Then & Now

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Then & Now Page 26

by Kimberly Lowe

  Desperately trying to think of something to say she took the clip back off the vanity and forced her curls up. Even though she had agreed to make Amy look good in front of Colin’s colleagues and to impress some woman from Egypt, if she spent any more time with him than necessary then she would definitely mess it up and Amy would be humiliated.

  She needed to hold him off until she got a hold of Amy. They needed to switch back as soon as possible. Turning back to him she realized he had he came up next to her.

  “I want to leave within the next hour or so.” He stated simply.

  “Why? The exhibit doesn’t open until six.” Ella breathed as she tried to stay composed. He still wasn’t wearing a shirt and his green eyes seemed to be looking right into her. Damn, why did he have to be so sexy?

  A small smile tugged at the corner of his incredible mouth as if he knew she was reacting to him. Which was absurd. Amy would be acting more annoyed at his change of plans, not wanting to jump his prefect body.

  “I need to be there before everything gets going.” Although his words were matter-of-fact the small smile seemed to widen immensely.

  Duh! She mentally smacked herself. Of course he had to be there early. Which meant she needed to move fast if she was to get a hold of Amy before they left. Glancing at the clock on the night stand she saw that she only had a very small window to achieve such a goal. Maybe she could hold him off until Amy could get there.

  “Umm…Okay…” What to do? Glancing at the bathroom over Colin’s shoulder she thought quickly. She stepped away from him and smiled graciously as she made her way back to the dresser. “I have a few things I need to do before we leave. I want to look my best for this evening. These curls have got to go.” She laughed timidly without turning back to see his reaction.

  She tried busying herself with finding something suitable to wear, even though she was all too aware of the man coming up behind her. As soon as she found a pair of jeans and a pale pink sweater she turned to head for the bathroom only to run face first into a perfectly toned chest.

  His strong hands gently took a hold of her shoulders enabling any escape while he slowly bent at the knees leveling their gaze. “I think you should keep the curls. I like your hair this way.”

  He liked her curls? She always found them to be annoying and almost childish. Reaching up she lightly pushed some of the fallen tendrils back behind her ear.

  “As for packing, just grab an overnight bag. If you want a new dress for tonight let me take you to any store you wish.” Running his hands lightly up and down her arms Colin voice became huskier. “I want to spend as much time with you as I can before the opening…for appearances.”

  Right, Amy had told her about him needing to keep up a good image. If only her pathetic heart would understand. It damn near jumped right up her throat even at the thought of spending more time with him. But there was no way she could pull off being Amy for entire day.

  Giving herself a mental shake she stepped out of his hold. “Could you give me a moment, you know…to let me wake up a little?” After he gave her a small nod she all but ran to the bathroom.

  She quickly changed into the pants that were longer than she had expected, though they fit perfectly around her waist and thighs. The sweater texture was exquisitely soft, forming to her body like a second skin. She hadn’t worn this nice of clothing since she was in high school when Amy tried sprucing up her wardrobe.

  Waiting until she knew Colin had left the room, Ella made a mad dash to her sister’s phone. Maybe she had enough time to get a hold of Amy and switch back before he wanted to leave. She dialed the number as she entered the closet. Closing herself inside she prayed her sister would answer.

  Amy answered on the third ring. “So, how’s it going?”

  “We need to trade back.” Ella whispered in a rush. “He wants to get a room at the Grand American!”

  There was a long pause before Amy responded with. “That will be fun. You’ll love the hotel you can see the entire city from the presidential suite.”

  “What! No, I can’t go. You need to get back here.” After another long pause Ella could hear then faint sound of a radio. “Are you in the car?”

  “Oh…yeah. I’ve just been driving around for a while.”


  “Just wanted to see the town. I’ve never really been up here.”

  Ella had a sudden feeling something was off. “Amy, is everything okay?”

