Claiming Kara [Fate Harbor 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Claiming Kara [Fate Harbor 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 23

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  God, that’d hurt, but now Quinn was stroking over the globes of her ass, and the hurt was turning into the most decadent heat. She quivered.

  “Jesus, Quinn, the way she clenched my dick when you did that was amazing.” Ben looked up at her with a smile of amazement on his face. “You liked that, didn’t you, Kachawli?”

  “No.” Quinn slapped her ass again, and she moaned, then he put his big, callused hand right on top of where he had smacked her, holding in the heat, and she pressed back against him. “Yes, oh, fuck,” she panted. “Yes, I liked that.”

  Ben grabbed her where her thighs and ass met, clutching her close so that there was no hope of them coming apart, and then he nodded to his brother over her shoulder. Kara braced.

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” And that’s when another ass slap was delivered. She shoved forward and Ben went deeper, causing her to spasm and him to groan. “This ass was made to be spanked.” Three more swats came in hard succession, jolting her closer and closer and closer. She heard herself whine and then moan. She prayed Quinn knew not to stop, and loved that Ben kept arching upward, further and further into her. Then suddenly, Quinn spanked her with two hands, one on each cheek. She slammed down on Ben as he twisted up and the release rocketed skyward, no moans or groans, but a scream echoed through the room.

  She came back to herself with the feel of Quinn’s tongue licking one tender cheek. She looked down and saw Ben looking like he was in pain. “Ben, are you all right?”

  “We’ve got to finish this,” he said, through gritted teeth.

  “I don’t understand.” Kara was still pulsing from the most overwhelming orgasm she had ever experienced, and then she realized that Ben was still rock hard inside her. “Oh, we were going to do this together. Then, why didn’t we?”

  “Because watching you come, watching you get so fired up from a spanking, was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I know it’s going to be the second hottest experience in my life after you’re stuffed full of two cocks. I’ve dreamed about this for years.” Ben lifted a hand, cupped one of her breasts, and squeezed. When she pushed into his hand, he squeezed harder as she smiled and groaned. “Jesus, Kara, I never even knew that you liked a little edge with your sex. How could I not know that?”

  “I didn’t know.” Kara was more than a little bewildered. She had never come so hard, but she suspected that was about to change.

  “She’s ready, brother, are you?” Quinn asked from behind. Kara’s ass felt hot, but she wasn’t in pain.

  “If you don’t stop fucking around and take her, I’m going to have a heart attack,” Ben damn near snarled.

  She felt it. Quinn was there at her back entrance, while Ben continued to pulse deep inside her vaginal channel. Oh, God, this was really going to happen and she was getting a little nervous. She looked down at Ben, and as if he knew, and despite the fact that he was holding on by a thread, he gave her a gentle smile, released her breast to cup her cheek, then wrapped it around to the back of her nape and brought her down for the sweetest of kisses. Kara immediately relaxed.

  “Keep doing what you’re doing, brother,” Quinn directed. “Easy, Kara. Remember, sweetheart, you’re in control. You say slow down, we slow down. You say stop, and we stop.” She relaxed even further. “Good girl.” She felt him pushing in. There was a bite, but it felt good and she tightened around Ben, ensuring that he was held close as she pushed a tiny bit back toward Quinn, wanting to welcome him.

  “Yes!” they said in stereo. Excited at their response, she did it again. She couldn’t help the high-pitched little whimpers, and she jammed her face into the crook of Ben’s neck, comforting herself in his warmth and scent. His hands floated down the length of her back, soothing her as Quinn continued to make small thrusts inward, until finally he popped in past her tight muscle.

  Kara lifted her head. “More, Quinn, I want it all. I need everything.” Then, like the marauder he was, he continued forward, until she was dizzy with the fullness, the sensations.

