The Dungeons of Torgar

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The Dungeons of Torgar Page 4

by Joe Dever

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 131.

  If you wish to try to escape by wading across the ford, turn to 166.

  If you wish to draw a hand weapon and prepare for combat, turn to 251.


  Your shaft arcs towards the Baron, but it reaches him just as he turns to push his troops into line and it glances off his pauldron, a shaped steel shoulder guard bolted to his breastplate. Alerted to your presence, he spins around and glares into your eyes, his red axe glinting as sunlight breaks through the haze of battle-smoke.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 113.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 126.


  An evil smile spreads across Roark's face as the Demonlord finally comes to his aid. You strike the creature but your blows merely splinter your weapon. Incensed by your defiance, Tagazin leaps upon you and sinks his fangs deep into your chest. Pain explodes through your body but the agony is soon obliterated by the numbing chill of death.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  Beaten and bloodied, the surviving Krorn back away whimpering as you climb over the bodies of their slain brothers and stalk towards them. Baron Shinzar screams in anger and lifts his axe high. He barges through his misshapen troops and stands before you, glaring like a man possessed. ‘Meet your doom, Eruan scum!’ he sneers, and strikes out at your head. You block the blow but your weapon is destroyed in a flash of sparks (delete this Weapon from your Action Chart): the Baron wields a weapon forged by sorcery.2 As he lifts it anew, you prepare to dodge its lethal caress.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–3, turn to 310.

  If it is 4 or more, turn to 229.

  [2] Taking comments originally published in Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.6 as a precedent, it seems reasonable to assume that you only lose a weapon-like Special Item here if you are not carrying at least one ordinary non-magical Weapon.


  Using your ability to intensify your vision you focus on the advancing horsemen. You see that they are all wearing surcoats of scarlet and grey, embroidered with a crest bearing an open hand. The only horsemen who wear this livery are the cavalry of Talestria.

  If you wish to wave down these riders, turn to 61.

  If you would rather hide from them beneath the bridge, turn to 322.


  Drawing on your Kai skills you blend with the shadows and stand absolutely still. The Death Knight warrior appears, filling the archway with his massive frame. He snatches up the spear in his mailed fist, turns, and then hauls himself out of the ditch, grunting and cursing his carelessness as he struggles in his heavy armour.

  You wait for about twenty minutes before leaving your hiding place and working your way along the ditch.

  Turn to 124.


  You focus your Kai skill on Adamas' hand but you cannot tell which side of the coin is showing. All you can detect is a strong magical aura, indicating that the coin is magically shielded. You have no option but to guess which side is showing.

  If you wish to call ‘heads’, turn to 330.

  If you wish to call ‘tails’, turn to 212.


  You land with a crash among the roots and briars, and roll to lessen the shock of impact. Sharp thorns graze your hands and knees (lose 1 ENDURANCE point) but otherwise you survive the jump intact. Quickly you gather up your equipment and press on into the eerie forest.

  Turn to 50.


  A narrow pathway branches away from the main alley and you rush along it, barging aside a Hammerlander who appears suddenly from a doorway. The screams of your company and the clash of swords echo in the narrow confines of the passage as you make your escape swiftly towards the centre of the town. The passage opens on to a wider street where a barn-like building stands at the corner. Crouching at a window on the upper floor is a Drakkarim archer with an arrow notched ready to fire. He sees you appear and releases his straining bowstring, sending his arrow whistling towards your heart.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If the total is now 0–2, turn to 264.

  If it is 3–5, turn to 121.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 319.


  ‘Naog daka!’ snarls a voice in the corridor behind. You spin round to see two Drakkarim warriors, both armed with loaded crossbows. Slowly you let your hand drift towards your weapon but your move does not go unnoticed. Suddenly a starburst of pain explodes in your head and darkness washes over your vision as you are slammed back against the door by the force of the bolt which has penetrated your skull. Death is instantaneous.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You coax your horse along the rocky trail as it winds its way upstream towards the foothills of the Eru Range. By early evening you have traversed several miles of difficult terrain and, by chance, you find yourself at the entrance to an incredible gorge. It is filled with a sea of wild flowers so colourful that you are dazzled by their brilliance. The scent they exude is extremely potent and you feel a tremendous urge to dismount and lie down to sleep among the beautiful blooms.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus and have reached the rank of Primate or higher, turn to 83.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 255.

  If you possess neither of these skills, turn to 167.