  Ignoring the question Amy sighed noisily. “Ella, I need you to go. The exhibit isn’t something I will enjoy. In fact I want to yawn just thinking about it. Besides I want Colin to look good for that woman from Egypt. I can’t do it, I’ll screw everything up.”

  Taking a deep breath Ella closed her eyes. “I can’t be you the whole day. I will screw everything up.”

  Her sister’s laugh made her jump. “Please! Colin will be too busy to notice what you are up to. Just do some shopping and get your hair done. He’ll be doing his own thing, trust me.”

  “I really don’t know about this…” Tugging on her lip Ella felt a knot forming in her gut.

  “Ella go, have fun, see the exhibit. We’ll talk when you get back.”Amy broke the connection before Ella could say another word.

  As Ella began to redial the closet door opened with Colin’s questionable look awaiting her. “What are you doing in here?” He asked glancing around the closet.

  “I was…Wondering what to pack.” She lied as she quickly tucked the phone into her pocket.

  “Okay,” Cocking one eyebrow, he eyed her carefully. “So, you’ll be ready to leave soon?”

  She nodded slowly. “It looks like it.”

  His smile nearly brought her to her knees. “I was hoping you would.”

  Amy pulled into Ella’s driveway wondering if she should just go to a hotel. She wasn’t about to go back to her own home. There was no way in hell she would mess this up for Ella again. Staring at the front door, she hoped she hadn’t already.

  Oh, man. She had been out of line to say those things to Matt. Even though she was pretending to be Ella, she had no right to bring up things she had no business in. Maybe she could blame it on PMS. That wouldn’t fly. Ella’s was too kind, even on her worse days.

  Taking a deep breath, Amy climbed out of the car and walked slowly to the house. She had been gone for three hours and by the look of the house she wasn’t sure if he was still home. Glancing over her shoulder, she eyed Matt’s truck and knew it was only wishful thinking.

  She had to face the music. It was her mess and she needed to clean it up before Ella came back. Even if it was to say good-bye, Amy couldn’t let her walk into the disaster she created.

  Opening the door, she was hit with a wonderful smell of baked bread, some kinda of meat, and something sweet. She stood there for a moment making sure she had the right house.

  “Ella?” Matt’s deep voice called as he came into the living room. “I was hoping you got home before dinner was ready.”

  All she could do was stand there and blink as he smiled back at her.

  “I made pork-chops and carrots, with homemade biscuits.” He grinned as he shut the door behind her.

  “Why?” When she realized the word came out harshly she quickly asked. “I mean, why did you go to all that trouble?”

  He took a deep breath. “Because you were right. I’ve been acting out, like a child. I’m sorry.”

  The look on his face nearly ripped her in two. Amy felt her heart sink. She knew Matt loved Ella, though he could never compete with Colin. Not because Colin was richer, or smarter, but because Colin belonged to Ella. They fit better. From lifestyle to culture, Ella and Colin just made better sense. Staring up into his light blue eyes she knew that deep down Matt knew that too. He would have to come to grips with it just as she had.

  Knowing the pain he was about to go through, Amy smiled gently. “It smells wonderful.”

  His shoulders lifted up as he grinned from ear to ear. “I ho
pe they turned out okay. I used a seasoning from a friend.”

  “Well, let’s find out.” She giggled as she entered the dining room. Stopping short her breath caught in her throat. He had set the table with candles, wine glasses, and a dozen red roses. No one had ever gone to this much trouble for her before. Not even when she was dating. It was always nice restaurants, or a quick burger.

  “I hope you like them. I made Cindy pick out the freshest ones.” Matt pointed to the beautiful arrangement.

  “They’re perfect.” She said trying to fight the tears from spilling down her cheeks. This wasn’t hers to enjoy, it was Ella’s. But, God help her, she was enjoying it. It was the simple things like these that counted. Sure a trip to Spain was fun, but spending most your time alone when you got there…

  A timer went off in the kitchen letting them know the pork-chops were ready. Hurrying into the kitchen Matt pulled out dinner and began dishing out plates. As he did so Amy leaned over the table giving the roses a long smell.

