Healing Us: Sports Romance, A Comeback Uncovers Love

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Healing Us: Sports Romance, A Comeback Uncovers Love Page 5

by Abi Josselyn

  “I have never run in international competition and being on the world stage is scary. What if I crack under the pressure of representing my country? I was having a freak out moment and I’m sorry.”

  “It’s cool Heather as long as it doesn’t happen again. I would advise you to seek the help of one of the sport’s psychologists that they have on staff here at Apex. Dr. Walsh has been extraordinary and I don’t think I’d still be in Utah without her support. You were hyped up yesterday Heather and I think you should double check the supplements you’re taking.”

  “The things that I put in my body are not something I’m going to discuss. Yesterday, I had four cups of coffee because I was with a friend who kept refilling my mug. I’m not used to caffeine and it had a horrible effect.” Heather said as she took a swig from her insulated mug, which smelled an awful lot like coffee. “Regarding Ben, I do caution you to look out for him and it’s just friendly advice. He’s aloof as if he’s hiding something and the only time he smiles is when he’s talking to Lizzie.”

  “Ben’s going to be leaving Apex to tend to some personal family business. Please don’t go around spreading rumors about him because he means a great deal to me.” Beth saw Ben as soon as they got to the track. Beth and he locked eyes and her heart palpitated. “Here we are. I’m glad we cleared the air and I’ll catch up with you later.”

  It took everything for Beth not to run to into Ben’s arms but they had decided to play it cool. There were a lot of people who still thought he had a girlfriend named Lizzie. Beth picked up her pace so she would have a few moments with him before meeting with Seth.

  “You look relaxed. Did you speak with Seth?” Beth asked. Ben wasn’t wearing his Apex gear and he was in jeans so she figured he had.

  “I did and he was cool like I knew he would be. He has a new therapist who’s been chomping at the bit to join the team. Don’t know a thing about the person but I guess he or she is very capable. I said you would respond best to a female PT because she would know how to deal better with a female athlete. It was BS and he knew it but he said that he’d try.”

  “When do you leave for Colorado?” Beth asked.

  “I take off in an hour.” Ben grabbed Beth’s hand and squeezed it. “I called my niece and told her that I was coming home and she squealed so loud that my eardrum nearly broke. She asked why and I told he that a little bird whispered in my ear and told me it was the right thing to do.” Ben laughed. “I’ll tell her all about you when I get the chance. She’ll love seeing you on the podium with your gold medal.”

  “It won’t be the same at Apex without you. I actually looked forward to PT even on the days that you pushed me to the limit.”

  “It was all due to your dedication and determination. I hope you come back to Utah and we can see each other but I don’t want you to pass up any opportunities for me. If the right man comes your way grab him even if I’ll be jealous. I want you to be happy most of all Beth.”

  “We’ll see but he would have to me pretty special to make me forget about you. I’m so happy that you’re going back to be the parent that Lizzie needs and deserves but I’m sorry it has to end this way.”

  “It’s not ending Beth. We’re entering a new phase in our lives but we’ll have Skype and email. They won’t make up for the feeling of your body, which by the way caused me to take several cold showers when I got home last night.”

  “I feel like all eyes are upon us but a friendly goodbye hug between athlete and PT wouldn’t.” Beth was cut off.

  “Forget that Beth. Let’s leave em guessing.” Ben wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her ass as he jammed his tongue past her lips. Beth was laughing when she was able to come up for air. “That’ll give em something to talk about.”

  “Oh God; I hope you know that everyone thinks you’re aloof and that you have a serious girlfriend.”

  “I could care less and now they think you’re a tramp.” Ben laughed.

  “I’m your tramp so I really don’t care. Now go before I burst into tears and call me when you get home safely.”

  Ben ran his fingers through Beth’s hair and pulled her in for a final tender kiss. “Seeing this red head of hair was the best part of my day. I’ll get to see it on television in a couple of weeks, which will be enough for now.” Ben walked away as Beth let out a heavy sigh. He turned around with his gym bag thrown over his shoulder. “Run fast Beth.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Beth joined Seth for one of her last work-outs before departing for the trials. She was expected to make the team but the team of women from Germany and Ethiopia would be hard to beat in Olympic competition. Seth was having his own trials and she would prove to have the fastest 5000 time at Apex. The distance scared her at first but she trusted Seth and he was right. The international runners were stacked in the 1500 and she would be unable to thread the needle and come up with a medal of any color.

  “I have you running with Dorsey and Gibbons who both have blistering starts and you should resist the temptation to join them. I’m sending Lexie onto the track at 4000 meters so she’ll be fresh. How you finish against her will help me further our strategy. I want to see how close to 14:11 you can get. That time is just shy of the world record and we’ll know how close you can get by using my experimental field.”

  “Sounds like a plan Seth. I feel as though I’m peaking at the right time and I won’t let you down.”

  “You haven’t so far Beth. I’ll be shooting off the gun to give you a better sense of what it’ll be like.”

