
Home > Other > BreakMeIn > Page 11
BreakMeIn Page 11

by Sara Brookes


  “You did say you wanted the full experience. You want to make the most of the night don’t you?”

  A rush of his hot breath skimmed against the back of her hands while she circled his wrist with the leather. She tucked her ring finger under the thick material as she threaded the strap through the glossy silver buckle. His pulse beat fast and hard against her finger. When she secured the locking mechanism she withdrew her finger. The space she’d created was just enough leeway so the material didn’t cut into his skin.

  She examined the fit carefully, setting his hand on her knee as she repeated the process with his other wrist. “There. How do they fit?”

  He seemed to contemplate the circles for a moment, turning them over a few times. “Odd. But in a good way.”

  “Good. Because you’ll be wearing them for a while.” There really had never been any doubt in her mind the cuffs would fit him. She was rarely ever wrong when it came to outfitting someone with equipment. She rose, pushing the stool away with her foot. “Follow me.”

  His heavy footsteps sounded behind her on the concrete. She’d purposefully asked Ryan not to lay out the floating wood that usually covered the unforgiving floor. The light-colored bamboo softened the atmosphere of the room, adding a layer of romance she wasn’t interested in entertaining tonight.

  The night was about sex and wickedness.

  Not love.

  No way, no how.

  Turning, she watched his approach, examining his form for signs he was ready to bolt at any moment. His strides were confident and sure, a sign he was ready for anything she was about to toss his way.

  His level of confidence was admirable if a bit misplaced.

  He seemed to instinctually know where she wanted him to go and placed himself under the two rods. As delectable as he looked standing there wearing a Perfect Shot logo polo, jeans and her thick leather cuffs, they weren’t going to get far with him fully clothed. Besides, he’d gotten his chance to ogle her earlier.

  Now it was her turn.

  Fair was only fair.

  “As much as I love your coffee, the shirt really has to go.”

  He tugged at the hem, dragging the material up so the muscles she’d only caught hints of to this point were exposed one rigid layer at a time. Had she known the perfection that had been hiding beneath the fabric she would have had him remove the shirt the moment he’d entered the room.

  Hell, maybe even as soon as she’d found him outside leaning against his car.

  He’d done a lot for himself in the year he’d been gone, but her imagination had nothing on the reality. Well-sculpted pecs. Defined biceps. Lean forearms. Narrow waist. And holy shit, those abs. Alex unwrapped was better than she’d imagined. She was going to spend some time mapping every inch of his flat abdomen with her tongue once she got him strung up and at her mercy.

  A lot of time.

  “Those pants need to come off as well. Nude, please. Now.”

  The metal on the cuffs glinted in the light as his hands moved to the button fly of his jeans. His gaze lifted to hers. “No equal opportunity?”

  She trailed her fingertips across the not-so-subtle curves of her breasts as she walked forward. His eyes followed wherever she touched, his tongue flicking out between his lips as she came to stand in front of him. His scent was richer this close, more potent. He smelled strongly of hazelnut coffee and arousal. Way better than the stench of alcohol emitting from him during that disastrous night a year ago.

  She rested her mouth against his, gifted him with a tender, heated kiss. “Not tonight.” She kissed him again, dragging her lips against his in a slow, sensuous pattern that caused her insides to quiver.

  He sighed in surrender, parting his lips so her tongue could delve deeper. He tasted of hazelnut coffee as well, a sign he’d come straight from the store. She purposefully kept the kiss gentle, encouraging him without words to follow her instructions.

  She could command him to follow her orders.

  But compelling him this way was much more fun.

  The first button popped with a noise that vibrated the charged air between their bodies. Delighted by his reaction she broke the kiss and skimmed her lips against his strong jaw. She dragged her tongue against his throat. His low, throaty rumble vibrated the skin under her tongue as she deliberately licked with maddening slowness.

  Moving lower, she tongued the skin stretched tight over his collarbone. The rough moan he gave arrowed straight to her pussy, awakening desires she’d thought long since dormant. She cursed those sensations as she tucked them away to deal with another time. Tonight wasn’t about her pleasure. Only Alex’s.

  Her teeth closed gently around his nipple, pinching carefully. His sharp intake of breath was accompanied by the sound of another button popping free. She moved to his other nipple, coaxing it with the same dedicated treatment until another button was released.

  Two more to go.

  Giving in to her earlier impulse, she dragged her tongue over the hard ridges of his defined abdomen. The skin covering those hard muscles tasted salty, as though he’d worked hard at some point during the day. He hissed, the skin under her mouth moving as he sucked in gulps of air.

  His breathing had started to become shallow. Rapid.

  Good. But not perfect.

  He was still thinking too much, afraid he was going to do something wrong.

  Lowering her hands, she placed her palms on his upper thighs so her thumbs framed the very obvious erection bulging the denim. His hips moved under her touch as another button pulled free.

  His fingers curled around the gaping edges of the opening so only the copper face of the last remaining button held the fly together. She could only catch fleeting glimpses of the hard shaft that lay underneath. Somehow she wasn’t surprised to discover he’d decided not to wear underwear. If she’d planned on taking things with him past tonight she might inquire why he’d made the particular choice. Regardless of why, she knew she needed to see him completely exposed.

