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The Last Holidays

Page 18

by Grover Young

  Hobbling along on with my cane, I looked up into the snowy sky, enjoying the simple pleasure of being me and standing on my own two feet. I'd spent a few moments as Halcyon to clear and open our makeshift hanger's doors, but it was nice just to spend time as me. Doc had given me the okay to actually stand and walk about, although he stressed I wasn't done with the Chair yet, even after the next scheduled treatment. It was still accelerating my healing, but he might've been alluding to me getting busted up again in the coming operation, oh joy.

  On the other hand, I could use the excuse that this 'demonstration' of mine was contributing to our plans. Forget that I was just enjoying being as close to 'normal' as I could be these days. That was my story and I was sticking to it!

  One of the other reasons was so I could give Halcyon as much time on the clock as I could. That didn't stop me from arranging a surprise for Sheila. Besides, I knew she'd followed through on her threat of embarrassing and intimate gifts. It was only fair that I have something 'special' prepared for her in return.

  The snow was coming down in those huge wet flakes that kinda crashed and broke apart on landing. However, I wasn't worried about getting snowed in. This time transportation out had been arranged for us. It meant that I could simply just stand here in the snow enjoying the peace and quiet.

  Not having Halcyon's jeweled eyes to help, Tash and crew got a lot closer before I spotted them. Smiling, I waved, even as my left hand was on my Q-Box button. Far too much was on the line for me to risk they might be pulling a preemptive counter-offense.

  Thankfully, nothing of the sort happened. This time it was only Tash and Ralt strolling down their 'boat's' ramp. I thought I might know why. NATO forces in Europe had squashed the Sha'leian Fortress in Balboa, Spain just a few days ago. German Griffin Panzers and the British Cataphract plasma cannon armed heavy tanks had crushed their robotic opponents.

  LA's defenders, on the other hand, were very aggressively making it known that any 'bots or drones crossing the city limits weren't leaving in one piece. Using the opportunity that the world wide offensive would prevent other beachhead attempts, the Army had poured their reserves, the 1st Cavalry and the 7th infantry Divisions which were being joined by the Marines 4th Division, into the defense for the city. Both of those latter two units had been equipped with the newest weapons out of Research and Development. Hopefully, the damn things would work as well on the battlefield as they did in testing.

  The Russians and the Ukrainians were doing their part too. The Black Sea Fleet, being well aware of how groups of vessels were targeted, had been making solo sorties, shelling and launching missiles in a steady stream into the Yalta Fortress, while their land forces positioned themselves.

  Not to be left out, India and China were also getting ready to drop their own hammers, while probing their own Sha'leian squatter's defenses.

  All of these were designed to slowly amp up the pressure, making our unwanted guests look, we hoped, in the wrong direction.

  “Welcome!” I greeted, giving them that open palm over the chest Sha'leian salute.

  “You are injured?” Tash asked, returning my gesture.

  “The fortunes of war,” I smiled, holding up my cane, “As we say on Earth, you should see the other guy.”

  “Actually, we have,” Ralt replied, sealing the hatch of their saucer, “You are a formidable warrior. However, we have learned that underestimating any of your people at all is a mistake.

  He and I exchanged our own salutes, but he did so with such respect, I was really wondering. Had it been him who'd been controlling that 'bot that had the chance to finish me, but had instead let me live?

  “I think we have wandered into those uncomfortable topics,” Tash reminded us, “Today is supposed to be about love, not war!”

  “I couldn't agree more!” laughing, I led our guest through the snow to the warmth, gently clearing my feet of snow before going inside. With my injured legs, stomping them clean was a no-no.

  “Since chocolate is such a staple on Valentine's, we thought that's where we would begin,” Sheila greeted us with mugs of hot coco, “Like coffee, it is naturally rather bitter, and is usually sweetened with sugar or honey. I prefer the honey when I can get it.”

