Hooker to housewife # 3

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Hooker to housewife # 3 Page 11

by Deja King

“Craig is on line one,” Rebecca echoed.

  “How the fuck did Andre get that part, and why the fuck didn’t you tell me? I had to find out by watching fucking Access Hollywood. The type of money you make off me, I should know when you have to shit, you fucking asshole!”

  “T-Roc, calm down.”

  “Don’t tell me to calm down, you fat fuck. That part was supposed to be mine, what happened?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. They felt Andre was better for the part. I’m sorry, but I just found out a few days ago and I wasn’t able to get in touch with you to break the news. But listen, there are a lot more movie roles out there for you. I get offers across my desk every day. We’ll find the right project.”

  “Fuck you, Craig. You’re a lying fuck. You’ve known for more than a few days about this shit. If it wasn’t for you, Andre probably wouldn’t have even auditioned for the part. You’re fired, you piece of shit.”

  “T-Roc, you can’t do that, we go way back. I’ve helped you make millions and millions of dollars. You can’t end not only our business relationship but our friendship over this small incident.”

  “Oh, yes the fuck I can. You better be lucky that I’m only firing you, instead of sending my man over there to make sure you end up in intensive care.” T-Roc slammed the phone down, full of contempt. He couldn’t decide whether he was more pissed because he missed out on an incredible breakout role or the fact that Andre beat him out for the part. Either way, he was determined to find a way to even the score.

  When Chantal first heard the news that Andre had gotten the starring role of Damian in the movie Angel, she was furious. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see Andre fulfill his dream of being an actor, but the fact that he was starring opposite Tyler Blake rubbed her the wrong way. To make matters worse, Andre didn’t even call to share the news; she heard it on Access Hollywood like all the other common folks. Andre was sending a clear sign that she wasn’t a priority and maybe not even a thought. The reality of that was sinking in and beginning to totally chip away at Chantal’s confidence.

  “Girl, I can’t believe Andre is starring with Tyler Blake in the movie Angel,” Shari said as they walked through the lush gardens and flowing fountains at the outdoor Oakbrook shopping center.

  “You can’t.” Chantal stopped, paused, and looked at Shari before continuing. “You’re my partner in crime, so I’m going to keep it real with you. Shari, I’m shook right now. The thought of Andre and Tyler filming a movie together is too much. That’s the one bitch that can take my man. I’m just hoping that William Donovan will be watching them so hard that there won’t be an opportunity for any hanky-panky,” she said as they entered Braxton Seafood Grill.

  “I know that’s right. You need to get on a plane and track your man down. Dial that number to American Airlines,” Shari said, while handing Chantal her cell phone.

  “I don’t know if hopping on a plane to see him will be enough. He hasn’t called me, Shari. He’s got me in that ‘I’m not fucking with you’ box. After all we’ve been through I never thought it would come to that.”

  “Chantal, it’s not like you to be so pessimistic.”

  “I know, Shari, but this is my life, and for the first time I believe I’ve truly fucked it up. Andre is in LA right now shooting a movie with motherfucking Tyler Blake. She’s gorgeous, Shari, I can’t deny that. But besides being gorgeous she has an amazing career.”

  “Chantal, you’re the most beautiful girl I know, and most people don’t know but you also have an incredible heart. Andre loves you and some Halle Berry wannabe isn’t going to change that.”

  “I’m glad you’re so optimistic, because right now I’m an emotional wreck.”

  “I guess being in love with a wonderful man will do that to you,” Shari said, as she affectionately stroked Chantal’s arm. “It’ll be okay, Chantal. You’ve been through worse than this. You’re like a cat; you have nine lives and then some.” They laughed and talked about how it would all work out while nibbling on crab cakes and drinking red wine. For a brief moment Chantal felt there was hope that she would win Andre back.

  “Okay, everybody, let’s take a break,” William bellowed to the cast and crew. It was the second week of shooting and Andre was nailing every scene. It was obvious that the right decision was made by casting him; he was a natural talent. His scenes with Tyler were electric, even William had to admit that. In the back of his mind he hoped it was only acting at its best, but he, too, had had a couple of electric performances with actresses and both times they had been having heated affairs. William was determined not to let that happen with Tyler and Andre; he was watching both like a hawk. Andre made his way to his trailer and William followed Tyler to hers.

