Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm

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Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm Page 11

by Saxon Andrew

  “Wait, are you leaving?”

  “Yes, there were some planets that were invaded and we are attempting to see if we can help them. We are glad you were not hit with their nuclear weapons. However, we must continue to look for those that were attacked.”

  “Please stay and let us show you our appreciation.”

  “There is no need. All we ask is that you never attack another civilization. That would be more thanks than anything you could do.”

  The White Ship turned and disappeared.

  Everyone on the planet heard the thoughts and a legend began that day that shaped the future of that world. They vowed to follow the request of the being that came with the White Ship. The two planets that were under their rule were given their freedom and eventually joined them in forming a civilization that became the envy of their universe.

  Chapter Ten

  Cassandra watched the droids moving around the bridge of the Kosiev installing massive new wiring harnesses as they removed bulkhead panels to get to the main conduits. She closed her eyes and saw more than eight hundred of the small robots working on the ship. Junior was sitting in the command chair with the top panel removed to rewire the controls. She looked at Junior with concern on her face and he said, “Alex is in an induced electronic coma while these changes are being made. He’ll be fine.”

  “How did you know I was worried about him?”

  “How could you not be? He’s your closest friend.”

  Cassandra nodded and said, “What changes are you making to his hull?”

  “He has absorbed several dead stars in the past. We are setting his system up to eject those stars and replace them with a live star.”


  “Our new hulls can absorb a star and use the power for his offensive and defensive systems. We have been absorbing power from an O-Type star in one of the universes we’ve been fighting in. The star would have gone super nova in another thousand years or so, but removing a lot of its mass will extend its life.”

  “How much will you be taking?”

  “About three G-Type Stars. Incidentally, it will also save more than a hundred civilizations that would have been destroyed if that star went Super Nova.” Junior tightened a bolt and said, “We are also changing the outer hull to reflective capability.”

  “What is that?”

  “It will absorb any beam that hits it and reflect it back at the ship that fired it at three times the original power.”

  “Where did you come up with this technology?”

  “The Zord are the main source of the mechanisms that make it work. They completed the work just before they left.”

  “Are they the creatures that the two giant statues resemble on your capital?”

  “They are and the statues are life size. They are telepathic and are actually smarter than the Algeans.”

  “Why did they leave?”

  “The Creative Power called them to go and fight to save life. They are confronting aggressive civilizations in other universes. They are now Life Warriors.”

  “What do you mean called by the Creative Force?”

  “Trey met the Force and the Zord were affected by his contact. We were left to fight the Demons and the Zord left to save trillions of lives across creation. There is just so much to do to bring balance back to Creation.”

  “I would think they would have remained until this crisis was handled?”

  “If they did, trillions would die. They are doing the right thing.”

  “What happens if you lose this conflict?”

  “Then the Creative Force will forge another tool to fight on.”

  Cassandra stared at Junior and finally asked, “Do you really believe what you just said?”

  “You saw the vision of Creation, didn’t you?”


  Do you possess a scanner that would allow you to see that vision?”

  “Well, no.”

  “Think about that. Where did it come from and how can it be given to us in a form that allows us to see something that is beyond our mental capacity to hold?” Junior put the cover back on the board and said, “There, it’s done.”

  “Junior, what do you think my role is in this fight?”

  Junior looked at her and smiled, “You are also a tool that was made by the Creative Force. You and your friend will be a difference maker in the war. I find that exciting and I look forward to the wonderful things you’re going to do.”

  “I just can’t see myself in that role.”

  Junior tilted his head, “I know.” He leaned down, picked up his tool bag and looked at her, “But you will find your value and destiny now that you’re at this moment in time.” Junior stood and started whistling an off key tune as he left the bridge.

  Cassandra stared at him as he left to go to the engine room. She went to her command chair and looked at the new controls. She immediately understood what they were designed to do and was amazed at that realization. She looked at the door that Junior had exited and wondered if he was right. Was he ever unhappy? She smiled and was glad he was around. She sat in the command chair and closed her eyes. Her ship was being reborn and was stronger than she ever imagined it could be. Tommy would be amazed. She thought about her lost love and for the first time didn’t feel that familiar overwhelming sadness take her. He would approve of what was happening. She smiled when she thought about him.

  • • •

  “What’s happening!?!”

  The Distributor pressed controls on his board and reoriented the scanner to the site of the battle. He sent the feed to the First’s console and said, “Our ships cannot survive those white ships. Even the most advanced ships are killed before they can take action. I’ve recalled all of the survivors and have removed our forces from those universes.”

  “Why would you do that? They are no use to us if they can’t handle those ships.”

  “It’s not that they can’t handle them. They just can’t jump in close to start the battle. We can win if we move in on them in mass and they can’t run.”

