Then & Now

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Then & Now Page 4

by Kimberly Lowe

  “Jordan? Aren’t you listening.” Kendra demanded, placing a hand on her slim hip.

  “No. No, I’m not. But maybe if you had something interesting to say, then maybe I would’ve been.” He stated absently.

  “You can be a real jerk some times.” She scoffed. “It’s a damn good thing you’re so good in bed.”

  He laughed out loud. The comment took him by surprise. “Are you saying that you only come to me for sex?”

  “What else is there?” Her answer had him laughing once again.

  Now this was unexpected. Turning to face her fully Jordan gave her one good long look. Maybe there was more to this “bubble-head” as his brother so affectionately named her.

  “What?” She asked in the middle of reapplying her lipstick.

  “You make me want to take you back up stairs.” He replied honestly.

  She rolled her eyes as she shove the lipstick tube back into her little purse. “And what would your ‘little woman’” She brought up her fingers imitating the quotations. “think about that.”

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “She’s with my brother. I say I can spare a few more minutes.” Taking her into his arms, he nuzzled her ear.

  She giggled as she slapped his shoulder. “When have you ever only taken a few minutes?”

  “Umm, good point.” He agreed. Cupping one generous breast Jordan wondered if he should leave Justin alone with Maddie for too long. Not that he feared that Justin would try anything it was just that he didn’t want his brother drooling on his fiancé. Although if he was honest with himself he knew they were good for each other.

  “Justin?” A frail voice called from the side of them.

  Kendra jumped back at the elderly lady’s inquiry. While Jordan shoved both hands into his pockets as he turned to face his grandmother.

  “Justin, who is your…friend?” His grandmother’s tone didn’t go past him. She saw him groping Kendra.

  Knowing that correcting her over who he really was would be a bad idea seeing that his fiancé was just in the other room, Jordan ran with it. “Grandma, this is Kendra Ross. Kendra this is my grandmother. We grew up down the street from each other.” He informed his Granny as if that excused his actions.

  “Ah, yes. I remember you. Your mother is Kathy. Right?” Grandma Grace asked eyeballing Kendra.

  He watched Kendra swallow before answering. “Yes, that’s correct.”

  Giving a quick nod, Grandma Grace dismissed her. “Justin, have a seen your brother?”

  Confused, Jordan exited the elevator with Kendra in tow. “Isn’t he in there with Madeline?”

  “Nope, haven’t seen hide nor hair of them since I caught them all lovey-dovey here in the lobby. Which seems to be the popular place for it.” She murmured the later under her breath.

  Jordan ignored it completely. “What do you mean all ‘lovey-dovey’?” That hadn’t been him. This had been the first time he had seen his Granny all night.

  “You know very well what I mean. It was like what you two were…only more tasteful.” She ridiculed.

  His grandmother’s disgust had no effect. His brain was flying high. Was he wrong about his morally correct brother? Had he crossed that line? Or had his grandmother thought she saw something?

  “Maybe they left.” His grandmother presumed. “They looked like they were too wrapped up in each other to endure this party any longer. I mean, you should have seen him.” She giggled. “He wouldn’t even let go of her when I asked him to help me round up the kids. Then he was right back in her arms the second he got the chance.”

  He just couldn’t believe it. But where would Justin have taken Maddie? Maddie was all for virtue. When she had suggested that they wait until their wedding night, he nearly had a heart attack.

  Unless she had changed her mind.

  “Ah, young love.” His grandmother sighed. “I don’t remember all the details of my life, but love. Oh, I remember love quite clearly.”

  Love? Ha! This had nothing to do with love. His brother might have taken advantage of what was rightfully his.

  “I’m sorry, Grandma. Will you excuse me?” He didn’t really wait for an answer before he walked away. Pulling out his phone he punched his brother’s number forcefully.

  “Are you mad about this?” Kendra asked from behind him.

  He exhaled a long breath. He hadn’t expected her to fallow. “What do you think?”

