Broken Melody (Luna's Children)

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Broken Melody (Luna's Children) Page 14

by Melissa Kay Clarke

  Jeff nodded. “We are.”

  His eyes narrowed. “And you are the one that called the council on our alpha?”

  Again he nodded. “I am.”

  His shoulders relaxed marginally. “Who is your mate?” His eyes locked on the mark over his heart on his chest. “I've not seen that mark on any of our females so she probably isn't here.”

  “Her name is Zandria,” he started. "Alexandria Rogers..."

  “Lies! She's not a wolf so she can't be a mate!” Immediately, the two growled and snarled at them, shifting into full wolves again. Jeff and Chase also changed and crouched low. Cayson looked at the two Leeco pack and held his hand out to them, palm up.

  “I can prove it. If you would let me touch you for just a second. I'm an empath. Emotions are absolute and never lie. Let me show you.” Cayson dropped to one knee and looked them in the eye. Cautiously, Gabriel approached and Cayson slowly touched two fingers to the wolf's dark black head. Closing his eyes, he opened the conduit between and fed him all the emotions and feelings he had for Zandria – the love, fear, anxiety and even passion. When he had finished, he pulled his hand back and looked at them. “That's my Zandria,” he finished.

  Gabriel slowly nodded then raised his head staring behind Jeff. They could hear the sounds of approaching footsteps. Gabriel turned and took a few steps then waited for them. Cayson shifted again and the three followed them deeper into the woods. After about a mile the two stopped and shifted back again, motioned for Jeff, Chase and Cayson to do the same.

  “Okay, talk,” Dakota sat on a stump.

  Jeff looked at Cayson and nodded to him to go ahead. Quickly, he told them of finding Zandria on their land mauled and almost dead. He explained how it had taken his sister, who was a dreamer, Chase and himself to save her life. He went on to tell them about how she had made her life with them, helping in the bakery and spending her time and money on the pups. His words became soft as he explained to them about her reluctance to admitting they were mates, and that she was a huge reason that his sister had been found. He left out her ability but did finish up with telling them the note that she had left. They took it all in without a word until he finished.

  “I believe you and what you say,” Dakota said, “but there's a lot of people who hate her. The day that Laura died, well, it was hard on everyone. She was a bully and a real bitch to everyone but she was also the alpha's daughter and Simon went into a rage, breaking things and hurting anyone who got in his way.”

  Gabriel nodded in agreement. “Zandria told us that it was an accident that she was just trying to get away from Laura. Shelby, who was with them that day, said it was just an accident, but Diana said it wasn't. Then Shelby said she made a mistake and it was intentional. I never really believed them. Zandria was always really sweet to everyone, very loving and quiet. The day she was arrested was the last time anyone saw her. Then, a couple of days later, he told us she had escaped. Simon's had people looking for her ever since.”

  “I didn't want to believe she could intentionally hurt anyone – especially not after,” Dakota sighed and looked to the ground. He pointed to his own chest, showing them a small two inch round mark that looked like a brand, red and white swirls and lines. It was definitely a mating mark.

  “Who?” Chase asked. “Not Laura? Shelby or the other one, Diana”?

  He shook his head. “Right after Laura's death, Zandria went missing. There was a rumor going around that she was locked up somewhere in the camp. Nobody seemed to care about her. It was like everyone forgot about the person she was. Suddenly all they could remember was that she didn't have a wolf that she was a c.. a human born to wolves.” He looked up at Cayson and noticed his jaw was set and his eyes narrowed dangerously. “Anyway, when it happened, her whole family was ostracized, and put under house arrest. We all took turns guarding them. One night, Willow came out and sat with me on the porch. We looked in each other's eyes and knew we were mates. I had seen her around but never saw her if you know what I mean. My brother and I hadn't been in the village but a few months when it happened, and then right before Christmas, the alpha banished them, saying they were the reason she escaped. I don't believe it a bit, because after Willow and I mated, I spent every moment I could with her and their family. They didn't even know where she was. She kept asking me if I knew, which I didn't.”

  “He banished the entire family? Did they go to another pack?” Jeff asked.

