Claiming Kara [Fate Harbor 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Claiming Kara [Fate Harbor 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “Shhh,” Quinn crooned into her ear. “You’re still in control here, Kara. He just wants to understand. We both do. We’re not going to judge. You went somewhere in your head. Can you share that with us?” he coaxed. His warm hands stayed where they were, his thumbs continued their languid brushing back and forth, and despite her anxiety over the conversation, she felt her arousal increasing. She knew that the panel of her panties had to be getting wet.

  “Ben, you know what I’m like when I see something I want to sketch, right?” She watched as he nodded his head carefully. She could tell he wanted to understand everything she was saying. “You’ve seen me get pretty caught up in things when I go into artist mode, right?” she asked with a self-deprecating smile. He nodded, and Quinn kept stroking. She had to talk faster before she went up in flames.

  “That’s all that happened. I looked down and I saw Quinn’s hands, and me. My body and I went into artist mode. Okay?” she ground out. This was embarrassing. It would have been more embarrassing, except for the fact that she needed these men to start doing more than sitting here barely touching her and insisting she talk. She watched as Ben’s expression lightened and she saw his dimples. God she loved those dimples. He reached up and covered both of his brother’s hands, and now she had four hands covering her two breasts, and she couldn’t suppress a groan of pleasure.

  “Oh, you like that, don’t you, Kachawli?” Ben whispered. “What do you like more?” he asked as he and his brother squeezed. “Is it the feeling? Or is it the visual stimulation?” Ben glided his hands up further so that one rested against her breastbone and the other circled her throat, and she tilted her head back so that now she was gazing up into Quinn’s face. “Tell Quinn. Tell him what you were thinking when you first saw his hands on your breasts, Kara,” Ben demanded.

  “Quinn, I love how your hands feel. I love the calluses. I love feeling the ridges of scars, how they snag against my skin…” Kara’s voice trailed off because instead of the normal caramel color of his eyes, she saw them turn a molten honey that was such a fascinating shade, one she didn’t think she had ever seen before.

  “Kara!” She felt a slight pressure at her throat and realized that Ben had pressed to get her attention.

  “Hmmm?” she questioned, looking into Quinn’s eyes that were now a dancing caramel color again.

  “I believe, sweetheart, you were going to tell me you liked looking at my hands, but you got lost,” Quinn explained.

  “You have beautiful eyes.” She smiled up at him. She lifted her hands from where they were still cupping Ben’s wonderfully dimpled cheeks, and instead, circled the back of Quinn’s neck as her back was pressed to his chest. She tilted her head more to the side so that she could more easily see him, and finally he bent closer. She looked at his lips, anticipating their first kiss.

  “Hands, sweetheart, we were talking about hands,” Quinn said before he cut a glance over to his brother. “I see what you mean. I love that she’s an artist, too.” Just like that, she came out of her dreamlike state.

  “What?” she asked in an unbelieving tone.

  “Ben told me how into the moment you could be. How different things would just take you flying into another universe because you would be imagining them as a sculpture or as a piece of glass, or just as something beautiful that you wanted to remember. I really didn’t understand what he was talking about until I saw you do that. That’s what really happened, wasn’t it, sweetheart? It’s not just the physical sensations, not just the touching that sets you off, you get just as wrapped up, or maybe more wrapped up, in the visual aspects of lovemaking, don’t you?” As he was talking, Quinn’s eyes went from caramel to molten honey again. If Kara was going to be with him for any length of time, she would always know when he was getting aroused by just looking at the color of his eyes.

  “I never have been before,” she finally confessed. “But you both are so masculine, I love looking at your faces, your bodies. I know I’m supposed to call you handsome, but you’re both visual feasts. I love your skin color, and when I saw it next to mine, I literally couldn’t breathe, the colors looked so stunning together. Then, to see the press of your strong fingers so gently cupping the rounded flesh of my breast—yes, I could feel it, but you’re right. It was the seeing it that aroused me the most. I went into my zone, and I didn’t hear what you were saying,” she admitted quietly.

