Hard: A Sexy Sports Romance Boxed Set

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Hard: A Sexy Sports Romance Boxed Set Page 5

by Adele Hart

  I secure my right hand to the rope, blocking out the sound of the crowd and the music blaring. This is it—the moment that will bring me one step closer to being a champion. The sound of my heartbeat fills my ears and I try to clear my mind of everything but the task at hand.

  I nod, indicating that I’m ready to go, and the gate swings open, freeing Pounder to do what he does best. He bucks and twists as hard as he can, then spins, trying his best to get me the hell off him. I hold tight with my thighs and my hand, letting my sense of timing and balance guide the way for the entire eight, long seconds.

  When the buzzer sounds, I let go and jump off, then dodge a foot that’s coming at me. Rolling out of the way of his hind legs, I scramble to my feet, then climb the fence and jump over while Pounder burns himself out.

  The crowd goes nuts as the announcer gives the scores. I’m in first place by a full four points. It’ll be enough to get me through to the next round.

  When the ride is over, I stand with some of the other riders, watching as the rest of the day wraps up. I’m offered a beer and this time, I accept. I’ve earned it. And I need something to calm me down and numb me out so I don’t go in search of Julia’s boss. The guys and I go over to the stalls to avoid the crowd as they file out of the building.

  I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Julia. “The network wants a live interview with you because you came in first today.”

  I give her a slight nod, then follow her into the arena where Kyle is setting up. It’s all I can do not to reach out and grab her hand.

  When we get to the spot, she holds the microphone down at her side and says, “Let’s just get this over with.”

  Kyle counts us in and she turns on her big, beautiful smile, lifting the mic to her mouth. “I’m here live with the big winner of the quarterfinals at the World Bull Riding Championships, Ryder West, who managed a score of 93.4 points today. Ryder, how does it feel?”

  “Pretty good. I’m glad I made it through to the next round.”

  She stops just short of rolling her eyes at my lame answer. “So, tomorrow’s the semi-finals, which means sixteen riders will make it through from there.”

  “Yup, and I’ll be one of them.”

  She raises one eyebrow. Fuck, she’s cute when she’s mad. “Oh, and how do you know that?”

  I give her a cocky grin. “Because I have the best reason to win.”

  “And that would be…”

  “I’m looking at her.”

  Julia’s face turns bright red and her jaw drops.

  I lift my hand to her chin and gently. “Give me two days and I’ll be the man you deserve.”



  “How dare you!” I chase Ryder down the moment the camera is off and my producer back at the studio gives me the all clear.

  He stops and turns to me. “How dare I what?”

  “Oh, I don’t know—make me look like a fool on live television? Air my dirty laundry in public? Screw with my head?” I step right up to him and poke him on the chest. That rock hard, muscle-bound chest that won’t give no matter how forceful I am with my pokes. Damn him and his sculpted body.

  “I was hoping you’d find it romantic if I declared my feelings for you in front of the world.”

  “Well, it wasn’t romantic. Not at all. It was…it was…rude and…confusing…and…and...not very professional!” I spit out.

  “I’m a bull rider. I don’t have to be professional.” He takes me by the waist and pulls me to him, then lowers his mouth to mine.

  “Let go of me!” I say, even though I make no move to get away from him.

  My entire body goes weak at his touch, and I find myself unable to push him away. He’s so close to me that I can smell his aftershave. His lips are so near that they’re reminding me of how amazing they felt on my skin. His grip tightens and he pulls me to him a little more so that now my breasts are pressed against him. I let out a little gasp. I know I should tear myself away from him. I shouldn’t let him do this to me again, but I can’t help it. I’m wild with desire, my chest heaving, my panties soaked already. I have to come to my senses. “Please, just leave me alone.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want, darlin’? Because your mouth is saying one thing, but your body is saying something entirely different.” He brushes his lips against mine and I nearly melt into a puddle right here in the arena.

