Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm

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Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  Junior smiled, “The two pilots that control the ship will be linked mentally. One will operate the scanners and defense array as well as the jump boards. The commander will make decisions about the offensive array.”

  “I would think the ship could do all it alone?”

  “Not really. The two pilots will have to possess psychic abilities that will allow them to link to the stored psychic charge in the ship’s main systems. Once they link to that reservoir, they will be able to think faster than any artificial intelligence when those connections are active. The ship’s cybernetic computers will respond to their inputs.”

  “So, there are two computers running the ship?”

  “Yes; one matches up to the Commander and the other to the Scanner Officer.”

  “Do you know who is going to be chosen as the command team?”

  Junior slowly shook his head, “I’m not sure they’ve found anyone yet. But whoever is selected, they will be getting one remarkable vessel.”

  “Why don’t you apply for the position, Junior?”

  Junior tilted his head, “I’m a first generation psychic and I’m sure they want a second for this ship.”

  “You’ll never know unless you ask.”

  Junior lowered his head and said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I wonder who will be making the selections?”

  “Well, I guess I am, Junior.”


  “I’ve been chosen to command this ship and I’m waiting for my partner to apply for the other position.”

  Junior stared at Cassandra for a long moment and then said, “Are you ready to open your mind to someone else?”

  “Only to you.”

  Junior stared at her in shock and then slowly smiled, “I guess that limits your choices, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes, I guess it does.”

  Junior’s smile vanished and he lowered his head, “I’m really not worthy of this, Cassandra. I’m just a first generation psychic. I’m not that special.”

  Cassandra stood and went over and took his hands in hers, “You are more special than you’ll ever know.” He looked up into her eyes and saw her smile, “Besides, I’m a first generation psychic as well.”

  Junior was surprised by her remark and then said, “Yeah, I guess you are.”


  Junior released her hands and stood at attention, “Lady Cassandra Gardner, I request that I be assigned to this ship as one of its officers.”

  Cassandra smiled, “Request granted. Have you thought of a name for this ship?”

  “As a matter of fact, I have. She should be named the Bristone Empire Ship Juliette Robbins. The Scotty Robbins should not be alone in the coming fight. I know if they were still alive, Juliette would not leave his side.”

  Cassandra felt the rightness of the name and right behind it she felt her tears. She went forward and put her arms around junior and put her head on his chest. Junior whispered to her, “And I will never leave you.”

  Cassandra felt her heart beating faster and knew he meant it. She looked forward to the rest of the day and the days that would follow.

  Alex waited for the final connections to be made and felt his heart beat faster as well. Cassandra was back.

  “Alex, thank you for choosing me to join you.”

  “Jessica, you are my only choice.”

  “And you are mine as well.”

  • • •

  The First Councilor looked at the Controller and said, “Do you think those ships were sent here by the Family?”

  “I have no way of knowing.”

  “Well do you have a guess!?!”

  The Controller heard the fear and rage in the First’s tone and said, “It’s all rather confusing.”

  The First snapped, “And why is that?”

  “During all the millions of years we were part of the family, did you ever see one of their tools go to the Home?”

  The four grew silent. After ten minutes the First said, “My records have never had that happen during our time there.”

  “Yet these ships jumped straight there. That is something I just can’t explain. I know the beings attacking our ships were not Family Members.”

  The Second said, “How do you know that?”

  “Most of them were too large and their legs bent the wrong way. The arms were a third longer and the chest was shaped different.”

  “It could have been hidden under the armor they were wearing.”

  The Controller sent a picture of one of the beings and said, “From the speed they were moving, it couldn’t have been done in armor that was not right up against the body of the user. No, these were not Family Members.”

  The First studied the recording again and said, “I think you’re right.”

  “If they weren’t Family Members, then there is no way they would have been allowed to go to the Home.”

  The First looked at the other three and said, “Tell me what you think.”

  The Second shrugged, “I have no real concept of how this could have happened.”

  The First stared with rage at the Second but knew he could do nothing about it. He was already in trouble with the Community and knew that a growing number of them supported the Second to replace him. The Third said, “Perhaps they were trying to get us to come there.”


  The Fourth said, “If that was the case, they chose a very funny way to ask. A message would have sufficed. Unless you’re saying they were trying to lure us there for an attack, which would also not make sense because they could come here to do that.”

  The Controller said, “That maybe what happened. They sent a raid to determine our strength.”

  The Fourth shook his head, “We all know that the Family is far more numerous and kept the majority of the major warships when they forced us to leave. They know what kind of ships we have and they did not send one of theirs. They sent a tool.”

  “There is one other possibility.”

  The four turned to the Controller.

  “The Family could be gone.”

  “Where would they go?”

  “I don’t know if they have, First Councilor. But if they weren’t there, then those ships could jump there and we would not pursue them. It would be similar to the jump they used to go to the Green Ship Universe with that damaged ship. We were not attacked when we followed them there. I’m probably wrong, but that would account for all that we’ve seen so far.”

