An Endless Kind of Love

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An Endless Kind of Love Page 11

by Krista Lakes

  “Do you think I could maybe borrow these clothes for a night?” she asked. “I can wash them and get them back to you tomorrow. I just really don’t want to put my wet clothes back on before I go home.”

  “Yes, of course,” he said. “I have a ton of clothes here and I kind of think that outfit looks better on you than me. Why don’t you just keep it?”

  She ran her hands down her sides. “Really? It’s so big on me.”

  Dylan shrugged. “I think it looks cute on you.” His eyes were warm on her, and she loved the way he looked at her.

  A few strands of her hair fell across her face, and she pushed them back over her ear. “Thank you.”

  She wasn’t sure what to do. Part of her felt like she should stand up from the table and tell Dylan how much she appreciated the hospitality, before heading back home. It would have been the proper thing to do. The only problem was that she really didn’t want to leave. She wanted to kiss him.

  “Let’s go to the living room. There’s a big comfy couch in there that we can relax on for a bit,” Dylan said, noticing her empty teacup. “Let’s let the rainstorm pass at least before you head out.”

  “That sounds good.” Bonnie stood up from her chair and took a step back, allowing Dylan to pass by. He smiled at her as he did, and their eyes locked for just a moment.

  That look of his, she thought. There’s just something in his eyes that I love so much. It just makes me trust him. Am I crazy, though? Am I crazy to allow myself to start falling for a guy here at the ranch? I mean I don’t even know how long I’ll be here. What if I go home sooner rather than later? What if he breaks my heart? What if, what if, what if...

  Bonnie’s mind whirled, but it didn’t stop her body from following Dylan to the living room.

  When they got there, he took a seat on the couch. Bonnie sat next to him, taking the opportunity to get close. The cushions pulled her in, and she let out a long, relaxed breath.

  “This feels nice,” she said, turning to look at Dylan.

  He seemed just as relaxed. He had one arm over the back of the couch and had already kicked his feet up onto the coffee table.

  The two of them sat close. Dylan became like a magnet to her body. She just wanted to touch him and to lose herself in him in a way that she didn’t quite understand. She snuggled into his shoulder with his arm draped over her. He was so warm. She felt like purring.

  “It’s a good thing you decided to stay,” Dylan said, pointing toward the window across from them. “Looks like the storm is just getting started.”

  “Oh, wow.” Bonnie’s jaw dropped as she looked out the window.

  Dylan wasn’t kidding. The storm that was brewing in the distance looked much worse than the one they’d just walked through. The clouds were so dark that virtually no sun was passing through them. Even though it was early afternoon, it started to look like late evening outside.

  The storm moved quickly, too. She watched as the storm crossed the sky in just a matter of moments. The rain came once again, though this time it was somehow more intense than the first.

  “This is insane,” she said, turning to face him.

  The only light in the room was that which came from the window, and since the sun was covered up, that didn’t really amount to much. Still, it was enough to illuminate Dylan’s gorgeous face. His dark hair was pushed over to the side, and there was stubble on his cheeks.

  They gazed at each other for just a moment. Then Bonnie heard an electric-sounding crackle outside. Before she could even turn to look, a lightning bolt hit a nearby tree. It sent a shock wave of energy toward them, and she screamed in surprise.

  Without even thinking about it, she jumped toward Dylan, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. Within a split second, she had brought her knees toward her chest and managed to get herself into a position where she was now curled up in his lap. Her eyes were wide with fright when she glanced up to Dylan.

  “Wow,” she said, her hands trembling. “That was close.”

  Dylan wrapped his arm around her, holding her against him. She could feel her own heart beating quickly in her chest. She didn’t know if the adrenaline that was pumping through her veins was caused by the nearby lightning strike or by the fact that she was now sitting on Dylan’s lap.

  “Sorry,” she said. “That scared me.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he replied. “I’ll be honest. It made me jump a little bit, too. That was about as close as it gets. I’m pretty sure it hit the tree right outside of the trailer.”