  Our 'sponsors' had come through big time. We had chocolates and more real food instead of Blue Soylent. Of course, flowers were outright impossible given our current ice age, but Sheila had come to the rescue again.

  As a mother, grandmother and great grandmother, she was very familiar with all the arts and crafts stuff for kids. She'd set up 'kits' where we could join along as she demonstrated all the Great Depression short-cuts for crafting paper hearts, valentines and even flowers. Her clever fingers created all kinds of colorful decorations right before all of our eyes.

  Dean's 'hearts' turned out lopsided and mine were rather 'fat', but I wasn't too concerned. It was the thought that counted.

  “Our school children make decorations like these,” she smiled, explaining, “Then they give the valentines to each other, sometimes with a personal message and sometimes without.”

  “As we grow older,” my eyes found hers, “they're given to those you truly like or as we say in my part of the country, you're sweet on.”

  “We also have something like this.” Tash examined his own attempt at the paper cut-outs, “The difference is that rarely is one person singled out as being 'liked'. It is groups of five to six that roughly are like your families. Instead of monogamy, such as the majority of humans practice, ours could be described as group marriages.”

  “Most of the time our families have equal numbers of both male and female sexes, but not always. There are those who fall mid-way between the two definitions. Those are considered very lucky and fortunate for the family whom they marry,” Ralt said.

  “Your own situation,” Tash laughed, “being of both sexes, would make you sought after among us for that reason, but your quantum warrior status would terrify many.”

  I blushed. While recovering, I'd actually looked forward to the times of being Halcyon. The freedom of being able to move about, as well as the lack of pain and discomfort were heaven. It'd surprised the hell out of me that I was getting used to being a seven foot tall, outrageously proportioned golden woman. The getting stared at, never, but the other things, well, I was getting there.

  There were smiles and laughs as she passed out the valentines, like we were in grade school again. Of course mine had suggestive, if not naughty, messages from her.

  “Although Valentine's began as celebrating a Saint, it has grown to be a day for romance and lovers. Chocolate, stuffed animals and other small gifts are popular for the kids, while those for the adults can become more risqué. Of course in other countries, the way it's celebrated varies.” I moved us on to the next part of introducing Valentines to our Sha'leian guests.

  “Just friends who perhaps don't want to spend the holiday evening alone or simply enjoy spending time together without the expectations an intimate relationship brings,” Dean's wistfulness couldn't be missed, “might gift her with a small box of chocolates or a modest bunch of flowers.”

  He blushed just a tad presenting that box of candy he'd mentioned and a plastic flower he'd gotten from somewhere.

  “Thank you,” Tamara gave him a peck on the cheek. “Also, a small tasteful stuffed animal could be appropriate, depending on the girl. Tailoring your gift to the person you're giving it to, shows you care instead of just going through the motions.”

  “For those actually in, or wanting, an intimate relationship, much more is expected,” I said, with just a bit of a roguish smile, “Certainly the gifts need to be chosen carefully to show that 'caring' that Tamara talked about. However, playfulness is also nice. This is, after all, the person you've shared more with than any other person ever.

  “So yes, something that will make her laugh,” I grinned, “but yes, that thoughtful sentimental little thing that causes tears, because you remembered as well. However, th
e future must be included too, that promise that you'll be there.”

  I stepped out of sight to retrieve the huge bouquet of scented silk roses I'd hidden beforehand.

  “Oh my!” Sheila grasped, laughing, “Where did you ever find these?”

  With the world on a war economy, consumer goods weren't easy to come by.

  “It wasn't that hard,” I laughed along with her, “compared to these!”

  The box of gourmet chocolates had cost a pretty penny, but my military pay was just gathering dust since I had very little to spend it on. It was more having the connections to get hold of them that'd been the challenge, which was why I'd bought more than one box.

  She recognized the imported sweets at once.

  “You spent way too much!” Sheila accused me, even as her eyes sparkled at the very notion of how good that candy was going to taste.

  “As you can tell, it can get rather expensive.” I didn't try to hide that I was enjoying every bit of this.