  “Baby, you’re doing amazing work out there, I’m so proud of you,” William said, giving Tyler a wet kiss on the mouth. Normally, Tyler welcomed William’s seductive kisses, but at the moment she was too busy watching the familiar-looking beautiful woman walking toward Andre’s trailer.

  “What has you so preoccupied?” William asked curiously.

  “This woman just walked into Andre’s trailer. I hope she’s not a fan. I thought this was a closed set.”

  “Oh, that must be his girlfriend. The guard called me right before the break and I gave her clearance.”

  “I thought you insisted on no guests,” Tyler said, her jealousy beginning to shine through.

  “She is the mother of his child, for heaven’s sake. I wouldn’t exactly call her a guest.”

  “You’re right. I just know how you like for everyone to stay focused.” Tyler was hoping that William couldn’t sense the immense jealousy that was enveloping her mind. To make sure, she began undressing for a quick lovemaking session.

  “Chantal, what are you doing here?” Andre asked, irritated that she had showed up unannounced.

  “Andre, I haven’t spoken to you in over two weeks. You can’t ignore me forever, and what about Melanie?”

  “I’ve spoken to Melanie several times and she’s doing just fine. I plan to send for her when I have a couple of days off.”

  “You mean send for us?”

  “No, I mean send for Melanie.”

  “Andre, if you’re still upset with me because of my T-Roc episode, nothing happened. I haven’t even spoken to him.”

  “Well, that’s too bad for you, because honestly I don’t care, Chantal.” All the color left Chantal’s face. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Andre was so distant and cold. He was different than his normal “I just want to get rid of you for a few days” type cold. It was as if he was indifferent to whatever she said or did. Chantal was flustered and turned to desperation. While Andre’s back was turned away from her she quickly undressed and stood there in her red lace bra and G-string panties, determined to seduce Andre. But when Andre faced her, he only saw her actions for the desperation they were.

  “Chantal, put your clothes back on,” Andre said with pity while handing her the silk blouse and pants she just took off. Chantal stood there, embarrassment choking her up.

  “What you mean, put my clothes on? You’ve never been able to resist me; we have more lust for one another than any two people I know.”

  “You’re right, sex has never been our problem and you’re certainly one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met, but this shit is getting old. It takes more than great sex to make a relationship last.” Chantal wasn’t listening to anything Andre was saying. Only one thing kept replaying in her mind.

  “I’m one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever met. You always use to say that I was the most beautiful. Who’s taken my place, Andre, Tyler Blake?”

  “What are you talking about, Chantal? You’re tripping right now.”

  “No, I’m not. I know you, Andre, and something is different. But before you start planning a future with little Miss Tyler, she’s taken. William Donovan will never let you get close enough to his prized possession. So you need to concentrate on the fami
ly you have right now.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My relationship with Tyler is strictly professional and I don’t have any other sort of interest in her. But that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to have anything to do with you. So please get your shit and get out of here. Now!”

  Andre was cringing inside. Upon Chantal’s exit he grabbed the tray of food that had just been delivered and threw it at the door. The sound of the plate and glass breaking sounded like a miniature explosion and his lunch was now wall decoration. Andre knew that Chantal was right. He did have it bad for Tyler and was afraid that nothing was going to come of it. He couldn’t get a read on her and she seemed very happy with William. Andre couldn’t fathom the thought of not getting what he wanted. He stared out his blinds to view Tyler’s trailer, which was directly across from his. He pondered what the beauty was doing at that very moment.

  “Oh, Tyler, I’m about to cum,” William moaned as he gave one final thrust. He fell back on the chair breathing intensely. “Making love to you makes me feel like I’m twenty-one again,” William said, admiring his protégee.

  Tyler giggled. She knew she made William feel young and alive but it sounded amusing coming from the normally uptight businessman.

  “Is that right? So you’re using me to hold on to the fountain of youth?” Tyler asked half-jokingly.

