by Cindy Cromer
“When your father was a teenager, Jane caught me watching her and her family one day. When no one was looking, she came out to my car parked down the street from their house. We started our affair again and this time I truly fell in love with your grandmother. I begged her to leave her husband and bring Jack, so we could be a family. She adamantly refused, wanted no part of my high priced lifestyle and insisted on raising our son as her husband’s, with no influence from the power my money could buy.
“The last time we saw each other intimately was at Belmar Beach. Before she left me for the last time, I insisted she let me buy something special for each of her children, not only my son Jack. The next time I heard from Jane was the phone call that started this whole debacle. I would have done anything to ease the pain and agony I heard in her voice. Nick Holland made outrageous threats and demands of Jack. I agreed to pay Nick off in the sum of a quarter million dollars to get him out of my son’s life, forever.”
Scott glared at Lukas. “Really? Very generous of you to be so concerned about a son you didn’t even know. What about Gerard Hellerman?”
Caitlin startled, her eyes darted from Scott to Lukas. “What does he have to do with any of this?”
Lukas sighed deeply, reached into his pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper, a page from a magazine article; the same article that Tomas retrieved from the safe in Caitlin and Scott’s house. Lukas passed the article to Caitlin for inspection. “This scientist is your cousin. Look at his eyes and then mine. At least there’s one good thing about me that I can pass on to my children and grandchildren.”
Caitlin shot forward in her seat like a bullet. She forced Lukas to look at her. “Is that what Nick meant in his dying breath about checking birth certificates? Gerard is my cousin and James’s son. That’s all you care about passing on to your descendants is the color of your eyes? I have news for you, Grandfather! They make colored contacts, why don’t you have your, excuse me, our, color patented? Think about it, the new Aryan Race, the Lukas Bucklin way! One problem. With the exception of Dean, we all have dark brown hair.” The tension of the last week had finally hit Caitlin. She lashed out and wasn’t done yet. “Most of the world is envious of your power, strength, wealth, and influence. I’m not envious of you in the least. I pity you. How many other children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren have you swept under the carpet to suit your own needs?”
* * * *
Lukas turned his head away, ignored the question his granddaughter asked, and stared out the window of the moving car. Her words hurt more than he could have imagined. A single tear trickled down his cheek.
He saw a rainbow crossing the sea, ending at the base of the mountain. The whole rainbow, from beginning to end. He made a wish and hoped it would come true.
Lukas took a monumental step in admitting what he had in the past few days. Given time, Caitlin would realize why he’d done what he did, she had to. She might be the heir. Not just any heir, all of Bucklin Enterprises could soon be hers, only hers. He trusted no one else in his family to lead the company but she’d succeed. He had no doubt what-so-ever. Lukas had a few years left in him and planned to use that time wisely to repent for the sins of his past. Under his tutelage, she could and would lead his empire. Lukas wiped his cheek, the tear gone, and a smile formed on his lips.
About the Author
Cindy Cromer debuts with DESPERATE MEASURES and won The Smart Writ Book Award in the highly competitive Mystery/Suspense/Thriller category. She was also named one of the 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading. Her second novel, DESPERATE DECEPTIONS continues the Bucklin/Spencer family drama and reveals more deeply hidden secrets. She is currently working on her third book, ENDzone, a sports related mystery revolving around the NFL.
Cindy Cromer is originally from New Jersey and currently resides in Florida with her husband, son, and daughter. She is a scientist and executive, formally the president of a laboratory network. She utilizes her career background in the development of the characters she brings to life.