  Tamara politely laughed and even Dean chuckled.

  “Now this is where it gets a little unfair,” Sheila said to our guests, “When just doing the friends thing, usually the women aren't expected to give a gift to the men. Sometimes, just a card is exchanged to let him know she is interested.

  “However, like with the guys, more is expected when we ladies go out shopping, if not as much,” she got that look, “Often times, its almost gag like gifts of an intimate nature, like themed boxers for him or sometimes something for her to wear for him. In this case, since as you say, my significant other can fit both roles, I did some of both.

  “Let's begin with the traditional chocolates.” She uncovered a dish she'd bought with us from base, “You're always telling me how much you like my cooking so, there. Of course, I made enough for everyone.”

  The home made brownies were cut to bite size, and that was a good thing. They were so dark and rich that I could only stand one small cube at a time. Hmmm, just the way I loved them!

  “The flowers thing was harder,” She giggled, “Craig just isn't the flowers kind of guy, and Halcyon doesn't really have anywhere to put them even if she did. So, I got my love this instead.

  “Happy Valentine's Day,” She handed me this small, gaily wrapped box.

  “In bygone times, it was very popular with soldiers to carry a locket, a keepsake, of the ones they loved,” Sheila explained as I puzzled out how to open the box.

  “In more modern times, the practice had fallen out of favor since worldwide communications weren't difficult.” She was clearly enjoying this, “However, with the present circumstances, it's not that easy now.”

  Tearing the paper to get to the jewelry box, I open it finding a copper bright heart shaped pendant. Instead of your usual jewelry styled chain, it had a heavier Dog-Tag style chain.

  Looking up, I saw her smiling eyes.

  “Go ahead and open it up,” she urged, “Rather than your usual precious metals, this pendant and chain are crafted of the same stuff used in Sha'leian robots. Considering the places my love walks, it needed to be made of the toughest stuff available.”

  Inside was a picture of the two us together taken at the Christmas Ball. I, Halcyon, was in that damn dress and heels. Although she also wore heels, Sheila barely came to my breasts, but that didn't keep both of us from smiling happily at the camera.

  “Thank you,” I hugged her, “you're the best.”

  “I want you to remember what you have waiting for you,” she whispered in my ear.

  Wisely, I kept my thoughts about how I really felt about wearing dresses to myself. The point is she was happy, and I'd had a good time too that night, dress or no dress.

  Parting, but still smiling, I turned to Tash and Ralt who had the most interesting expressions on their alien faces. We still had a long ways to go to truly understand them, but I'd come to recognize the inquisitive set of their eyes and feathery crests.

  “While things are changing, not so long ago, courting and courtship weren't too unlike the Sha'leian ones we've read about in Kzon's library. Marriages were carefully arranged business affairs,” I began.

  “It still is for us,” Tash answered, “Affairs of passion do occur, but it is reason and an appreciation for reality that governs mating.”

  “In some cultures, it remains true for us as well,” I nodded once again thinking of how we were more alike than most of us wanted to contemplate.

  “However, here in North America, it is the male who nearly always proposes to the female, and a few traditional minded will go so far to ask the head of the woman's household for permission.” Sheila's questioning eyes were wondering what in the world I was leading up to.

  “I'm going to quantum change now,” warning them, I pressed The Button.

  One of the advantages of my tablet and upgraded Q-Box control unit for my Skins is that I can pretty much design exactly the clothing program I want. However, not being a graphic designer, I settled for mixing and matching till I got what I wanted. It helped that the operating system was truly user friendly.

  I grew into Halcyon, but instead of my uniform just stretching with me, it changed too. The design had begun as a tuxedo, but one for a woman of my present voluptuous curves.

  Beginning at my feet, I had a copy of a pair of Christian Louboutin black patent pumps with lowest heels listed. I honestly had no idea about style, but I did recognize the name.