  It becomes colder as night draws its black cloak around the clearing. Having done without sleep the previous evening you are now very tired, and settle down to rest with your back against the mossy temple wall. You are just drifting off when you become aware that something is moving near the edge of the trees. Shadowy shapes wreathed in mist are swirling around the pines like phantoms in a dream.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen and have reached the Kai rank of Mentora, turn to 93.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 228.


  Tagazin shudders as the blows of the Sommerswerd rob him of his supernatural strength. His body becomes pale, almost transparent, and tiny tendrils of smoke curl from his skin as if his body were slowly evaporating. He retreats towards the centre of the temple and leaps onto the marble block. There is a chilling howl and suddenly the shadowy chamber is flooded with a blinding light. Thunder booms and the walls shake. Terrified, Roark and his companions flee through the shattered doors and scramble up the stairs. Crackling bolts of white lightning leap from the marble block to tear great chunks of rock from the walls, and the air seethes with a cloying stench that threatens to suffocate you. With terror in your heart you bound up the stairs and escape as the defeated spirit of the Demonlord vents its spite on the chamber below.

  Turn to 341.


  You reach the King's headquarters only to discover that he is not there: he has taken personal command of his Horse Knights and mounted men-at-arms, and led them in an attack on the enemy's reinforcements. From the top of the hill you can see a huge cavalry battle taking place on the grasslands south of Cetza. Amid the wheeling ranks of armoured horsemen, at the very heart of the fiercest fighting, flies the King's banner. It would be impossible for you to reach him and request that he save the Prince.

  Mindful of the time that has been lost, you turn your horse about and set off towards the Prince's reserves, determined now to lead them yourself.

  Turn to 49.


  Your Magnakai skill warns you that the robed figures possess magical abilities. The glass globes they are holding contain a volatile mixture of phosphorus and oil. If the globes were to break, the contents would burst into flames immediately on contact
with the air.

  If you have a Bow and wish to fire an Arrow at one of the globes, turn to 293.

  If not, turn to 199.


  You fling aside the curtain and rush through the archway into the passage beyond. The two cave guards turn to face you but the speed of your escape leaves them fumbling for their spears. You reach the exit, breathless and fearful, and catch sight of a patrol of horsemen arriving at the camp. They dismount, tether their horses to some bushes, and make their way wearily towards the main campfire. Seeing an opportunity to escape, you rush to the first bush and snatch up the reins of the nearest mount. Suddenly a cry echoes from the cave mouth: the guards are raising the alarm. You climb into the saddle but your escape is blocked by a partisan horseman riding up the narrow track that leads into the camp.

  Partisan Horseman: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 24

  If you win the combat, turn to 239.


  Gradually your Psi-screen weakens enough to enable the phantoms to engulf you with their snaky tendrils. You shudder with fear as they coil around your limbs, filling them with a terrible chill that steals your strength and your will to resist. Reluctantly you surrender to their numbing caress and slip into a sleep from which there will be no awakening.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You rub your eyes and look around you at a campsite nestling in a hollow at the foot of a great, snow-capped mountain. It is occupied by a host of partisans, who are busy tending their ponies and sharpening weapons dulled by heavy fighting. Your escort helps you to dismount and you are led through the camp to a cave hidden beneath a huge outcrop of rock. As you enter the cave and follow a torchlit passage, you hear voices echoing in the distance and your keen nostrils catch the scent of roasting meat. The passage ends at a curtained archway guarded by two men with spears. They look at you brusquely, as if you were a stray dog, but your escort explains your purpose here and they stand aside to allow you an audience with their leader, Sebb Jarel.

  Turn to 38.


  A wave of pain begins to envelop your mind, but your psychic defences deflect the attack before it overwhelms your senses: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

  The attack ceases but your fear grows as you watch the jackal-like Demonlord leap from the marble block and come bounding towards the door.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 147.

  If not, turn to 174.


  Your pack and weapons land safely among the tangle of foliage that carpets the ground on the opposite side of the chasm. Free of their encumbrance, you take a long run-up and leap feet-first across the gap.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–3, turn to 54.

  If it is 4 or more, turn to 15.


  Suddenly a dozen webbed hands slap over the sides of the boat and six ghoulish, dome-shaped heads rise from the river. Their mottled throat sacs puff and slacken fitfully as these creatures clamber over the gunwales and launch their attack.

  Illustration II—Suddenly ghoulish, dome-shaped heads rise from the river.


  Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 3 points for the first round of combat due to the surprise of the attack.

  If you win and the fight lasts four rounds or less, turn to 169.

  If you win and the fight lasts longer than four rounds, turn to 309.


