Champion's Bond (Twin Curse Book 2)

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Champion's Bond (Twin Curse Book 2) Page 10

by Rinelle Grey

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  Her breath caught in her throat and she couldn’t make the words come out. She nodded.

  Jasyn searched her face and for a moment she thought he was going to pull back.

  She didn’t want that. Pressing her body against his, Kriss swayed from side to side, rubbing up against him. Her own reaction to the movement surprised her. She wanted to be closer to him.

  Jasyn’s hands tightened on her hips and she wasn’t sure if he was trying to stop her from moving or to pull her closer.

  Then his head leaned towards hers. He was going to kiss her. A thrill ran through her body and her eyes slipped closed in anticipation. His breath fanned her cheeks and she could feel his lips hovering over hers, almost touching but not quite. Her breathing quickened and an ache started in her belly, spreading to every part of her body.

  The anticipation grew, like a bowstring pulled taut. It needed only a touch to send it flying, but still Jasyn’s lips didn’t touch hers. She ached to press her lips to his. It would take only a small movement, so tiny it was barely noticeable. But she let the feeling build, enjoying the tension, wanting him to make this move.

  He needed the control as much as she did. Or maybe it wasn’t about being in control. It was about not being out of control.

  Or something. But if he didn’t kiss her soon, her patience would run out.

  His lips brushed across hers, light as a feather, and a low moan rumbled in her throat. It was torture, this half touching. Delicious torture.

  Her response seemed to encourage Jasyn, because he came back a second time, definitely touching now, but still soft and tender.

  How could something so gentle stir up such a storm of feelings? She wanted him to crush his lips against hers, but she made herself stay still. His gentle movement was intoxicating, sweetly infuriating. The desperate longing for more was almost as hot as the kiss would be. Almost.

  One of Jasyn’s hands left her hip to cup her cheek, sliding gently across it. Kriss pressed her body against his, trying to encourage him to be harder, firmer, closer. His body responded by pressing back, but his hand and lips remained gentle.

  The contrast was sending her wild.

  She let the feelings wash over her, desperation building up until every fibre in her body cried out for his.

  When she couldn’t stand it anymore, her arms tightened around his neck and she pressed her lips to his, letting all the pent up feelings burst out.

  He responded in kind, his lips parting and his tongue thrusting into her mouth.

  Yes. This was what she wanted.

  No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t enough. It just made her want more. Much more.

  Her hands slid down his neck to his chest, gripping a handful of his undershirt. Even though the fur was thinner than the jacket he wore outdoors, it was still in her way. But in order to get it off, she’d have to take her lips off his.


  His tongue flicked in and out of her mouth and his lips were hot against hers.

  If either of them stopped, common sense might prevail.

  She gripped the shirt with both hands and pulled it sharply. The lashings that held the fur together tore easily and Jasyn’s gasp against her lips only encouraged her. She tore it completely down the front, then slid her hands inside the fur and against his skin. His warm skin under her fingers was a welcome contrast to the cold air.

  She ran her hands gently over his body, feeling every muscle and bulge. She’d helped make these. All those months of training had paid off, in more ways than one.

  Jasyn wriggled and she slid her hands up to help him slide the shirt off his shoulders.

  Then she had a dilemma. She wanted to see his body, but to do that, she’d have to part at least some of her body from his. For a while, she settled for imagining. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t seen him without his shirt before. It was easy to picture his muscles rippling under his skin.

  But imagination wasn’t enough. Finally, she pulled her lips back from his and opened her eyes to take him in.

  He stared back and suddenly she had no interest in looking at his body. Because his intense brown eyes captured her. They were dark and full of desire and they didn’t waver from her face.

  “Kriss,” he breathed.

  “Jasyn,” she managed.

  His hand cupped her face. “You’re beautiful.”

  A troll, beautiful?

  But then again, his body, sculpted by hours of training, the green skin glistening with sweat, could hardly be described as anything less. Suddenly, she had to see more. With both hands, she reached for the leather tie that held up his pants.

  “Uh-uh.” He shook his head. “That’s not fair. You first.”

  She’d been so focused on stripping him, she’d forgotten that she was still fully dressed. Well, that was an easy fix.

  Taking a step back from him was agony, but the way his eyes widened and the bulge in his trousers grew when she pulled her shirt over her head made up for it. His hands reached for her, but she danced out of the way, undoing her own tie and letting her trousers fall to the ground.

  Jasyn’s breath hitched. He fumbled at the knots on his own trousers, but his clumsy hands were taking too long. Kriss pushed them away, and undid the tie for him, pulling it out of the holes it was threaded through.

  She’d fully intended to take her time, but when his hands reached for her breasts, stroking them gently before cupping each, she decided that the time for slowly was gone. Her lips crushed his. She dragged down his pants, then pushed him backwards onto the bed and climbed on top of him.

  A low laugh escaped from Jasyn’s lips and he stared up at her.

  He pulsed between her thighs, sending heat flooding through her. Kriss bent over him, her braids falling around his face, kissing him desperately. She’d never known it was possible to want something so badly.