  Gabriel shook his head. “He said they were rogues and if they dared to approach another pack for sanctuary, he would have them brought up before the council.” He looked at his brother. “They didn't have anywhere else to go so we found an old place outside of pack lands and fixed it up for them. Adam, Larry, Veronica, Willow, and Valerie are all there.”

  Cayson stumbled and sat down hard on the ground. “Can you take me to them?”

  Jeff put a hand out. “We have a meeting with the Council that we can't miss. We'll come back later tonight.” He looked at the two men. “Or, better yet, we are staying in town at the Sleep America Inn. I'll arrange for them to have rooms there. I want them protected – Zandria is part of our pack and as such her family is protected as well. Please bring them there and we'll talk to them tonight after the meeting.” He stopped a moment. “I know that picking up and leaving a pack is hard, but please let them know they will have a home with us at Sapphire Lake if they want. In the meantime, please bring them to the hotel, at least until this is over.”

  Dakota let out a breath and smiled. “Thank you, sir. That would take a huge load off my mind to know the Rogers are safe. I'm sorry about how we reacted earlier. Simon has been looking for her for so long, we don't trust any strangers. I wouldn't put it past him to hire men to find her. Gabe and I have been going back and forth between home and there. I think if Simon finds them there, he may do something drastic.”

  “Not on my watch. You just bring them to the hotel. Cay, Chase, it's time to go." He stuck out his hand to the brothers. "Thank you both for telling us about this.” They shook hands and then quietly he shifted into his wolf and streaked through the woods making his way to where the car waited, Chase and Cayson right behind.


  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  Rachel sat in the back of the large conference room that the council was using to hold their meetings. Technically, she shouldn't be there, but since Carson was a dreamer and therefore eligible to attend the meeting, Rachel was allowed to tag along behind. That was before Jeff had appeared and whispered to his daughter about a group of wolves arriving soon and that he was leaving it to her to make sure they were taken care of. She left with a promise to return soon and for Rachel to save her place. That was over forty-five minutes ago and the meeting had started since then. Rachel looked towards the door for the hundredth time, willing her friend to hurry up. The matters so far were mundane things concerning other packs in the Southeast area. There were several petitions for personal audiences as well as requests for mediation in minor infractions. Rachel fidgeted in her seat until finally the door opened and Carson slid in, quietly made her way to Rachel and sat down.

  “What's going on?” Carson whispered as she sat down.

  Rachel leaned over and whispered back, “It's the same old stuff. Land disputes, requests for assistance, potential exposure.” She shrugged. “They haven't gotten to the good stuff yet. What about you? Who were the V.I.P.s that you were taking care of?”

  “Zandria's family,” she whispered back. “Two of the Leeco pack brought them here and one of them is mated to her older sister, Willow. The other one went back to the pack. He's going to try to see if Zandria is there somewhere. It just broke my heart. They had no idea if Zan was alive or dead for most of a year. Then they were branded rogues since just before Christmas and forced out of their home. Gabe and Kota, that's Willow's mate and his brother, they are carpenters and fixed up a cabin out in the woods. The more I hear about this Simon guy, the more I'm despis
ing him. I hope the council removes him from alpha.” She shook her head, “But from what I was told, the beta isn't any better. Veronica, that's Zan's mother, she said that he's a sadistic wolf who enjoys bullying everyone. When Zan disappeared, they were afraid she was dead. It was such a relief that she was alive in our pack. They have been so worried about her.”

  She stopped and looked up as another case was dismissed and the next one called. She saw Molly sitting at the end of the table and smiled at her. Carson missed the old healer that had been like a grandmother to her. Molly smiled back and then turned her attention to the next petitioner that had approached.

  “So they don't know where she is either. Damn. I had hoped that maybe she had found a way to contact them.” Rachel sighed heavily.