  “It’s what I need. I can’t let you fuck with my mind like this.” My voice comes out sounding weak and breathless instead of strong like I hoped it would.

  “It’s not your mind I want to fuck.” He crushes his mouth with mine, thrusting his tongue inside, showing me what he wants. I return his kiss, meeting desire with desire, wanting him to take me here, right now. He pushes me up against the metal gate, pressing his big, strong body to mine.

  I snap to my senses and pull back, then slap him hard on the cheek. Ryder looks shocked as he lifts his hand to his lip, that’s now bleeding a little. I’m just as shocked as he is.

  A voice interrupts us. “Everything all right here?”

  When I turn my head, I see T.J. Heston standing on the other side of the gate, his eyes narrowed.

  “Yes, fine, T.J,” I say. “I was just leaving.”

  I push away from Ryder, then rush out of the stadium, almost running so I can get as far from Ryder as possible. If I don’t, I’m going to make a huge mistake. My cell phone rings and I pull it out of my back pocket, then see it’s my producer, Teresa. Sighing, I answer the call, knowing I’m likely in crap for how the interview took such an unexpected turn.


  “Julia! I can’t believe you and Ryder West are an item! After all the athletes we’ve thrown your way, you pick a bull rider? Wow. I did not see that coming.”

  “We’re not an item, Teresa. It’s was just…it’s not…” I trail off not sure how to explain it. My gut twists with worry. What is this going to mean for my career? Even though I don’t want this job, getting fired certainly won’t help me move up in the world.

  “Well, whatever you’re not doing with that guy, keep it up. The hits on our website are through the roof—everybody wants to see you and Ryder together.”

  “They’re going to be very disappointed then because he means nothing to me,” I say, as I walk into the back alley. It’s night already and I’m a little startled when the door shuts behind me, leaving me alone in the dark. About a block from here, I see the strip, lit up and filled with people. I hurry toward the light.

  “I don’t really care what he means to you. What I do care about is ratings. Can you imagine the buzz we’ll get off this if he wins this thing? I mean, seriously. People are tweeting about it. He’s got new fans everywhere who want to see love triumph.”

  Not wanting to continue discussing Ryder any longer, I cut her off. “I have to go, Teresa. I need to find my way back to the hotel from here.” I hang up before she can say anything and shove my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. My feet feel sore in these stupid cowboy boots and I can’t wait to get to my room so I can order room service and have a long, hot bath.

  A group of guys starts toward me, drinks in hand. When they get close to me, one of them yells, “It’s that hot chick from the sports channel!”

  They all stop to stare at me, talking over each other to get my attention. I give them a quick smile and try to rush past them. "Have a fun night, fellas. I'm in an hurry so..."

  The short, stocky one in the group grabs my hand and says, “Come on. Be nice! You have time for a quick picture with us. We’re your biggest fans.”

  The tall guy next to him grins at me. “Yeah, we’d love to get some on-air time with you, but only filming something other than sports news.”

  “Very flattering guys, but I really have to run. My boss is expecting me at a meeting right now.” I tug my arm away from the short guy, but he grips it tighter.

  “Come on, Julia. Show us your fun side!”

ey crowd around me, and I suddenly feel really frightened in a way I never have before. I freeze up, not knowing how to get out of this. The world starts to spin faster, and I struggle to find a way through them.

  I hear the crack of his jaw before I see who’s responsible for it. Short guy hits the ground with a smack and when I turn, I see Ryder, his fists a blur as he throws furious blows at the tall guy, bringing him down fast. The rest of their friends back up, clearly not wanting to be on the receiving end of what Ryder’s got to give them.

  When he sees they’re not going to fight back, he takes hold of my arm, then steers me out of the dark alley and onto the street. A sob escapes my throat as I realize what was about to happen. I feel my knees going weak and I slow to a stop.

  Ryder pulls me into his warm, powerful arms and holds me close. I cling to him, terrified.