  She felt Quinn’s hands gripping her breasts more firmly, not hurting her, but making her ache for more. She consciously chose not to look down. His eye color had now morphed from molten honey to glowing amber. She watched him swallow.

  “You’re not just an artist with glass, you’re an artist with words, too, Kachawli,” Ben said as he turned her face to his. “But you’re wrong about one thing. You’re the visual feast.” He teased her lower lip with his tongue, and she eagerly parted her lips, inviting him in, needing him. Thankful that all of her senses were finally being fulfilled, she felt Quinn pull her hands from around his neck and place them around Ben’s neck instead. Then, as one, they rose, taking her with them. She’d forgotten how tall they were until she noticed that her five-foot-eleven frame was still easily seven inches shorter than each of them.

  Ben caught her up behind her back and knees as Quinn opened the door, and they brought her back inside. Within moments, Kara was lovingly laid onto a beautiful handmade quilt on a king-sized bed. Both men flowed down with her, resting beside her. Quinn stroked back her hair, and Ben gave her a wide grin before he bent down and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, causing her to arch up and give a yelp in reaction, before clamping both hands in his long hair and demanding, “More. Ben, God, that feels good.”

  Quinn chuckled. “Ben, it’s good to know that some things get past our little artist’s visual senses.” And with that, Quinn bent down and start to languidly lap at her other nipple. Kara moved one of her hands away from Ben’s hair and thrust it into the short straight tufts of Quinn’s hair, pulling him closer, arching her back, pressing her breasts upward to the heat of these two wonderful men, who held the promise of her future in their touch.

  In a matter of seconds or hours, Kara wasn’t sure which, she felt a hand drifting down and unbuttoning her jeans. She might not have been sure about how long she’d been lying on the bed, but she damn well knew it was Quinn Shotbrook’s hand that was between her thighs. She clenched the short hair and pulled his head up so she could look him in the eye, and saw that his eyes were dancing, and they both grinned.

  “Little help?” he asked.

  “What kind of help?”

  “How about you lift up that world-class ass?” he replied as she balanced her weight on her shoulder blades and heels. He reared up and swiftly pulled off her jeans, panties, and sneakers, leaving her naked between the two men. It should have made her nervous, but instead she felt powerful. Their expressions were enraptured. Kara watched as Quinn’s hand started to move up her leg, and said “Stop!” in as firm as tone as her desire-thickened voice could manage.

  “What?” Quinn asked distractedly.

  Ben was still enjoying the bounty he had found at her breasts, moving from one to the other and then back again. Yet another place that Kara could not look. “Stop, both of you,” she said on a gasp, because just the thought of seeing Ben’s lips suckling at her breasts was making it hard to breathe.

  “Why do we need to stop?” Ben asked, not bothering to stop. Kara struggled to sit up, forcing Ben to stop, and now both men were finally paying attention. Mostly they were looking at her naked body, but she knew they would also listen to her, so it would have to suffice.

  “You two. Naked—now!” she smiled, because she had said what she wanted to say. She watched as they looked at each other in confusion, and then she frowned. “I want my visual treat. Get up and strip,” she clarified. Then they looked at her and grinned. Both of them got up and stripped in record time, and Kara was pretty sure she was going to have a heart attack. She’d go on re
cord as the youngest, healthiest woman to ever have a heart attack. Her mother would be mobbed by curiosity seekers, and she would be forced to explain that her daughter’s heart exploded at the sight of the two most gorgeous, naked men in the entire world.