  Attraction crackled in the air between them. It was more powerful than the lightning outside.

  She knew what she wanted right then. It wasn’t just to kiss Dylan. She wanted to lower her walls down for someone. For the first time since her brother got in trouble, Bonnie felt like she had someone she could turn to. That alone caused the magnetic pull to increase in intensity.

  “Kiss me,” she said, but her words were so quiet that she didn’t know if any actual sound came out at all. It didn’t matter, though. Even if she’d only said it in her mind, Dylan still got the hint.

  They leaned toward each other, gently pressing their lips together. The simple kiss took Bonnie’s breath away and caused goose bumps to pop up on her skin.

  For a moment, time stopped. As she sat on Dylan’s lap, with her lips pressed to his, all of her cares flew out the window. It was just her and Dylan and the rain outside. Nothing else existed.

  Without pulling her lips away, Bonnie situated herself so that she was straddling over Dylan’s lap. She closed her eyes, letting touch be her only sense. She brought one of her hands up and placed it on his cheek. His beard stubble tickled her fingertips as she gently slid her hand down toward his neck. The smell of his cologne made its way into her nose. It was intoxicating, and she breathed it in, allowing the scent to turn her on.

  She felt Dylan’s hands as he placed them on her sides, just above her hips. He held her by her sides, with his strong but comforting grip. She felt safe with him.

  Bonnie gently broke the kiss. She could see her own reflection in his eyes. They were both breathing a little harder now. Her lips tingled from the kiss.

  Neither of them said a word. They just sat there, gazing at each other as though they were long lost lovers that were finally reunited. To Bonnie, it almost felt like she had known Dylan in a different life. It was as though she was meant to come to that farm and meet him. He was where she was supposed to be.

  Bonnie’s hands drifted up his arms, where she savored the feeling of his muscles as they flexed underneath her fingertips. She let herself focus on the feeling. There was no need to rush. She didn’t see the hurry or the need to force anything to happen that didn’t unfold naturally.

  She tilted her head, then parted her lips to allow his tongue in a bit further. A soft moan found its way out of her throat but was muffled by their kiss.

  Dylan’s breathing became heavier. She could feel his chest rising and falling against her own quick breaths. She could sense his passion and the lust behind his kiss.

  He placed his hand on her cheek and then gently cradled her chin between his thumb and forefinger. His touch sent a pleasurable chill through Bonnie, causing her to open her eyes.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

  She’d heard those words before, but never fully believed them. Dylan was genuine. He said it as though he were stating a simple fact like gravity pulls or the sky is blue. He really believed that Bonnie was beautiful.

  It was more than just his words that told her that, though. It was the way he held her like she was precious to him. It was also in his eyes. It was in the way he was looking at her right then. That look said more to her than words ever could.

  Dylan dropped his hand back down to her thighs. Then he slowly stood up from the couch, lifting Bonnie up as he did. She wrapped her legs around his waist, keeping her arms draped over his shoulders. She didn’t ask where he was taking her because she didn’t ca
re. As long as she was with him, she wouldn’t have even minded if he’d taken her outside into the middle of the storm.

  She leaned in and kissed his neck, breathing in the scent of his cologne once more. She loved the way it smelled. It was masculine and potent. She couldn’t get enough.

  Dylan carried her with ease across the living room. His muscular arms cradled her against his body as he made his way through the back door and into the master suite. Anticipation flowed through her.

  He carried her to the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed. She relaxed her arms above her head as she sunk into the down comforter. Dylan crawled over the top of her and leaned in. This time, he didn’t bring his lips to hers. Instead, he went right past them and kissed the outside of her neck, just below her ear.

  She closed her eyes halfway, overwhelmed by desire. Dylan continued kissing her neck, inching his lips downward toward the top of her shoulder. Meanwhile, her hands drifted up and down his muscular arms, almost as if they had a mind of their own. Her legs were still wrapped around his waist, too, and she was using them to pull Dylan closer to her.