  “I’ve been there and done that.” Beth smiled and jogged to the finish line.

  The gun went off and just as Seth predicted, Dorsey and Gibbons took off like racecars. Beth had to concentrate in order to avoid the speed trap that was intentionally set by Seth. It was instinctual to run faster than everyone else on the track and her running smarts would overcome instinct. When they burned out, Lexie came onto the track with fresh legs and the race was on as the women ran neck and neck until the final stretch. Beth finished with a 14:10.5 and Seth jumped in the air.

  “Keep doing what you’re doing Barker and you’ll have a real shot at the gold. Run around a bit and loosen those muscles before you check in with the new PT. It’s a man but you’re a professional and he’s good.”

  “I’m fine with whomever you chose because Ben did a great job. The knee has never felt better and I wish the games were tomorrow.”

  We’re having an easy day tomorrow because I’ll mostly be working with the relay team. You have some experience in the 4x4 so you can give the girls pointers.


  Beth walked into the pool and physical therapy facility, which gave her a pang of sadness. It’s where she and Ben spent most of their time. It was hard to believe he was the same skinny guy from college and now he was all she could think about. She saw the man that was going to be assigned to the women’s distance runners and he looked familiar from behind.

  “Hello, I think we have an appointment. I’m Beth Barker and I run the 5000.”

  He turned around and Beth was shocked because it was Elijah Maxwell from Oregon.

  “I only found out this morning that I’d be coming to Apex and I didn’t have time to tell you. You wanted us to try having a long distance relationship and I said no way. I guess our stars are aligned once again.”

  “Elijah, you told me my future wasn’t with you but as a physical therapist I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Have you met someone Beth?” Elijah asked. He looked fit and healthy as he always had but Beth’s attraction to him had disappeared.

  “That’s a long story Elijah. Can we keep this relationship strictly professional?”

  “We can try Beth, if that’s what you want.”

  “That’s what I need Elijah because I don’t have room in my life for anything else.”

  “Then I think we’re wasting time talking when we should hop in the pool and take some pressure off your joints.

It had never been more clear that Elijah was not the right man for her. Six months ago he was her everything but Beth changed when Ben entered her life. Elijah was a good person but lacked the depth that Ben had. When Elijah touched her knee to check on the stability of her patella, it didn’t send shockwaves throughout her body as it did when Ben touched her.

  “What’s life been like back in Oregon since I left? How’s Johnathan? I haven’t spoken to him in a couple of weeks which is a record for us. We usually speak every couple of days.”

  “He’s good. His daughters are running at the U of O beginning this year so he’s been busy going to their meets. I’m sure he’s missing you like the rest of us,” Elijah said.

  “You make it sound as if I deserted you guys without giving it a second thought.”

  “Whatever Beth. It’s how you roll and we knew that when you came on board. It was like you left CCU years ago.”

  Beth was pissed that anyone thought poorly of her and it seemed as if Elijah was speaking personally. Things may not have gone well for him after she left but she wasn’t going to let him make her feel guilty. Beth wasn’t about to compare leaving college to leaving Oregon for Apex. Elijah could bait her but Beth wasn’t going to bite.

  “You asked if I was involved with anyone, what about you?” Beth asked.

  “No one special but I’ve been around for a couple of days hoping for a staff position and I already have a date.” Elijah looked at Beth to see if she reacted with jealousy, which she didn’t.”

  “Good for you Elijah; you always had a way with the ladies. What’s her name because I may know her.”

  “Heather Morgan. She’s a runner from Texas and somewhat young for me but she’s a little firecracker and seems like a lot of fun. She’s running the 400 and the 4x4 relay.”

  “Oh boy, I know Heather because I live with her. She’s my suitemate.”

  Of all the women for Elijah to date he had to choose Heather. She worked hard to get rid of the drama in her life and here it was again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The flight to Oslo was long and tedious. The highlight of Beth’s trip was a video chat she had with Ben from the Heathrow airport. It was morning in Colorado and evening in London.

  “Hey Ben. It’s so good to see your face and you look relaxed and happier than I’ve ever seen you.” Beth sat in a tiny cubicle in the middle of Heathrow.

  “I wish I could say the same about you Beth. Were you able to get any sleep on the plane?” Ben asked.

  “No; Elijah and Heather were sitting in the row ahead of me. They were cooing and doing God knows what under the blanket. They should use the bathroom and join the mile-high club and stop ruining my chances of getting sleep.”

  “You wouldn’t be jealous of Heather; would you be Beth?”

  “I am only jealous because I wish I was having as much fun with you. I miss you Ben.”

  “Use that emotion as motivation Beth because right now that’s our reality. I miss you too but you’ll be back soon as an official member of the Olympic team.” Ben paused and turned his attention towards Lizzie. “Not now sweetie but you’ll meet Beth someday.”

  “Let me talk to her Ben. Meeting her will help cheer me up. Please.”