  Kara could definitely see that they were brothers. She had known that from their similar facial features. Their musculature was very similar, as well. They both had chests that went into a very strong V-shape to their hips, but Quinn was much wider in the shoulders. She imagined that some of that just came with age, and that Ben would fill out like his brother in a few years. Again, their legs looked almost the same, except that Quinn’s were more muscular. Ben was actually about one inch taller than Quinn. Kara had gone to art school, so she had drawn nude bodies. She had lived with a man in college, so she had been up close and personal with an erect penis on numerous occasions, but never had she seen anything like this in real life. Both men had penises that were almost identical to one another. She guessed this wasn’t something that changed much after twenty-two years of age. Their cocks were exquisite. They were teak colored with purple undertones. She’d never seen that shade before, but she wanted to see if she could duplicate it, and the thickness made her want to hold them, but she doubted her small hand could encompass their girth. Already she could see that they each had beads of pre-cum dripping out of their tips, and it made her salivate.



  She really liked the plum heads on each man’s penis, the color and proportion. But really, it was the shafts that were really striking, and then they each put their hands in front of their erect organs. She looked up, perturbed, and found both of them laughing.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Were you in the artist zone?” Ben asked, in a gently amused tone. It took Kara a moment to realize they weren’t mad, and that they seemed to be laughing with her, not at her.

  She finally asked, “Was I gone long?”

  “Not long enough for us to lose interest, that’s for damn sure, sweetheart,” Quinn said, moving his hand away from his dick, which was still fully erect. Kara could see a clear pearl of pre-cum seeping from the tip, making her mouth water, making her want to touch, to taste, to sketch.

  “Cover that thing brother, I just saw her eyes glaze over,” Ben said in a desperate voice.

  “Watch and learn, little brother,” Quinn said as he slid his knee onto the bed and began to deliberately make his way toward Kara. Kara’s mouth went dry as she watched Quinn prowl toward her, and all thoughts of sketching flew out of her mind.

  “Quinn?” she asked, her voice quavering just a bit.

  “Yep, that’s me, sweetheart.” He now caged her lower body and was looking at her eye to eye. “Why don’t you lie back, Kara?” he suggested in that same sandpaper voice that made her eardrum tingle. She was so close to “yes”—that voice, those eyes—and then he lowered his head and lapped at one of her nipples, now swollen from so much attention. She lost all muscle control in the two arms that had been holding her up, and found herself lying flat on her back with a smiling Quinn hovering above her. He rubbed his cheek against hers, his lips trailing to her ear. “That’s my good girl.” Then he kissed the tip of her nose.

  Kara felt the bed on the left side of her dip, and Quinn deftly moved over to the right side of her and knelt up. She looked up at him in confusion, and he nodded to her other side, and she saw Ben kneeling on her other side. Her head went back and forth, drinking them in, until finally Ben cupped her face, holding her still. “No more, Kachawli, you must close your eyes now. Now is a time for feeling. Soon you can watch again, I promise.” Kara felt the tension slipping from her shoulders. She hadn’t realized the level of overload she had been feeling.

  “Are you sure, Ben? You’ll let me look again later?”

  He bent and kissed her forehead. “Close your eyes now, Kara. You must trust us to take care of you, okay?” She took one last look into his sable-colored eyes, and then he winked at her, and laughing, she closed her eyes. She felt the gentle touch of his lips on each eyelid.

  “I know closing your eyes is difficult because you feel everything you see, don’t you?” he asked as he stroked her hair back away from her face. She grabbed his wrist with both of her hands, stilling his movement.

  “That’s exactly right, Ben. I’ve never been able to articulate it correctly. But you’re right, I don’t just see things. I feel them as I see them.” She gave him a beatific smile, so happy to be able to finally explain what happened in her head.

  “Now, we’d like you to experience something else. Would you let us help you do that, Kachawli? We’ll let you use your eyes again, but for a while, we want you to try to rely on your other senses. Is that all right?” Ben asked.

  “But at some point, I’ll get to watch?” she asked.

  “Yes, sweetheart, we promise to let you watch…eventually.” Quinn chuckled as he got off the bed. She couldn’t help but admire the flex of his ass as she saw him make his way to a closet. He returned to the bed holding a piece of blue silk. As he got closer, she saw that it was a suit tie, and she looked at it with more than just a little trepidation.

  “Will you trust us? You’ll be able to take it off anytime you need to,” Quinn assured her. “But you need a blindfold, otherwise you’ll be opening your eyes every other moment,” he said wryly.