  She let out an exasperated laugh. “You have got to be kidding me? You are actually upset with them for what you just did upstairs with me?”

  Although he couldn’t deny her comment, Jordan also couldn’t deny the sense of betrayal. He should have paid more attention to Justin’s little crush. Obviously, his brother was more like him then he wanted to admit.

  He waited until Justin’s voice mail picked up, then growled. “Where are you? Call me.”

  Madeline couldn’t contain the smile that seemed to take over her face, as the memories of their love making swam around her head. Lying on her stomach, she sighed as his fingers drew lazy circles over her naked back. This was precisely where she wanted to be. Morning never had to come, truthfully she didn’t want it to.

  Rolling over she cuddled right into him. His arms took her into their magnificent hold while she rested her head against one solid peck. He had unexpectedly soft skin. It looked so hard with all his toned muscles. She couldn’t help it, she had to press herself into all of his curves.

  “Madeline.” He whispered her name over her forehead. His lips skimmed her skin as he spoke, “I could hold you forever.”

  “Umm…” She liked the sound of that. Even though the unspoken hinted around the edges, she found herself pretending that she hadn’t recognized it. Snuggling deeper into the haven of his arms, she wanted this forever. She just didn’t know how to ask for it.

  “I know about Kendra.” Her confession wasn’t easy as it spilled from her suddenly dry lips. “I’ve known for a while.”

  He said nothing at first. The tension stiffen his muscles that still surround her. “How?”

  She took in two shallow breaths. Kendra had answered Jordan’s phone on a night he should’ve been out of town. She played it beautifully though, claiming that she was the assistant for the client he was there to meet. That would have been pretty convincing if Maddie hadn’t seen her getting into the cab with him only moments before. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “The hell it doesn’t!” Sitting up he ran two hands through his messy hair. “Why are you here then?”

  Now here was the tricky part. He claimed she would hate him after this, which was utterly ridiculous. How can someone hate another when their so in love with that person?

  She nibbled on her lip for a moment. The awkward silence and his heated gaze were making it hard for her to find the right words that would explain it easier.

  “Maddie, tell me why you’re here, when….” He waved his hand in the air as if coaxing the rest of the sentence to finish without him.

  Coming up on her knees, she positioned her body to face him fully. “Kendra is not the issue. In fact I can thank her. She is the reason behind this realization. She made me see where my heart truly rests.”

  He let out a groan of pure agony. “Oh, Maddie. I…I’m—”

  Placing her finger over his mouth, she rushed forward. “Shh, let me finish. I knew that I was in love with you from the moment I first saw you, and that confused the hell out of me. It confused me because I belonged to Jordan and he claimed to love me. But seeing him with Kendra I knew where I really belonged.”

  His beautiful blue-green eyes flashed with confusion. There was a strum of recollection vibrating in the space between them as he gently removed her hand. “You knew it was me?”

  She had to smile. “Yes, Justin. I knew it was you.”

  “How? Why didn’t you say something?” His voice was scarcely audible.

  “Why didn’t you?” She retorted, lifting an eyebrow in challenge. When he didn’t answer�
�like she knew he wouldn’t—she went on. “It’s your eyes, the way you walk, how you say hello, that’s how I know the difference. When you came up to the table tonight, you said hello like your bother does. I took it as…well a welcome, I guess.”

  His soft chuckle confirmed it. He had wanted this night just as bad as she had. And with those three words he whispered on the throes of his passion, she knew this ran deeper than some childish crush his brother teased him about.

  Yet, she kept quite. Though she wanted to climb into his arms and never come out Maddie knew that there would be massive consequences to this decision. Even if this night led them to nowhere, she couldn’t marry Jordan now.

  “Madeline, you are everything I will ever want.” Justin breathed.

  She could tell that there was a but; a big but. His fallowing silence made it more definite. Her heart suddenly felt pained as if tearing long invisible seams. She had claimed that she would deal with the penalty of her actions, only now she wasn’t so sure.

