, on them. I tried to figure out the best way to explain this to him, but I decided to be blunt and to the point.

  “Paul, I know for a fact they aren’t mad at you. They’re mad at me. Right now, they’re making all this— you being mad at them, you all not speaking— my fault.”

  He shook his head, as I knew he would. “No, they’re not.”

  “No, yes they are. Right now, Paul, they think I’m the one that’s putting ideas in your head, filling you with lies and telling you not speak to them. This isn’t like you to go weeks without speaking to them, then I come around, and it’s like you’ve changed. This is their thinking, not mine. I was the one who went against the grain and pinned you against them. I’m telling you that’s what they’re thinking and there is nothing you can do to change that. Sure, you'll forgive them, but the damage would’ve already been done. Everything will be right as rain between all of us until it’s not. And I assure, on my life, your father is making precautions to make sure this type of thing will never happen again. I’ll probably be banned from every hospital in the Tri-State area, if god forbid, you get hurt again.”

  I knew I was being overdramatic, but I just could see his father banning me from being anywhere near his son again.

  Paul took my hand and kissed it. He gave me one of those ‘I think you’re crazy’ smiles, which I hated.

  “You really have watched too many movies,” he joked. I wasn’t laughing. He continued, trying to ease my mind. “Believe me. My parents aren't thinking that way because if they were, they’d lose me forever.”

  “How would you know? What if things were far worse than they were? I mean, what if you didn’t wake up? You wouldn't be here for them to lose you, you'd already be gone.” I didn’t want to think like I was, but I wanted him to be realistic.

  Paul shifted forward in his chair, so he was closer to me. He took both my hands in his and kissed them both.

  “Lauren, baby, believe me when I say this hasn’t been the first time they’ve crossed me. And I’ve done the very thing I’m doing now, not to this extreme but they know what they've done was the worst thing they could’ve ever done to me. I’ve told them how much you mean to me. To hurt you is to hurt me, and they’ve hurt you, big time. They’ve destroyed my trust and talking to them will not get it back. They will have to work for it. And don’t worry, they’ll come here begging me to talk to them soon enough.”

  “Okay, I’ll have to take your word for it and hope for the best.”

  “Yup, I guess you will.”

  “Okay, so if your parents aren’t the cause of the scowl on your face, what is?”

  He met my concerned eyes and held me still for a long time. I was getting nervous under his scrutiny. I was running scenarios in my head on what could make him look like this, and none of the ideas were happy ones.

  Paul squeezed my hand again.

  “I’m taking the physical exam to return to duty tomorrow.”

  I stared at him for a long moment before I blinked. I asked, on autopilot mind you, “So soon? I thought you had to wait ninety days or something.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve passed all my preliminary tests, and I’ve been cleared to go back to work. I just have to get tested with the department to make sure I’m good, and then I’ll be able to return to the firehouse.”

  A wave of nausea came over me with the realization that he was going back to work. I felt lightheaded and pain in my chest. I awkwardly stood and headed for the powder room to escape my sudden reality.

  I felt him come up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me up against his hard chest.

  “Are you alright?” He kissed my neck.

  I nodded first then spoke. “Am I alright like am I sick or am I alright with your decision to go back to work so soon?”


  I unwrapped his arms from around me and went into the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face and leaned over the sink for a few minutes, taking deep breaths.


  I turned and saw the worry and concern dripping down Paul’s face.

  “I’m okay,” I told him and walked out of the bathroom and past him. I was making my way back to our seats by the back door when he gripped me by my wrist. He pulled me to the bar stools, which was closet to us, and directed me to sit.

  “Do you need me to get you some water?” he asked me still watching me closely.

  “No, Paul really, I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting to deal with this so soon.”

  “I know,” Paul confessed, rubbing my legs through
the long maxi dress I wore. “I was trying to figure out a way to tell you and not make you too upset. I’m sorry.”

  “No,” I shook my head and gave him a small smile. “It’s fine. I think I would’ve reacted the same way no matter when you would’ve told me. I guess it’s not anything you can prepare yourself for.”

  “Tell me what you think?”

  I shrugged a shoulder, fighting the urge not to cry. “Paul, it’s fine. I’m good seriously.” I tried to get up from my seat; the need to get away from him so that I wouldn’t lose it was great.

