Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm

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Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm Page 7

by Saxon Andrew

  “I am.”

  “And if I tell you that I will not accept this decision?”

  “We will do whatever you decide.”

  Cassie listened to them and remembered Danielle’s words, she said, “You said the biggest mistake you made was thinking that more powerful psychic powers allowed one to see the truth more clearly. You said you were wrong in that judgment.”

  Trey looked at Cassie as she repeated Danielle’s words and desperately looked in his mind at all the possible choices that could be made and couldn’t see the path to follow. Cassie slowly shook her head and said, “I don’t see it either.”

  Trey was fuming. He wanted Jake to be punished and Jake’s sorrow now was just too little too late to remove that desire. He thought about what his family would have done and then he saw his grandfather and Grang. He immediately saw his adopted Father kneeling in front of Scotty begging for death. Scotty refused Grang that mercy and forgave him. What he had done was much worse to Scotty than Jake had done to him. Trey looked at Jake and said, “You will atone for your actions! If you do nothing else in your life, you will strive to balance your debt!” Trey took a deep breath and said, “It will be done as you say, Danielle. We’re leaving for the Empire and you can join us there when you’re ready.”

  Danielle saw Trey’s struggle and knew he was stronger for it, “Will you do one thing for me?”

  “What is that?”

  “I need you to bring Weed and Seed here as quickly as possible.”

  “Why do you need them?”

  “Because the Algeans and Spiders will be coming here quickly and I need them to help me kick some sense into them.” Danielle paused, “I would have thought you would want to see that happen.”

  Cassie started laughing again and said, “You can leave if you want to, Trey but I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

  Trey stared at Danielle, “How are you going to do that?”

  “I’m not, Jake is.”

  Jake jerked his head up, “I’m what?”

  Trey said, “This I will stay to see. Greyson.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  “Not you, too.”

  “Oh yes.”

  “Timmy, will you and Virze go with Greyson and get Weed and Seed and bring them here.”

  “On our way.”

  Jake looked at Danielle, “What is it that I am going to do?”

  Danielle told him while Cassie and Trey went to a chair and smiled. This was going to be fun. It wouldn’t take long for the festivities to start.

  Cassie yelled over to Danielle, “What are you going to do after this?”

  “I thought we were going to the universes the Demon Ships are currently invading and say hello.”

  Trey chuckled and said, “Boy! You can really see the big picture.”

  Tag said, “You’ve got that right.”

  Danielle thought where everyone could hear her, “Cassandra, I need you and the Kosiev to come to Ross. I also want you to join us in the Throne Room.”

  “Do you really need me, Danielle?”

  “More than you know.”

  “We’ll be there momentarily.”

  • • •

  “Edison, I need you to come and see me.”

  “What’s on your mind, Twig?”

  “The Demons are coming and you are going to be their first target.”

  “I’m glad you see that. We do currently occupy their former family’s home and this will be their first stop. Do you have a plan?”

  “No, I don’t and all of these Searchers are worthless in protecting us. I’ve reviewed the recordings of the original battle and even the Psychic Ships would have lost if not for the Kosiev. The Demon’s ships will destroy everything if they come here. We’ve got to go and ask Danielle what she is doing to protect the Realm and what we should do.”

  “You felt her thoughts. She has no love for us and I doubt she will offer us any assistance. Her anger was real.”

  “Then you decide what we should do and if you don’t have a plan, we’ll try my way first. Do you have a plan?”

  “No, but I’m reluctant to join you in this.”

  Twig saw it then, “Edison, Danielle was right. We are no longer bound by a common destiny. Our decisions long ago broke what held us together. You do not trust me and you must be thinking you should only take care of your species. Am I wrong?”

  There was a long period of silence and Twig waited for him to respond. “Twig, we know that you will take care of yourself first. Our safety is not your primary concern.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I never expected you to admit it.”

  “Our original decision to leave the Realm behind makes that obvious; Edison, you and I may be on different paths but you need to ask yourself a question.”

  “What is that?”

  “If the Demons can see us wherever we choose to hide, what made Danielle think she could protect her galaxy by moving it. Do you know the answer to that question?”

  “It really didn’t make sense. They’ll see the Realm no matter where they move it.” After another pause Edison said, “She must know something we don’t, although I can’t think of what it could possibly be. You’re right, we’re missing something. What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to go ask her why she requested the move. I was thinking you would want to be there with me.”

  “What ship do you want to take?”

  “We’ll go in mine.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I talk with Destiny and the Nest Mother. They have some questions about what’s happening.”

  “You may want to have them come with you.”

  “Perhaps you’re right and it may be I’ll not be given a choice in the matter. I’ll let you know as soon as they decide.”

  Twig waited and thought about Sprig. She remembered him running from Wes on the Megaship Dorg-Ross. She smiled and then remembered Tommy and Cassandra helping them so long ago. Such wonderful memories; where had everything gone so wrong? Where had they lost their way?