  “Here let me get your chair.” He smiled as he set her plate down in front of her.

  “Thank you.” She took her seat gracefully while she looked over the food. The pork was burnt, the carrots were mushy, and the biscuits looked undercooked. It was the perfect dinner.

  Matt took his seat and dove right into his meal. Two bites in he turned to her with a disgusted look. “This is bad. Really bad.”

  Clearing her throat she shook her head. “No. It’s okay.” She grabbed her wine glass and took a big gulp hoping to wash the taste from her mouth. “It just needs…” Looking up at him she had to laugh, his face read loud and clear. “Yeah, it is really bad.”

  Barking out a laugh, Matt threw his napkin down onto his plate. “Want to go out to eat?”

  “No.” She answered honestly. “No, let’s make something together.”

  His blue eyes darken ever so slightly as he pushed his plate to the side and leaned closer to her. “What did you have in mind?”

  She playfully shrugged. “I don’t know. But we’ll figure it out.”

  Ella walked slowly into their hotel room trying to hide her amazement. She was greeted with golden marble floors and walls. She walked straight under a giant chandelier which hung magnificently down from the center of the entry way. Marveling at the gold and crystal as it played wonderfully with each other she had to look away from the exquisite light fixture, before Colin saw her astonishment.

  Her gaze went to the room to the left of her. It seemed to be a living room of some sort. With old fashion, hardly used furniture, a baby-grand piano, and a finely sculptured fireplace.

  Spinning around her eyes landed on another room to the right of the entry way. This one looked more like a room for entertaining guest. With its priceless art donning the wide walls, gallant wet-bar, and deep colored leather furniture.

  It took Ella a moment to realize that Colin had moved more into the hotel room. She hurried forward only to stop at the sight of enormous oak dining table. Marvelously crafted oak dining chairs, lined each side of the elegantly, long table perfectly. Beyond the table she could see two massive French-style doors.

  “This room is a little rustic, but it looks right over the exhibit.” Colin explained as he walked into one of the back rooms.

  Fallowing him into the room, Ella paused. Her gaze landing on the king-sized bed that stood right in the center of the room. Its puffy peach colored comforter and perfectly stuffed pillows caused her cheeks to visibly flush. Thankfully, Colin had disappeared into the master bath, for it seemed that her legs had rooted themselves right into the plush carpet, only inches from the door.

  She swallowed hard as her eyes darted from the bathroom door, to the bed and back. She probably looked as though she was about to bolt out of the room at any given minute. Taking only a few steps closer to the intimidating bed she tried to not look completely at a loss.

  Turning back to the bathroom Ella bit down on her lip when she saw Colin leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. He said nothing as his beautiful green eyes roamed over her.

  Feeling like she needed to say something, she waved a dismissive hand. “This room will be fine.” She could actually feel her heart pounding behind her ribs while she looked over his face for any reaction.

  “Yes, I’m glad we came.” His voice stayed low, and calm.

  Nodding, she lifted one shoulder. “Well…We have plenty of time.”

  “I was hoping we would.” Taking a step towards her he looked as if he was approaching with caution. “I want you to have the first walk through before the exhibit opens.”

  “What? You do?” Amy had told her that he didn’t care of her opinion, yet there he stood proving her wrong and she wasn’t even there to hear it.

  “Yes. Of course.” He began without taking his eyes off of her. “I want you to see where all the hard work has gone. I think you will really enjoy some of the new Egyptian art that will also be presented. This will be, for some, the first showing in America.”

  Ella’s heart leaped at his words. The idea of being the first to walk through an opening was only something she had once dreamed about. To feel the electricity humming through the air, and to see the excitement of the budding artist, would be something wonderful.

  Swallowing hard, Ella let out a calming breath. “That would be amazing.”

  His eyes lightened a little as he nodded. “I’ll leave you alone, so you can freshen up. When you are ready we will head over.”