  And now wasn’t soon enough.

  Lifting her gaze, she found his focus entirely on her. Some Dommes didn’t understand the power of holding a submissive’s focus in such a way, looking up at them towering over them. Elena did. She would never kneel before a sub, but for her, staring up at a man while she held him in her hand or mouth was about sheer and utter control.

  “Last one.”

  He nodded slowly, his fingers twitching.

  “What’s your safeword, Alexander?”

  “I don’t need it.”

  “Yes, I know. But reassure both of us you still know it.”


  The material parted, baring his long, thick and undeniably aroused cock to her gaze for the very first time. He peeled the jeans off his hips, pushing them down to his thighs before she took over. She discarded the pants and rest of the clothes, tossing them behind her.

  Leaning forward, she licked the skin at his hip, the heat of his erection nearly burning her cheek. Slowly standing, she avoided touching him and backed away deliberately. Alex’s hands hung at his sides as he stood before her gloriously nude. She drank him in, her mind working overtime as she imagined licking and sucking him to orgasm.

  To fully own his pleasure.

  His eyes closed for a second, his chest moving as he hauled in a breath and blew it out slowly. He possessed more strength than he knew, but it was her job tonight to show him just how deeply this power he didn’t understand flowed. She had a lot of obstacles to overcome with Alex.

  The biggest being his head space.

  Those fathomless eyes met hers. “I’ve never had a woman look at me the way you do.”

  The rough tone of his voice caused her pussy to dampen more even as her heart ached for him. A man of Alex’s nature deserved to have a woman appreciate everything he had to offer. It was almost a shame this exploration of his sexuality was coming so late in his life. Which meant she cherished this moment e
ven more than before. She was responsible for quite a few areas of education tonight, an obligation she didn’t take lightly.

  “Considering the fact you have one of most perfect cocks I’ve ever seen, I’ll make it a point to admire you even more before the night is over.” Not as though it would be a heartbreak for her. Everything about Alex at this moment made her want to celebrate the claim she was about to take. Made her want to revel in the fact this primal, virile male was submitting to her.

  She skimmed her hand over his shoulder as she passed. The view from behind was just as enjoyable as the front. Broad shoulders flowed down to a slender waist. His ass was high and tight, damn near perfection. At some point during the night she would have to do her favorite thing—run her bare breasts over a recently flogged ass.

  She wasn’t one hundred percent certain about his reaction once he felt the strips of her flogger against his skin. But she was confident with her skills with the device enough to push through. Taking her time as she enjoyed the view, she positioned him near the end of the two rods overhead. Securing the rings of the cuffs to the ends of the chains, she slowly tugged, lifting his arms into the air.

  He fought at first, but she persisted, hauling his arms higher so he had to roll forward onto the balls of his feet. When she was satisfied he understood she was the one who decided the elevation at which his arms would be held, she adjusted the height so he could stand flat-footed once more.

  A lock clicked into place as she secured the chains. The muscles in his shoulders rippled as he breathed, waiting patiently again for whatever she decided to do. He watched her from the corner of his eye, his body trembling.

  Anticipation really was the greatest aphrodisiac. Especially since he had no idea what she intended. Pleasure, Conners. I intend to gift you with more pleasure than you can stand. And I’m going to enjoy every second of your descent into my world.

  He would undoubtedly learn a lot about himself along the way. She reached for her favorite paddle and her newest toy. The lightweight flogger made of supple ribbons of suede.

  Time to show Alex pain was oh so close to pleasure.

  When he heard her shift behind him, Alex fought back the surge of panic that threatened to overwhelm him and make him call a stop to everything. His cheeks heated as he thought about what he’d done so far. About the fact he stood here without a stitch of clothing on, cock jutting away from his body.

  What sort of fool would willingly subject themselves to this kind of treatment? Surely he had to be insane, strung up like some sacrificial offering. What the fuck had he been thinking?

  The fact he hadn’t been thinking didn’t escape his notice.

  But each tap of Elena’s heels against the floor certainly sent sparks through his system. Interesting. He closed his eyes, imaging her slow approach. Her hips swaying suggestively in offering, her breasts bouncing with the movement of each measured step.

  Arousal unfurled low in his body, setting off a series of interesting sensations he hadn’t expected. She stood behind him, silent as though she was looking him over to decide if he was even worthy of her time and attention.

  Something moved behind him, a sound he didn’t recognize.

  This sexual encounter was odd and strange. He wasn’t used to being the object of someone’s intense gaze. Though he liked the way Elena kept looking at him as though she could devour him whole, he was used to sex being much more simplistic. Get in, get out. Quick, simple and so damn boring it was a wonder he’d even come.

  He jerked in surprise when something hard and smooth stroked over his ass. Despite his shock his body responded instantly, heat and desire surging through him unchecked. He had no idea how to modulate his response other than to think he wanted this completely out-of-control sensation to cease.

