Then & Now

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Then & Now Page 9

by Kimberly Lowe

  “Sophia!” Jumping at the sound of John’s voice beckoning her from across the store, she winced at her reaction.

  “I’m guessing that is who yer waiting for?” The man before her asked, allowing his smoldering accent to drape over her.

  She nodded as John called to her again.

  “Lucky man.” The Scot said with a sexy hum to his voice.

  “Sophia I’ve been—Mr. Macklin! I didn’t see you, sir.” John exclaimed.

  Caught off guard by the name, Sophia took a double take to the man before her. He was her fiancé’s boss. Not just an immediate manager but the owner himself. The same man who had John and the rest of the staff stressed out of their mind, just because he was coming to the store.

  Taking in the dirt on his shoes, the modest style of his clothing and his casual hair cut she would have never guessed that he was a multi-millionaire. He seemed too laidback to be worth so many zeros.

  “John.” Mr. Macklin greeted. “Does this lovely creature belong to you?”

  John gave her a quick glance as if he wasn’t sure what his boss was talking about. “Yes.” He answered slowly.

  “Sophia. Sophia Rhodes. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Macklin.” She introduced herself slightly annoyed with her fiancé.

  “I should’ve known ye would have such a beautiful name.” Holding out his hand to her, Mr. Macklin smiled with a quick wink. “Tristan. Please call me Tristan.”

  She took his hand and was surprised by her reaction to this simple gesture. Holding her hand gently, he gave it one small shake never taking his eyes off of hers. His deep ocean blue eyes lingered on hers for a short moment off setting her response even further. She was enchanted by him. Somehow caught in an unrealistic hold that he had on her. Something that she couldn’t explain, nor wanted to, past between them before he gave her one last earth shattering smile then turned his full attention on John.

  “How long have ye been working for me Mr. Hunter?” Tristan asked placing both hands behind his back.

  “Five years, sir.”

  Giving one short nod, he glanced back at Sophia before saying. “I’m moving one of my field guys in for the night auditor position, which has opened a position that ye have once asked for. Are ye still interested?”

  Sophia half expected John to scream his answer in a hysterical whoop. He had his sights on field testing ever since he found out how much they made. Driving everyone crazy with constant butt kissing and over dramatized reactions to the simplest questions, trying to prove that he knew how to do the job. To her surprise he handled it quite well.

  “Yes. Very much, sir. I can answer any question you might have on any of the field testing equipment.” John answered sounding cool and collected.

  “Good. You’re hired. I will have ye start this weekend. Before you leave today I will give ye the location where we are meeting.” Tristan turned to her with a wicked smile and asked. “Please tell me that ye will accompany him this weekend? I would love for you to join us.”

  “Of course she’ll be there.” John answered with a ridiculous grin. “She loves camping.”

  Shooting him a warning glare, Sophia crossed her arms in front of her chest. She hadn’t been camping since she was a little girl. In fact the idea of going again scared the hell out of her. One too many scary camp fire stories.

  “Great. Then I will see ye both this weekend.” Tristan gave one gracious nod in her direction, making all those stories vanish into thin air. Suddenly she was quiet excited for this weekend.

  “Camping? You’re going camping?” Her best-friend Ella Hall asked in shock. “Do I have to remind you of the last time we went camping?”

  “We were eight, and your cousin can’t fit in that hideous gorilla costume anymore.” She said fighting the shutter of the memory of Joe Hall scaring the living daylights out of her, Ella, and Ella’s twin Amy in the middle of the night. He wore the costume while he shook their tent making monkey noises. She had nightmares of weeks after the horrible trip.

  “Besides,” Sophia started again. “John needs me there this weekend.”

  “Oh, like when you needed him to come to your graduation, but he didn’t because he had ‘other plans’? Or when you needed him to console you when you lost that really great job, but instead he told you to get over it and work at McDonald’s?” Ella asked with a raised brow.

  “So, what? He made a few mistakes.” She said cringing at the submissive sound of her voice.

