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FullFrontalFantasy Page 5

by Lyla Sinclair

  When we left the elevators on the top floor, I caught a glimpse of the two of us in the spotless glass doors of Shelson, Inc. Though different shades of gray, our ensembles went together perfectly. We looked like the corporate equivalent of hired assassins, the kind of super-efficient troubleshooters you’d want to come in and save you when your company was on shaky ground. And I couldn’t help but notice we also made a pretty hot couple, although I immediately pushed that thought out of my head, just as I advised employees to do in my trainings.

  I spent the next hour staring up at Ryan as he stood, just a few feet from where I sat, giving one of the best sales presentations I’d ever seen. He knew so much about the company, it was as though he’d spent twenty years there. He was so confident and informed, in fact, someone who didn’t know better might think he owned the place.

  Of course, my opinion might have been influenced by his incredible hotness. I’d never had so much trouble staying focused in my life. I spent the first ten minutes trying to decide what the appropriate name would be for Ryan’s eye color that day. Just when I’d settled on “steel”, he made a joke and smiled. His eyes sparkled and were suddenly too warm and inviting to be steel, so I had to start all over. Then I wondered whether his jaw would be better described as “strong” or “chiseled”. Eventually I made my way down to his suit, which was tailored to his body to fit those broad shoulders like a glove. And when his laser pointer rolled off the desk and he bent over to pick it up, I had the very unprofessional urge to grab his tight, round ass with both hands and squeeze.

  Every time I tried to mentally undress him, I regretted the Fantasm script I’d written that neglected to have him remove all his clothes. I wished I’d had a full-frontal view of him in my head.

  “Would you like to take that one, Celeste?”

  I came to and realized all eyes were on me. I quickly replayed my mental recording of what had happened while I was daydreaming.

  “Certainly,” I said. “And yes, the trainings can be customized easily. We’ve done that for several companies before and, of course, considering the importance of these trainings to your company, I would see to it right away, personally.”

  Everyone sitting around the conference table nodded earnestly, apparently reassured. I turned back to Ryan, who was looking at me…proudly? It wasn’t a way I was used to being viewed by my employees. You looked at your children or your spouse, or maybe a boyfriend or girlfriend with pride, not your boss. Except I wasn’t exactly his boss.

  I wondered if I should question him about this odd office situation or let sleeping dogs lie. He was being discreet about our Fantasm experience, so I supposed whatever he and human resources and Mr. Murray had arranged was fine. And it was good to know he’d be out of my hair soon, regardless of whether or not my assistant came back on schedule.

  It was good…wasn’t it? Then why did I have the sinking feeling I was going to miss him?

  * * * * *

  For the next few days I put my time in the office to good use, finding out everything I could about Celeste Phillips. People like to gossip, so I brought bagels into the lounge and waited around as word spread and my coworkers came in to snag a free snack. It wasn’t hard to get them talking about Celeste. I was good at gathering intel and turning the conversation in the right direction.

  It became clear that every one of Celeste’s employees thought the world of her as a boss. She was fair, rewarded hard work, and worked harder than anyone else in the department. They did admit to her being a bit of a perfectionist and definitely a control freak about some things, which made the fantasy she wrote for us even more fascinating, since it had put me in complete control.

  I got an earful when Marge from human resources happened in. I’d known her since I was a kid and she was the only person other than Gramps who knew the whole truth of who I was. But she was completely loyal to him, and had kept our project a secret the past several years.

  Her discretion stopped with Gramps, however, because with the slightest prompting from me, she gave me an entire history of Celeste’s dating life—as Marge knew it.

  In her opinion, it had included a parade of “stick-up-their-asses” types who were too old and boring for a “bundle of energy” like Celeste. Marge felt Celeste needed a man who could get her to forget her work and responsibilities for a while. Someone who could make her “let go”.