  He lifted his head off the bed, kissing her back just as urgently.

  Kriss moved her hips against his and his breathing grew ragged. His hands gripped her hips, pulling her firmly against him as he moved under her.

  Lifting her hips slightly, she angled her body until they fitted together perfectly. She paused for a moment, desire and anticipation coursing through her, and pulled back to look into Jasyn’s eyes.

  They were filled with emotion and longing. His hands held her hips firmly, but they didn’t push. He waited, holding his breath.

  Kriss slid onto him, letting out a gasp at how completely he filled her. The feeling was amazing. Indescribable. She closed her eyes, letting her head hang back, her braids running down her bare back, focusing on the moment.

  But it still wasn’t enough. She wanted more. Needed more.

  Slowly she began to rise up and sliding back down. Each time he filled her, the intensity of the need within her grew. Jasyn’s hands on her hips became more insistent, gently pressing her downwards each time she rose. His heavy breathing did crazy things to her insides.

  Heat flooded through her and she increased her pace. She leaned forwards, pressing her chest against his and crushing her lips against his mouth. His tongue thrust into her mouth, in time with his hips thrusting against hers. Kriss met each thrust, striving to get closer, closer, closer.

  Jasyn gave a gasp and his movements grew more frantic, his thrusts more feverish.

  Waves of fire spread out from her pelvis, sending a tingling sensation throughout her whole body. Kriss ground onto his hips, feeling her own body pulse in response to his. Ecstasy washed over her and she savoured every bit.

  The urgency faded a little, and she rested against Jasyn’s chest. Her breathing slowed, and a feeling of contentment and satiation pervaded every muscle of her body.

  It felt right, lying here with Jasyn. More right than anything had ever felt before.

  That feeling both excited and scared her.


  A Change of Plans

  Jasyn opened his eyes and looked at Kriss,
lying in bed beside him. Sometime during the night she’d rolled away from his side, but he didn't take it personally. He'd worked out quickly that she needed her own space. He never woke up with her snuggled up against him, even on the coldest nights.

  He wasn't going to take anything personally today. Not after last night.

  His body heated at the thought of it. He hadn't expected Kriss’s reaction to be so enthusiastic and uninhibited.

  He hadn't expected his own to be.

  Even though the reasons for them to make love had been sound, he’d planned to keep making excuses. He hadn't wanted Kriss to feel pressured to be with him.

  Her actions last night had overcome his reluctance.

  But now that he thought about it in the cold, clear light of day, he wondered if her enthusiasm been genuine, or if she had faked it to overcome his reluctance. Right from the beginning, Kriss thought it would be best for them to have sex and get it over with.

  What if she’d only pretended to enjoy it?

  The thought left a hard lump in his throat.

  He should have talked to her last night and made sure that she really did want it. He shouldn't have let his feelings overcome his common sense.

  He stared at her face, so peaceful in sleep. Her wedding braids were a little messed up, and a few of the blue beads had fallen off. It didn’t really matter though, she could undo them this morning. The thought sent heat to his face and he shifted uncomfortably.

  She gave a small snore and Jasyn couldn't help smiling.

  She could be asleep for a while. He couldn't just lie here, wondering what she thought about last night. He'd send himself mad. He needed something else to focus on.

  Memories of last night’s battle came back to him, but that was even more uncomfortable. He'd done better than he had expected, and that worried him.

  He'd killed several humans. They had been trying to kill him, true, but only after he had attacked their village.

  He had gone into the village expecting to be able to change the future for the trolls. To give them a chance to be who they were supposed to be. But even if there was a chance the humans in the village could lift the curse, he wasn’t sure if he wanted the trolls to be part of their world. He thought of his nephews, still babies. He couldn’t imagine requiring them to marry the same woman. It seemed a crazy idea.

  But how could they live over the ridge with the humans without following their laws?

  It was kind of ironic, really, that he and Kriss had agreed to a fake marriage to fix a problem that had been caused by a forced marriage. He hoped it hadn't all been for nothing.

  It had been a long time. Maybe the humans didn’t still enforce the strange law. So much rested on that possibility. But how could he know?

  The Founding of Eryvale. Kriss had suggested he look through the book again. Maybe there was a clue in there.

  Careful not to wake her, Jasyn slipped out of the bed and fetched the book from the chest where he kept it. He sat on the opposite side of the tent, where he could still see Kriss sleeping, and began reading.


  Kriss stretched and yawned. The bed beside her was empty and the light filtering through the chimney hole in the roof indicated it was late morning. Why had she slept so long?

  Memories of the previous night came rushing back.

  A delicious shiver ran through her, along with a strong feeling of discomfort. Her mind shied away from remembering the details, although her body responded anyway.

  It was done now. No one would question whether she and Jasyn loved each other. They didn’t have to do it again. Ever.

  But she wanted to.

  No, she didn’t. There was nothing to be gained, and much to be lost, by a continued relationship.

  She could get pregnant.

  Maybe she already was. That would put an end to her warrior ambitions. Her mother had told her many times how she became nothing more than a housewife as soon as Kriss’s older brother was born. Kriss had watched her be bullied by her husband and older sons until she died within days of her husband’s death in battle. That was no way to live.