  Shaking her head, Ella jumped off the bed. “No. A mistake is when he forgets your birthday and shows up at the last minute with convenient store roses and a candy bar. Which birthday was that by the way? Twenty-second?” Putting her finger to her chin she played like she was thinking. “No, it was your twenty-fourth. On your twenty-second he wanted you to change your birthday plans so he could go to a basketball game with the guys.”

  Okay, so John had scored many bad boyfriend points over the years. Though that gave her no excuse to give her own bad points in return. Maybe she was being naïve about this, but she hoped one day he would see how much she cared about him and he would come around.

  Giving a heavy sigh, she threw the last bit of her cloths in the suitcase. Naïve wasn’t the word. Stupid, over hopeful, maybe even a bit lost, those were the words that she should be using. Although she was making headway. He did ask her to marry him. Maybe he didn’t ask her in the romantic way that she had always hoped for, but she knew he wasn’t the romantic kind when she started dating him.

  “Hey, at least you know where he stands in your relationship. Between you, Maddie and Amelia I’m left with nothing but an empty marriage.” Ella admitted quietly.

  Turning abruptly, Sophia eyed her friend. “Empty marriage? I thought you and Matt were doing fine?”

  “Yeah, well that’s what you get when you rush things.” Her cheeks redden as she played with one of Sophia’s dolls.

  Sophia couldn’t say anything. Out of all of her friends Ella was the more realistic one. Everyone had been shocked at how fast Ella and her husband’s relationship had moved. Even her identical twin had been surprised at how quick Ella had agreed to marry Matt after only a few weeks of dating.

  Ella had always been afraid to explore the outside world. She left the high life to Amy and stuck to her books. It was a real shame, seeing Ella was incredibly beautiful though she hid it under bulky cloths, thick framed glasses—which she didn’t need—and frizzy hair that would look really cute if she did something with it.

  “How long have you felt this way, Ella?” Sophia asked curiously.

  Her friend shook her head with embarrassment painting her cheeks. “I think it’s because of all of you talking about love lives and changes. Hell, even my sister, who is living the perfect life, has been talking about wanting to change things. She has been thinking of having a baby.” She sighed as if the thought of her sister having the option was painful for her.

  Sophia’s heart went out to her friend as she watched Ella take a seat in the large arm chair that sat in the far corner of the bedroom. Ella had been wanting to have a baby for the last two years of her marriage. Unfortunately, her husband had decided that children wouldn’t be an option for them.

  “Hey, ladies!” Leya Davis smiled as she came into the bedroom killing the somber mode. “I heard you were going camping with Tristan Macklin.”

  “News travels fast. How did you find out?” Sophia asked giving her friend a long questionable look.

  Leya shrugged indifferently. “Amelia’s man knows him. I guess they go skiing or something. Tristan is a real outdoorsy kind of guy.”

  Sophia figured as much when she met him at his store. She never thought that the rugged, outdoor type did something for her. Yet, Mr. Macklin—dirty shoes and all—made her question things that really shouldn’t be brought to the table now. Not when John was ready to move forward.

  “You’ve met this outdoorsy Scot?” Ella asked Leya with a bit of shock. Out of all of their friends, Leya h
eld the most class. Her upper eastside friend seemed to live a very exquisite life. Born to wealth she didn’t have any worries of needing a job or having enough food. Her worries mostly involved what lavish party to attend or what designer is the most wanted or what hot guy she would let share her bed that night.

  “Yes and he’s gorgeous.” Leya sighed. “He looks like he was chiseled out of stone by the Gods themselves.”

  “A rock hard body, good looks and a boatload of money can only take you so far. Personally, I look at all those qualities and shutter. Men who have those things don’t have to try at anything else.” Sophia stated trying to convince herself more than her friend.

  “Yeah….but those qualities make great eye candy.” Leya teased.

  “Yes. Yes it does.” Sophia admitted. “But, in all honesty, that’s all their good for.”