  She had unintentionally put brother against brother. She saw that now. What had she really expected to come of this?

  “But nothing will come of this.” She finished his thought on a shaky breath.

  His eyebrows bunched together. “Maddie, I want it to.”

  “But you can’t. I understand.” Feeling overexposed, she quickly grabbed the comforter and wrapped her body up in it.


  She held up a hand to stop him. “Justin, it’s okay. I told you that the consequences will be solely mine, and I meant it. I will go to Jordan and explain.” Trying not to look into those beautiful eyes or at his handsome face, she tried to scurry off of the bed. Which wasn’t easy with the bulky comforter uncooperatively hanging around her trembling body.

  Gathering her up, comforter and all, Justin caught her before she could even get to the edge of the mattress. He swiftly turned her. The comforter caused a clumsy reunion; she landed face first into a wall of human perfection. His heart pounded against her cheek.

  “Maddie, will you just stop for a minute?”

  Keeping her head against his magnificent chest, Maddie swiped at the fallen tears before he could see. Though she was finding it difficult to use her motor skills, her hands were shaking so violently.

  Cupping her face he brought to her eye level. “Haven’t you heard a word I said? I want you Madeline Turner. Now and forever.”

  If he hadn’t been holding her she would have fallen right off the bed and onto the floor. “Are you sure?”

  His smile reached all the way up to his eyes, before he began kissing her. “Yes, you beautiful, oversensitive, perfect, woman!” He laughed in between kisses.

  She giggled in return. “But, what about Jordan?”

  He sighed, with a thoughtful expression. “Honestly, my love. I really don’t think he’ll be that upset about it. Sure he will over exaggerate his anger, only to make me feel guilty. But really I think he’ll take it just fine.”

  That statement should have stung, yet to her surprise it didn’t. In fact she found herself relieved. “You really think so?”

  He let out a nervous chuckle. “No. But for you I would chance it.”

  With a girlish squeal she dropped the bulky blanket and through herself into his arms. Her actions took him by surprise and without preparation he lost his balance which sent them both flailing backward onto the bed.

  Once they landed, Maddie began kissing him wherever her lips could reach, his chin, cheek, even the tip of his nose. After each kiss was securely placed, she stated joyfully, “Oh, Justin! I love you!”

  With a deep roar of laughter he rolled her under him. Covering them with the ready comforter Justin nestled himself between her legs, right where he belonged.

  The elevator ride down wasn’t as passionate, yet Justin still laughed when the dinging of their approaching floor confused him for a moment. With her lips sliding delicately across his neck and her body pressed against his there was no wonder why he felt a little dazed. It made him want to go straight back up to their room.

  It had been well over three hours since their venture up to his version of paradise. He doubted anyone was left at the party. Everyone usually cleared out early when it came to his aunt’s dreary festivities. The woman sure knew how to kill a party.

  If it hadn’t been Maddie’s vivid details of what she wanted to do to him in her Jacuzzi, they would probably still be upstairs. Too bad the hotel’s tub had been too small he really hated watching her dress when she should be wearing nothing but the sheets.

  She gracefully exited the elevator with him fallowing leisurely. His gaze admired all her succulent curves as she glided in front of him. When she glanced seductively back at him, she caught his eye and laughed bashfully.

  Taking her by the arm he pulled her back into his arms. Unfortunately, her expression wasn’t one he had hoped for. “What?”

  “If what I’ve done causes you and your brother to have any kind of friction, I will try and make it up to you.” Her words shook as she spoke, but the sincerity was strong.

  “Maddie—” He started, but she stopped him.

  “Seriously, Justin. I really don’t want to come between you.” She clasped her hands in front of her as if pleading.

  She looked so solemn, that he had to take her deeper into his arms. “Love, I already told you. Jordan, after a while, will be okay with this.”

  “Will I?” His brother’s voice burned deep into his back.

  Justin turned to face him, placing Maddie behind him. “Jordan, I want to talk to you about this in private.”