  These damn hormones were doing me in, I swear.

  Paul, being the hater that he was, wouldn't let me down from the stool. Instead, he pushed my legs open and pulled my dress up so he could fit in between my legs. “Paul,” I groaned trying to push him back. He wouldn’t budge.

  “Don’t do that, Lauren,” the big dope protested. “I need you to tell me how you feel.” Paul gripped me by the hips and kept me on the stool.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say. You want my blessing or something?”

  He nodded. “Something like that, yes. I want to know you’re in my corner. I need you to be okay with this.”

  I blew out a breath and leaned back against the stool.

  “Paul, I can’t lie to you, I’m terrified. Every day, before the accident, I used to wonder if something was going to happen to you. Then to know you’re not as invincible as I thought you were has me paranoid even more. The idea of losing you scares me.”

  Paul pulled me a little closer to him, and I held my face in his hands. “Do you trust me?”

  I closed my eyes. “Of course, I do. That’s doesn’t have anything to do with this.”

  “It has everything to do with this. Do you think I’m good at what I do?”

  I opened my eyes and tilted my head on his hand. “Come on, Paul, where are you going with this?”

  “Baby, just answer the question. Do you think I’m good at what I do?”

  “You know I do,” I replied on a whisper. “You’re my hero.”

  “I need to do this, Lauren,” he declared, his eyes determined and full of life and strength. “I need to find myself again, and this is the only way I can.”

  I nodded my head and breathed a sigh, defeated. “I know. I just want you to know that this isn’t easy for me. I also know who I fell in love with. I know who you are and what you’re made out of. I know you’re going to do fine tomorrow. And you know you have my support.”

  “Yeah?” He pulled me closer to him, burying his fingers in my loose strands.

  “You knew that anyway, didn’t you?” I smiled. He smiled back and brushed his lips across mine.

  “It was great to hear you say it though,” he replied, a breath away from my lips before he slanted his lips over mine.

  Our kiss was sweet and endearing for about two seconds before it turned hot real fast. He took ownership of my mouth, devouring me and taking what he wanted without preamble. Our tongues danced methodically together as if we were made for each other, which we were, and I couldn’t stop the moan that passed from my lips to his.

  “Paul…” I cried softly the moment he released my swollen lips. He kissed along the column of my neck, sucking, licking, and biting. Pleasure began coiling inside me, gripping me tight, suffocating me deliciously. My body began to tremble, the sensation his lips were creating traveled all through my body.

  Before I gave in to the euphoria crashing into me, I pushed against his shoulders to get him to stop.

  “Baby, what did the doctor say? Did he… oh… ahh… did he say you’re good to go?”

  Paul brought his salacious eyes to mine, taking my breath away at the look of need in his eyes.

  “Yeah, baby. But even if he didn’t, I don’t care. Right now, I wish someone would stop me from fucking you. I haven’t been inside you for what seems like a lifetime. Make no mistake, I will be burying my dick inside your sweet pussy as soon as I can get you naked. The only thing you need to worry about is if I’m going to be gentle or rough and the way I’m feeling… fuck gentle.”

  My body quivered at the promise in his eyes, but I had no time to absorb exactly what his words meant. Before I knew it, the grip in my hair tightened to almost painful as he crashed his hungry lips against mine. He deepened the kiss immediately, and my body went off like a rocket, soaring to heights that only he could send me. I was soaked with need, my pussy pulsing and clenching around nothing, craving for his thickness to consume me. I missed him just as much as he missed me. We hadn’t had sex for a long time, and fuck, I needed it too. I needed HIM.

  Needing to feel him skin on skin, I pulled his shirt up and moaned at the feel of his warm skin. My fingers skated along his back, traveling up his spine, caressing his tense muscles as I moved. I wrapped my legs around him trying desperately to get closer to him, to feel some type, any type, of friction against my demanding core.

  “Baby,” he rasped out right above my lips, “fuck, I missed you.”

  “Hmmm,” I moaned, the only response my brain could give him.