  “Do you honestly think the Family has left the Home?”

  “There is one other possibility.”

  “What is that, Controller?”

  “The Family may have been destroyed sometime during the last hundred million years and we wouldn’t know it.”

  The Four thought about that possibility and then the First said, “That is not a reasonable possibility. I won’t say them moving is an absolute impossibility, but nothing can come close to their power.”

  “I only said it was a possibility. I don’t believe it either, but if we’re examining possibilities, I don’t want to leave any out.”

  The First thought for a long moment and everyone remained silent. Finally, he said, “We must go and investigate but I want out new ships completed first. How are we going to prevent them being attacked?”

  The Controller said, “I’ve started all of our ships making random jumps from universe to universe and dimension to dimension. It will almost be impossible for one of those small ships to jump in on them while they are moving. Once the new fleet is built we will go and find this troublesome civilization and eliminate it.”

  “What about us?”

  “I’ve started a thousand of our subject planets growing Remid in high quantity.”

  The Third said, “It will kill those planet’s populations.”

  “I know and I’ll call the production off if you so order but I really want a huge stockpile before we make that visit.”

  The Second leaned back on its couch,
“Those planets can always be replaced. I think it’s a good plan.”

  The First looked at the second and nodded, “I agree. During this critical time you might as well use all our subject planets. We can always move to a more populated Dimension.”

  “I will do as you command, First Councilor.”

  The First looked at the Fourth, “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you.”

  The Fourth lowered his head and hoped the Family had actually moved. It was his only chance of surviving the trip he was being forced to make to their Home.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Trey and Cassie were on board the brand new psychic ship Juliette Robbins. Cassandra and Junior had stood and bowed as they arrived and Trey said, “Please rise.”

  “Welcome aboard, Your Majesty.”

  “Thank you, Cassandra. Are you ready to start learning your new ship?”

  “Yes, I am but I think Alex is even more excited.”

  Trey smiled, “Is that true, Alex?”

  “Yes it is, however, I just don’t understand most of these circuits. They seem to not be connected to any of the power supplies.”

  “Don’t feel bad, AK had the same problem when the Robbins was built.”

  Junior said, “So how do we power these systems?”

  “The Robbins is next to this ship and has been building its power levels since Cassie and I first released each other. We have run a conduit to a connector on the outer hull of the Juliette and AK and Grace will transfer 50% of its stored charge. Are you ready Alex?”

  Both Jessica and I are ready, Your Majesty.”

  Trey thought, “AK, you and Grace can start the transfer.”

  “Starting the transfer now.”

  Cassandra looked at her control panel and saw the power meter that was on zero start to rise. It reached twenty percent and she heard Alex say, “Systems are now coming on line.”

  Cassandra saw every control on her board illuminate and she looked over at Junior as he looked at her and nodded. The meter stopped at 50%. “Where are we going to get additional power?”

  “You and Junior are going to provide the levels necessary to maintain them at maximum settings. I need you and Junior to join us and link with our minds.”

  Trey took Cassandra’s hand as she held Junior’s; Cassie took Junior’s other hand and Trey said, “This might cause a little shock but you need to hold on and not release your grip; understand?” Cassandra and Junior nodded and Trey took Cassie’s hand in his closing the circle.

  There was a bright blue flash and Cassandra and Junior felt the psychic surge rush through their bodies. Cassandra watched the meter on the central display and saw it jump quickly to a hundred percent. Trey was watching it as well and released Cassie’s hand as it hit a hundred per cent. “Good, now the ship is fully active and armed.”

  Cassandra said, “Alex, are you ok?”

  “We’re fine, Cassandra. Now that all the systems are active we can follow the leads and imprint their processes in our memory. Give us about an hour of processing time.”

  AK said, “You might need three hours. The defense systems are somewhat intricate.”

  Jessica said, “I just noticed those. You’re probably right.”

  Cassandra smiled, “Three hours it is. We’ll not bother you until then.”

  Junior said, “Tell me more about how Cassandra and I are going to keep the system at maximum power.”

  Cassie said, “The ship draws power from the psychic fields of the commanders. The field will be stronger if the two of you make physical contact.”

  Treys saw Junior’s discomfort and said, “Are there any other questions? We need to go recharge the Robbins.”

  Junior said, “No, if I think of anything I’ll contact you.”

  Cassandra and Junior bowed as Trey and Cassie teleported away. Cassandra looked at Junior and said, “Something’s bothering you; what is it?”

  Junior’s face turned red and he sat down. He looked at Cassandra but remained silent.

  Cassandra nodded slowly and said, “The physical contact thing bothers you.”

  Junior lowered his head and said, “I’m just not certain about our current relationship. I’m hesitant to touch you. I know how much you loved Tommy and I just don’t know what would be appropriate.”

  Cassandra got up, walked over to Junior’s chair, pulled him up, and planted a huge kiss on his mouth. She leaned back and then went back to her chair leaving Junior with a stunned expression. “That’s a good place to start; don’t you think.”