  Ben called out for Lizzie to join him on the call. The moment Beth saw the girl, her heart melted and she realized why Ben glowed when he spoke to her. She had brown hair, blue eyes and freckles on her nose. She was a female miniature of her uncle. “Hi Beth. Thank you for making my BenBen come home.”

  “He’s where he needs to be Lizzie because I’m all grown up and I can take care of myself. You will be like me someday and able to go off and do things on your own. You’re even cuter than BenBen described you.”

  “Do you like my braids?” Lizzie asked.

  “Yes, they’re lovely; did your uncle do the braids?”

  “He did but it took the help of our neighbor Tara to teach him how it’s done. He made lots of mistakes.”

  “I’m glad Tara was able to help BenBen.” Beth didn’t want to seem nosy but she was curious about the female neighbor. “Does Tara help out a lot?”

  “She does. Tara is always pinching his cheeks and stuff. She come over every day. I have to go now but I’ll watch you run on television. BenBen say’s you’re the fastest and the smartest and that you’ll win.” Lizzie blew a kiss and disappeared from the screen.

  “Just to clarify Beth; Tara is 70 years old and she looks like Mrs. Clause.” Ben laughed.

  “Ben, you have your life to lead and if the right woman came along, I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  “Let’s not waste time pretending that we’re not crazy about each other. I don’t want you to find Mr. Right because I hope you already have. Run a smart race and you’ll have nothing to worry about,” Ben said.

  “I didn’t think I’d be nervous Ben but I am. Travelling to the trials caused stress on my body and my mind. Last time they were in Eugene Oregon and I had to literally cross the street to the track. Elijah is so preoccupied with Heather that he forgets the fact that he’s my PT. I’ve been relying on the exercises that you taught me, which remind me of you.”

  “How’s Seth?”

  “He’s been great. He mellowed out when he saw how committed I am to Apex and winning gold. I think he regrets putting Heather on the relay team in place of me because she’s a difficult athlete to deal with.”

  “You’re breaking up so I’m going to let you go. Call me anytime day or night; don’t worry about the time zone.”

  Beth hung up and was slightly cheered up by her conversation with Lizzie and Ben but it made her miss him more. Regardless of the time of day, when she arrived in Oslo, Beth was going to sleep. Seth would understand because he knew that sleep was an important component to running a good race. Beth heard her flight called and she was relieved to be seated far from Elijah and Heather. Next stop Oslo.


  Heather took a car to her hotel, which she was forced to share with Heather and Elijah. They seemed like tourists not like Olympic hopefuls about to compete against a very competitive field.

  “My room assignment has me on the 15th floor; what about you guys.”

  “We both have singles on the 15th but we’ll probably end up bunking together.” Heather kissed Elijah.

  Beth crossed her fingers that they wouldn’t be next door because they were sure to make a racket. The city was breathtaking and one of the cleanest European capitals, she had ever seen. She travelled a lot for international competition and Beth had stopped being impressed by big cities but Oslo was different. Beth thought she heard her phone chime, indicating she had a text so she fumbled through her purse. It wasn’t hers but Elijah’s who read the text, showed it to Heather and they both turned ashen.

  “What’s up guys; is everything all right?” Beth asked but they ignored her question and spoke to each other in hushed tones that Beth clearly heard.

  “You said this wasn’t going to happen until we got back,” Elijah said tersely.

  “I’ve always passed and if you do what we talked about I’ll be fine.”

  “My career’s at stake too Heather. You sound pretty confident so I trust you.” Elijah looked up and remembered Beth was in the seat behind them.

  “Oh, right, it was nothing that I can’t handle. The massage crew is a pain in the ass as always and they want time off to sight see. Can you believe that?” Elijah smiled nervously.

  Something was going on between them but Beth didn’t know what nor did she care because whatever it was didn’t affect her. It was strange though and she was curious because Elijah was texting someone wildly. Beth was relieved when she was finally able to check into her room and leave their drama behind. She pulled the blackout curtains shut and laid her head on her pillow.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A knock at the door frightened Beth and she sprang out of bed to see who it was. A man with khakis and a blue collared shirt identified himself.

  “Hello, Be
th Barker?”

  “Yes that’s me. Who died?”

  “No one died mam. I’m Sal Conti with the International Drug Testing Federation (IDTF) and we’re testing the entire field of athletes competing in this week’s events. You have five minutes to put on clothes and finish what you’re doing.”

  “I take an occasional ibuprofen but nothing more,” Beth blurted out.

  “This is just a routine test. We’ll be showing up often between now and the Olympic games. You have nothing to worry about because last I heard, ibuprofen isn’t a banned substance.” He smiled and went on to the next room.

  Beth pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. She had been tested before so she wasn’t worried and Ben warned her that this would happen. She decided to walk down with Heather for moral support because the process was intimidating. She saw Heather’s door was not properly closed so she pushed her way in.


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