  “Kachawli, are you okay?” Ben’s hands kept stroking. But she felt Quinn begin to gather her hair, and she knew what was coming next. Oh God, she knew. And then it started. Ever so slowly, Quinn started pulling her hair as he pulled out of her ass, the twin sensations sparking so many nerve endings she felt like she was in the middle of a thunderstorm. She wanted to scream and laugh at all the force that nature was throwing at her. As Quinn was pulling, Ben was twisting and pushing, finding the spot of nerves in her in passage that made her sing.

  “Ben, no, I won’t last.”

  “We don’t want you to last. We want you to come again and again. We want you dripping all over me.” The last was said as he jerked out of her and Quinn plunged back in, and one more time Ben twisted and swirled as Quinn reached around and found that bundle of nerves at the apex of her cleft, and with one touch, she plummeted headfirst into another fiery climax. But they allowed no reprieve.

  “Again,” Quinn rasped behind her, his one hand having moved closer to her scalp, the other hovering near her clit. Back and forth the men kept up their pace. She could clearly see the toll it was taking on Ben, but at the same time she saw the look of intense satisfaction on his face the closer she got to yet another pinnacle.

  “One more, give us one more, Kachawli.” She felt the perspiration dripping down her temples, the cream trickling down her thighs. Again, as if they read each other’s minds, they impaled her together, and she howled with absolute rapture as she slumped over.

  * * * *

  Quinn couldn’t remember the last time he woke up this content. Then it hit him, it had been when Kara had been in his bed. He reached out and realized that the bed was empty. But it was still warm from where she had slept, so she couldn’t have been gone for long. He got up and put on his jeans, damning the small size of the cabin. Next time, they were making love in her house. He still remembered how comfortable her bed was, how it smelled like her, felt like her, warm and inviting.

  As he pushed open the door, he was a little surprised he didn’t smell any coffee. His brother was unable to function without his morning caffeine. Walking down the short hall to the galley, he didn’t see either Kara or Ben, but he could hear them above deck.

  “Don’t push me, Ben! All I can do is promise to think about it. What makes you think that this means everything is okay? I told you up front that even though I might still care about you, it didn’t mean we were going back to the way things were. What made you think differently?” Quinn was wondering the same damn thing. Ben had known going in that they were playing the long game, that this was only step one in their plan. What was he doing pushing her so hard and so fast? He heard Kara disembarking. He went to put the coffee on.

  “You want to tell me what that was about?” he asked as he put a mug in front of his brother.

  “I know, I went off plan,” Ben said as he took a sip of the coffee. He slumped down in the dinette. “Last night just seemed so perfect. It was just like it used to be. God, she’s perfect, and I want it all, you know?” Quinn ached for Ben. Especially when Quinn knew he was to blame for the predicament they were in.

  “I know, Ben. But your plan is the right way to go. We’ve got to take this slow. We’ve got to coax her back.” They just sat for a while, listening to the water lap against the hull. Soon they were both smiling at one another as they replayed the night before.

  “God, it was fantastic.” Ben sat back against the seat.

  “The weight she gained…I didn’t think she could get any more beautiful, but I was wrong. I never want her wearing clothes again.”

  “Did you see, she actually seemed to be self-conscious?” Ben noted in an incredulous tone.

  “Women, I will never understand them. What’s next on the agenda, little brother? Because we have got to seal this deal pretty quickly. I want her naked in our bed for the rest of our lives.”

  “After the painting is done, we’re having a party and inviting all of her friends an
d family to the grand unveiling and our grand opening on the boat.”

  “Won’t that seem pretty suspicious?”

  “Nah.” Ben grinned. “Who the hell else do we know? All of our friends are her friends, so this will be our ‘grand opening,’ so to speak.”

  “Do you think her family will come?”

  “To see her artwork? Sure, they will.”

  “Ben, you’re really an evil genius. It would never have occurred to me in a million years to do this kind of thing.” Quinn was seriously blown away with the way his brother’s mind worked. This would allow them more time with Kara, and allow her to see them interact with her friends and family.

  “Don’t forget, she still has to come over and put one more layer on, plus the sealer.”

  “Should we be here?”