  • • •

  Trey sat at a table in the Map Room in Castle Gardner and listened to Jingo and Grang argue about the Realm’s return. Paul and TK listened in and both were trying not to laugh. Jingo would go on for ten minutes and Grang would respond with a short sentence which only got Jingo started all over again. Timmy and Virze had teleported in with Weed and Seed. Junior teleported down from the Robbins and met them in the Map Room.

  Virze hugged her son and said, “It’s so good to see you. My how you’ve grown. How are things going?”

  “The Robbins has performed beyond my expectations. We have a good crew.”

  “Do you want to have your own ship?”

  Junior smiled, “No, this is where the real action will take place. This ship will ultimately determine the fate of the empire. They need me on the Robbins.”

  Junior looked across the room and saw Cassandra sitting by herself near the Gardners. He excused himself and went over to her, “Excuse me but you’re Cassandra Gardner, aren’t you?”

  Cassandra looked up at the tall young man and nodded.

  “I’ve studied the history of the Realm since I was five years old and you and your husband have always been an example of what I’ve always wanted to be when I grew up. I am honored beyond words to have this opportunity to meet you. I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I would.”

  Cassandra looked puzzled and said, “Thank you. I don’t know that I deserve of that much credit.”

  Timmy vigorously shook his head, “You are what saved the Realm during the war with the Captors. You are certainly one of the Realm’s greatest warriors and your warrior’s heart is an inspiration to me and so many of us that know the Realm’s history. You and the Alexander Kosiev are the reason the Realm survived the first Demon War. You are deserving of much more than you think.” Junior reached forward and she shook his hand, which put a huge smile on his face. “I can’t wait to
tell my parents and friends I met you. This is just too cool.”

  “Who are your parents?”

  “The former Emperor and Empress of the Empire.”

  Junior turned and ran back to his parents and Cassandra watched him go. He started talking to them and they looked over at her. Was I ever that much alive? She thought back and remembered those battles and she smiled. Yes, I guess I was.

  Danielle watched her from across the room and slowly shook her head. Tag saw her and raised his eyebrows. “That’s the first time I’ve seen her smile since she lost Tommy.”

  Tag looked at Cassandra with compassion on his face, “I feel so bad for her.”

  Danielle nodded and then looked at the young man that had spoken to her. She suddenly felt something. He’s a first generation psychic. She quickly looked back at Cassandra and saw her staring at him. Then the communication panel next to the throne alarmed indicating an incoming communication, “Showtime.”

  Chapter Seven

  Valerie went to the Throne and sat down and looked out at everyone. She took a deep breath and smiled just before she answered, “Twig, it’s so good to see you.”

  Twig was startled. She had called the Queen’s personal frequency and expected Danielle to answer, “Uh, hello Valerie. Is Danielle available?”

  “She is, but is there something I can help you with?”

  “I need to discuss this with the Queen.”

  “Oh, I didn’t tell you. Danielle abdicated and I am Queen again. Now, how can I assist you?”

  Twig looked at the Spiders and wondered what was going on. She turned back to the communicator and said, “I have some questions I would like to discuss and I would like Danielle and Tag to help us answer them. May we come and have a meeting?”

  “No. You may not. Good luck and use our ships wisely.” Valerie ended the call.

  Twig looked at Edison and he lowered to the floor as he said, “I told you she would not be willing to help us.”

  Destiny said, “Let me try.” He stepped up to the console and placed another call.

  Valerie answered again and saw Destiny, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you Destiny. How are you doing?”

  “Valerie, we need to talk with you and the Gardners. Will you please grant us a meeting?”

  Jake came on the display and he asked, “Destiny, did you know about the destruction of the buoys in our old universe?”

  Destiny looked at Edison as he said, “Destruction of what buoys?”

  “The Algeans and Spiders had the buoys destroyed that were left in our old universe to keep watch over the civilizations there.”

  Destiny and the Nest Mother looked at Edison and Destiny asked, “Is this true?”

  Edison nodded.

  “Why would you do that?”

  Twig said, “It was a mistake. We never should have done it, but we did.”

  Jake continued, “Just one more question, Destiny.”

  Destiny turned back to the display and Jake said, “Did you know that the Algeans were originally planning to leave the Realm and join you in the Demon dimension, leaving Ross’s Galaxy behind? They were also going to disable every teleportation device in the Realm on their departure.”

  Destiny looked at Twig, turned back to the monitor, and said, “I was told that you were going to come with them?”

  “I discovered their plan and convinced Ross to leave with them; however, had I not uncovered their plans to leave, they would have left us behind with no warning.”

  Destiny said, “I will contact you in a few moments. I need to discuss this with my child.”

  “I’ll be standing by.”

  Jake looked at Danielle and she nodded.

  Trey shouted from the other end of the long table, “Did you know the Spider’s leaders didn’t know about what happened?”

  “Not for certain. But I just couldn’t believe that as much as Destiny loved Matt and the Realm that he would have allowed it to happen. The Nest Mother only spends her time raising her children and left the running of their affairs to Edison, Newton, and Einstein.”

  Newton thought, “What are you going to do?”