  Paul roughly grabbed my dress and started hiking it up my thighs. I lifted my ass up so that he could push the dress up to my waist with ease. I thought at least, that was his plan. I was wrong. Instead of him pushing my dress up, he buried his hands underneath my dress, gripped my panties, and yanked them down my thighs.

  I looked at him shocked at the way he was manhandling me. It wasn’t something he hadn’t done before, no it’s just been a while, and I thought he would go slowly at first. Why I thought that I didn’t know. All I had to do was look into his heated blue eyes to know he was at a place of barely controlled restraint, which only meant one thing—me and my pussy were in trouble.

  Paul yanked my panties down as far as his patience would allow before he pushed my thighs open further and plunged two fingers into my tight wet channel.

  “Oh god, Paul!” I cried out in shock and pleasure and gripped his shoulders for balance.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re soaked. I want to taste you on my tongue. I’ve missed your taste, baby.”

  I moaned my response and closed my eyes, letting the feeling of complete and utter bliss flood my body.

  Paul worked his fingers in and out shallowly while the thumb from his other hand worked over my clit. His mouth was busy sucking, nipping, and licking my neck and that sensitive spot right below my earlobe. Hell, I couldn’t believe I was still seated on this damn stool. His fingers were strumming me so good that I was teetering on the edge of heavenly bliss. I just needed that extra push and I would be falling.

  I writhed under his ministrations, holding on to the bar, the stool, and anything I could to keep from falling. And fuck was I falling. Delicious pressure was building in my belly, the threat to take me under, coming on full force.

  I started circling my hips, fucking his fingers, needing more wanting that push.

  “Oh, Paul… Yes, baby… shit that feels… hmm!” I trapped my lower lip in between my teeth and waited for erotic bliss to plunge me over the edge, to drown me in ecstasy. My hips moved faster, and so did Paul’s fingers.

  “You about to come, baby?” he whispered against my ear.


  “I don’t want you to.” Paul’s fingers stopped inside me.

  I leaned back from him confused and downright disgruntled.


  He pulled his soaked fingers from my greedy pussy and stepped back from me. Now I was really confused and pissed.

  “Where are you going? What—”

  “Take your dress off.” He demanded without an ounce of control in his voice.

  I stared at him for a few moments, trying to get my breathing back under control. I looked him over and saw the huge tent in his shorts. I licked my lips at the sight thinking just how good he’d taste.

  “Lauren,” his voice boomed in the space causing me to jump and my eyes to come back to his. “I said take that fucking dress off,
now!” he growled low, and I think I just came.

  Good god.


  I was barely holding on to my sanity here. The scent of her desires for me was driving me wild. I couldn’t think about anything else but tasting her, burying my face between her sexy as hell thighs, and devouring her pussy. I had been thinking about this all got damn day. Hell, I’d been thinking about having her, tasting her, fucking her since the moment that I woke up in the hospital. I had never gone this long without making love to her, besides the torturous time we had been apart. We were ridiculous with it. Sometimes we went at it twice a day, especially when I got off from working a long shift.

  It had been pure torture having her next to me these last two months and not being able to sink deep inside her, to feel her pussy squeeze my dick so hard that I’d see stars.

  Tonight, I had enough. My doctor gave me the go ahead to go back to my active life, which includes fucking my woman. However even if he didn’t, I was doing this anyway. I wasn’t going another second without having her. If I dropped dead tonight, I’d die a happy man.

  Lauren finally obeyed and pulled her dress over her head. The sight of her small baby bump, her large breasts falling over her bra, and knowing her bare pussy was waiting for me had me moving to her before she could get the offending material off her sexy body.

  I picked her up, one arm behind her knees, my other arm supporting her back, and carried her to the couch. I awkwardly yanked the throw off the back of the couch and haphazardly placed it underneath her before I dropped her down on the leather sectional.

  I would like to say that I was gentle with her. I’d like to say that I made love to her pussy with my mouth slow and easy, but I’d be lying, and a liar I was not.

  Once I had her where I wanted, I opened her legs wide to get a view of her pretty pussy. She was gorgeous like this—her legs spread open for me, and the sight of her belly filled with my child. I could barely contain myself as I lowered my face to her pussy and took a languid lick from her puckered hole to her clit.

  “Paul!” she yelped, her hips pushing her pussy right where I needed her to be.


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