  “Just how do you intend to make that happen?”

  “I’ll have to find where their home world is located, attack it with the newest model we’re building, and use the remaining ships in support.”

  “They can still escape.”

  “Not if we find their home worlds. They will be forced to stay and fight.”

  “What if our most advanced ships don’t survive them?”

  “Then you will have to make some very difficult decisions. We can join our fleets with our ships and make it a fight to the death.”


  “We go to our former family and ask for help.”

  “What happens if they don’t choose to help us but attack instead?”

  “We will have to have our ships stocked with enough Remid to escape until they return home. At that time we will have to take on those white ships with our dimensional warships.” The Distributor paused and said, “We could always just avoid the Family and attack now.”

  The First Councilor looked at the other three and said, “If it were just those ships; that is exactly what I’d do. However, we still haven’t found the source of that Creation Wave. That has me more concerned than those ships. Your readings indicate we should have no real trouble dealing with them. But if the source joins them, all bets are off.” The First said, “Do any of you see it differently?”

  The Third said, “Why haven’t we found their home worlds yet?”

  The Distributor said, “I wish I knew. However, if we get all family members to join the search, we should be able to find them.”

  The First thought about it and said, “We’ll complete the newest model first. At that time we will search for the home worlds while a representative goes to the Former Family and asks for help locating the source of the wave. That visit will determine our next move.”

  The Second asked, “Who are you sending?”

  The First looked a
t the Fourth and said, “The one who missed killing them the first time. You will be the one to go.”

  The Former Distributor felt immense fear but lowered his head. The First smiled. He would be watching when the Fourth arrived. He decided that he would be doing that from onboard his ship that was fully stocked with Remid.

  • • •

  Trey looked at the Defense Facility and saw Weed and Seed meeting with the thousands of Algean Engineers. BC was downloading the latest weapon technologies to them and Weed was organizing it for their minds to absorb. “Cassie, is this a good idea?”

  “They have given an oath and I sense they are not only in agreement with it but are bound by it as well. It will be a lot easier to convert the Realm’s Searchers than to build that many ships.”

  “Are we going to need that many?”

  “According to the scans Admiral Kune made of the four universes, more than twelve million of their ships escaped. I’m also certain that the Demons are building another model that will match up with our ships. We are going to need all the help we can get.”

  “The Robbins should be able to handle their fleets.”

  “But the Robbins is only one ship, Trey. I also think that if they really attacked us with hundreds of thousands of ships, even the Robbins could fail.”

  “We can always teleport away.”

  “What if we’re in a situation where we can’t?”

  “What are you saying?”

  “What if they attack New Hope? Will you run?” Cassie waited and Trey didn’t respond. “What’s bothering you?”

  “How are we going to coordinate a fleet of more than seven million ships? It’s got to be impossible to fight them in an organized fashion. We could end up getting in each other’s way.”

  “I don’t have an answer for that, yet. Maybe we need to get Tag and Danielle involved in this and see if they can help with that issue.”

  “Where are they?”

  “They’re at Ross with Valerie and Jake.”

  “How long will it take to modify all those ships?”

  “I’ve looked at the Algean Galaxy and they have more than four million planets set up for heavy industry. If they just use half of them, they would only have to modify three ships each. The others will build the materials needed to make the modifications. It could be done in less than two months.”


  “That’s what Weed told me.”

  “What about the other ship?”

  “Weed has moved its construction to the Algean Galaxy and six hundred planets are going to start construction simultaneously with the modification of the Searchers.”

  Trey looked around the Defense Facility and said, “Let’s take a trip to Ross and see what’s going on.”

  “I notice you’ve been thinking about the Queen stepping down.”

  “So have you.”

  “I know and I’m not certain about what to do about that.”

  “Me either, but that will have to wait until later.”

  “I know. Let’s take Greyson. Timmy and Virze should go with us.”

  Trey sent the order and teleported to Greyson with Cassie.

  • • •

  Trey and Cassie arrived at Ross and found Danielle and Valerie in the Map Room staring at the Milky Way on the huge wall. Valerie and Danielle bowed to Trey and he said, “Please rise. What are you doing?”

  “We’re discussing how to defend against the Demons.”

  “That’s the reason we’ve come. We’re struggling with how to handle the organization of millions of ships. How can that number be used and have them work together?”

  Danielle took a deep breath and let it out, “How do you think the Demons will attack?”

  “If it’s anything like when they destroyed this universe, they will send their ships out to destroy all the civilizations simultaneously.”

  “So they will divide their fleets.”

  “If they follow the same strategy; yes.”

  Valerie pointed at the wall and said, “We have more than eight million civilized planets in this galaxy. The numbers have grown tremendously over the last six thousand years and I believe that you killed quite a few of their ships in your last conflict.”