  “Me too, Rach. They haven't heard or seen from her in almost a year. Gabe said that he thinks Simon knows where she is though. Simon had been sending out every able bodied wolf with a vehicle to search for her. Then suddenly, he shows back up a few days ago and pulls everyone back in.” She swallowed and grabbed her friend's hand. “What's worse, he's been spending pack money to fund his vendetta instead of taking care of the people. Kota said food has been reduced to bare minimum to get by on, houses are falling apart because they can't purchase needed items to do repairs. The pack store hasn't been opened in months because there's nothing there anyway. The ones that could leave have, and Simon doesn't care. The stories are horrible.”

  They stared ahead watching the proceedings as another petition was heard and dealt with. Then the door opened and in walked two men followed by Jeff and Chase. Carson's heart sped up and she couldn't help but smile at the sight of her mate. He looked around a moment then came over and sat beside her, leaning over and brushed her lips with his. “Sorry I'm late,” he muttered softly. “Had to make sure Cayson was alright. He's with Zandria's family and all that emotion was overloading him.”

  “I should go to him,” Carson started to get up from the chair. Chase put a hand on her elbow and shook his head. “He needs time with them. He'll be fine.”

  “Who are the two you came in with? Looks like they ate a sour apple.” Rachel nodded towards the new arrivals.

  “The tall one with the attitude is Alpha Simon Winstead and the beady eyed rat beside him is his beta, Bobby something or another. I don't trust either of them any further than I could throw this building.” Chase sighed and sat back. “I'll just be glad when this all is over. I miss our quiet time.” He squeezed Carson's hand gently.

  “Admit it, you're glad we came,” Carson grinned at him smugly.

  “I admit nothing” His eyes were glued to the front but he squeezed her hand again.

  Carl Abernathy rose from his place and stood behind the table. “The last petitions of this session involve two packs, Leeco and Sapphire Lake and are as follows: a claim of unlawful detainment by Leeco pack against a member of Sapphire Lake pack, a claim by Leeco that one of their members, Alexandria Rogers was unlawfully removed from his custody, a claim by Sapphire Lake that Alexandria Rogers was a standing member of their pack and was threatened by member or members of Leeco, and lastly, a claim by Sapphire Lake that the girl in question, Alexandria Rogers, was unlawfully harmed by Leeco without due process as guaranteed as a member of a pack. The last claim has been refuted that due process is only given to and claimed for wolves and she is not a wolf, therefore unable to claim such. At the request of Alpha Winstead of Leeco, the room must be cleared of all persons not directly involved in this matter.” He sat again, picking up a folder of papers and opening it. “We will have a ten minute break before resuming.”

  All around them, people were rising and filing out of the room until only a handful remained. Carson was surprised to see her mentor, Manna, sitting with two men to the left of the councilors.

  “I wonder what Obediah is doing here,” Chase mumbled.

  “Who?” Rachel looked around.

  “The man sitting to the right of Manna,” he nodded towards the trio then got up. “I'm going to go see what's up.” Carson looked at Rachel and they got up to follow.

  The three of them crossed the room and stopped before the smaller table to the side. “Obediah. It's good to see you again.” He held his hand out and shook the older man's.

  “Chase Blackston, one of my favorite healers.” The man stood up and smiled warmly. He was not as tall as Chase but still radiated an aura of power and authority. His eyes were a deep steel gray that perfectly matched his military cut hair. His nose was a bit too severe and his lips a bit too thin but what his looks lacked was made up in the warmness of his gaze. He turned to Carson and took her hand in his. “Allow me to introduce you to the Tehetséges which means 'gifted' in the old tongue. I'm Obediah Nelson, Tehetséges Healer. The one on the other side there is Liam Talbert, Tehetséges Empath. Manna, the Tehetséges Dreamer, of course, you know.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “So good to meet you, Mrs. Blackston. Manna has positively gushed about your talent.”

  Carson colored slightly. “Very pleased to meet you, Tehetséges Nelson and Talbert. Please call me Carson. This is my friend, Rachel.” She dropped his hand and smiled warmly.

  Manna moved around the table and hugged her gently. “Good to see you doing so well, Carson.” She turned her silver eyes on Chase. “I'm still a bit disappointed that you have managed to steal my most promising student from me, but considering her obvious state of happiness,” she patted Carson's stomach gently, “I'm willing to forgive you.”

