Hooker to housewife # 3

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Hooker to housewife # 3 Page 9

by Deja King

  “It is,” Shari stated, wondering what warranted Chantal’s question.

  “Then why does he have this section roped off like he in a regular club and he need his own private VIP area?”

  “Girl, that’s Chris for you. See all this out here,” Shari said, pointing to their surrounding area. “This is the VIP area. Behind that velvet rope is what Chris would call the ‘VVIP section.’ He’s a little extra with his.”

  “Whatever floats his boat,” Chantal said as they walked up on Chris and his posse of friends. Chantal observed that there weren’t a mob of groupies occupying the section, which pleased her. “I’m glad I don’t have to share space with a gang of bitches,” she whispered in Shari’s ear.

  “Hi, baby,” Shari said as Chris greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. “This is my friend, Chantal.”

  “It’s nice to finally meet you. Shari always talks about her running partner, Chantal.”

  “I hope all good things,” Chantal said.

  “Of course, it’s all good. If I didn’t know better I would say you were Shari’s idol,” Chris said, smiling at Shari.

  “Calm it down, Chris, you don’t need to pump Chantal’s ego any more than what it already is. This girl is damn near a legend in our old neighborhood—ain’t that right, Chantal?”

  “Stop making me blush, Shari. You know how I can’t stand a lot of attention.” Both girls laughed as if sharing an inside joke. Both knew that attention was all that Chantal craved.

  “Enough of this, you ladies grab a glass and make yourself comfortable,” Chris said, leading the ladies to the leather couches. Chantal and Shari giggled as countless women in their tightest jeans and most curve-defying dresses tried to finagle their way into the exclusive area. But neither the security nor the high rollers chilling in the VVIP area was having it. One disgruntled beauty finally managed to break through after screaming that she was the wife of one of the NFL players. The bouncer still wasn’t budging until her husband finally came up for air from an intense conversation with another player and ran to her rescue. After about an hour, one confident man decided to take his chances and approach Chantal.

  “Would I be too forward if I said you’re absolutely stunning?” the tall, broad-shouldered man asked.

  “Of course not—it’s the truth,” she said with a slight smile. The man couldn’t tell if she was serious or joking but decided to have a seat next to her nevertheless. Chantal didn’t object since she was somewhat attracted to the well-built man with the most perfect teeth she had ever seen.

  “So what’s your name, beautiful?”

  “Chantal, but you can stop with all the beauty comments; you’ve covered that.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just rare to meet a woman that looks like you.”

  “I know, but still enough already. Don’t waste my time, or yours for that matter, telling me things that I already know. You may only have a couple of minutes to make a good impression, so be a little bit more original and step up your conversation game.”

  Staying true to form, the man continued on with his champagne campaign but soon realized he was no closer to reaching his goal. Chantal was at first responsive to the handsome athlete but was now giving him shade. After she and Shari finished up the bottle he purchased, Chantal lost all interest. She barely even noticed when he took his business elsewhere.

  “You ladies enjoying yourself?” Chris asked as he approached the two women.

  “Yeah, this party is nice, baby. I’m getting a little tired though. But I wanted to wait for you so we could leave together,” Shari said.

  “Oh, baby, if you’re tired you should head home. I’m not sure what time I’m leaving this spot. We trying to party all night.”

  “All night? I wanted to spend some time with you.”

  “I tell you what, go home get some rest and tomorrow it’s all about you. We’ll get a bite to eat, do a little shopping, and then have a romantic evening, just the two of us,” Chris said as he ran his fingers through Shari’s tousled hair.

  “Okay, baby, call me in the morning,” Shari said as she kissed Chris good-bye. As the ladies exited the club, Shari couldn’t help but feel a tad disappointed that she wasn’t going home with Chris. Chantal could tell that her friend wasn’t thrilled about leaving her man.

  “Shari, snap out of it, he said he’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I know, but you saw all those chicks in there. Any one of them would love to get their hands on a chipped up nigga like Chris.”