  “Not exactly ‘hold on to.’ But having you in my life makes me remember the times, all the wonderful ones in my youth. You give me this newfound energy. It’s like a rebirth.”

  William felt he was paying Tyler a compliment by telling her she was the reason for his optimistic outlook on his life, but she saw it a little differently. To Tyler it sounded like a man having a midlife crisis. Not wanting to grow up and discovering endless adolescence through a woman half his age. It might not have bothered her so much if she shared in his newfound bliss for life, but Tyler wasn’t feeling it. The bliss she longed for seemed so out of reach but yet within touching distance.

  After getting dressed, Tyler stood by the window gazing out the blinds. The bliss she longed for was only a few feet away but with William next to her it appeared like it was in a whole other country. In the trailer across from her she saw Andre staring out the opposite window. Their eyes locked and they communicated through their stares. When William touched Tyler’s shoulder to get her out of her trance, she turned away briefly to acknowledge him. When she turned back around, Andre’s eyes were no longer there to fulfill her hunger.

  After her dreadful encounter with Andre, Chantal immediately caught the next flight back to Chicago. Part of her wanted to break down and bathe in her tears but her anger was more powerful. Chantal knew that the clock was done ticking and she was closer than ever to losing what mattered to her the most. For the first time in her life, she didn’t know how to compete. Although Andre denied it, she could look in his eyes and tell that he had it bad for Tyler, just by the way he said her name. It was almost as though she was too precious for Chantal to speak her name. But Chantal had been around the block enough times to know that no woman was that perfect, including the divine Tyler Blake. She was determined to dig deeper into Tyler’s closet and pull out a skeleton, maybe even two or three, and she knew exactly where to start.

  T-Roc was still reeling over the fact that Andre had stolen the part of Damian from him. Not only did he blame Andre but he also held Tyler responsible. His gut instinct told him that she was behind the decision to cast Andre. T-Roc sat at his desk, replaying the day one of his workers brought Tyler to his office for the first time and she was so young and fresh, just the type of girl he knew he could take advantage of. He soon learned that Tyler wasn’t as sweet and innocent as she appeared. After he put it on her he thought she would fall in love like so many of his prior conquests, but he soon labeled her an ice princess. After that fateful night T-Roc had made it his mission to conquer her mind, body, and soul. Unfortunately, that failed after the disastrous episode with his cousin Ian, and now once again his opportunity was halted by Andre. As T-Roc racked his brain for a solution, the phone rang, jarring his thoughts.

  “T-Roc, you have a call.”

  “Didn’t I tell you I didn’t want to be disturbed?”

  “Yes, sir, but the woman said it was an emergency and you would want to speak to her.”

  “Well, who the hell is it?”

  “Chantal Morgan.”

  “Oh yeah, put her through. What up, Chantal?”

  “T-Roc, I’m not going to even bullshit you. This is too important, so I’m cutting right to it,” Chantal wailed, without even as much as a hello. “I’m sure you know Andre got the part in the movie Angel that you so desperately wanted. But that isn’t enough for him, now he wants Tyler Blake to be his leading lady on screen and off. That can’t happen and I need for you to make sure it doesn’t.”

  “What can I do?” T-Roc asked, amused by her demand.

  “You told me you have a history with Tyler. I’m sure you know about some of her trifling secrets that she would prefer to keep in the past. I’m asking you to fill me in so I can tell Andre and he can stop thinking about having any sort of romantic involvement with her.”

  “That didn’t stop him from dealing with you, Chantal dear,” T-Roc said mockingly.

  “Andre knew what he was dealing with when he first started fucking around with me. But this Tyler bitch got him dazed like she’s some angel that has landed in his lap. I know that look he had in his eyes when I mentioned her name. I’ve never seen him look at me that way. The only other person I’ve seen him get that gleam for is our daughter Melanie. That’s a problem, T-Roc. I’ve put too much time and effort in this relationship to let some Hollywood starlet steal him away from me.”

  “Chantal, don’t you think you’re overreacting? From what I understand Tyler and William Donovan are very much in love, even though he is married.”