  Carson chuckled. “What are you doing here?”

  “Gretchen and Molly told us about your brother's mate, Alexandria. We are extremely curious to see a real fatavoce so when Jeff asked for the council to come about this dispute, we insisted on coming with them. When there's an issue with a gifted wolf, we are called to stand in alongside the regular council, but since the validity of her gift hasn't been verified, it's a gray area. So, officially, we are calling this an 'inquiry'.” She winked at her.

  Carson touched her mentor's hand. “I hope you get the chance to meet her. This whole mess is horrible. That man,” she motioned towards where Simon sat whispering with his beta, “has done atrocious things to his people. Her family thinks he has her and that he will kill her. Please, you have to help her. She's a sweet, shy girl, not to mention she's Cay's mate.”

  “I heard that when she was found on your lands last year, she almost died. Is it true that your brother used his empath powers to draw her pain away while you kept her calm?” Liam's voice was smooth and calm. His eyes were so blue they bordered on violet and held her attention.

  She nodded. “It's true. I used my gift to hold her steady, Cayson pulled her pain off and gave her his strength until Chase could get her stabilized enough to move her to the healing hall. I think if it hadn't been for all three of us, she would have died. The world would have lost the only fatavoce in centuries.”

  Obediah's face grew hard. “How did she get in such a condition?”

  Rachel piped in. “Nobody knows for sure, but I'm pretty sure it was either that scum bucket weasel, or his friend, Mr. Ferret-face McBling sitting over there.”

  “Rachel!” Chase looked at her aghast.

  “Sorry. I didn't mean to insult scum buckets, weasels or ferrets,” she retorted defiantly.

  The three Tehetséges chuckled. “The hearing is about to begin. You should take your seats now.” Liam said.

  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  The suite of rooms Jeff had procured for the Rogers family encompassed one whole end of the hotel floor. The hotel had gone out of its way to accommodate the sudden “conference” that had descended upon it in recent days. With Elvis week officially behind them for the year and the usual influx of yet more fans that inundated the small Mississippi city for his death day anniversary a couple of weeks away, they were eager to take a momentary unexpected boon to their business.

  Cayson sat in the chair of the sitting room that sat bet
ween bedrooms for Adam and Veronica and Larry. Valarie sat on the floor beside her mother's chair while Willow shared a chair with her mate, a young wolf named Dakota.

  “So, you're Alexandria's mate?” The patriarch looked at him.

  “Yes, sir,” he nodded and rubbed absently at his chest.

  “Can I see it?” Valarie's eyes were big as she studied him. “The mark, I mean,” she colored slightly.

  He pulled his shirt up exposing the mark to their eyes for a moment then dropped it back in place. He was a bit nervous and he could tell they didn't exactly trust him. For some reason, he felt pretty sure they would remain that way until Zandria reassured them. At the thought of her, his heart ached again. Both he and his wolf longed for her with an intensity that bordered on obsession.

  “It's not that we don't believe you. Well, I guess in a way it is, it's just that she is a human and they don't mate with wolves. Any relationship with her would be no more than an imprinting- actually not even that as it's also a wolf thing.” Larry's eyes had narrowed slightly. "A fling then."

  “But she is a wolf.” Cayson leaned forward and braced his elbows on his knees. “Zandria is a beautiful, loving, sweet wolf and I love her with all my heart. The day she finally let me look into her eyes, we both knew it. We were made for each other. She even has the same mark on her as I do.”

  “She can change into a lupine?” Adam asked.

  “Not yet, sir”

  “Then she's not a wolf, Larry finished. “She will never be accepted as being one without being able to shift.”

  Cayson growled and stood up. His eyes glowed amber as he looked at them. “You people are her family. You are the ones that should be supporting her when nobody else does.” He closed his eyes a moment and as they opened, they were again the same deep emerald green as before. “The reason she hasn't been able to change is because of her other gift.”

  “What gift?” Willow slid off of Dakota's lap and settled between his feet on the floor. She looked almost exactly like Zandria -to the point just looking at her made the bands around his heart constrict painfully.


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