  “Shh, it’s okay. I’m here,” he says, his voice thick with emotion. “You’re safe now.”

  I nod, then take a deep breath, trying to calm down.

  “Which hotel are you at?”

  “The Parisian.”

  “Okay, let’s get you back there.” He keeps one arm wrapped around my back as he guides me in the right direction. Using his other arm, he shields me from the crowd of drunk tourists.

  Tears roll down my cheeks as we walk. I lean on him, my hand gripping the front of his shirt. “I’m sorry I slapped you,” I say finally.

  “I deserved it.” He turns us to our left and we walk into the massive hotel lobby.

  “Nobody deserves to be slapped.” I stop and turn to him, looking up. “Good night. Thank you for…” I can’t bring myself to say what he just did for me without starting to go weak again.

  “I’m not leaving you alone tonight. Not unless you force me to.” He reaches up and gently touches my cheek.

  I nod, gratitude filling me. No matter how angry I was at him, no matter how confusing he is, I know he’d never do anything I didn’t want him to. He’d never hurt me. Not in that way.

  Within a few minutes, we’re up in my suite. The room is lit by a single bedside lamp that the maid must have left on. Silence fills the space as soon as the door clicks shut behind us and we’re alone together. I want to shut out the world. My job. My producer. Those men out there. I sob, thinking of them.

  Ryder pulls me to him and holds me in his arms, kissing the top of my head and rubbing my back with one hand. There’s nothing sexual about his touch right now. He’s offering comfort and protection, and I’m going to take it from him. He picks me up under the knees and carries me to the couch, where he sits down with me on his lap. I curl into him and cry until I fall asleep.



  So much for not getting involved with a woman during the championships. I’m about as involved as a guy can get. In the past few hours, I’ve threatened her boss, declared my feelings for her on live TV, punched out a couple of drunk assholes for her, and taken her back to her room. Rage floods through me when I think about those pricks, but as I hold her in my arms and listen to the sound of her breathing, I start to calm down.

  She’s safe now and if I have my way, she always will be. I hold her even though dinner time has long since passed and I’m as hungry as a bear in spring. There’s nothing that could tear me away from her. Not when she needs me.

  She wakes after an hour, seeming confused, then rubbing her eyes and looking embarrassed. “Did I fall asleep on you?”

  “I don’t mind. How are you doing?”

  “Hungry, but otherwise okay.” She gets up off of my lap and I’m left feeling empty even though she’s standing right in front of me.

  I stand as well. “I’ll order some food unless you prefer that I leave.”

  Shaking her head, she says, “I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

  “Then you don’t have to be.”

  Half an hour later, we’re sitting out on the balcony eating burgers and sipping cold beers. Julia has started to relax a little and I even manage to make her laugh a few times. I take a sip of my drink, but keep my eyes on her, unable to pull my gaze away for more than a second at a time.

  Once we’ve eaten, she sighs, looking out at the view below.

  “What do you want to do now?” I ask her.

  “Before that happened, all I wanted was some room service and a hot bath.”

  “One down, one to go,” I say, standing and holding my hand out.

  She looks shocked for a second until I shake my head. “For you, not me. Not tonight.”

  I open the French door and lead her back into the suite, then to the bathroom. I plug the drain of the enormous jetted tub, then turn on the water and test it with my hand, then pour half a bottle of bubble bath in. Julia stands by the counter watching me, her eyes soft.

  “Why’d you walk away from me the other night? In the kitchen?”

  I cross the room and lift both hands to her face. “I didn’t want to take you when you’d been drinking. I also promised myself I wouldn’t get involved with anyone until after the finals were over.”

  “So, it wasn’t because you don’t find me…” She looks down at the floor.

  I lift her chin so she has to look me in the eye. “Attractive? Hell, no. I want you, Julia. You’re the sexiest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I want you every way a man can have a woman, including forever.”

  “But, if you want me so bad, how could you leave like that? Without saying anything?”