  Dressed in one of her sister’s gowns Ella sat staring at herself in the bathroom mirror. It was taking forever to get her make-up right, though she guessed it was because she was shaking so bad. Excitement along with nerves was making the application process nearly impossible. If she totally blew it, then she at least needed to look good.

  She gave herself one last nod of approval before she made her way out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. There on the bed laid a dozen, long-stem, red roses with a lovely white ribbon wrapped around the stems. An uncontrollable smile came across her face as she picked up the beautiful bouquet. She noticed a card lightly tucked among the flowers that simply read “Hello Beautiful”.

  As she came out of the room carrying the flowers she stopped short at the sight of Colin standing in the middle of the room in his tux. Breathing in slowly through her nose Ella told herself not to react to how unbelievably sexy he looked.

  “You look exquisite.” He smiled wickedly.

  “Thank you.” She glanced down only for a minute before she made herself look right at him. “You look quite nice yourself.”

  “I try.” His small joke took her by surprise, but before she could react he asked. “Would you like to eat here or go out?”

  “Here would be fine.” She replied softly.

  Raising his hand Colin motioned at the table. “I thought you would say that.” There on the elegant table was a full course meal awaiting them.

  She slowly approached the spectacular array of food only to be surprised that he had ordered lobster raviolis with a sherry wine sauce. They were her and Amy’s favorite dish growing up. Although she didn’t think Amy ate them anymore because of the fat content. Deciding to leave that little tidbit out, Ella sat down slowly in the chair Colin had pulled out for her.

  “Is everything how you like it?” He asked as he took the seat next to her.

  Nodding she reached for her fork and knife. “This looks amazing.”

  “Good.” He grinned as he helped himself to his own dish. After a few minutes he lightly dabbed the corners of his mouth. “I have something for you.”

  Ella stopped mid bite while he set a black, velvet box down next to her. Setting the fork full of food back onto the plate, she took the box into both hands. She couldn’t help but feel Colin’s eyes on her as she slowly lifted the lid. Her breath caught in her throat as she fingered the diamond necklace. The light topaz stones accentuated the diamonds flawlessly.

  “Your birthstones match y
our eyes perfectly.” He stated as he removed the necklace from the box and stood.

  Although she put her hair up she had to lift some of her curly tendrils out of the way as he placed the necklace around her neck. She could hardly breathe as his fingers brushed the back of her neck. She nearly came out of the chair when his finger and thumb rubbed her ear lobe.

  “I have never noticed the three little freckles on your ear before.” Panic shot up her spine as he took his seat. “I think they are rather adorable.” Giving her a playful wink, he smiled.

  Flowers, a stunning necklace, and now a compliment, she could no longer lie to herself, she loved the way he treated her. Matt never treated her that way, not even when they dated. Though she had feelings for Colin, her respect for him and her sister, was far too great to throw it all away on long lost affection.

  Clearing her throat Ella decided to change the subject. She took a hold of her fork still filled with food and pointed to the delicious bite. “These raviolis just might be better than my grandmothers. But, don’t tell her I said that.”

  “I won’t, I promise.” He chuckled, than unexpectedly brushed one of her tendrils aside.

  His actions caused Ella to rush into a question without thinking. “So the exhibit is mostly filled with the art from the Egyptian collection that you are trying to get financing for, is that correct?” Oh, hell. Amy wouldn’t know any of that. Not knowing what to do next she glanced in his direction.

  His quizzical expression only lasted a second before he nodded. “Yes, that is why this exhibit is so important. Some of these artists have real talent. But all the political…” Shaking his head Colin turned back to his food.

  “That’s why you are selling some of your own collection; it is to grab her attention.” She remembered Colin and her father talking about it. Colin had hoped his sacrifice would appeal to the Egyptian Council, one member particularly. “Oh. Well it is her loss. Some of those pieces you own are from the Protodynastic Period. Which is just fantastic, I can’t believe these artifacts are still in such good…” Stopping abruptly, she realized what she was saying.


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