  Meanwhile, Celeste and I were having our discussions through email or at the door of her office. After the first few days she’d started pulling her hair back in a severe bun, as if that would make her less attractive to me. All she accomplished with that tactic was to make my eyes flit back and forth to that place at the base of her slender neck where my lips had been the night we were together.

  And every time she walked by me in one of her uptight business suits, I was a little surer of what she needed. It was time to collect that second night she’d promised.

  Chapter Four

  I’m a woman of my word. I’m a woman of my word…

  I chanted it over and over in my head, trying to convince myself it was the real reason I’d come back to Fantasm. It was the same reason I’d given Ryan. Not that I thought about him night and day. Not that I could barely resist touching him every time we were in the room together. I answered his email request with that one sentence.

  I’m a woman of my word.

  And I had no idea what was about to happen this time. Ryan claimed he’d sent his script in an email attachment several times but the messages kept bouncing back. Finally he’d sent an email with no attachment that simply said, “Wait for me on the bed naked, except for your high heels, and just follow my lead.”

  I didn’t really believe him about the bounce-backs, yet it certainly hadn’t stopped me from coming back to Fantasm. As I waited for him as instructed, I continued telling myself I was there because we’d made an agreement at the beginning—my fantasy, then his—and a promise trumped the whole employee-boss thing.

  But deep down I knew that wasn’t why I came. I came because my breath caught in my chest whenever he entered the room. I came because I wanted to see the rest of him—the parts I’d neglected to uncover in the first script. I came because I couldn’t stay away.

  Although I couldn’t allow myself anything resembling a relationship with Ryan in San Francisco, I’d driven all the way down to Los Angeles to spend another night with him. And it had to be the last time. The completion of the bargain. I hoped one more night could quench the burning desire that had been scalding me from the inside out since I first laid eyes on him.

  Then it would be over.

  I listened for sounds of his arrival after following his instructions. Well, almost. Instead of being naked on the bed I was naked in the bed, under the covers. I wasn’t cold, but I shivered with anticipation.

  Finally I heard the door open. The sound of keys dropping on the entry table was followed by quiet, confident steps.

  He appeared in the doorway and I stopped breathing. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of faded jeans. I realized I’d never seen him in comfortable weekend wear, and I was struck all over again at how gorgeous he was in something so simple.

  He stared at me for a moment, a serious expression on his face. “You’re here,” he said. He dropped the small duffel bag he was carrying on the foot of the bed.

  I tried to ease the tension overtaking my body. “Were you expecting someone else?” I teased.

  He didn’t smile. He grasped the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off over his head.

  Oh my God. I thought I’d remembered how good he looked, but the sight of all those muscles flexing with each movement made me gasp. I wondered what was in store for me from that body.

  “Anything special I should know about tonight?” I asked, hoping I sounded casual. “You know I never got the attach—”

  “Nope,” he replied as he released the buttons on the front of his jeans one by one.

  “Are there costumes or specia
l clothes?” At this point I just wanted to get him talking in his normal, casual tone. I wasn’t used to this quiet Ryan.

  “No, you certainly don’t need clothes.” He still didn’t crack a smile. He pulled his pants off to reveal white boxer briefs that looked like they’d been painted on him. His thighs were as solid as tree trunks.

  I moved my head a bit to catch a glimpse of his tight, round ass. He saw me staring and raised his eyebrows. The look he gave me felt like a hot warning for what was to come. I sucked in a shaky breath. Surely his fantasies weren’t more prurient than mine.

  He peeled off the briefs and there he was in all his glory, everything about him rock solid, including his cock. It stood at attention as if waiting for his command.

  He came over to the bed and knelt on the mattress, leaning over me. He began pulling at something on the headboard spindles, between the mattress and the wall. I closed my eyes and sucked in another breath to enjoy his clean, manly scent. I hoped his fantasy was a long one.

  I suddenly realized he might need me to help or get out of the way, so I opened my eyes and turned slightly, raising my hand toward him to help…

  And watched in surprise as he handcuffed me to the headboard spindles.