  “Tight abs fallowed by a great ass, is enough for me!” She claimed with a Cheshire grin. “I bet he has an amazing body. Can you imagine what he looks like in a tux or better yet in a Speedo?”

  “Leya!” Sophia whined hoping her friend would stop.

  “Oh, like you haven’t noticed. All women and even some men have noticed.” Her friend taunted with a devilish grin.

  “That is the last thing I need to notice right now.” She sighed.

  “That is the only thing you should be noticing right now!” Leya exclaimed. “I mean look at him.”

  “Trust me I have.” Sophia whispered.

  Ella, who had been silent until that moment gave her a questionable look, then asked carefully. “You, have?”

  She waved off her quieter friend. She needed to be careful with her. Ella was quite perceptive. “He’s John’s boss and if John’s right about this guy, he could be a real jerk.” Sophia sighed.

  Giving her friend a playful push, Leya assured with a charming smile. “Watch, I bet he’s nothing like you imagine. I mean the man runs a motor sports store. He has to be somewhat laid back.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Well at least go and check out the better side of Scotland. Then come back and give full length details to your friends who didn’t get the chance to do it themselves. ” Her friend begged. “For me?”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “A true friend would.”

  “A true friend wouldn’t remind me how sexy he is.”

  “Your true friend must be blind.” Leya scoffed lightheartedly.

  Sophia had to genuinely laugh at her friend’s banter. She had somehow made this experience a little easier. “Thanks.”

  “Yes, I do understand.” Sophia repeated for the third time as she gathered the materials from the cluttered garage. Juggling the phone on her shoulder she tried to listen to John’s mindless babbling while she checked over all the items in her other hand.

  “Make sure you get everything! I don’t want to look like a jackass on my first field test assignment.” John continued without any perception of what he was really saying. He had no idea that he was already looking like a jackass, only she obviously didn’t count. “I have been working for him for the last five years and I don’t want to mess this up now. You understand that right?”

  Deciding not to answer the same question—for the hundredth time—Sophia dumped everything into the back of the SUV. “Just get home as soon as you can. That way you can double check everything.” She ground out while she continued to gather items from his unorganized garage.

  “I really don’t have time for that. I won’t be there until we have to leave. Just make sure you have everything ready. I want everything perfect.” He barked into the phone.

  Releasing a breath she bit her tongue. She wanted to help him, although he was making it difficult. Holding the phone away from her, she thought about putting everything away and telling him where to go. Unfortunately she lacked the stamina. She would feel guilty about it later.

  Heaving a sigh she said. “Don’t worry about it. Amelia and her boyfriend came over and helped me find everything we need for this weekend. Bryant even brought some extra things he thought we might need.” Knowing he had high respect for Amelia’s new love, Sophia smiled when she heard the submission in his voice.

  “Oh, okay. Good. Then I guess I’ll see you later then.”

  “Fine.” Clicking off the phone, Sophia tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear. She had a three hour drive a head of her, plus a three day camping trip with no shower access until they got home on Sunday. Double checking everything one last time she shut the latch on the SUV then went inside for a long bath. She had a terrible feeling that this was going to be a long weekend.

  The drive up the canyon hadn’t taken as long as she thought. Watching the trees and gorgeous landscape on the way up seemed to consume most of the time. John had been silent the entire drive up, which surprisingly was just fine by her. She figured he was gearing up for his first assignment. Allowing him to concentrate on whatever he needed to, she sat quietly enjoying the view.

  “We’re here.” The excitement in John’s voice was lightly tinted with apprehension.

  She had to smile at his eagerness. Though it was short lived. There in the clearing of the camp site stood the powerful Scot in all his glory. He looked as if he belonged there, like some kind of Nature God. Leya was right he would look amazing in a tux or—God help her— a Speedo. How was she going to make it through this weekend with a man more beautiful than her imagination could have ever thought possible?

  Coming up to her side of the vehicle, Tristan smiled as he helped her out. “I was hoping you’d come.”

