An Endless Kind of Love

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An Endless Kind of Love Page 16

by Krista Lakes

“You’re far too overdressed,” he complained, tugging at the straps of her dress. She shimmied out of it without protest, barely breaking the kiss. He undid the buttons on his shirt and took it off.

  The air was warm against her skin. It felt good to be naked in the humid twilight. Moonlight shone down on them, making everything glow with its magic.

  She couldn’t stop touching him. The moment she paused and looked up at him, she lost her breath. His tanned skin displayed every toned muscle to perfection. His eyes met hers, dark and hungry.

  His mouth covered hers again and she lost herself to the feel of his skin against hers. He dipped his head and slid his lips down her throat. Every nerve ignited with his touch, driving her wild. Every touch, every kiss made her frantic for more.

  His fingers worked at her bra, finally managing the straps and pulling it free. She loved the male noise of appreciation as his hands cupped her breasts. His rough fingers teased her nipples before sliding down and holding onto the bare skin of her hips.

  He didn’t stop there. He hooked his nimble fingers on the lace of her panties and tugged. She kicked them free once they were around her ankles.

  “Your turn,” she told him, her hands already at his waist and working the button on his pants. He gently moved her hands and undid the buttons. She was grateful that he could do it so much faster since they were his own.

  He stood there in the moonlight, naked before her and she lost her breath. There was no one for miles, yet being outside in the night air had a delicious naughtiness that only added to the play of before. They were being sneaky and bad.

  She loved it.

  “Bonnie.” He said her name again, his voice strained with desire as he looked at her. She’d never felt so sexy in her entire life. Dylan could make any woman with a pulse feel sexy, but she also felt safe with him. Sexy and safe. It was a heady combination.

  He reached for her, threading his hands through her hair as he kissed her. She tipped her face up to meet his, finding his lips and tongue. He was delicious. Everything about him tasted and felt good. His hands roamed down her sides, down to her backside, pulling her into him. She could feel how hard and excited he was.

  If that didn’t make her feel wanted, nothing would.

  She raised her leg, lifting it to wrap around him. She felt him surge against her, seeking entrance. He was nearly home free, and she wanted him inside of her. She needed him to complete her.

  He knew what to do. Without letting her go, he slid into place. She sighed with contentment, then moaned as he filled her to depth she didn’t know she possessed. He plunged into her, and she held onto him for dear life. Every moment was a step toward heaven.

  She couldn’t hold the position for long, though. As much as she wanted to be a sex goddess, she was only human and her balance only decent. She had a better idea, though.

  She dropped her leg and stepped back, giving him a coy smile as she walked to the balcony. She carefully placed both hands on the white iron railing and then looked over her shoulder. His eyes dilated, and she could have sworn he started to drool.

  His body was hot against hers as he found his way back to her. His heat and the New Orleans’ summer was enough to give her a fever. She moaned softly as he filled her, merging his heat with hers. The soft, warm breeze danced over the two of them.

  Her knuckles went white as she lost herself to the pleasure only he could give her. He controlled their movements, and he knew what he was doing. Every motion, every inch was a little bit of heaven.

  “Bonnie,” he growled, his voice primal.

  “Do it,” she gasped. She was on birth control. She trusted him. She wanted this.

  Together they flew. Together they flew over the edge into complete pleasure, losing themselves and finding the other. Everything merged. Everything was perfect for an indescribable moment of bliss.

  Her knees were weak as she came down off her high. Dylan wrapped his arm around her, holding her up as much as keeping himself steady. He was her anchor in a spinning world of wonderful over-stimulation.

  “You kill me,” he whispered, his breathing rough as he bent his head to her back. She stood up slowly and turned to face him.

  His eyes were bright in the moonlight. Sweat glistened on his skin as his chest muscles flexed with every breath. She had thought she was satisfied a moment ago, but seeing him like this revved her engine to maximum yet again.