  “Oh, yeah, it’s full court press time. She can push us away all she likes, but we are going to continue to pursue her. She needs to know that we’re being consistent in our pursuit. Our consistency is another way for us to gain her trust.”

  Quinn hadn’t thought of it that way, but it made total sense. She needed to feel that she could rely on them to be there for her, that they would always want her.

  “But I think you need to be the one to talk her next time. I’ve pushed enough.” Quinn laughed.

  “Yeah, Ben, I think you did.”

  * * * *

  “Kara, what did Ben say to upset you? He won’t talk about it, but he didn’t want to be here today, and he told me that it would be better if he wasn’t here. Can you tell me?” Quinn knew he was going for the jugular, but he really wanted to see Kara’s reaction.

  “Okay, since you asked, he pushed for more than I was willing to give. I told you both that trust is an issue for me, and that the other day—and night—was about me being needy. I just can’t commit to anything more. I’m not sure that I’m ever going to be able to commit to anyone ever again. I don’t think it’s in me, Quinn.”

  “That’s just wrong, Kara. You and I both know what you want more than anything is to have a family like the one your parents have,” Quinn said gently.

  “I did, but I’ve resigned myself to a different path. I’m going to focus more on my art. I’ve put out my feelers to get a teaching job, as well. I really wanted to raise children, but if I can’t do that, influencing young minds should help feed that need.” Quinn listened to her voice. There was some enthusiasm at the prospect of teaching, but nothing like the joy she used to express when talking about having a family of her own.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “I suppose.”

  “Is it really because of the experience you had with Ben and me that you decided a relationship isn’t in your future?”

  He watched her apply the sealer to the painting as she gave consideration to his question. She turned to look at him. “Actually, after the two of you, I thought I could have a relationship. It was the past year of dates that convinced me that it wasn’t in the cards. God, Quinn, how could I go through so many men and not want them? I think there’s something wrong with me. Even with Jim I was just settling. I think it’s best if I just focus on my art.”

  “That’s what I don’t get, Kara. You know you had feelings for us. Why not give it another try? You know damn well we want to.” Quinn couldn’t keep the frustration out of his voice.

  Kara gave him a fierce look. “Okay, here it is. When I put the hurt aside, I really don’t think you will ever be a true partner. I don’t think you will ever truly lean on either Ben or me.”

  Quinn nodded. He had thought that was the obstacle.

  “I’m so sorry, Quinn. I know you have the best intentions, but you won’t be able to help yourself. Something will come up and you’ll think you know what’s best for everyone. Or something will happen, and you’ll go into your cave instead of asking for help.”

  Quinn reached out, and tucked an errant strand of hair behind Kara’s ear and smiled at her. “I think you’re wrong, baby. What’s more, if you ask Ben, you’ll find that he thinks you’re wrong, as well. But only time will tell.” He leaned in and gave her a warm kiss, and was relieved when she parted her lips and kissed him back.

  * * * *

  “Your man looks awfully good tonight,” Ilsa said as she shared a plate of food with her daughter.

  “Yes, he does,” Kara said as she watched Quinn talking to Dale Hart. He was wearing the same suit he had had on the night of the party, only with an ice-blue shirt underneath. He looked even better this time.

  “So, you admit he’s your man?” Ilsa probed with a delighted smile. Kara looked over at her mother with saucer eyes in surprise.

  “Mom, why are you sounding so happy? I thought we both agreed that they, especially Quinn, were in the doghouse?”

  “Because you have been unhappy for almost two years. Because they are good men who actually moved down here to be with you. The fact that they came to our house and declared their intentions to your dads and I when they moved here certainly didn’t hurt either. I like them, Kara, and I think you love them.”

  “Are you telling tales out of school, love?” Conn asked his wife as he stole a shrimp off of their plate.

  “Hey, Papa, why didn’t you tell me that Quinn and Ben came to visit you?” Kara asked.

  “Because they asked us not to,” Conn explained as he stole another shrimp. “As they said, it was always going to be up to you whether you were going to take them back.”