  “Yeah, well…” She lifted her hands out from her sides with a small shrug. “This is more beautiful than I thought it would be.”

  “Aye. I love this time of year. Still plenty warm, yet the leaves are turn’ into their fall colors.” He lifted his finger to the top of one of the taller trees. Orange and red sprinkled the top as well as the neighboring trees.

  “Oh, that’s pretty.” Shading her eyes with one hand she glanced at all the wildlife surrounding her.

  “Come on, I will show ye where to set up.” As Tristan walked away she noticed that there were several camping trailers and some expensive looking fifth-wheels. There was only one other tent in the camp and it even look luxurious compared to the worn three-man tent they brought.

  “Ye can set up here.” Tristan explained to John as he point to a large grassy area. “’Tis quite comfortable. And if ye will be so kind as to fallow me, Sophia, I will introduce you to everyone.” He said with a wicked grin.

  Giving John a quick look she turned back to Tristan and nodded. “Okay, sure.”

  She didn’t miss John’s disapproving glare as he dumped out all of the equipment. He had no intention of setting up the tent on his own. He expected her to help, which had him leaving everything lying out as he fallowed close behind them.

  Tristan fiddled with the laptop without really paying attention to any of the data. He chewed on the inside of his cheek to keep from saying something that would get him into trouble with his friend. Kyle was relaying important information that should be documented accurately. Unfortunately, nothing he said was locking into Tristan’s head.

  It was well over three hours since he had left the camp and Sophia behind. He really didn’t want to leave her behind with people she hardly knew. It wasn’t how he was raised. He invited her; therefore he was responsible for her to have a great time.

  Although she seemed to get along with everyone, the idea of leaving her and not knowing if she was enjoying herself had his stomach turning. Maybe he should make some wild excuse to head back to camp just to make sure she was alright.

  Scolding himself, he thought of John. She wasn’t his. It wasn’t his job to keep her happy. She belonged to his employee. Though the thought of John with her had his stomach turning even more.

  “Tristan? Are you listening?” Kyle asked, sounding a little annoyed.

  “Aye. Of course I am.” He lied.

  His friend nodded skeptically. “Then why haven’t you computed any of the data I just gave you?” His thick caveman-like eyebrows dipped slightly.

  Giving him his full attention, he let out breath. “Sorry, my mind isnna all the way here right now.”

  “Yeah, I noticed.” He chuckled. “What is sooo important that it has your mind wandering?”

  Wondering if telling him the truth was such a good idea, Tristan gave him a quick once over. He decided to lie. “There are a few things I havena had time to finish over the week.”

  “Oh. You mean with the thing that happened with your night auditor?” He asked completely unaware of Tristan’s real thoughts.

  “Umm…Yeah, that.” Thankful for Kyle unknowingly giving him a way out, he shut the laptop. “I have to go back to the camp. Keep running the test and I’ll be back soon.”

  His friend gave him a questionable look but said nothing.

  He jumped on his favorite four-wheeler and took it at full speed back to the camp. Surprised to see the camp vacant, Tristan drove slowly through the sight. That’s when he spotted her. She was completely alone nestled under a tree with a book in her hand.

  Cutting the engine he gave the camp another good look around. Nobody. She was here by herself. Where was her boyfriend? And why and earth would he leave her here without any company?

  “Hello.” He greeted as he came up to her. “Where is everyone?”

  “Hi. I have no idea.” She smiled. “John went up with some of the guys a few hours ago and everyone else seemed to wander off to do other things.”

  A few hours? What pile of crap leaves his woman in unfamiliar territory for a few hours alone? John hadn’t even put up the tent. Giving their camping supplies a quick look he noticed that nothing had been done for their night there. He could tell she was uncomfortable and giving her body langue here and in the store the day he met her she knew little about camping and even less on how to put up a tent.

  Annoyed with the man who had the audacity to call this lovely creature his, Tristan pointed at the mess pilled next to her. “Can I help ye put this tent up?”


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