  “True, but honey he seems to be all caught up in you.”

  “You think so, Chantal?”

  “Girl, yeah, and he spend paper on you and little Alex. You got that in the bag. Even if he do fuck one of those hoochies, that is all it would be. They ain’t getting nothing out of the deal but some dick, so who really gives a fuck?”

  “I hear you, but I really dig him, Chantal. I don’t want to share him with a bunch of random bitches,” Shari somberly admitted.

  “I know, baby girl, but that’s the double-edged sword to this game we’re in. You can’t expect to be with a man who has money and fame and expect to be the only one. It don’t work like that. You just make sure that the relationship is worth your time. That means getting compensated with that dough. See, we ain’t like those other silly bitches running around bragging that we fucked so-and-so and ain’t got nothing to show for it. It’s okay to catch feelings, but just keep it in check. The bottom line is get that paper because you never know when shit will hit the fan.”

  “Is that last statement for me or are you speaking about your relationship with Andre?” Shari’s statement caught Chantal off guard.

  “Shari, what in the world are you talking about?”

  “You’re going on about it being part of the game for men to cheat and stacking paper because things might hit the fan. I mean, Chantal, if there’s one thing you make clear, you don’t want Andre sleeping with other women. You be the first one ready to beat a bitch ass over Andre but you’re telling me that I should overlook it with Chris. That doesn’t make sense.”

  “Girl, when has love ever made sense? Do as I say, not as I do. I made the mistake of really falling in love with Andre’s whoring ass so I’ve become territorial. Call me greedy. I want it all; money, power, and respect, but achieving two out of three ain’t bad.”

  N I N E


  As Tyler sat in the studio waiting for T-Roc to arrive for his screen test, she felt extremely nervous. She couldn’t tell if it was the normal nervousness she got each time the camera started rolling or if it was because she was looking forward to seeing him. But it didn’t matter because T-Roc obviously had a girlfriend. It had been splashed on the TV and tabloids nonstop that he was now dating Andre’s ex—talk about scandalous. The moment Tyler finished her thought, T-Roc was walking toward her looking stylish as ever in a cream linen pantsuit. The fabric highlighted the muscled definition of his sculptured frame. His perfect mouth of whites greeted the jumpy Tyler.

  “Tyler, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” T-Roc said, extending his arm for a handshake. Tyler was thrown off by his professional attitude. She didn’t think he would pull her close for a passionate kiss but she definitely did not expect a business-as-usual handshake.

  “It’s nice to see you again, too,” Tyler replied with an on-edge grin. T-Roc held her hand in a tight grasp until he noticed William beside him.

  “I’m glad you all are getting to know one another,” William said, unaware of the fact T-Roc and Tyler had history. “Everything is set up, we just need the two of you to stand over this way and give us the performance of a lifetime,” he stated in his “let’s get down to business” tone as he led them to the other side of the stage. “Do you have any questions before we begin?” he asked, directing his questions toward T-Roc.

  “No, I’m good, just ready to make it happen.” T-Roc came across as totally confident and at ease to be a rookie, which somewhat intimidated Tyler. B
ut then again he was overly confident with everything he did in life. That was, no doubt, one of the reasons he was so successful.

  As they began the scene Tyler stumbled on her lines and realized if anyone was nervous, it was her. She eventually got into the flow of the character and the chemistry between T-Roc and Tyler was undeniable. He seemed like a veteran, spitting out the intense lines of Damian. When it was time for him to forcefully grab Tyler, he put his arm around her waist and with a quick jolt pulled her up close as they stood looking deep into each other’s eyes for what seemed like forever. He then planted a passionate kiss on Tyler. T-Roc’s lips were still soft and his kiss seductive. Her body felt a twinge and T-Roc obviously felt the electricity because he pulled her closer and kissed Tyler even harder.

  “Cut,” Tyler heard William say, applauding, letting T-Roc know he could now stop. With great reluctance T-Roc released Tyler from his embrace and gave her the “undressing her with his eyes” stare she was familiar with.