  Nor was living in fear of losing someone she loved, as Bekinda had. There was a hope that the trolls could live in peace now, but would that last? What if their food ran out? What if the humans thought they’d grown weak and came across the ridge to attack them?

  She shouldn’t have given in last night.

  But if she hadn’t, everyone would have known and their co-championship would have been doubted.

  But once was enough. No more.

  With that in mind, Kriss threw back the covers and sat up.

  Her eyes met Jasyn’s across the tent.

  And she realised she was completely naked.

  Jasyn just smiled. “Good morning,” he said softly.

  His eyes didn’t stray from her face, but his expression and his voice were different. More intimate. She needed to put a stop to that right away.

  But first she needed some clothes.

  Slowly, as if she weren’t in the least bit uncomfortable, Kriss reached for her clothes and pulled them on.

  Then she was able to meet Jasyn’s eyes and say, “We need to discuss last night.”

  His expression turned serious. “All right.” He closed the book in his hands.

  The movement caught her attention. “Is that the human book? What did you find out?”

  Jasyn hesitated, his face drawn. Then he sighed. “It appears that the humans in the village decided to follow the law of twins marrying the same person. I found an obscure reference to the village deciding to keep the law, even after the events on the crypt, because of trade treaties or something. It seems you can’t trade within the human settlements if you don’t agree to this set of laws. And there is at least one record in this book of a twin marriage happening.”

  His shoulders slumped and Kriss felt nearly as disappointed. “They didn’t learn anything, did they?”

  Shaking his head, Jasyn said, “I’m sorry, Kriss. I really thought this could change our lives. But it was all a waste.”

  Kriss bit back a sigh. All their battles, all the personal sacrifices, and yet nothing had changed for the better.

  Well, except getting rid of Mugos. That had been a good thing. And the garden Jasyn had built. And the fact that trolls smiled now because they could see a future where their children grow up in peace.

  “It wasn’t a waste,” she said firmly. “Making peace with the humans may have been what inspired you in the first place, but the changes you have made in the meantime are real. And they’re good. We don’t need the humans’ help. And we don’t need to be human. We can change who the trolls are. I don’t know about you, but I’m happy the way I am.”

  Jasyn stared at her for a moment, then his face broke into a smile. “Of course. There’s nothing wrong with being a troll. It doesn’t automatically mean we’re doomed to constant fighting. Let’s face it, humans fight just as much as we do. And,” his face softened, “I think you’re beautiful just the way you are.”

  Kriss flushed hot, then cold. She hardened her heart against the endearing expression on Jasyn’s face. “We’re partners, not lovers. Last night was necessary to keep up the charade of a love match, but it’s done now. Save the sweet nothings for when we are in public.”

  If she had slapped him in the face he couldn’t look any more hurt. But just as her resolve was slipping, he straightened his shoulders and nodded. “Of course. You’re right. It’s sorted now, and we can move on. So what are we going to tell the camp? They’ll be waiting to hear our next move.”

  The quick turnaround left Kriss reeling. It seemed only his pride was hurt, nothing more. He might have been feeling passionate last night, but in the cold light of day, even he could see that there could be nothing more between them.

  It was what she had wanted. She should be happy.

  But he could have at least protested a little more.

  No, those thoughts were danger
ous. It was better this way. Better that Jasyn didn’t feel anything more for her. That would make it easier to keep things platonic.

  “That speech you gave about there being nothing wrong with being a troll was perfect.” she said. “That’s what we need to tell everyone.”

  Jasyn frowned. “Are the trolls going to accept that? We’ve spent the last few months convincing them that the benefits to being human are worth the change.”

  “But many of them haven’t really accepted that, even if they appear to have on the surface. Forget mentioning that you don’t think the humans can lift the curse. Stick with telling them we’ve decided we don’t want to be like them after all.”

  Jasyn nodded immediately. “Yes, that’s much better. Let it be our choice. Let it be empowering.”

  “You need to be the one to say it though, you’re so much better at this than me.”

  He didn’t argue, though he did raise an eyebrow. “All right. Then you can tell them what we plan to do next.”

  She stared at him, lost. “But, what are we going to do?”

  “I don’t know. But I bet you can work something out.”

  She could? How? She was no good at these feel-good things. And she’d never had any thoughts beyond beating the humans in battle. Since that was off the table…

  What did she want? She wasn’t so different to any other troll, so if she could figure out her own wants, maybe she could figure out what the other trolls might want.

  Well, to be safe, for a start. To have plenty of food. Beyond that, she’d never given it much thought. How could you think of anything more when you didn’t have enough to eat? That’s where they needed to start.

  “The garden. We need to focus on that, and work on building it up until no troll goes hungry. And we need to make better rules, ones to make every troll, adult or child, feel safe.”

  Jasyn gave a wide smile. “Perfect start.”

  “And once we have that worked out, then trolls can start to think about what other things they might want in life.”

  Maybe she could start to figure it out for herself, too.

  Jasyn stood up and held out a hand to her. “Let’s go tell them.”


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