  “No!” Maddie protested bringing herself to the side of him. “This was my fault.”

  “I could have stopped you.” He stated, directing his attention on her fully.

  “Do I want to know what you ‘could have stopped’ her from?” Jordan asked without a trace of humor.

  Justin exchanged a long look with Madeline before turning back to his brother. But before he could speak a word he heard Maddie utter.

  “Probably the same thing you did tonight with Kendra.”

  Baffled both brothers stared at her flabbergasted. “I have no idea—” Jordan tried, but failed.

  “I know about you and her. No, Justin didn’t tell me.” She acknowledged Jordan’s disapproving glace towards his twin. “I saw you with her.”

  Jordan had the nerve to smirk, “Maddie, I think Justin’s right. We do need a minute. If you don’t mind?”

  Her eyes darted uncertainly between them for a moment, until Justin gave her a quick wink. She gave one solid nod before walking tensely toward the service desk.

  Jordan had begun sauntering in the other direction. Justin fallowed at his own speed, for he knew where this was going. His brother was all for the dramatics. He waited a full minute after his brother came to a halt at the end of the hall before he came right out with it.

  “Jordan this is important to me, so I won’t put up with your over dramatized reaction to this. If you want me to feel bad, then you’ll be happy to know that I do. Not about making love to Maddie, but about how it happened. We should’ve—”

  “Justin, I owe you an apology.” Jordan calmly avowed as he shoved both hands into his pockets.

  Blinking twice, Justin thought about that for a moment. “What?”

  “You heard me. Don’t make me say it again.”


  “Because, I hate saying it.”

  He inhaled deeply through his nose. Was his brother messing with him? He wasn’t sure, but for Maddie he would deal with it. “Why are you sorry?”

  Jordan chuckled lightly. “Because, the only reason I was going to marry Madeline was to drive you crazy. I knew of your feelings—hell everyone did. And when I heard mom tell dad that she thought you would be better for her, I got a little upset.”

  Anger he had never felt towards his twin before, boiled throughout him. “You what?” He practically shouted. “I can’t believe you would do suc
h a thing!”

  “You can’t? Hell Juss aren’t you going to admit that you’re just a little like me?” Jordan tilted his head to the side, and after a short pause he declared radically. “Honestly little bro, on this level you matched me.”

  Shaking his head, Justin had to fold him arms over his chest. His brother’s annoying truth cooled his fury. “I want her Jordan. This wasn’t a game for me.”

  His brother nodded mindfully, “I know. And that’s why you shouldn’t make her wait any longer.” He motioned towards the lobby where Maddie stood worrying her bottom lip.

  Justin gave his brother a long look, “I might not forgive you for using Maddie like you did.”

  “Yes you will.” Jordan laughed knowingly.

  Rolling his eyes, he scoffed. “You can be a real jerk some times.”

  Shrugging his shoulders, Jordan smiled. “So I’ve been told.”

  Turning on his heel, he headed back to the woman he knew he could never live without. He moved a little faster once he had a clear view of her beautiful face. Her lovely features were so full of worry he couldn’t resist taking her into his arms.

  “So, tell me what exactly do you want to do with me in that Jacuzzi.” He growled playfully into her ear.

  She pulled back enough to look into his eyes. Once she saw his reassurance, Maddie wrapped her arms around his neck. “Take me home and I’ll show you.” She whispered seductively over his lips.

  Without further invitation, he had her out of the hotel and into his car.


  Amelia Steele held her breath as he past. Her hiding place behind a large potted plant gave her the advantaged of watching him through the fat leaves without being noticed. Her knees shook as he talked with one of the associates.

  Bryant Sharp was by far one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen. His unrealistically dark blue eyes, complimented his jet black hair and bronze colored skin. Strong pronounced features, made him seem more cut out for the cover magazines, and hunky calendars. Yet his remarkable sense of business had proven itself time and again that this is where he belonged.


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