  “What—?” I began, but before I finished he had my other hand shackled as well.

  “Oh, you thought we were doing my fantasy tonight?”

  What did that mean? A ripple of fear moved through me as the term “disgruntled employee” flashed through my head. What was he doing?

  “Yes, that was the agreement,” I replied. “That’s why I came.”

  “Well, I’m breaching the agreement…a little,” he said. He flung the covers off my body then pulled several objects out of the duffel bag. I strained to see what they were. He saw me watching and picked up his shirt, tossing it over my eyes.

  “Ryan, I can’t see…” I began, but my protest was pretty weak, since I was distracted by the smell of him that lingered on his shirt. It was a heavenly combination of soap, shaving cream and Ryan.

  I felt him scoot farther down the bed. He lifted one of my thighs up and away from the other.

  “What are you—?” Something cold and hard skimmed over my clit. “Ahhh!” I cried. He inserted what felt like a bullet-shaped object into my pussy. I squirmed around, trying to get the shirt off my face so I could see what was happening.

  “Be still!” he said firmly. A rush of desire shot through me at the commanding tone, and I obeyed. “I’ve got something even better for you.”

  Something cool and slippery was suddenly prodding at my tiny hole. “Uh…ooh!” I cried out again as he wiggled it inside me. Now both holes were filled with small objects of about the same size.

  Ryan moved over me. I felt the hair of his thighs tickling the sides of my stomach and realized he was straddling me. He lifted his shirt from my face and tossed it on the floor. There he was, looming over me like a god, his buttocks resting lightly just below my breasts on my rib cage, his hard cock a few inches from my face.

  “What’s going on?” My throat was so tight it came out as a whisper.

  “Tonight isn’t about my fantasy. It’s about giving you what you need.”

  “But I got that last time.” I glanced from his face down to his deliciously threatening cock.

  “I think you need more. I’ve seen how in control you are at the office, but I think sometimes you want to let go. Sometimes you want someone else to manage you.”

  “Well…I…” What could I say? He was right. As much as I loved being in charge at work, for years I’d yearned for a man who could take me—and know just what to do with me.

  “By the time this night is over, I’m going to have you so exhausted and satisfied you can’t possibly run out on me again.”

  There was something about the way he’d said the last few words. Was he still angry about the way I’d left? Was this going to be revenge or pleasure…or both? And was it really possible for a man to satisfy me to that extent? I’d never experienced it, although I’d come close the last time I was here. Maybe it would have happened that night if I hadn’t been too afraid to stay.

  “Let’s give this a test run,” he said. He lifted his hand to show me what appeared to be a remote control.

  Zap! He hit the button, sending a strong jolt of vibration into my pussy that traveled all the way down to my toes.

  “Ahhh-ha-ahhh!” I panted.

  “I love seeing the pleasure on your face, Celeste. I was cheated out of it last time.”

  Just like I was cheated out of his full Monty. My script had definitely needed a rewrite. Ryan turned the remote around and I saw there were actually two buttons.

  Zap! The jolt exploded inside my ass, causing an involuntary pelvic thrust.

  “Holy—” Zap-zap! He hit my pussy and ass consecutively and I almost orgasmed.

  “This is only the appetizer, Celeste. We have a whole night ahead of us. I want to be inside you in every possible way, and you’ll do exactly as I say.” He stuffed the extra pillow under my head. I realized this put me at a better angle to take his cock in my mouth.

  He took it in his hand and aimed it toward me, tracing my lips with the head.

  My chest heaved. My thighs contracted and relaxed, trying to get a repeat of the vibrations down there. My eyes fell closed, imagining the pleasures to come.


  I opened my eyes.

  “Do you remember your safe word?”

  Oh geez, yes, did he have to rub it in? I nodded.

  “This would be a good time to use it if you want out.”