  “You’re not dead yet,” she told him, taking his hand. “But I’m going to send you to heaven anyway.”

  She led him back into the bedroom and dropped him off at the bed.

  “Again?” he asked. He looked surprised and pleased at the same time.

  “I guess those oysters worked,” she teased. “I plan on enjoying you just as much. We have all night.”

  She knelt on the bed and licked her lips before leaning over him. She wanted to taste him now.

  “I knew you’d like the food here,” he said, groaning as she did just that.

  Chapter 30


  Bonnie woke up the next morning to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. She was perfectly comfortable and didn’t want to move. At the same time, though, the idea of coffee sounded pretty amazing.

  After a while, she finally opened her eyes. The sun was pouring in through the bedroom window, brightly illuminating the room.

  It must be late morning, she thought. That’s weird. I never sleep in. Am I actually feeling relaxed for once, that my mind let me catch some much-needed sleep? If no, then this vacation is already the best thing I’ve done for myself in years.

  She glanced over to the opposite side of the bed where Dylan had slept that night. He wasn’t there, though. However, there was something in his place.

  Bonnie kicked off the covers and reached over to the other side of the bed. Folded neatly on top of the blanket was a beautiful sundress. She picked it up and let it unfold in front of her.

  The blue fabric was soft and light- perfect for a day out in the New Orleans’ heat. There was a flowery pattern stitched into the material of the dress, and by the look of it, it was hand-stitched. It was even prettier than the one from the night before.

  A small piece of paper had fallen out of the dress, and she noticed it for the first time. She picked it up and read what was scribbled in black ink.

  Good morning, Beautiful. I hope you slept well. I also hope you like your new dress. Come downstairs when you wake up. I have lots more surprises for you today.

  She grinned as she read the note as she held the dress. He knew she didn’t have many clothes since she was on the run and living out of her car. The beautiful dresses he had given her were such perfect gifts. She couldn’t wait to thank him.

  Bonnie got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. She figured that she might as well get ready for the day before heading downstairs. Plus, she really wanted to try on the new dress and show it off to Dylan right away.

  She turned on the shower and stepped into the hot water. She could still smell the coffee wafting all the way from downstairs, and enjoying a cup of it sounded better and better. She’d heard wonderful things about the chicory coffee that New Orleans was famous for. She couldn’t wait to try it.

  After her shower, she dried her hair then quickly got dressed. As soon as she pulled the summer dress up onto her shoulders, she walked over to the large mirror in the bathroom. Her smile widened the moment she saw herself in it. It was officially one of the most beautiful dresses she had ever tried on. It fit her perfectly. It seemed to hide the curves of her body that she hated and accentuated the ones that she loved. She couldn’t wait to wear it on whatever adventures Dylan had planned for that day.

  A quick check on her phone showed a message from Mia. For a moment, her heart sank, thinking something might be wrong. When she opened it up, a beaming picture of little Tyson filled her screen. “Someone just wanted to let you know that he missed you.” It made her smile, and she quickly sent a messag
e back saying that she and Dylan both missed him as well.

  Dylan and his grandfather were downstairs talking in the kitchen. She could hear them speak, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. It was mostly their laughing that caught her attention, though. Something about hearing that made her feel calm. It reminded her when she was younger, and she’d wake up early to hear her parents chatting over coffee in the morning. Something about it was nostalgic.

  After taking one last look in the mirror, Bonnie headed downstairs. When she turned the corner into the kitchen, she saw Dylan and his grandfather sitting at the round, white table at the far end of the kitchen. They sat next to each other, with the newspaper opened up in front of them on the table. Both of them had a cup of coffee in their hand, and they were laughing to themselves as they read something in the paper.

  “They’re going to make it to the series, PawPaw,” Dylan said. “They’re a hell of a team. Ever since they got that new pitcher, they’ve been unstoppable.”

  “I can’t believe it,” PawPaw said, shaking his head. “Well, it’s nice to see the underdog team have a chance. That’s all I can say.”