  “Because I knew the next thing I said would scare you off. Because I knew I wasn’t going to be able to resist taking you if I stayed even a second longer.” I ache to kiss her, but I won’t. Not tonight.

  “I’m so confused. I don’t know what to believe.”

  “Believe this—I’ll be here tonight. I’ll be here tomorrow. And I’ll be here every day after that if you’ll let me.”

  She reaches up on her tiptoes and kisses me softly, tentatively. I let her set the pace, knowing what she’s been through and what she needs from me right now. She needs to know she can trust me. We kiss and hold each other for a few minutes until I remember the bath water is running. I pull away and hurry to shut it off.

  When I turn back to her, she’s unbuttoning her shirt. The look on her face says she wants more than just comfort. Her shirt falls to the tile at her feet, leaving her in a lacy pink bra and her jeans. I swallow hard, reminding myself that she’s not mine for the taking. Not yet.

  She pushes off the counter and walks to me, her eyes on mine the entire time. When she reaches me, she tugs my shirt out of my jeans and yanks at the front, causing the snaps to open. Running her hands over my chest, she smiles. “It’s only fair if we both take our shirts off.”

  “Well, I’m all about fair, honey,” I say with a slow grin.

  She glides her hands up and across my shoulders, moving the fabric out of her way. When it’s off, she makes a little moaning sound at the sight of me like this. Next, she unbuttons the top button of her jeans, unzips them, and shimmies them past her hips and to the floor. Stepping out of them, she toes them out of the way. I’m stunned by her beauty—in nothing but her lacy bra and matching panties. She reaches for my belt buckle.

  I put my hand over hers and stop her. “You don’t have to do this. Not if you’re not ready.”

  “There’s nothing I want more than you, right here.”

  “I came up here to take care of you, not get you into bed.”

  “I want you to do both.” She tugs at the buckle but it won’t open for her so I flick her fingers out of the way and do it myself. Within a few seconds, I’m naked, my cock aimed straight at her.

  She shivers as I run my fingertips down her arms. “You’re cold.”

  Nodding, she holds her hand out to me. “Want to warm up in the bath with me?”

  I follow her to the tub, then watch as she slides her panties off, then unhooks her bra and lets it drop. Unable to stop myself, I take hold of her, pressing myself against her curvy body. She lea
ns against me and looks up over her shoulder. Leaning down, I kiss her long and hard, letting her know what I want.

  She steps into the bath water and I follow her, then we both sink together into the bubbles and warmth with her on my lap, her back against me. I pick up some soap and wash away the bad memories of earlier this evening. As I get to her thighs, she spreads them for me and I run the bar of soap along her pussy lips, my cock throbbing with desire for her.

  I drop the soap and rub her with my hand, then take the other hand and glide it up to her full, wet breasts. Kissing my way down her neck, I stop as she reaches for me with one hand. She tilts her face to find mine and when our lips meet, an explosion of lust and love and passion goes off in my body. She twists all the way around and spreads her legs on either side of my lap. I pull her as close as I can so her perfect breasts are pressed up against me. She rubs herself over me, her wet skin incredibly soft against mine. We kiss like there’s no tomorrow, like we’ll never see each other again. I run my hands down to her ass and squeeze her firm, round behind. Fuck, she’s amazing.

  Julia moans and wiggles her hips, drawing the tip of my cock inside. I don’t want her to stop but a distant part of my brain is telling me not to take advantage of her when she’s vulnerable like this. I grip her hips and stop her from taking me in further. “We should wait. You’ve been through too much tonight.”

  Shaking her head, she says, “Make me forget.”

  I press my forehead to hers, keeping her body from moving. “I shouldn’t be doing this. Not until I know I can take care of you for good.” My voice is low and soft because I’m so overcome with need.

  “I don’t care about money. You’ve already taken care of me in the ways that matter.” She kisses me hard, then pulls back. “I think I might die if you make me wait any longer, Ryder. I need you. Now.”


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