  Out? There was no way I could leave him now without knowing what he had in store for me, just like I couldn’t resist coming all the way down here to meet him. I was out of scripts and out of words. I stared up at him, mesmerized by the new depth of blue in his eyes.

  He hit both buttons at once, jolting my pussy and ass simultaneously. My eyes closed, my body convulsed for a moment. I screamed, “Ahhhh—haa-ahh!”—and I felt his thick cock slip into my mouth.

  He pumped in and out several times as I relished the taste of him, the feel of his smoothness…his hardness.

  “Damn, baby, there’s nothing hotter than seeing my cock in your mouth.” His tone sounded oddly personal, as if we were really together. No one had called me “baby” for years. I would have thought it was a stupid endearment if it hadn’t come from him.

  He pulled his cock out most of the way and paused. “I didn’t know how hard it would be not to come,” he said. “It feels like I’ve wanted you forever.”

  My heart squeezed. I’d thought tonight we could satisfy our lust for each other and move on. Maybe I was wrong.

  “Twirl your tongue around the tip,” he instructed. When I obeyed, I was rewarded with alternating jolts, hard enough to make me lose control of my body parts but not long enough to allow me to come.

  What sweet torture! I wanted to beg him to let me come, but he thrust his cock in my mouth, this time pushing in far enough to touch my tonsils. This excited me more and I pulled at the handcuffs, desperately wanting to touch my clit.

  “Who’s the boss now, Celeste?” he asked as he thrust himself into my mouth faster, hitting the remote again and again as he did. I thrust my hips and writhed in agony and pleasure, desperately needing release.

  He groaned loudly and jerked. His hand grabbed at the headboard and the remote lodged between the two. The buttons were activated in the process and vibration after vibration shot through me, just as his hot come shot down my throat. I exploded into an orgasm that seemed to reverberate from every orifice of my body at once.

  I lay there for several minutes, eyes closed. All my responsibilities had faded away. I sank into a dark, relaxing abyss. Nothing existed but my deep sense of satisfaction. I wasn’t even aware of Ryan’s movements until he picked up my wrist still shackled above my head and pressed his fingers to it, checking for a pulse.

  “Good. Still alive,” he said. />
  “Hmmm…” I sighed dreamily. I realized he was lying beside me. His hand skimmed lightly down my arm and I felt his warm finger move to my breast to circle my nipple. I sucked in a deep breath, causing my chest to heave.

  “Nice,” he said. “I feel like I’ve waited so long for another crack at these.” His hand moved to my other breast.

  “We’ve only known each other a few weeks,” I said. “Besides, they’re nothing special.”

  “They’re very special. They’re attached to you.”

  Wow, that hit me right in the chest. Deep inside, layers beneath the area he was exploring. It was happening, just like I knew it would the night I ran away. Ryan brought out more than lustful feelings in me. But whether he was only enjoying the newness and secretiveness of our situation or he was having the same romantic feelings I was, it spelled disaster for my career.

  I opened my eyes and stared at nothing in particular, thinking my gloomy thoughts. The real world had returned and was weighing heavily on me already. I sighed.

  “Uh-oh,” Ryan said. “I think I know what that means.” He picked up his shirt and laid it over my eyes.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as I pulled at the handcuffs again.

  “Relax and feel the sensations,” he said.

  I assumed he was referring to the sex toys still loitering in my private parts. I braced myself for the vibrations to start up again.

  I felt his lips close over a nipple, tugging me into his mouth then circling his tongue round and round. Ahhh…nice…warm…wet…

  My pussy began to respond already, squeezing the motionless vibrator inside it. Ryan trailed his tongue to the other breast and gave it the same treatment as the first. I appreciated his attention to detail but my crotch was getting frustrated. I flexed my interior muscles once more and when I did, my butt muscles flexed along with it.

  Ryan noticed the movement. He chuckled and started working his way down my stomach, delivering kisses and licks and suckles as he went.


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