  Bonnie took another step further toward them and cleared her throat. Both of the men looked up from their newspaper. Dylan’s eyes widened the moment that he saw Bonnie.

  “Good morning, Beautiful,” Dylan said, standing up from his seat. “I see you found the dress.”

  “Yes, and what you think?” she asked while twirling around once to show it off to them.

  “I think you look amazing.” Dylan approached her and pulled her in for a hug, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before releasing her.

  “You look cute as a button,” PawPaw said to Bonnie. “In fact, I’d say are the prettiest girl this side of the Mississippi. Although, I do wonder something.”

  “What’s that?” Bonnie asked.

  “Should I be proud or should I be concerned at how good Dylan is at picking out dresses?” PawPaw said, with a mischievous grin.

  His comment made Bonnie laugh out loud.

  “Very funny, PawPaw,” Dylan said, with a chuckle. “I promise that I’m not good at picking out dresses. It’s just that Bonnie makes anything look good.”

  “Thank you,” Bonnie said, her cheeks tingling as she blushed from the comment. “I love the dress, Dylan.”

  “Come join us for breakfast,” PawPaw said, motioning Bonnie over to the table. “Have a cup of chicory with us before you head out for the day.”

  “That sounds great,” Bonnie said. “I’ve heard good things about chicory coffee.”

  She sat down next to the old man, while Dylan fixed everyone a fresh cup of the coffee and chicory blend. He wore a white button-down shirt with gray slacks that accentuated his trim figure. He had the cuffs rolled up on the shirtsleeves, displaying his strong forearms.

  “What do you two have planned for the day?” PawPaw asked as he patted the top of Bonnie’s hand, just like her own grandfather used to do.

  “It’s a surprise,” Dylan said, setting the coffee down onto the table. He put out some scones and muffins for Bonnie as well. “I’ve got some fun things planned for us, though.”

  “When you guys get back, we can all sit around and tell embarrassing stories about Dylan from when he was a kid.” PawPaw flashed a wink.

  “You promise?” Bonnie asked, peeling open a muffin and taking a bite. “Because I’d like to hear some of those.”

  “Trust me,” Dylan said. “You don’t want to hear any of those.”

  “When he was seven years old, he decided to run away from home,” PawPaw began.

  “And we’re going to be late if we don’t get going,” Dylan interrupted, making PawPaw laugh.

  “Let the lady finish her muffin,” PawPaw chastised, but he had a grin on his face.

  “So, Dylan was running away from home?” Bonnie prompted. Dylan made a sour face at her, which she just grinned at.

  “Yes. He was darn determined, too. He’d just been told he was getting a little sister,” PawPaw told her. “He packed up his backpack with everything he thought he’d need. He had apple juice, some cheese crackers, bug spray, and his teddy bear.”

  “Dylan had a teddy bear?” Bonnie asked, grinning as she ate her muffin.

  “His name was Frank,” PawPaw informed her. “He got as far as Elm Street before he decided that living with PawPaw was a better option. So, he came straight back and told his mother he was no longer running away, but instead, he was going to live with me. They could keep his sister.”

  “Mom was not pleased,” Dylan said, taking a sip of coffee. “Dad thought it was hilarious.”

  “But now you and your sister get along just fine,” PawPaw replied. He nodded as he spoke. “He was a good kid.”

  “I can believe that.” Bonnie smiled at the two of them. “So, what’s my surprise, Dylan?”

  Dylan grinned. “You’re just going to have to come with me to find out.”

  “Happily,” she agreed. “PawPaw, are you coming with us?”

  “Not today,” he said. “I’m in charge of dinner. You two be home on time. I’m making étouffée. It’s one of Dylan’s favorites.”

  “PawPaw makes the best in the whole world,” Dylan agreed. “I’m already looking forward to it.”

  “I can’t wait,” Bonnie assured him. She was looking forward to dinner now, too. “Thank you for breakfast.”