  “Exactly. How long do you think that relationship will last? Eventually Tyler will get tired of playing the mistress and Andre will be right there to comfort her. Oh hell no, not with my man. I want this shit deaded before it even has a chance to start. So what’s the 411 on that chick, T-Roc?”

  “Even if I did have some unflattering information about Tyler, why would I tell you, Chantal?”

  “Because I know Tyler Blake’s type; they appear to be all angelic but she’s probably more ruthless than both of us combined. Those are the ones who are really dangerous. With that said, she has probably fucked you in the ass a couple of times. I’m sure the pain is still fresh in your mind. I can help you blow her spot up, which will devastate Andre, and you always find great pleasure in that.”

  T-Roc tapped his fingers on the desk listening to Chantal babble on about the demise of Tyler Blake. He found Chantal’s amateur plan so juvenile and wondered if falling in love did that to you, put your scheming ideas on a childish level. “Listen, Chantal, I understand your concern, but waving some of Tyler’s dirty panties in Andre’s face isn’t going to get you the platinum ring. You’re going to have to step your game up a lot higher than that. I’ll do some brainstorming and see what I can come up with.”

  “So that means you’ll help me?” Chantal warbled with an ounce of hope in her voice.

  “Let’s just say I’m going to help myself, which in turn so happens to help you, too. Or better yet you can take a trip to New York and we can brainstorm together.”

  Chantal quickly pondered T-Roc’s invitation. Two devious minds collaborating together were much more powerful than one. Plus Chantal was lonely. After her embarrassing encounter with Andre, being in the company of T-Roc would be fun. “I’ll be there first thing in the morning. See you soon.”

  T-Roc hung up the phone with a grin on his face. He immediately began contemplating his next move. If what Chantal said was true then he knew exactly how to get the part he felt he so rightfully deserved back. If Andre had it bad for Tyler, then all he had to do was get them in a compromising position and br
ing it to the attention of William. William would no doubt flip out and fire Andre for coming anywhere near his precious Tyler. That would leave William no choice but to cast T-Roc, and he would get the part and eventually get the girl. Even though he had his game plan mapped out and doubted Chantal could come up with anything better, it couldn’t hurt having a woman’s input, particularly from one as manipulative as Chantal. On top of that, T-Roc always enjoyed the company of beautiful woman and especially a feisty one like Chantal.

  When Chantal’s flight landed at JFK, she was pleasantly surprised that T-Roc had his driver waiting for her.

  “I’ll be taking you to the Four Seasons hotel. T-Roc reserved a room for you there.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Chantal replied. Chantal had made her own reservations at a midtown hotel but why would she turn down a free one at the Four Seasons? After checking in to her room and relaxing for a while, Chantal thought it was time to place a call to T-Roc.

  “Hello,” she heard him.

  “Hello to you. I’ve been in New York for almost three hours. I must say I’m surprised you haven’t called me yet. Especially since you had me picked up and got this beautiful suite for me. I have to admit, you really are a class act.”

  “How can I give you anything less? I mean you are Andre Jackson’s girl, I’m sorry, I mean ex.”

  “T-Roc, don’t try ruining what was starting off as a very pleasant day. And the reason I made this little trip is so we could make sure the ‘ex’ part is deleted.”

  “But of course. I apologize. How about we meet for lunch, say in the hotel restaurant in about an hour?”

  “Perfect.” Chantal took the time she had to take a quick shower and freshen up. She was anxious to hear if T-Roc had come up with any sort of plan to divide Tyler and Andre and then conquer her nemesis.

  After stepping into a red wrap dress, brushing her hair and dabbing on some lip gloss, an hour had sneaked up on her. Chantal made her way downstairs and when she stepped off the elevator she saw T-Roc coming in. Chantal didn’t know if it was because she had been sexually deprived for the last few weeks or if she was just thirsty, but T-Roc reminded her of a tall, delicious root beer float gliding through the hotel lobby. His smooth brown skin glistened against the off-white shirt and slacks he was wearing. The fist-size rock in his ear was so clear it was blinding her, even though they were on opposite sides of the lobby. Chantal slowly strutted toward T-Roc, wanting to take her time so she could continue to size him up.


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