  Junior’s small smile broadened and he said, “Yes, I think it is.”


  Junior sat down and looked at his board in the ensuing silence and said, “We might need to do that quite often to keep our systems at peak power.”

  Cassandra tried not smile but said while looking at the display, “I believe you’re right.”

  Junior got up and started toward the bridge exit but stopped, came back, and leaned in as he kissed Cassandra.

  She sat there with her eyes closed and said, “What was that?”

  Junior smiled and said, “I noticed a power fluctuation. I was forced to take action.” Cassandra stood and wrapped her arms around him and said, “Oops, there goes another one.”

  Trey and Cassie were watching the two in their minds and Cassie said, “It looks like they’ve solved their power issues.”

  Trey smiled, “Yep, now we need to solve our own.”

  AK and Grace chuckled as Cassie came into Trey’s arms.

  • • •

  Trey looked around the throne room at the four of the five most powerful psychic couples in the Realm. Twig had requested an audience and requested that the members of the Royal Family along with Trey and Cassie be present. Trey thought to Cassie, “I wonder what she wants?”

  “I don’t know but she said that a mistake had been made and her engineers needed some guidance.”

  “That sounds like trouble.”

  “It does when an Algean makes a mistake, doesn’t it?”

  “Oh yeah!”

  Valerie and Jake sat and watched the energetic couples as they discussed their plans. Valerie looked at Jake, “You miss being involved in the action?”

  Jake sighed heavily and nodded, “I can’t blame them for excluding us after all the mistakes we made.”

  “I know. What do you want to do after this meeting?”

  “I have no plans. Whatever you want to do is fine.”

  Valerie saw his sadness and knew his spirit was sinking into a spiral of depression. Even she couldn’t snap him out of it. He blamed himself for so much. Suddenly, Twig appeared in front of the Throne and bowed.

  Danielle smiled, “Welcome to Ross, Elder. What brings you to visit us?”

  Twig straightened and said, “We were asked to build a psychic ship that I believe is now commanded by Cassandra and Junior.”

  Trey said, “Yes, I asked BC to get with you to complete the construction.”

  “We carried out that request but BC said something that has caused a problem.”

  Danielle asked, “What was that?”

  Twig leaned slightly back showing her discomfort and said, “Well, when he sent us the plans and the uncompleted ship he said that a second ship was needed.”

  Danielle nodded, “That’s right. We already had the Scotty Robbins.”

  “Welllll, our engineers didn’t know about the Robbins.”

  Everyone was silent. After a long moment Tag said, “What are you telling us, Twig?”

  “Uh…we built two of them.”

  Trey said, “There’s a third ship!?!”

  Twig gave a mental sigh and said, “Yes, and we found out our error when we asked BC where the third ship should be sent. His words were, “What third ship?”“

  Trey didn’t know what to think. He thought about a third ship and heard music in his mind. He closed his eyes and let his mind go free. While the others began discussing the development, Cassi
e entered his mind and followed the vision that he was seeing. She jerked her eyes open and looked at Jake and Valerie who were sitting off from the group looking very unhappy. A moment later Trey opened his eyes and looked at her. Cassie looked at him and said, “How do you feel about that?”

  Trey smiled, “Redemption comes in such different forms, my love.”

  Cassie turned to Danielle and said, “The third ship is not a mistake.”

  Danielle and Twig stopped in midsentence and stared at her.

  “That ship was a psychic vision that someone in this room, had but didn’t say anything about it.”

  Everyone looked around at each other and then they saw Valerie with a guilty expression. She saw Jake look at her after he saw them staring. “I did have a dream about a psychic ship that Jake and I were using to fight for Creation.”

  Jake furrowed his brow, “When?”

  “I just thought it was wishful thinking. I know we want to fight for Creation, but I assumed we would never be trusted again. I just thought I dreamed about something I wanted so much.” She paused and saw everyone’s expressions and said, “The dream did seem so real.”

  Danielle and Twig turned to Trey. He said, “This is just more proof that psychic visions cannot be avoided. The ship was built anyway.” He walked over to Jake and Valerie and held out his hand, “I welcome you to the quest and I know you will make a huge difference in our coming struggle.”

  Jake looked at Trey, “Can you trust me?”

  Trey smiled, “That’s the wrong question, Jake. You are chosen by the Creative Force and I absolutely trust those decisions. You need to start doing the same.” Trey turned to Twig and said, “You need to build a fourth.”

  Tag looked at around the room and said, “For who? Who is left that can command it?”

  “Paul and TK Blake are second generation psychics. The ship will be theirs.”

  Danielle looked at Twig and said, “Emperor Robbins has requested your assistance.”

  Twig looked at Trey and back to Danielle, “Emperor?”

  “Yes and the Stars Realm is one of his subjects. We have sworn our loyalty to him and he is our supreme ruler.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “About a week ago; we just haven’t announced it yet. Please enter my mind and let me show you what led to this decision.”


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