  The older man smiled, looking remarkably like his grandson. “You are most welcome.”

  “Thanks, PawPaw,” Dylan said, standing from the table. “We’ll be back in a bit.”

  PawPaw nodded and sipped at his coffee as Bonnie and Dylan got up and headed out the front door. A limo was waiting for them outside. Bonnie was glad to see the windows were tinted and impossible to see inside. The driver hopped out and held the door open for the two of them.

  “Where are we going?” Bonnie asked, settling herself in the limo. She still wasn’t used to being shuttled around in such a fancy car. She knew that Dylan had driven her in a more expensive car, but somehow the limo felt more extravagant.

  “We’re going to see the city,” Dylan informed her.

  “Dylan, I can’t.” Frustration started to form, and she lost her smile. “I can’t go into the city.”

  “No one will see you, I guarantee it,” he told her with a grin.

  She was curious now. She crossed her arms but leaned back in her seat. “How?”

  “Because we’re going by helicopter.” He grinned.

  “Helicopter?” Her arms fell as Dylan nodded.

  “Private helicopter and then an airboat ride,” he told her. “You’ll get to see the city without ever setting foot in a crowd. Then we’ll see some ‘gators.”

  Bonnie leaned over and kissed him. He had found a way to show her the city he loved without putting her at risk. She would be able to see New Orleans and without fear of being seen by the Trio.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you for this.”

  He grinned. “Just wait until dinner.”

  The Crescent City was beautiful. The way the Mississippi wound through the city, the beautiful old buildings and even the city skyline were all breathtaking. Bonnie felt like she really did get to have a taste of New Orleans as they flew through the city.

  The helicopter was so much fun. She’d never been in one before, and she vastly preferred it to a plane, even Dylan’s private jet. She loved being able to hover over something and really be able to get a good look.

  She couldn’t wait until she could come back and explore the city on foot after the trial. There were so many places that she wanted to see the inside of, and she wanted to meet the people dancing on the street and throwing beads at tourists.

  The helicopter didn’t bring them back to the airport. Instead, it brought them out into the deep bayou where an air-boat was waiting to take them. Dylan greeted the captain and introduced him to Bonnie.

  “So, how does this work?” Bonnie asked
, climbing into the boat. The boat was small with just two seats and a captain’s chair behind them. A giant fan sat on the back of the boat.

  “Have a seat, and I’ll show you,” Captain Lafayette told her. He handed her a headset once she was settled next to Dylan in the two chairs.

  The engine roared to life, and suddenly Bonnie understood the need for the headsets. The sound of the fan vibrated through the entire boat.

  “This engine allows us to go in shallow water a normal boat engine can’t go in,” Captain Lafayette explained through the headset. She was impressed that he’d answered her question without her having to ask it. “There’s no operating parts under the water, so we don’t have to worry about getting stuck.”

  He pulled the boat out onto the river. The sky was crystal blue, and the bayou was calling them. Dark trees covered in Spanish moss rose out of the murky edges of the river to greet them. Herons flew overhead and everywhere Bonnie looked there was life.

  “Look over there,” Dylan said through the headset. He pointed at the river bank where a massive alligator slowly lumbered into the water. Bonnie’s jaw dropped. She hadn’t expected to see one that big this close to civilization.

  Bonnie settled in and watched the river transform into life. The river was green and brown, and then it meandered off into the trees. Everywhere she looked, she could see birds, turtles, alligators, and fish. She didn’t know just how alive the bayou was until that very moment.

  It was stunning, and Bonnie could see exactly why Dylan loved this place.

  She loved PawPaw and his relationship with Dylan. She knew she was special since Dylan was choosing to share the person he respected most with her. She knew it was love.

  She reached over and took his hand. He looked up from the water and grinned at her. Hope shone in his eyes as she smiled back. He was showing her his world. It meant everything to her. This was what was important to him and being out here meant more to her than any gaudy trip to LA or New York City ever could.


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