  She looked over at Ben, who smiled at her and nodded his head in agreement with his brother. “All right,” she said. Then Quinn was behind her, placing the tie, silk side against her eyes, and tying the ends around the back of her head, over her hair.

  “There, it’s tied loosely so that you can easily take it off if you’re ever frightened,” Quinn said, trailing his fingers down the silk of her hair until his hand rested along her bare tailbone.

  Then Kara felt warm breath at her ear. “I dare you to keep this on, Kara. You have three brothers. I bet you take your dares seriously. We’ll take this off so you can see the good parts, we promise, but let us show you how good it can be to experience lovemaking with your other senses.” Then Quinn traced the shell of her ear with his tongue and released a warm moist breath into her ear. “I dare you, Kara Johansen.”

  Just when she thought they would have her lie down on the bed, they surprised her by helping her up into a kneeling position. Each man took one of her hands in theirs and brought them up to their faces. They moved in perfect harmony. She wondered if it was from being brothers for so many years or having to pull nets in on the boats together. They had her fingertips touching their lips precisely at the same moment. She jerked her hand back at each touch. It was as if there had been static electricity, because she had gotten a tiny little shock.

  In perfect unison, each man tightened his grip, bringing her hand back to their lips, only this time they stroked that finger with their tongue, soothing the small hurt. They did everything as one, a ballet of movement. Kara found herself having her hands opened, so that she could feel the warm cheeks of the men. She found the dichotomy interesting. Ben, with his long hair, was always smoothly shaven, but Quinn, with the short hair, had a day or two of scruff. As she started to explore on her own, the men dropped their hands, allowing her to do what pleased her.

  Kara began to realize how much she had been missing by getting caught up in the visual aspects of admiration. She liked that she could more easily sense the heat of Ben’s face, but the texture of Quinn’s face felt better against her hand.

  “Quinn, you feel like you sound!” she exclaimed in delight.

  “I don’t understand, Kara,” Quinn responded in his scruffy voice that forced her to abandon Ben and move closer to Quinn, laying her cheek against his so that she could feel the scrape of his beard against her skin.

  “Say something, anything,” she pleaded.

  “I love having you in my bed.”

  Kara moaned in delight at the three sensations. What he said touched her heart. She reveled in the soft abrasion of hi
s whiskers along her cheek, marrying the sensation to the sound of his gravelly voice gruffly whispering into her ear. She melted into him, her breasts pressing against the hair of his chest, causing another moan, this one deeper, to escape her lips.

  “Brother, I don’t know what you just did, but keep it up. I can smell her arousal from here,” Ben said. For the first time, Kara heard a slight raspiness to Ben’s voice, and then she noticed the scent he was talking about and realized he was right. She had been clenching her thighs closed because they were making her so needy. The clenching was the only way she could somewhat assuage the need, and it helped to keep in the embarrassing amount of wetness that she had felt gathering in the folds of her sex. But as she had moved toward Quinn, she had forgotten to keep her legs closed. She was just too intent on her need for closeness.

  As surreptitiously as possible, she moved her right leg forward and closer to her left, bringing them back together. Then she continued to rub her breasts against Quinn’s chest and her cheek against his. That was when she felt Quinn’s two hands on her body. Starting at her neck and shoulders, they began to knead.

  “Are you tensing up on us, Kara?” Ben asked from behind.

  “No, why?” she asked in a tense voice. Quinn continued to work on the muscles in her neck and shoulders.

  “Because I’m wondering why you thought it was wonderful to see us so hard for you, but when I say I can smell how wet you are for us, you immediately try to hide.” That was when she felt two more hands on her, drifting down the globes of her ass, ever down and inward, until Ben’s fingers were where her thighs were so tightly closed. But the soft flesh was no match for his insistent fingers, coupled with the slick lubrication that was waiting to aid his entry. “Please Kara, won’t you part your legs, just a little bit?” he beseeched.


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