  But his cock had other ideas.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” An object brushed against his skin causing him to jerk as his hips surged forward, thrusting into the nothingness. She trailed it over his arm, up and over his shoulder, down his back to the base of his spine. A strangled moan escaped as the soft caresses continued. Pleasure buzzed through his system, collecting low in his groin to spin tightly through him.

  He’d never experienced anything of this power and magnitude in his life.

  Still high on the energy, he barely registered the soft tap of the object. Unprepared for it, arousal continued to unfurl, wrapping around the base of his cock as the item tapped against his skin again. Her hand smoothed over the curve of his ass, her loving stroke enhancing the heat spreading through his lower extremities.

  “Don’t think. Just feel. Give yourself over to the experience. To how I’m making you feel.” Elena’s hand moved away, the object striking him again, this time hard enough a sting of pain bloomed. Something whistled through the air seconds before a startling blow concussed against his skin.

  Jesus Christ, she was spanking him.

  And fuck me, I like it.

  Anger and confusion surged through him, stunning him as panic clenched tightly around his throat. A wave of revulsion and shame washed over him. He hadn’t felt this defenseless since dealing with his father. “Stop, please.”

  Her hand caressed his hip, her fingers playing gently with the places she danced over with the item. “Do you really want me to stop? Think hard before your answer. Very hard.” Before he could reply she tapped his ass with the unforgiving item. His breath hissed through clenched teeth, his cock jerking as his hips thrust forward in the air again.

  Fire burned through his arms as he clenched at the chains suspending his arms. He closed his eyes, humiliation riding hard in his blood. “I just want—”

  “This isn’t about what you want. This is about what you need but don’t necessarily know how to ask for.” He shuddered when the fabric of her corset grazed his back as he lost himself to the sensation of her body pressed against him. “Open your eyes, Alexander.” The breathy quality of her voice spun though him.

  He did as instructed, wondering how she knew he’d closed his eyes when she stood behind him. The question died in his throat as he sighted what she’d been using to smack his butt. The paddle was about a foot long and about three inches wide. Only a half-inch thick, the highly polished wood seemed innocent enough.

  Except the heat kindling across his ass spoke of a different story.

  “This is bringing you pleasure. Does that bother you?” She paused, waiting. “I expect the truth, Alexander. No matter how much it unsettles you to admit to something you fear.”

  He swallowed without speaking because he didn’t know the right answer. She turned him on like no one he’d ever known. But in less than an hour, she’d forced him to experience things he normally would have never entertained. The idea he enjoyed someone hitting him disgusted him yet here he stood, cock jutting away from his body like a sex-starved fool.

  Her body pushed away from his. “I think you want it to because you think it’s supposed to bother you.” The paddle hit his ass, forcing his need to rise to the surface. “You think you’re not supposed to enjoy a woman hitting you. You’re not supposed to be sexually aroused by the few seconds of anticipation before the paddle strikes your ass.”

  He nodded even as she spanked him again.

  “You’re not supposed to enjoy the heat, my paddle. Not enjoy the way it spreads through your entire body. But you are, aren’t you? Your dick wants to fuck anything in sight just for a moment of respite.”

  He hissed sharply as the paddle struck harder. He hated the fact she was right almost as much as he loved it. A barrage of emotions and sensations he didn’t understand hit him full force. The breath-stealing hits she laid across his skin were painful, but not excruciatingly so.

  He’d endured more painful punishment at the hands of his father.

  One particularly agonizing strike caused him to roll up on the balls of his feet. The hit hurt. A lot. Far more than the pleasurable strikes she’d gifted him with to this point.

�Stay with me, Alexander.” Velvety strips of something brushed against his shoulders, his back and his ass, tickling skin tingling with pain. “You’re supposed to be here in the moment with me. Not dwelling on your memories.”

  A harsh slap dragged him back into the moment.

  Much as she’d done with the paddle on his ass, now she worked a flogger over the same areas, heightening his desire. She hit, again and again, over and over with a light touch that was almost ticklish at times.

  “I don’t…I don’t understand how…” He trailed off, ashamed at the mix of emotions he was struggling to deal with. Dazed, he fought to come to terms with the roller coaster he was on. He’d never met anyone who’d affected him this strongly. He didn’t want to respond this way, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. The idea of what was happening was more than a little compelling.

  Not to mention frightening.

  Elena’s hand smoothed over his shoulder, a comfort in the onslaught of chaos he was trying to make sense of. “You’re probably wondering how it’s possible for you to be excited by being hit with my flogger. And my paddle.”


  “You think you’re some kind of sick deviant pervert because you were abused as a child. You think that’s why you need it now.”


  This experience had become more emotional than he’d ever imagined. He’d initially thought this would all be about physical pleasure. But Elena had taken this to another level entirely. Why was being this helpless, this exposed, such a turn-on?

  “You’d be wrong. Abuse isn’t about control. It’s quite the opposite. It’s out of control and violent. A means to hurt, or injure, another human being. The flogger is a stimulus. A tool of pleasure to heighten the experience. It’s entirely the opposite of abuse. Your control is similar to your brother’s even if you don’t want to think so.”

  He gasped as the flogger struck. “Patrick said he used it to make himself better, to overcome it.”


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