  Danielle looked at Newton and smiled, “Your heart has always been true.” She walked over to Newton and Einstein and said, “I am going to save your species and give them a purpose. You have stagnated in your current culture and it’s time you started growing again.”

  Einstein turned his head upside down showing his confusion, “How are you going to do that?”

  “Just be patient and stand by your oath no matter what happens. Can you do that?”

  Newton looked at Einstein and said, “You don’t have to ask Danielle. We would never stray from our commitment.”

  The Communicator alarmed and Jake saw Destiny, “May I answer any of your questions.”

  Destiny was obviously angry, “Why did you not come to me when this happened?”


  “What do you mean?”

  “You were with your family in a different dimension from our universe. Please explain how I was to come to you with this issue? The Realm had no dimensional drives or communicators.”

  Destiny stared at the display and finally said, “You were placed in an untenable position.”

  “Yes we were and I made a huge mistake convincing the Realm to leave with the Algeans. However, if we had remained, our Realm would have been shattered with the destruction of our teleport systems.” Jake paused and then said, “While you were being brought up to speed on those events, did either Edison or Twig tell you that every civilized planet in our old universe was burned to ashes by an invader from another dimension? Trillions died and there were no survivors.”

  Destiny lowered himself and Jake saw his immense pain, “No, they did not. They just told me the Demons were coming back.”

  Danielle appeared on Twig’s display and she said, “You and your Nest Mother may come here and I will tell you what you must do to save your family. Edison will remain behind.”

  Twig immediately said, “Danielle, we need your help as well.”

  Danielle said, “Jake is the one that will decide who we assist,” and she punched off the display.

  Twig was starting to feel desperate, “Your Highness, we need your help.”

  Jake said, “Perhaps I should eliminate this frequency from our panel and maybe check in on your galaxy in a few thousand years.”

  Twig said, “I didn’t know about the buoys, and I know that if I didn’t know, my people didn’t know either. They are not to blame.”

  Jake glared into the display and said, “But you did know about the plan to leave Ross behind?”

  Twig lowered her branches and said, “Yes, I did.”

  “Your Elders also knew about that plan as well.”

  Twig’s leaves began turning brown and she leaned forward showing her acknowledgement of Jakes statement.

  “Then you will not help us?”

  “You will have to meet our conditions for us to help you and I truly hope you say no; you deserve the Demons.”

  Twig looked up at Jake and said, “What are they?”

  “Every one of your Elders will leave the Sacred Grove and you will accept Weed and Seed as your Elders.”

  Weed and Seed were standing in the Throne Room in misery and were instantly shocked into the moment, “WHAT!!!”

  “Those are our conditions.” Jake broke the connection.

  Trey stood up and said to Weed, “Now is when you must stand for your convictions. Do you truly stand by the principles that founded the original Stars Realm?” Weed and Seed were too stunned to speak. Trey yelled, “Do you!?!”

  Weed gathered himself and said, “We do; but we aren’t qualified to lead.”

  Danielle said, “It is only the ones that will stand by those principles that are qualified to lead, Weed. Your people lost their way. They didn’t embrace those principles originally and weren’t strong enough to stand by them to defend the Realm and e
ndanger all of those new worlds that had come to their galaxy. Their fear for those new worlds allowed them to break their oath. Trey is right, you must decide and we will not save the Algeans without you leading them.”

  Seed thought where everyone could hear, “We have already decided to leave our people because of their actions. We know the Empire will never forget the ideals that the Realm lost.” Weed turned to Trey and said, “We will do as you ask, but only if you will accept our Galaxy into the Empire. We will swear our total loyalty to the Empire and will never allow anything to come between us and that promise.”

  Valerie looked at Seed and asked, “You don’t want to swear allegiance to the Realm?”

  Seed turned to Valerie and lowered her branches as she said, “Your Majesty, the Realm died long ago when you deserted your subjects. You turned your backs on those principles just as my people did.”

  Valerie stared at Seed and then lowered her head, “You’re right.”

  Jake also lowered his head and knew that he was the one that caused it to happen. For the first time since Robby’s death, Jake cried.

  Trey watched Jake and saw his mind. He saw what happened to Robby by the cruel Inspector and saw that he was also hardened by what happened to his family. At least his family’s death was quick. Jake was forced to live with Robby’s suffering until Robby killed himself. Cassie took his hand and he looked at her and lowered his head as well. He was willing to let trillions die because of his anger. He was really no better than Jake.

  Danielle watched Trey closely and saw that he had seen the lesson. Thank the Creator for that. Now he was ready. She turned to Valerie and said, “Contact Destiny on his private frequency and have him come here immediately. We don’t have much time to make this happen.”

  Trey looked up and said, “Make what happen?”

  Danielle smiled, “We’re going to make them Eight Legs again.”

  Newton and Einstein both said, “Make us what!?!”

  “What you were always intended to be.”

  • • •

  Destiny and the Nest Mother arrived in a dimensional ship and teleported to the throne room. Newton and Einstein rushed forward and embraced their mother’s front legs and she said, “I am so proud of you. You have done the right thing and kept your promises.”


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