  On your return to Prince Graygor's tent you are shown to your sleeping area by one of his heralds. It is little more than a pile of straw strewn on the bare ground, but you have slept in worse places than this and you are now too exhausted to complain or look for somewhere more suitable to rest.

  Unless you possess a blanket, lose 1 ENDURANCE point due to an uncomfortable night's sleep.

  Turn to 280.


  The alarm bell signifies that the entrance to the tower is under attack. Adamas and his army have reached the centre of the city and are now fighting their way down into the dungeons in an attempt to free the slaves. The Death Knights are hurrying to their battle stations and they are unaware of your presence in this chamber.3

  Turn to 136.

  [3] There is no choice that leads to this section of the book. It is exactly the same as Section 299 and therefore superfluous.


  You rush headlong through the trees and dense undergrowth, the dreadful howls of the Akataz growing ever louder in your ears. The pine trees appear to be thinning out and, as you break through a mass of waist-high foliage, you discover that the forest ends abruptly at the edge of a steep gorge. You skid to a halt and stare down at a raging river over 100 feet below.

  A snarl, dangerously close, makes you spin on your heel and stare back into the forest. Your gaze is met by a score of hungry war-dogs as they creep closer for the kill.

  If you wish to stand and fight the Akataz, turn to 81.

  If you choose to evade them by jumping into the gorge, turn to 340.


  The Drakkarim give a loud yell as soon as they see Adamas appear. At once the vanguard fire their crossbows and many bolts find their mark, but the Drakkarim who fall do not hamper their comrades, who are preparing to welcome Adamas with huge chunks of rock. With cat-like agility he veers right and left, weaving his way through the deluge of falling boulders, which smash down with a terrific crack. He reaches the door unscathed, rips the satchel from his shoulder, and primes the crystal explosive. Automatically you start to count as he runs back through rubble and dead bodies. Six … seven … eight … He leaps, and as you count nine he clears the rampart and lands beside you, breathless and exhilarated.

  Turn to 301.


  Your lightning-fast reactions save you from the deadly blade. But even before the dagger has blunted itself on the wall behind, Halgar pulls free the Bullwhip that he carries on his belt. He lashes out and the copper-studded whip snakes towards your unprotected face.


  Owing to the speed of his attack you cannot use a Bow or evade combat.

  If you win the fight, turn to 145.


  You roll the dead Bhakish into the water and stare fearfully across the Hellswamp at myriad pairs of eyes gleaming coldly in the moonlight. A sudden movement in the water makes you recoil from the edge. Seconds later the scummy surface is whipped into a froth as the bodies are claimed by an unseen predator.

  You and Jarel are unsettled by the encounter and you both spend a sleepless night cradling your weapons and waiting for the dawn: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

  Turn to 101.


  You stare deeply into the serpent's scarlet eyes and will the venomous creature to sleep. It begins to sway, and then gradually its jaws close and it buries its head in its coils, succumbing totally to your command.

  Turn to 205.


  With the legendary grace and speed of a Kai master in battle, you draw an Arrow and send it whistling towards the sniper's head. He utters a gurgling scream as he topples from the first-floor window, your Arrow stuck in his throat.

  If you wish to run forward to search the body, turn to 296.

  If you choose to press on towards the centre of the town, turn to 155.


  You have covered less than a mile when suddenly you hear the screams of men and startled horses coming from the darkness ahead. Cautiously you advance until you find yourself at the edge of a steep slope which descends to the site of an ancient quarry. Torchlight flickers at the centre of this wooded bowl, illuminating a grim and supernatural conflict.

  Turn to 266.


  Beyond the curtained arch lies a cavern bathed in the flickering light of a log fire. Five men sit c
ross-legged around the fire, carving meat from a boar on a spit suspended over the flames, and swilling wine from a wineskin that is passed between them.

  ‘What have we here?’ says a man with mouse-like features, as you appear before them.

  ‘A Pathfinder, if I'm not mistaken,’ says another, wiping spilt wine from his chin. ‘Well, Pathfinder, what brings you to our camp?’

  ‘I come to seek the help of Sebb Jarel,’ you reply. ‘Which one of you is he?’

  ‘I am Jarel,’ answers the mouse-like man. ‘How can I aid you?’

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 157.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 275.


  You snatch the reins and wheel your horse around on its hind legs in one swift, elegant movement. The sergeant screams an order and his men lunge forward, hoping to stick you with their swords before your horse's forelegs return to the ground. But their attack is much too slow to catch a Kai master off-guard. Your horse regains its footing and you gallop through their shrinking ring of steel, barging aside two stout mountain ponies and leaving their riders sprawling in the dust.


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