  He moved slowly and sensually. There was no aggression in the way he touched her. It was gentle and calm. He moved as though there was no place in the world he would rather be right then. He made Bonnie feel like the center of his attention, which in turn made her feel sexier than she had felt in some time.

  She noticed that his breathing had become even heavier and there was a look of lust written across his face. His eyes had dilated a bit, and he clenched his jaw as he gazed at her. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  “Come here,” she said, placing a hand on his cheek and urging him to lean toward her.

  He didn’t hesitate to do as she asked. He leaned in, and two of them kissed again. This time, their tongues collided immediately, twisting into a sensual dance.

  The intensity between them increased with each passing second. She began to ache with anticipation and raw desire. She wanted to see and feel more of Dylan. She wanted him to sooth the desperation that now filled her.

  She broke the kiss and immediately realized that she was panting now. Her breaths were quick, mimicking the throbbing between her thighs. She wanted this. Even if she couldn’t keep it forever, she wanted this now.

  “Never leave, Bonnie,” he whispered, his voice raw.

  Bonnie parted her lips to respond, but before she could, Dylan leaned in and kissed her once more. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his touch. Any walls that she had had up, or any hesitations she’d been harboring, were now gone. She was ready and willing to give herself to him in every way.

  She dropped her hands down Dylan’s sides, gripping the bottom of his t-shirt. She pulled it up to his chest, then began feeling his bare stomach. The sensation of his muscular abdominal muscles underneath her fingers turned her on. It was like touching a washboard. Every muscle was defined and toned.

  Dylan broke the kiss and sat back on his heels to finished pulling his shirt off. Bonnie watched intently as he exposed his upper half. He tossed his shirt carelessly to the floor beside the bed and smiled. Her whole body trembled at his gaze.

  Dylan dropped down and began kissing Bonnie’s neck again. This time, her hands went to his back. She felt his flesh as she dragged her fingers downward along his shoulders and to his spine.

  He kissed downward toward her shoulder. Bonnie wanted him to go further, though. She wanted him to kiss her all over and was done wearing these over-sized clothes anyway.

  “Take my shirt off,” she said.

  It was supposed to come out sounding like a suggestion but ended up coming out more like a demand. Dylan sat up again and carefully peeled her t-shirt upward, exposing her belly. She bit her bottom lip as she watched him as if to subliminally tell him to keep going.

  He didn’t stop there. He continued pushing up her shirt until it slid over her breasts, exposing them to the air.

  “God, you’re gorgeous,” he whispered, as he looked Bonnie up and down. An aching hunger flashed in his eyes. She knew her own mirrored his.

  Dylan had her shirt bunched up at the top of her chest. She finished what he had started, grabbing the t-shirt and quickly pulling it over her head. She tossed it to the side.

  Now they were both topless. The kisses were better now that there was no cloth between them. Their flesh was pressed against each other. Her chest was touching his, and she could feel her nipples growing firm.

  Dylan felt it too, his hands holding on harder. She could feel him harden against her, pressing against her hips. She wanted more. She wanted all of him.

  “Yes,” she whispered, breaking the kiss. “Take me, Dylan.”

  The words just tumbled out of her mouth without much thought. It was almost as though the filter part of her brain had taken a vacation and the only part of it that was still working was the instinctual, carnal part.

  Dylan brought his lips to the front of her neck. He kissed each inch as he moved his face downward, between her cleavage. She glanced down, watching as he moved a bit to the right. Without any hesitation, he wrapped his lips around her nipple, sending another burst of pleasure into her.

  He let out a soft growl and then began to quickly move his tongue up and down, flicking it against her sensitive nipple. Waves of sensation washed over her, causing her jaw to clench and her back to arch. It felt so good being touched by him. If she had any cares left in her mind at that point, they were now long gone, washed down the gutters along with the rain.

  Dylan slowly pulled back. Her nipple popped out of his mouth, making a wet kissing sound as it did. He immediately moved his face over, giving equal pleasure to her other breast.