  Going up, I had on black leggings from Gucci which, again I knew only from the name. The form fitting material nicely highlighted my 'gams' as Sheila's generation would've called my legs.

  Next up got kinda tricky, because I couldn't really find anything I liked. The black dinner jacket was an open older style, complete with tails. The trick was the corset like waistcoat or maybe it was best said the corset served instead of a waistcoat.

  Above that had been even more of trial for me. I was pretty certain she would've preferred nothing else but cleavage. However, while I might've adjusted a lot more than I ever thought I could to this girl thing, I hadn't gotten that far!

  Since this was a takeoff on a tux, I added a ruffled white shirt that, although it did have a hole in it, the effect only teased at my golden tracts rather than display them. The sleeves extended out to the jacket's cuffs, but ended in more ruffles. Of course, the entire garment was topped by a black silk bow tie.

  Needless to say, my presentation had an effect.

  Tamara, giggling, smacked Dean who was staring. Both Sha'leians had their scanner-computer things out searching down the cultural relevance of my attire no doubt on their copies of the internet.

  Sheila's expression was a study. Some of it was 'you better not be doing what I'm think you're doing’, while another seemed to say, ‘Oh, yes, yes, yes!' if you know what I mean. Conflicted said it perfectly.

  “This is a female adaption of a formal male garment called a tuxedo or a tux for short,” I explained, doing a slow spin making my coat-tails swish.

  “Generally speaking, Valentine's day is not the day for engagements,” I smiled as Sheila's ratio shifted more to the 'better not' expression, “It is better for a day that the couple can claim as their own without any other holiday involved.

  “However, while I do have something very important to tell you,” I turned to her, “It is not that.”

  “Sheila,” I dropped down to one knee where I was still just about as tall than her, “in the short time I've known you, you've been a friend, confidant, therapist and even my stylist. You've accepted me even when I couldn't accept myself.

  “My love, you've shown me parts of myself that I didn't know existed,” I spoke, lost in her eyes, “but just as we were coming to know each other, duty and honor split us apart. You made me promise to return even as I have repeatedly gone into 'harm's way'.

  “I made that promise, although I know better than most how impossible it could be to keep it. With this present situation, I have no idea of where I might be sent or what I'll have to do,” Sighing,
I revealed a jewelry box of my own, “This is my pledge, my promise, that if there is any way possible I will come back to you.”

  With that, I opened the box presenting the contents for her.

  The pair of Titanium bracelets were set with diamonds and of course our birthstones. Her 'milk and honey' Cat's Eye for June was twinned with an Emerald for my birth in May.

  “Oh!” She narrowed her eyes, “what am I going to do with you?”

  “Accept?” I suggested, raising a brow.

  Smiling, she held out her hand.

  Carefully, I put hers’ on, and then held my hand out so she could put mine on. The one for me was bigger, but also had concealed stretchable links so it could expand when I grew and contract back when I returned to normal.

  We kinda got a little lost in each other’s eyes for a few moments. However, Tamara picked up our slack.

  “The true romantic will look for some way to ask that question that is sweet and unforgettable,” she added to what I'd said about engagements, “The trick is to have sounded her out about the possibility and, if her reaction seems positive, to ask her in a way that's a surprise.”

  “So, the female is expecting 'this' question?” Tash inquired.

  “Usually, yes,” Tamara answered, “modern dating tends to be a getting to know each other kind of affair. At some point, the couple knows their relationship is working or it's not.

  “Being human, we are prone to err,” Dean added, with some bitterness, “It's easy to misread people, even with those whom you're intimate. She can say no.”

  “There are times when one or the other is happy with the way things are,” Tamara nodded her agreement, “and don't want them to change. They're not ready for the other things marriage generally brings with it, like settling down, children and planning for the future together.”

  “And sometimes,” she sighed, “it's like with these two. They love each other. Their relationship is, by our standards, unconventional, but they make it work despite that. However, they also have other issues confronting them, not the least is that they're both in the military, in different services.


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