  “We still have issues, Papa,” Kara warned her father.

  “He’s a smart man, with a lot of incentive. He’ll figure it out.”

  “Plus, he has an even smarter brother who will kick his ass if he takes too long.” Kara slapped Ben’s hand as he tried to snag the last shrimp off her plate. “Do you mind if I steal your daughter for a little bit?” Ben asked her parents.

  “Just bring her back when you’re done. We don’t get to see her except on Sundays,” Conn griped.

  “I will, Mr. Johansen,” Ben promised as he steered Kara away. “It’s a pretty night. Do you want to go for a walk on the dock?” Kara took another look at Quinn, saw that he was still talking to Dale, and agreed.

  It was quiet out in the marina, and she enjoyed it when Ben wrapped his arm around her as they continued to walk. “I’m going up to Sitka in a couple of days.”

  “Why, is everything okay?” Kara didn’t like the idea of Ben being gone. She supposed that told her a lot, right there. It was just like she had involuntarily told her mother, she was back to thinking of these men as hers. But at the same time, what she had told Quinn was the truth, and until that was dealt with, she was unwilling to commit to them. She looked sideways at Ben and found him smiling down at her.

  “What?” she asked in a disgruntled tone.

  “You like me. You’re going to miss me.”

  “Maybe I am. So what?” He stopped, and turned her so they were facing one another.

  “So, everything. So, when I get back from Sitka, we’re going to have a long talk, you, me, and Quinn, and we’re going to get this settled.” He reached up, cupped the back of her head, and wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her close. Before she even had a chance to think, let alone react, his mouth was descending and her lips were parting. Even when they were making love—scratch that, even when they were fucking—she had never felt so taken, so overwhelmed. Ben was claiming her as his. There was no doubt in her mind that he was telling her in no uncertain terms that they were going to be together for the rest of their lives, and she could do nothing else but agree.

  When he finally released her, she was unsteady, but he held her.

  “You understand me, don’t you, Kara?”

  “Yes, Ben.” What else could she say? “But, Quinn—”

  “You’re wrong about Quinn. You’ll figure it out. Everything’s going to be fine. We’re all going to be okay. I’ll be back on Wednesday. I just need to get some papers signed over for the business, and then we’re here p
ermanently, okay, Kachawli?” Kara looked up at him in a daze and could do nothing more than nod. It was going to be all right. It was finally going to be all right.

  “Let’s get you back to your parents, shall we?” Ben wrapped his arm around her and guided her back to the boat. She leaned against him, reveling in his strength.

  Chapter 14

  Kara raced to the truck that pulled up to the fence. It had skidded to a halt, and that just wasn’t the way Quinn drove. Both dogs were barking madly as she yanked open the gate and rushed around to the driver’s-side door. After everything, Quinn still hadn’t gotten out of the vehicle. Things just weren’t adding up. Jerking the door open, she watched as he slowly lifted his head from the steering wheel and looked at her. His eyes were dazed with grief.

  “Baby, what is it?” She reached in and stroked his arm. He just continued to look at her like he didn’t even know who she was. “Quinn?” She still didn’t get a response.

  Kara got up and stood on the running board and put her arms around him, and whispered in his ear. “It’ll be all right.” She prayed she wasn’t lying. She prayed with every part of her being that this wasn’t about Ben, but instinctively she knew it couldn’t be. He would have been comforting her.

  “Quinn! You need to get out of the truck.” When he just continued to stare at her, she stepped back down and pulled at him, relieved when he followed her. She shut the door behind him and twined her fingers through his. She pulled him with her as she enclosed the dogs back behind the fence and took him up the front porch to the house.

  She got him situated on the couch, found the scotch he liked, poured a healthy glass for him, and brought it back. When she got back, he was sitting with his forearms resting on his knees, his head hanging between them.

  “Here, Quinn, drink this.” She tried to hand him the drink. He looked at her and then the glass.


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