  She was breathing harder than before, her chest pressing into Dylan’s face with each inhale. The aching desire between her legs had no become a throbbing desperation. She wanted to have him inside of her so badly. Her body begged for it.

  Without even realizing what she was doing, she gently pressed onto the top of Dylan’s head, urging him to move his face down along her body. He didn’t resist at all. He pulled away from her other nipple, then brought his lips to the center of her chest. He then went straight down, kissing a line toward her belly button. When he got there, he glanced up at Bonnie with dark eyes of desire.

  His pupils were dilated, and the expression on his face told her how turned on he was. It seemed like he was ready to rip her pants off right there. Which she would have been fine with.

  They locked eyes for just a moment, then Dylan continued kissing downward. He stopped when he got to the elastic waist strap of her pajama pants and looked up. He waited for her nod to continue.

  Dylan pulled downward on the elastic strap, taking everything off. He peeled the clothing until it was wrapped around her knees. He gazed at her naked body and shook his head in awe. He didn’t say anything, though. He just admired her. She felt beautiful under his gaze.

  He lifted her legs up and slipped her clothing off, tossing it to the side with their shirts.

  He kissed the inside of her ankle, then slid his lips a little ways up her calf. He turned his head, bringing his mouth to her other leg. Back and forth he switched off, kissing the inner part of her leg and moving upwards with each movement. He passed her knees, then a moment later, was midway up the inside of her thighs.

  She could hear her heart beating now. It made a whooshing sound, as blood pumped past her eardrums. She was so turned on already that it felt like she could explode.

  Dylan took his time, kissing her legs all the way. He moved carefully, as though he was afraid he’d miss touching a single spot. She loved it, though. She loved the way he seemed to cherish her.

  By the time he got to the upper part of her thigh, she was squirming on the bed. All she wanted was for him to kiss her most sensitive area.

  “You’re killing me,” she said, with a groan. Her back arched, barely able to breathe with the sheer weight of desire pressing down on her.

  He glanced up at her
and smirked, then immediately dropped his face down between her legs. He gave her exactly what she wanted.

  Dylan darted his tongue out and tasted her. A burst of pleasure shuttered through her body. She leaned her head back, gripping the blanket beneath her. She closed her eyes, reveling in the pleasure he gave.

  He started slow, his hands holding her thighs as he sent wave after wave of pleasure directly into her core. He moved his tongue and teeth, finding new ways to make her cry out in ecstasy with every lick, suck, and nibble.

  Her eyes rolled up to the heavens, and her back continued to arch. She reveled in the sensations, letting her body relax into him and accept the pleasure he offered.

  He brought her to the tipping point. Her mind lost its hold on reality as she fell over into dizzy sweetness. Delicious oblivion swallowed her, and she cried out his name.

  Dylan pleasured her for a little longer, then finally pulled his face away. When Bonnie opened her eyes, she saw him crawl off the bed. He stood on the floor and slipped his thumbs into the waist of his own sweatpants.

  “Please, Dylan,” she groaned, releasing her grip from the blankets. Her release was not enough to satiate the hunger deep within her. She needed him. She needed him inside of her, filling her and joining them together.

  “I like the way you say my name.” Dylan slipped off his pants and kicked them to the side.

  Dylan grabbed a condom from the nightstand. In less than two breaths, he was back with her, pressed at her entrance. Around them, the air charged. There was a soft vibration running through her skin, calling him to her. She raised her hips, asking him without words to take her.

  “Please, Dylan,” she whispered again. His dark eyes ignited with desire. Hunger and need filled his face as he pressed forward. She gasped as he filled her. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. The desperate throbbing between her legs had ceased and was replaced with an overwhelming pleasure.

  He rocked into her, groaning with the pleasure of it. Dylan placed his hands onto the bed, just above Bonnie’s shoulders. The soft light caressed the flexed muscles of his shoulders and biceps, accenting his strength around her.


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