  “That was excellent,” William cheered. “If I didn’t know better I would think the two of you were in love,” William joked with a hearty laugh.

  “Well, it would be easy to fall in love with a woman as intense as the character Angel,” T-Roc retorted, making both Tyler and William feel uneasy.

  “My sentiments exactly,” William said, trying to break the awkwardness of the moment. Tyler stood quiet, letting the men thaw out the frozen vibe.

  “Well, T-Roc, you were terrific. We have one more actor to audition and then we will make our decision. You should be hearing from us in the next couple of days.”

  “Thank you so much for the opportunity, William. I know I’m the right guy for the part,” T-Roc added, with his arrogance shining through. “It was a pleasure working with you, Ms. Blake, and I hope to be doing more soon.” Tyler gave T-Roc a courtesy smile and stood there watching with William as he exited the building.

  “That’s an arrogant son of a bitch, but he can act. The two of you definitely have chemistry and he is the best Damian I’ve seen thus far. What do you think?” William asked, making Tyler feel uncomfortable for some reason.

  “He’s good, but we still have one other actor to audition. Let’s see what happens before speculating any further.”

  “Speaking of audition, here comes Mr. Jackson now,” William blurted out as he walked toward superstar number two, Andre Jackson.

  Andre always believed that Chantal was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, until he laid eyes on Tyler Blake. She was the epitome of beauty, sexiness, and innocence all in one. Her entire face and body glowed. As William and Tyler walked toward him, his heart actually started beating faster; it was love at first sight. Andre never believed in that until that very moment.

  “Tyler, this is Andre Jackson,” William said, introducing the two.

  “Hi, it’s a pleasure. I love your music and your clothes,” Tyler said, feeling herself go red in the face.

  “The pleasure is all mine. I hear you’re the new It Girl of Hollywood. Congratulations, that’s big!”

  “Yeah, and a little overrated. We won’t know exactly what I’ll be until this movie is complete and the box office receipts are counted.”

  “You have to excuse Tyler; she’s a bit insecure about her overnight success. I have no doubt this movie will do great things for her career and the audience will embrace her as the new hot young leading lady.”

  “William, you’re embarrassing me.”

  “No need to be embarrassed, I’m putting my money on William Donovan. Being the mega-star he is, I’m sure he can spot another one in the making,” Andre chimed in.

  “Well, enough of this small talk, let’s get down to work. Are you ready, Andre?” William commanded, back in business mode.

  “As much as I’ll ever be.”

  “Okay, give me a few minutes and we’ll be ready to rumble,” William said jokingly as he walked off. “Don’t be nervous; just treat it as if you’re having a confrontation with your girlfriend.”

  “Actually I’m single,” Andre said, wanting Tyler to know that he was very much available.

  “Okay, then ex-girlfriend.”

  “That will work,” Andre agreed.

  Andre Jackson completed his scene with the same ease as T-Roc. They both exuded a confidence and street edge that brought the character of Damian to life and gave him creditability. It also complemented the vulnerable but complex character of Angel. The decision of who should play the part was literally a toss-up. Either one of them could fill the shoes and do a magnificent job. After Andre left, it was up to Tyler and William to discuss who should be cast in the role of Damian.

  “Tyler, what do you think? Both of them are excellent. It really comes down to who you feel most comfortable with.”

  “Me? You’re saying the decision is mine?”

  “As a director I could work with either one of them. You had chemistry with both and their name value is equal. You’re the one that will be working with them on an everyday basis for the next few months. So only you know who can bring out the most from your character Angel.”

  “I have to think this over—this is a huge decision. You’re asking me to decide the fate of two men’s acting careers.”

  “Well, you don’t have much time; I need to know tomorrow morning. Go home get some rest and we’ll talk in the a.m.” William kissed Tyler on her forehead and headed out. The thought of deciding between T-Roc and Andre was enough to make her decide to stop at the liquor store on the way home for a bottle of champagne and at her favorite bakery for two pieces of cake that gave Magnolia a run for their money.