  “We did, but they represented less than eight percent of their total and we believe they are building a more advanced ship to lead their next attack.”

  Danielle said, “I believe that if you look at the attack on this universe, they attacked all the important planets first and then went after the others.”

  Trey and Cassie thought a moment as they linked and Cassie said, “I think you’re right. What the psychic vision showed was the end result of their attack. Is that important?”

  “I believe it is. There is a new element in this conflict that wasn’t here before.”

  “What is that?”

  “The Algeans have taken the technology of the Empire and have designed a new ship.”


  “It is going to be stronger than the Empire’s main battleships and also have a stronger force field. They are incorporating those changes into the Searchers that are being modified, but they will still not match up to the new Algean design.”

  Trey looked at Cassie and then said, “That makes me nervous, Danielle.”

  “I know; it’s still hard to trust them after what happened but you can stop it by simply ordering it. They will follow your orders without equivocation.”

  “Tell me what you sense, Danielle.”

  “Twig announced to the Algean worlds that they would be allowed to fight in the defense of the new Emperor if they would join the Fleets. Their response was overwhelming. Their shame at those that were killed is enormous and they need to atone for what happened. They realize that all those worlds they originally slaughtered in their galaxy can only be balanced by saving more lives than they took. They are driven to join the coming war.”

  Tag walked in and said, “If we had fought them when they were fully developed and not stunted by not having the food they needed, we would have lost. They will be a formidable force to reckon with, Trey.”

  “So you think we should allow them to build warships?”



  “Because they will become the guardians of this universe if we win this war.”

  “And just what will we be doing?”

  Danielle said, “We will become Life Warriors and join the Zord in the crusade against evil.”

  “The Algeans could do that as well and leave us to defend our universe?”

  “Not for very long. Remember they are held captive to the golden soil that feeds them and it is only located in this universe. They are bound to remain here.”

  Trey and Cassie understood. Cassie said, “So they will become our defenders.”

  “And I suspect they will defend the Empire with a passion you’ll find amazing. They no longer look at their Galaxy as their only home. They will insure the old principles are maintained and followed by all that are here in our universe.”

  Tag said, “Which brings up another point, Trey. The Demons will start a real search for our location now. I suspect the planets in the Empire will be found along with the two galaxies here. We will have to divide our forces to defend both of them.”

  Timmy and Virze had teleported in and were sitting in chairs watching the proceedings. Timmy said, “That is not good. They can take on the Empire first and have fewer targets to destroy.”

  Trey said, “Fewer might be easier to defend.”

  Tag said, “Not really. If you had to attack eight million targets instead of sixty six, what would you have to do?”

  “I’d have to divide my fleet.”

  “And aren’t all the worlds of the Empire located in a very small area? All they’d have to do is get sixty six ships through our defenses and the Empire would be gone.”

  Cassie looked at Danielle and said, “You have something in mind. What is it?”
  Danielle smiled, “I think we need to make plans for what happens after the war. If we win, there will be a period of adjustment that could be troublesome. I think New Hope should be moved here and placed in orbit around this star with Ross. The other sixty five planets will be scattered around the Milky Way and the Algean Galaxy. They will become the regional embassies of the Empire. The Empire’s fleets will be posted at those worlds and anything that involves the Empire will come through those worlds.”

  “So you’re setting up new Provinces?”

  “Absolutely not, Trey. Those worlds will be Embassies and will not have a ruler. The Ambassador of each embassy will be appointed by the Emperor and will have a set term of service; the Ambassador must also be a citizen from one of the Empire’s original planets. No one will be allowed to gain power. They will administrate the Empire’s directives and handle the business of the Emperor. They will also set an example of a world that lives by our principles. They will naturally become the richest planets in the Empire.”

  Trey stared at Danielle and said, “I don’t know if I’m comfortable with this. This feels so much like what happened in the Realm.”

  Cassie looked at Trey and said, “What if we don’t have the Empire located with the planets that make up the bulk of its membership? Ruling from another Universe is not going to be easy.”

  Danielle nodded, “The new citizens of the Empire need to be able to see the Royal Family and feel they are a part of something they can be proud of. It will be what keeps us unified.”

  Tag said, “How would you want to see it done?”

  Trey thought about the suggestion and felt something in his mind. He heard the music from the temple and smiled. He looked at Cassie and she had a strange look on her face, “You hear it, too.”

  “Yes, what is that?”

  Trey felt his mind clear and he knew that he had been fighting the very things that needed to be done. His hatred of the Realm had made him mistrust everything the old Realm suggested and he discovered at that moment that leading the Empire was not his calling. He was being given the tools for survival and he just refused to see it. He looked at Cassie and she immediately saw the difference in him. “Link with me, Cassie.”


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