  “Girl, have you spoken to Andre?” Shari asked Chantal as they sat outside by the pool on a beautiful spring day.

  “Not since he left for LA a few days ago.”

  “What, he had to handle some business there?”

  “I don’t know,” Chantal said with a huff. “Andre doesn’t really discuss things like that with me, but I have a feeling it has to do with him trying to break into the movies. I think Andre doesn’t want to share his ambitions for being a movie star with me because if he doesn’t catch his big break, he doesn’t want to come off as a failure.”

  “Girl, if Andre became the next Denzel Washington that would be incredible. I could see you on E! getting interviewed by Joan Rivers as you walk down the red carpet.”

  “Um, I heard Joan Rivers isn’t doing that anymore. I believe she switched to the TV Guide Channel.”

  “Stop it! E! isn’t E! without Ms. Rivers. They can keep the daughter, but the mama is fierce.”

  “Yeah, but I’m sure someone can catch us coming down the red carpet in all my glory,” Chantal bragged.

  “Well, you better get your shit back tight with Andre or you won’t be walking down any red carpet.”

  “So, you think? I’m trying to work my shit out like Tyler Blake so I won’t need Andre at all but for my monthly child support check.”

  “Bitch, please. You pop all that shit about having a career as an actress, but your lazy ass don’t even like to get out of bed before two in the afternoon. How the fuck are you going to be an actress if you not willing to show up on time to the set?”

  “Shit, for the type of money they pay I’ll pop me some uppers and stay the fuck up.”

  “You know how this game work; they not hitting you off with no real paper when you first get started. You are going to be an extra on the set, sitting around damn near all day and night barely making enough money to buy yourself a decent meal. You remember how whack that shit was when you did those video shoots. Them directors wasn’t trying to pay them chicks no money. Most of the tricks were so happy to be there, scheming on a permanent sponsor that they were more than happy to take a couple dollars.”

  “Hold up, that was never me. I came on the video scene clocking real paper from them directors.”

  “Yeah, because you were fucking them.” Chantal and Shari both burst out laughing.

  “You do
have a point there. I guess that’s what I have to do to skip all that struggling in the movie business, too. Hell, I’d deep throat a powerful director for a coveted leading lady role.”

  “On the real, you would give up your dreams of being Mrs. Andre Jackson if you had the chance to be a movie star?” Shari asked, already knowing the answer.

  “You my girl so I’m not going to even front. I could give a damn about being a movie star if I marry Andre. I would love to be a Hollywood wife. I much rather be a slave to one super-rich man than to have to lie on my back for a slew of them. Been there done that, and quite honestly my back is wore the fuck out. I’ll leave all that hard work to Tyler Blake. Let her keep working her shit out while I luxuriate on my man’s dime.”

  “Ain’t that bitch working her shit out though? Did you see her in the new Revlon ad? She’s trying to be the next Halle Berry.”

  “Yeah, she is definitely doing her thing. I saw her at William Donovan’s party in Malibu looking incredible. I believe they’re doing the tango in the bedroom because he was all into her.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised with his fine ass. I don’t know how that wife of his ever landed him. She look like his mama.”

  “Well, you know how that go. She was taking care of him when he didn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. Marrying her was his way of saying thank you. Hell, he still able to get prime pussy from bad-ass bitches and keep the little woman at home with the kids.”

  “Yeah, at least she got him to marry her unlike the rest of us bitches who spend the next twenty years being baby mamas. Things have definitely changed.” Shari sighed.

  “You ain’t never lied. The best you can hope for is a baby daddy with some long paper who is willing to take care of his child. These men today act like they petrified to walk down the aisle. It’s too many young cats that are making millions. The thought of settling down with one bitch is out of the question. Then when your shit is super tight like Halle Berry who has looks, fame and money they be so intimidated they try to dog you out to bolster their ego. You can’t win for losing. I’m starting to believe men only want to marry women that have the qualities of being a doormat, and like to keep their dime pieces on the side,” Chantal reasoned.


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